⋆⁺₊⋆ 6⋆⁺₊⋆
This chapter Involves the use of Japanese!! There are translations below and you can read them if you choose.
I don't know any Japanese lettering or words to form a sentence ( I know some German tho ) so it is from Google translate, therefore shitty translation's!!
I added them to create suspense and it will be seen why later on.
Read them if you want or try guess what they say!!
( I was tempted to not add translation's for the feeling of curiosity :P )
Anyway! Enjoy this confusion ass chapter!!
Michikatsu pov
Waking up with a pounding headache in a random room is not ideal.
I opened my eyes and the world span.
I sat up and saw I was in a black yukata.
I pushed the futon blanket off me and stood up. I was a bit shaky.
I heard the door open and I glanced over. A person stood there.
He was around 5'6 and had long black hair. His ruby red eyes and pale skin was a giveaway to who he was.
"Muzan?" I mumbled.
"You're finally awake! How amazing! You, my dear, have been in a coma for 7 months!" He said and walked over to me.
"I- Wha- how?" I stumbled over my words.
He led me to a couch and sat me down. He sat on a chair opposite me.
"I assumed you would be curious. I covered it all up don't worry. And you're still human, for now" he said.
"How'd you cover it up?" I asked
"I wrote a note, put It on your bed and left. It said:
Dear everyone,
I have decided to leave this place. I cause harm and trouble.
Please look after Akeno and Tamayo.
This is short, but I'm sorry.
~ Michikatsu
" Muzan read.
I stared at his eyes. I couldn't think. I couldn't do anything. It was all too much to understand and it was moving too fast for my head to take in.
So... What?
"How? How am I alive, how did everyone take it? Why did you take me in... Wait. What did you do?" I said, my words coming back to me.
He smiled and covered his face while he laughed.
My eyes widened. This must be a sick dream.
"Calm down michi. Let me explain. Remember when you left the wind hashiras estate? And you walked along to the woods. Well, I saw you had a follower. Another demon slayer. They had liminal clothing to follow you. They had overheard your outburst in the estate. So he followed you.
I watched from the treeline as he stabbed you in the shoulder and slit your throat.
You passed out on the spot and I thought you were dead. I killed him quickly and took you in.
I used some of my blood to heal you. But it took a while.
And most people now think you're dead"
Muzan said words. That's all I knew.
"So... Am I a demon?"
"No no. Not yet. Maybe in a month or so. Your still healing, your regeneration is slow."
Fucking hell this is confusing
Muzan smiled
"I assumed it would be. Now, I have some of your human food here, but I don't know how to cook so I was wondering if you could guide me though it? I don't want to push you but you haven't exactly had the best 7 months. You've lost alot of weight and strength so that will need to be rebuilt." He said and stood up, heading to the kitchen.
My mind span and I shook my head clear. I stood up and followed him.
It was a nice small house, one bedroom a living/dining room, a kitchen and a bathroom. That's all really.
Wait one bedroom?
"I slept on the couch during the day. " Muzan said.
It's weird having someone read your thoughts. It's like you speak without words.
"Your quite the poet, I do say, michikatsu. Now." He grabbed a large steak. My mouth watered
"How in the name of Yoriichi do I cook this?" He asked.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ - Time skip to after they ate.
It was currently night. I was fairly active at night, as with the demon king.
It's weird, not having any fear when I stand in this presence. It's almost calming.
He cleaned the house as I sat and watched him. My mind was still a haze.
"Why are you doing this Muzan? You are cleaning like a housewife. Your the king of demons not a maid. Could you explain, please." I said.
He stopped his humming and placed the broom on a wall. He sat down next to me.
"I want to pamper you. As you are the second strongest being alive right now, and you are becoming a demon, I want you to have the best experience. I want to make sure what you think you're doing is correct and you're on the right path. I have faith in you. I see you being loyal to me for years to come. Do you understand?"
Muzan said, calmly.
He's acting out of it. I don't like it. Just do what you want to me for gods sake.
I licked my fangs and glanced at him.
"Yes. But you do also realise my birthday is in April. That's three months away. I am 24 and will die on the 17th when I reach 25 because of this. So just do what you need to me" I said, pointing to my cheek the forehead where my mark laid.
Muzan sighed.
