Hey guys💞

Honestly, I'm very much disappointed with the number of votes in the previous chapter. There are so many viewers but no one is voting and it's a bit hurting.

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A big thank you to those who encourages me with their votes and comments:)


Gauri watched as Omkara talked with Dandi over the phone.

"Okay Dandi! Just mail me all the details. I will send you the proposal once I reach home. Send it to the Malhotras as soon as possible. And yeah don't inform Dad about the Kapoors. I'll tell him once he reaches back." Omkara said to his personal assistant as he joined the others for dinner.

Looking at his tensed face, Rudra hesitantly asked him, "All okay, O?"

Omkara looked up and saw everyone looking at him concerned.

"Yeah. Nothing for you guys to worry about. Just some work issues. Didn't you guys order anything yet?" Omkara asked.

They replied that the order has been placed.

Feeling someone watching him, he turned only to see Gauri looking at him concerned.

When he looked at her, she gently smiled at him which involuntarily eased his tensed posture. He gave back an assuring smile to her.

After having their dinner at the restaurant, they decided to go back home.

Once they reached, they saw all the three ladies seated in the living room.

"Ah! Here they come." Anjali said.

After greeting the elders, Omkara tried to excuse himself.

"Om, after freshening up come back here quickly. We need to discuss something." Jhanvi told her son.

"Mom, can't it wait? I have some important work to do." Omkara said.

"Half an hour, Om. Not more than that." She replied.

Omkara nodded and went upstairs to his room.

One hour later, even though the other three freshened up and reached the living room Omkara didn't reach.

"This boy! When will he learn that there is more in life to experience than work?" Jhanvi said exasperated.

"Mom, he said right he had some important work. He will come soon. Why are you fussing over it?" Rudra asked frowning not liking his mother criticise his brother.

True that they argue with each other. But still he is his brother, man! And he love him. After seeing his tensed brother at the restaurant, he knew there might be some issue and that was the important work he was talking about. He hoped it will get solved soon.

Gauri smiled looking at Rudra who was supporting his brother. She always knew even though they fought with each other, they love each other the most.

"When did you change the team?" Jhanvi frowned at his younger son.

Rudra rolled his eyes.

Gauri shook her head with a smile and turned her attention to her mother who was talking with her father over the phone. She was standing a little away from them.

Soon, Omkara joined them and sat beside his brother, conveniently ignoring his mother's glare.

Gauri curiously watched her mother as she came towards them. "Yeah! She is here. You talk to her."

Gauri frowned as she took the phone from her mother. Don't know why but her heart was slamming hard against her chest.

She was about to place the phone near her ear, when her father spoke making her realise the call was put in speaker.

"Gauri?" She heard her father.

"Yes, Papa. I'm here."

"Beta, we have a conference meeting here soon but the matter is important and that is why I'm coming directly to the point. Whatever I'm going to ask you please listen to it carefully and answer, okay?"

Gauri looked up and saw Omkara, Rudra and Avanthika watch her in tension.

Gauri gulped.

"You are scaring me." She said.

"I didn't mean to scare you, Gauri. I just want to know whether you have someone in your life?" He asked her hesitantly without beating around the bush.

Gauri froze. The first thought that came to her mind when she heard her father ask the question was 'whether he came to know about Yadav?'. But then she was reminded that he was her past it was no way related to what her father asked her just now.

"No, Papa. I don't. But why do you ask so?" She asked her father and stopped in surprise seeing the three elderly ladies exchange relieved smiles.

"We have got a marriage proposal for you and I do believe it's for the best. But before moving forward with it I wanted to know whether you had someone else in your life or not. Since there is no one else can we move ahead with it?" Gauri heard her father ask in a calm voice.

Gauri's breathing quickened. Out of everything she wasn't expecting a marriage talk from her father at this moment. She was finding it difficult to find some words to utter.


"But.... Papa, why so suddenly? Marriage.... I don't know if I'm ready or not. And I have to start my own boutique within a few months. In between all this, it is not possible. And how can I just marry a complete stranger? It's not practical, Papa." Gauri said still finding it difficult to voice out her distress.

"Gauri, I'm not talking about marrying you off tomorrow itself. About the starting of your boutique, the man I'm talking about will be the most supportive partner you could ever get. He is very talented and experienced too. He will guide you and will always be there for you. And do you think I would just let anyone marry you? Don't you trust me?" Vishaal asked his daughter.

"I trust you, Papa." Gauri replied.

"Then keep that trust in your father and agree to this proposal, Gauri." Anjali told her daughter.

Gauri looked up at her mother.

"What? The call is in speaker? Anjali, I told you I will talk to her privately first before everything. Why do you never listen to me?" Vishaal asked his wife exasperated.

Anjali rolled her eyes and took the phone from Gauri.

"Your job is finished, patidev. I will call you later. Bye!"

"Anjali, don't you-"

Anjali hanged up the call.

"So, can we go ahead with it?" Anjali asked her daughter.

"Mumma, don't you think I should atleast have the right to know who am I getting married to, as you all are saying?" Gauri asked her mother sarcastically.

"Exactly, Aunty. She has a point. Gauri has the rights to know who is that prospective groom that you are talking about. Marrying a stranger through arranged marriage is not a thing now, Anju Aunty. It was all in the past. And who can understand it better than you?" Rudra asked.

Rudra was worried. Never in his wildest dreams had he thought something like this would happen. What all had he dreamt for his brother and Gauri. But now.... And his partner - Avanthika Sharma - was not even looking at him nor understanding his inner turmoil. She was lost in her own thoughts.

