Home lives

Our stars have finally met each other. Now here comes the tough part. Where will they live and in what? What kind of people will they consider their friends? Will they have any pets? And how much will they learn about each other? And remember, just because they are married doesn't mean they can't back out anytime they want.

~Rapunzel and Eugene~
"So where do you think we should live?" Rapunzel asked. Right now, they were in her parents' basement. It wasn't ideal but it was all they had.

"Can't we just stay in Corona?" Eugene asked. He was trying to make it tough on Rapunzel. He didn't want this marriage to work. In fact, he was doing everything possible to piss her off.

"You want to stay in Corona?" Rapunzel excitedly replied. It had always been her dream to raise her family in her hometown and this was the first thing they shared in common. If she could live in this tiny town with her true love, her life would be complete.

"Why not? We have nowhere better to go." Eugene grumbled. Great, now he let her do something she wanted. He should have asked if she wanted to move to New York City. If she liked this little town, then she would never want to move there.

"Yes! Let's go house hunting." Rapunzel cheered. She was happy that he was somewhat cooperating. Now they had to agree on what type of house, if they wanted yard space, or even pets! Oh boy.

"Who said I wanted a house?" Eugene fired back. He could tell she wanted a typical, white picket fenced house. He wasn't going to let her have it. He would take anything but that.

"What do you mean?" Rapunzel questioned. Who wouldn't want a house? He made no sense to her. Don't most people long for a house? I mean, an apartment is okay, but wouldn't you want somewhere where you can do as you want when you please?

"Maybe I want an apartment or maybe I just want to stay in your parents' basement." Eugene argued. He knew she hated being in her parents' basement. Maybe he could get her to back out of his marriage if he made her think he liked living here.

"I'll take anything other than my parents' basement." Rapunzel compromised. She was good at dealing with stubborn people. After all, she worked at the bank. People always accused her of robbing them of their money and stuff.

"Fine." Eugene grumbled as he rolled his brown eyes. He was going make it look like he was trying. Rapunzel opened up her laptop and searched for open houses in Corona. She found a few, but none lived up to Eugene's expectations.

"Look, we're not going to find a castle or mansion. We're a fresh couple. We don't have tons of money to spare right now and this is all we can afford." Rapunzel growled. Just when she thought he was being somewhat useful, he acted like a jerk. He didn't like anything she liked. Actually, he wanted everything she hated.

"Okay, let's check out this one then," Eugene replied, pointing to a light blue house on the screen. Rapunzel smiled, happy that he finally agreed on something. She found a realtor to show them the house on Tuesday morning. Rapunzel glanced at the clock, seeing that it was nearing 8pm. "When are we going to eat?" Eugene whined. He was starving.

"I don't know. Why don't you make us something?" Rapunzel spat, narrowing her green eyes at him from over the laptop. She was busy doing everything else. Why should she get up and get him something? He has two working legs.

"Because you're the wife." He snarled. That one was going to hurt her self esteem.

"Well, I see where you stand on social equality," Rapunzel grumbled. Eugene just huffed and leaned back into the couch. That didn't work either. "Please just go make something." Rapunzel begged, not looking away from the laptop screen.

"Like what? I don't know how to cook!" Eugene exclaimed. He's never cooked. He always ordered take out or didn't even eat. He didn't see the point of cooking if it was just for one person.

"Just go make Mac and cheese or something." She offered. She was sick of his complaining. Eugene groaned and got off the couch. He stomped up the stairs, anger radiating off of him. Did no one teach him any manners? Rapunzel thought, turning up her nose. She couldn't believe she was paired with him.

Eugene walked into the kitchen and opened up every drawer trying to find a pot. He was making tons of noise, causing Arianna, Rapunzel's mother, to come into the kitchen. "Eugene, what are you looking for?" Arianna softly asked, wrapping her cardigan around her body. She wanted them to feel comfortable here.

"A pot. Green eyes wants me to make her Mac and cheese." Eugene grumbled, slightly rolling his eyes as he continued searching. He nicknamed Rapunzel 'Green Eyes' because she hated it. She didn't hate her eyes, she hated the nickname. But she had to admit, it was better than 'Brownie' or 'Miss Bossy.'

"Right here." Arianna replied. She opened the one drawer Eugene didn't check. The one under the stove. She handed him the pot, glad that they were at least making an effort for this to work. Arianna had little faith that this would work, but she hoped this would turn out okay for Rapunzel's sake. She didn't want to see her daughter's heart crushed again.

