⋆⁺₊⋆ 7⋆⁺₊⋆
Michikatsu pov
It has been around 7 months
I am healed, me and Muzan are now 'offical'.
It is 4 days till my birthday, and evidentially my death.
Muzan Moves fast in relationships. He's talking about marrying after I become a demon. He's been muttering about what ring I want for a proposal and when we want it.
It's a bit faster than my liking but hey, as long as I can live eternity with him, we are alright.
Yoriichi finally got a date with Sumiyoshi.
Thank the heavens, those two are the densest people on earth I swear. They didint pick up any signs the other threw.
God knows how they both had wives beforehand.
A not so positive was my health.
As I was reaching my eminent death, my health was deteriorating.
I was throwing up blood every day. My breathing became harsh at times and my mark burnt.
I have been trying to eat green, but my new demonic-like personality makes me crave meat.
Yoriichi and Sumiyoshi where heading over today. We are going to discuss future plans for me.
Muzan is reluctant about meeting up with Yoriichi again, and yoriichi will not threaten to kill him again but Sumiyoshi and I have made agreements with our others.
Sumire has been left with Tamayo.
And I haven't seen tamayo for 7 months. I have recieved a letter or two but nothing more.
It's understandable. Muzan wishes to kill her.
"Michikatsu?" I heard a voice call out.
I was cooking some steak in the kitchen.
"Yeah?!" I called back.
It took a second but soon enough, Muzan appeared next to me.
He sliced into his hand and dropped some of his blood onto the cooking steak.
I sighed and looked down at him.
"You gave me blood yesterday" I said and folded my arms.
"Oops" he said and went to set the table.
I had made food for everyone. We where going to have dinner together.
The bell outside our house soon sung out a ring.
"I'll get it. Yoriichi may have a fit if he saw you answer the door" I said.
Muzan hummed and continued setting the table.
Look after the food. Don't burn it again.
He hummed again and I walked over to the door.
I have gotten more used to the mind reading things.
I know when Muzan reads my mind. As I am still mostly human, it's only the louder thoughts he can hear.
I went to the door and slid it sideways to open it.
Yoriichi stood, with Sumiyoshi next to him.
"Hello brother" he said.
I hummed and stepped aside to let them in.
I closed the door behind them.
They followed me through to the dining area.
Muzan froze at the sight of Yoriichi.
I glanced at yoriichi. The two where in a silent staring contest.
"So, how have you two been?" I asked.
No movement.
"We have been good, thank you for asking michikatsu. How about you" Sumiyoshi said, elbowing Yoriichi in the ribs.
He flinched and moved his attention to me.
"Hmm? Yeah. Your hair is down" Yoriichi said
"Yeah. It's more comfortable and Muzan likes it" I said, pointing to a now pink demon king.
"Shup up you bastard" Muzan said and left to the kitchen.
"Is he always this angry?" Sumiyoshi asked
"No. He's not the most social either though." I replied and motioned for them to sit down.
They knelt on the cushions by the lowered table.
I took yorrichis katana from him.
"Give it back" he said and glared at me.
"No. I don't want anyone killing anyone this evening. It will be by the door" I said and hung it up next to mine.
As I walked in, my lungs tightened up.
I coughed a bit. I looked at my hand and it was covered in a layer of blood.
Grab me a couple tissues would you?
Muzan arrived with some tissues moments later.
He was very housewife - like.
He did everything I asked of him, even though he knew he was stronger than me.
All I can guess it that it will change when I become a demon.
I placed some tissues on my place. Yoriichi and Sumiyoshi where in conversation.
Is the food almost ready
"Yes it is. Come help me serve it please?" Muzan said.
I followed him to the kitchen.
"We need to have a talk after tonight, okay?" I said, kissing his forehead well I grabbed the trays.
"Mkay" Muzan said, confusion hinting in his tone.
He grabbed more food and we went back.
"Ooh! 美味しい [ Oishī ] ! " Sumiyoshi said, placing his hands together to make a small private prayer.
[ Delicious ]
I placed the food down and knelt down.
I felt a tug at my hair and felt Muzan tie it into a bun for me.
"You two work like clockwork, I have to say" Yoriichi said
"Like puzzle pieces" I looked at Muzan and he smiled sitting down.
Yoriichi furrowed his brows.
"Okay I'm confused."
"About what?"
"Muzan. You. Kibutsuji your acting like a housewife around my brother. Your acting so giddy and happy. It's unlike you. When we fought, you had a sadistic grin on your face. Not to mention the manipulative side of yours. This evening is deciding what to do with my brother. So, if your just playing up an act to get him to like you so you can have another right- hand demon, spit it out and say it and don't be a wuss." Yoriichi spat.
We all looked between him and Muzan.
Muzan sighed.
"Truth be told, I am looking for a right hand demon. But I asked Michikatsu to be it, and he agreed. I am not forcing anything on him. He sees a side of me reserved for noone. I act childish as I never had a childhood. The only emotion I was taught was sickness. I'm new to love. I feel comfortable around Michikatsu so he sees my... Softer side. I am sorry if it comes off as manipulative." Muzan spoke. Venom was sitting on the top of his tounge. But he didn't act on it.
"... Okay." Yoriichi said.
"Let us eat then we can discuss matters?" Sumiyoshi said
"Yes. Let's" I replied and we all ate the food.