"I am not one to force. But I have a confession" he said
I hummed
"Over these past 7 months I've grown a bond to you. 私はあなたに恋をしたと思います ( Watashi wa anata ni koi o shita to omoimasu ), Michikatsu. Truly. And I understand You've been asleep and I've been あなたが私に愛を与えて、そのお返しに赤を与えてくれるなら。( Anata o shōsan shite imasu. Dōjō shite itoshite iru to itte shinde kudasai. Shikashi, honkinara sore o misete kudasai. )"
[ I've fallen in love with you. ]
[ admiring you. I fell in love with you and I understand if you don't return it. Just please, show me if you don't pity me ]
Muzan said. My eyes widened.
He...私を愛して ( Watashi o aishite? )
[ loves me? ]
I stared at him with wide eyes. He sighed and looked down.
I looked into his ruby red eyes.
Those intoxicating eyes.
I lifted his chin with two of my fingers and 彼にキスした ( Kare ni kisushita. )
[ kissed him ]
Bliss. The one word to describe it. Those eyes of him widened in shock but closed.
I let my eyelids slide over my violet eyes.
The キス ( kisu ) moved slowly. Unlike out first bloodlust driven キス ( kisu ).
[ kiss ]
( Kare no kuchibiru wa watashi no kuchibiru no ue o suberi, pazuru no pīsu no yō ni pittari to fitto shimashita. )
[ His lips slid over mine, fitting perfectly like puzzle pieces. ]
Sadly, all good things come to an end. He pulled away and I was left their hanging.
I felt my head weigh alot and a fell backwards.
Muzan jumped onto me with a panicked look. Black fuzzed my vision and clowded it quickly.
I opened my eyes and quickly shot up. My shoulder ached and a grabbed it, grunting in the process.
I heard faint chatter and then footsteps.
Tamayo and everyone else walked in.
"Michikatsu! Your awake!" She said and walked closer and observed my shocked face.
"What?" Immex asked, curios.
I thought it over.
It really was just a dream,huh?
"Nothing, what happened to me?" I asked.
"I followed you out. I saw you get stabbed by a demon and pass out. The demon saw me and fled. I picked you up and took you here" Koraukou explained.
Thats what Muzan said to me... Just different.
Was it a dream?
"What did the demon look like?" I asked
Tamayo sighed.
"It was kibitsuji. You've been out for a day. Yoriichi will be here shortly. Annoyingly" he said and left the room.
But... It lines up with what kibitsuji said in the dream
Koraukou wasent exactly fond of my brother after he was kicked out the corps.
He had all right to hate him. And now that they know Muzan is evidently back, the two must hate eachother a whole lot more.
Tamayo removed the shoulder part on my Yukata.
My black yukata.
What is going on?
She removed the bandages and replaced them.
I felt my throat, it had a scratch but nothing bad.
"You okay?" Tamayo asked. The others left the room.
"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine.."
"Your clearly not. Your startled.
I took a deep breath and looked at my lap.
"While I was asleep, I had a dream? And most things said in that dream were true. Muzan was also present. I wore the same clothes and woke up the same. And.. and-" I was cut off with Yoriichi walking in.
I sat up on the bed, tamayo was sat on the stool beside me.
We both looked at yoriichi. He look happier than usual.
"What's got you giddy?" I asked
He hummed and sat on a stool.
"Nothing important. Now. Explain what happened in detail."
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ - After explanation
"... And then I woke up here" I admitted.
I told him everything. The meetuos with Muzan, my jealousy, my anger, my fight with Haruhime, how I'm becoming a demon.
But I left out my infatuation of muzan, my dream and our kiss.
Now I think of it, I really have fallen for the demon king.
"Why?" He asked, now looking drained.
I sighed and leaned back.
"Jealousy. Jealousy of you. Of always being second to you. Of being in your shadow. Of being your replacement. I would say it's your fault but you did nothing wrong."
He looked at me
"Are you in love with Muzan kibitsuji?"
I knew that I was flushing pink. The question caught me so off guard. Where did he even pick up the hint?!
"W-what do you mean?" I asked, stuttering.
Yoriichi smirked and Tamayo stifled a laugh.
I groaned and put my head on my hands.
"As much as I want to hate you for falling in love with the enemy, I can't. You cannot control who you admire and fall in love with. I, myself, have witnessed it first hand. Just please, promise me, to make the right decisions. Please. When and if you become a demon, there is no turning back. I respice your type and choice, brother. Just tell me the details of when your transformation is. And please, visit me." Yoriichi said.
I looked at him with wide eyes.
"ありがとう ( Arigatō )"
[ Thank you ]
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