"Thanks." He softly smiled. Arianna nodded and went back into her bedroom. Rapunzel's parents left the couple alone so they could get used to being around each other.

Eugene filled the pot with hot water and placed it onto the burning stove. He sat upstairs on his phone, waiting for the water to boil. Eventually, he heard the water bubbling and found the water boiling over. He quickly moved the pot off the stove and turned off the heat. "Great going, Eugene." He grumbled to himself. He cleaned up and started over. Even though he was a pain in the butt, he wasn't one to give up.


Rapunzel was downstairs, trying to find household items they would need. Her parents offered to pay for everything, but she wasn't going to let that happen. This was her marriage and she was going to pay for everything. Even if it wasn't with the guy she was hoping for. She had the money, after all. She worked everyday for nearly 9 hours. She was also paid a decent amount. But she didn't know where Eugene worked or if he even had a job.

We have lots of things to talk about. Rapunzel thought. Eventually, Eugene brought her down a plate of Mac and cheese. "Here you go, Green eyes." He said as he placed her plate on the coffee table. He even brought her down a glass of water.

"Thank you." Rapunzel smiled. She was surprised that he actually did something productive. She figured he just went upstairs to get away from her.

"You're welcome." Eugene said, returning the smile.

~Anna and Kristoff~
"Are you sure that Sven won't attack Olaf?" Anna worriedly asked. Olaf was her Himalayan cat and Sven was Kristoff's Bernese Mountain Dog. They were living in Anna's house in Arendelle. She took her parents' house when they passed away. Now it's hers and Kristoff's.

"I'm sure. Sven is a good dog." Kristoff assured. He hoped that this would work or one of them would have to get rid of their treasured pet. Kristoff opened the door, letting Sven into the room. He pounced onto Anna, licking her face.

"Calm down, Sven!" Kristoff scolded, pulling Sven off of Anna. He tugged Sven away, afraid of what Anna would think of the big, friendly dog. After that act you can kiss your best friend goodbye. Kristoff thought.

"You're such a good boy." Anna smiled as she scratched Sven behind the ears. She actually like Sven. He warmed right up to her. He was a good, trustworthy dog. Anna could see herself living with this cutie. Now Kristoff on the other hand, wasn't warming up to Olaf.

"Hi, Olaf," Kristoff smiled as he tried to pet Olaf. The cat would move his head away, dodging Kristoff's hand. "This cat doesn't like me." Kristoff whined. Kristoff wasn't really surprised though. Cats and him didn't really mix well.

"It's a cat. It doesn't like anyone but me." Anna laughed, picking Olaf up. She tried to make Kristoff comfortable with not liking Olaf. The problem was was that Olaf loved everyone. Kristoff and Anna sat on the couch, watching to see if Sven and Olaf would fight. They never did. They actual took a nap together.

"I'm so glad this worked." Kristoff sighed. He was thankful that his best friend didn't attack the white, fluffy kitty. Otherwise, their would be some major issues.

"Me, too. I don't think I could have lost Olaf." Anna smiled. For Anna's graduation gift, her parents bought her Olaf. It was the last thing she had that reminded her of them.

"What makes you think we would have given up Olaf?" He asked. They never talked about which animal they were going to give up. He was curious how she came to the conclusion that it would be her pet.

"I could tell how much you love Sven and I know Olaf doesn't like new people so I would have given him up for you." Anna replied, softly smiling at Kristoff. She knew it would have been a huge, heartbreaking ceremony, but she would have done it anyways.

"Really?" Kristoff asked, arching his eyebrow at her. He was surprised how much she would give up for this silly marriage that might not work out. She must really believe in true love.

"Really. I want this to work." She answered. This made Kristoff's heart beat with joy.

"I want this to work out, too!" He grinned, thankful she felt the same. Kristoff hoped he would get someone who actually wanted a relationship to work.

"Oh, I'm so glad I got married to you!" Anna blurted out, a smile nearly breaking her face. She couldn't believe her luck!

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. This is only our second day with each other." Kristoff smiled. He knew what would happen if they got attached to each other too soon. There would be terrible heart aches if one of them decided to end the marriage.

"Okay. Then I'm glad that I've met you." Anna corrected, softening her face. Even though on the inside, she believed she had married the right man.

~Merida and Hiccup~
"This place is a mess!" Hiccup whined as he clean up Merida's apartment in Berk. Merida never cleaned up. It was just a part of her personality. If her mother wanted her to do something, she wouldn't do it. Cleaning her apartment was one of the many things Merida was scolded about.