Muzan sat and didint eat. As he couldn't. I watched him.
As I finished fast, I held his hand under the table.
Tap one for yes. Two for no. Are you okay?
Two taps
Is is about what yoriichi said?
One tap
Sorry about him. Could we have a quick private talk in our room for a second?
A reluctant one tap.
"Excuse us for a moment would you" I said and stood up, Muzan followed me.
"Whats wrong?" He asked.
"Drop the act." I spat
I looked at me. A second later his soft gaze had turned hard.
"What? You wanted a housewife. You wanted a loving partner who helps you out! Do I not fill that void for you dear?" Muzan spoke, his words more harsh
He placed his hand on my cheek.
"Your only doing this to pamper me as you know I will die soon. And I don't hate it, it's just not you. I fell in love with the Muzan who is rough, tough and bold. Not the Muzan who doesn't speak, does what is told and is childish. What you said over dinner was complete bullshit aswell. I don't know your entire past but I know more than that" I replied, taking his hand off my cheek.
"I'm.... Sorry." Muzan said, removing his hands from my grasp.
"Lies." I said, moving my face closer to his.
Muzan glared into my eyes.
I crouched down to his eye level.
I felt his cold breath on my face. We stared at each other for what felt like hours.
"Alright. I'm sorr-" Muzan started but was cut off.
Like puzzle pieces.
Lips moulded into one and other.
Moving up and down in motion. Noses touching now and again.
A glide of my tongue along his bottom lip. He ghasped slightly.
We had never gone this far before.
The gasp allowed me to get entrance. He didn't resist.
I explored this new world of his, his sharp teeth pricking at my tongue.
I placed my hands on his waist, his arms wrapped carelessly around my neck.
I pushed him back gently onto a desk. He jumped up so I didn't have to crouch down anymore.
His hands massaged my scalp as we broke from the kiss, took a breath and reapplied them.
My senses returned to me as I shot away.
"Shit I'm so sorry. I didint ask you, was that too far?" I asked
Muzan just smiled
"No no. It was fine. And I wouldn't have minded if we went further." He smirked.
"Maybe later, dear"
He flustered as I went back to the dining room.
"Sorry, we where talking thing over" I said. Sumiyoshi and yorrichi didint mind. They where sat on the couch.
Drop the act or else we may never go further.
Muzan immediately appreard in the room and sat next to me.
"Now. Anuie we have four more days. You can choose to become a demon or die like a normal person. I'm not trying to sway you. But what will happen to you after you become a demon?" He asked
My jealousy for him was still present, and bold.
Yoriichi was also very anti - demon. It's understandable and I felt the range and restrains from him as he sat one person length away from Muzan Kibutsuji.
It's an honest miracle how it's been this long and they haven't killed each other or fought.
"I will become a demon. I will not state the reasons why right now but I hope you understand" I said.
Something in yoriichi seemed to snap.
His eyes glossed.
"... Very well then" he said and stood up. He went and grabbed his sword, leaving.
"I- uh. Thank you for the meal, Tsugikuni and Kibutsuji. But I must be off. I apologise for any rude remarks made by Yoriichi today." Sumiyoshi apologised.
He bowed and headed to leave.
"It is fine. I'm glad you could come. Send tamayo my regards and have a safe trip back" I said.
I felt Muzan shift at the mention of tamayos name.
Sumiyoshi bowed and left to run after yoriichi.
I sighed once I heard the door close.
I leaned back onto Muzan lap.
I looked up at him, he made a small smile back at me.
He untied my hair and started to massage my head. It got rid of my headache.
His hands where soft and melted my brain.
"Thank you" I said and closed my eyes, readjusting so I was comfier.
He would massage my head for a further 20 minutes before we both agreed we had to clean up.
Muzan grabbed the plates as I washed them in the basin. He dried and put them away.
We talked about plans. Plans for our future. Our proposal and then our wedding.
Muzan planned to propose post me becoming a demon. Then marry afterwards.
I told him all about my jealously towards yoriichi and he comforted me.
He was less housewife like, and more himself, which I liked.
We exchanged small kisses every time I finished a board and he took it to dry it.
Once done, I grabbed the basin and emptied the water onto our plants outside.
We grew and array of Lillie's. Mainly red spider Lilly's. As Muzan heard that if you grow enough, once in a blue moon it will mutate into a blue spider lily. He hoped and hoped to find it.
That's when I saw it. It was the most beautiful spider lily ever.
It was a lighter colour than the rest, and had the most beautiful design.
I picked the lily and brought it inside.
"Muzan" I said and he turned around.
I placed the lilly by his ear.
"Its the same colour as your eyes. It brings them out" I said and smiled, placing the basin back into its home.
"Why thank you. And you must be tired. Let us sleep?" He asked. Or demanded, moreso.
I nodded and we blew out the lanterns.
We headed to our room and Muzan put the lily into a vase till the morning as not to cumple it.
We both changed into Yukatas and went to our futon like bed.
I pulled him close and wrapped my arms around his waist, he nuzzled his face into my torso.
I closed me eyes and fell sound asleep to the soft hymn of his breathing.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
The next chapter will be a special event!!!
I hope this one was good!!!
I am awaiting on and art piece from a friend for the next chapter so it may take some time!!!
Sorry for any spelling errors!
~ <3
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