"At least I have my own place." Merida fired back, annoyed with Hiccup. He walked around acting so mighty, yet he couldn't afford his own place. He rolled his eyes and went back to cleaning.

"Where do you put your dirty laundry?" He asked as he picked up one of Merida's dirty high school t-shirts. Hiccup would not -correction- could not stay in place that was as messy as a pigsty. This was worse.

"In the white laundry basket in my room." Merida replied as she sat on the couch. She opened a bag of chips and chomped away as she watched her favorite tv show; The Walking Dead.

"Our room." Hiccup corrected. Hiccup wanted this to work more than anyone. From what he could tell, Merida could care less. She acted like he was some maid.

"Yeah, yeah. Same difference." Merida replied, waving her hand at him. He let out a small huff and grabbed the white laundry basket. He walked around the room, picking up everything from basketball shorts to pink underwear.

When he was finished, Hiccup sat beside her on the couch and organized her laundry. He sorted it by darks and lights. Afterwards, he went downstairs and put them in the washing machine. This is going to be tough to live with. Hiccup thought.

Merida sat on the couch, watching him sort the clothes. She was surprised that he knew how to do the laundry. She does it when she desperate for new, clean clothes. When he went downstairs with the laundry, she ran into the kitchen. She felt bad for leaving it in such a mess. She would have picked up if she would have known who she was marrying.

She put all the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and started it up. Then she wiped the table off with a clean washcloth. Man, it's looking better already. Merida thought, wiping away the sweat in her forehead. Then she walked into the living room. The carpet was covered in food crumbs and wrappers. She tried to throw it all away before Hiccup got back, but failed. "I see you're helping me clean up." Hiccup smirked.

"Only because we're married." Merida defended. This is going to be a long year. Merida and Hiccup thought.

~Elsa and Jack~
"Could this place be anymore spotless?" Jack asked as he walked around Elsa's apartment in Burgess. Elsa was rich according to Jack. He's only told her that a million times already.

"Yes, actually." Elsa replied. Elsa hadn't cleaned for two days. There was plenty of things to clean. Jack looked at her stunned. It looked like it came out of a fancy house magazine. He wandered around, looking at all the pictures she had framed on the walls.

"Is this your sister?" Jack asked, looking at a picture of the ginger he saw yesterday. She resembled Elsa. They had the same blue eyes and smile. They definitely could be related.

"Yes. That's my little sister, Anna." Elsa smiled, brushing her blonde locks from her eyes. Elsa loved Anna more than anyone else in the world. She couldn't imagine life without her.

"Where's the blonde dude?" Jack asked, pointing at the pictures on the wall. Jack remembered some super tall, super buff guy, but he was never formally introduced to him.

"I don't have a picture of him." Elsa blushed, shurgging her shoulder.


"Because she just met him that day."

Oh, this was another contestant on the show. No wonder they acted to awkward around each other. "What's his name?" Jack questioned.

"Christopher, I think? Anyways, you ask a lot of questions," She stated as she opened her fridge. She was starting to get extremely annoyed with Jack. He was pushing all the right buttons to make her smash a plate over his head.

"I just want to know more about my wife." Jack smirked, making Elsa roll her blue eyes. She didn't want to be married to this doofus. She will admit, though, that when she first met him, she thought he was gorgeous.

"Remember, we're meeting the other new couples next week." She declared, trying to change the subject. She didn't want to even think about being called Mrs. Frost. Or being s wife in general.

"Okay." Jack smirked, making Elsa roll her eyes again. He liked making Elsa annoyed. He thought it brought out her real self, not this fake person she was pretending to be. Suddenly, Jack screamed in delight.

"What? What's wrong?" Elsa asked as she ran from the kitchen to the living room, where Jack was. She thought he broke a vase or a prized glass figurine.

"You have a cat! What's his name?" Jack excitedly asked, petting the cat. The fat cat was huge! Jack thought it was a fluffy pillow. He picked it up and cuddled with it. It was like a warm marshmallow.

"You gave me a heart attack, Jackson!" Elsa scolded, placing a hand over her chest. She wasn't happy with Jackson's actions.

"Call me Jack. Anyways, what's his name?" Jack continued. He loved the kitty.

"Marshmallow. And she's a girl." Elsa replied annoyed. Jack could tell why she was named Marshmallow.

"Well, excuse me!" He sassily fired back, making Elsa roll her eyes for the fiftieth time that day. This could take some getting used to. Jack and Elsa thought.

Now you know what our stars home lives are like. Some of the couples get along well while others could use a little help, but it's only the second day. Hopefully, they don't give up.

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