"Rudra, didn't you hear what Vishaal said earlier? Gauri knows him." Jhanvi said.

Gauri looked at her in confusion.

"But she is saying that she doesn't know him." Rudra said confused.

Gauri nodded her head agreeing with him.

"That is right. She doesn't know who is he but she actually knows that guy." Anjali said confusing them all the more.

Gauri kept her hands on her head in frustration.

"Anju Aunty, can you please stop going around in circles and tell us who is the guy?" Rudra requested getting fed up.

"Your brother." Anjali grinned.

"WHAT?" Omkara and Gauri shouted as they sat up straight.

They turned to look at each other in shock.

Rudra gaped in shock while Avanthika grinned realising her assumption was right.

"Are you joking, Aunty?" Omkara asked.

"No, Om. We are talking about you and Gauri itself." Jhanvi told her son.

Omkara stared at his mother to see whether she was serious or not. Realising, he let out a sigh.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier, Mom? Actually why didn't you all tell us both about this?" Omkara asked.

"Calm down, both of you. We will explain everything. Relax first." Daadi said.

Omkara again sighed and tried to calm down himself. He then looked at Gauri and saw her already staring at him.

"Today, when we met panditji at the temple we had given Omkara's horoscope to him. As Omkara is not interested in getting married soon we wanted to check whether there was any other solution to the problem that we had come to know earlier. But there was no other solution. Panditji told that Omkara should atleast get engaged before he turns 27."

"Anjali had brought Gauri's, Avanthika's and Bhavya's horoscope with her as she had thought of visiting panditji before coming here itself. When Gauri's horoscope was checked, he told that there was the same issue in her horoscope too. The other two's was fine. But panditji told Gauri should also get engaged soon or else it might never happen." Daadi said.

The youngsters were looking at her bewildered. Seriously?

"I suggested to them that we can get Omkara and Gauri married. The families know each other since years, Omkara and Gauri knows each other from childhood and this issue in the horoscope. We asked panditji's opinion and he said he was also going to say the same. Both of you are perfect for each other, like Shiv-Parvati jodi." Daadi said with a smile.

Omkara and Gauri looked at each other.

"I think we should let them talk to each other. They can take the final decision together." Jhanvi suggested.

Soon Omkara and Gauri were left alone in the balcony, their usual comfy talk place.

Both were nervous and they didn't know how to start the conversation.

Finally Omkara decided to initiate and asked, "Were you as shocked as me?"

"I was shocked when Papa suddenly talked about marriage. It wasn't expected. Then, when Mumma told it was you...." Gauri stopped as she looked at him.

Omkara turned to look at her curiously.

Seeing him look at her, she looked away blushing. She was suddenly feeling shy in front of him.

Omkara smiled seeing her blush.

"What are your thoughts about this proposal? And you were also not interested in getting married, right?" Gauri asked him.

"I was not interested in getting married so soon. Mom and Daadi were asking me to directly get married. I didn't want that. I wanted to know more about the girl I am supposed to marry, get engaged and then marriage. Marriage is such a big step in our life and I didn't want to jump into it blindly." Omkara told her.

Gauri nodded understanding.

"I like you, Gauri." Omkara told her honestly.

Gauri looked at him surprised.

"I know it's been just few days since we met. But still I want to let you know what I actually feel about you. I like your personality, your will to pursue your ambitions, your love and care towards our family. You are a very strong girl who was brave enough to face the worst phases of your life on your own. You are ambitious at the same time you know the need to take time for your family." Omkara said.

Gauri smiled at him. Omkara stopped as he saw her smile at him, the way he liked.

"More than everything, I like how you talk to me and the way your eyes shine when you smile." He said looking into her eyes.

Gauri stared at him as she felt her cheeks turn red.

"I don't think I have any reason to say no to this proposal, unless you are not interested." Omkara said slowing down at what he said at last.

"I believe you might, by now, have an idea about what I am. Not completely but still. And you have every right to say no." Omkara said.

"Do you want me to say no?" Gauri asked him confused.

Omkara gave her a look and said, "I told you, I like you."

"I like you too." She said.

Omkara looked at her in surprise.

"What do you like about me?" He asked her.

"From the day I met you here, I have never found anything that I dislike about you." Gauri told him with a smile.

"What? You only told me I'm a workaholic." He reminded her even though his heart was thudding in joy hearing her.

"That you are! But that is because you love working. I don't find any fault in doing what you love." She said.

Omkara shook her head at her with a smile.

"On a side note, if you ignore me for your work then...." Gauri left the sentence hanging.

"Then?" Omkara asked leaning his face a little towards hers.

"Then you will have to face another version of me that you haven't seen till now." Gauri said with a playful smirk.

"I am sure I would love that version of yours." He said with a chuckle.

Gauri chuckled. They stared ahead at the view in front of them.

"I will be opening a boutique of mine within a few months. It has been my dream since many years." She said.

"I know. As your father said, I will never come in the way towards your dreams. If you need my help, I will always be there to guide you." Omkara told her.

Gauri turned to look at him with a smile.

"I remember Jaanu Aunty telling that you started your own business." She said.

"Yeah! It was going good too. But Rudra was not interested in business. He has some other things in his mind like modelling. So Dad was worried who would take over Oberoi Corps once he retires. Then we had merged both the companies. And now it is just Oberoi Group of Companies." Omkara said.

Gauri nodded her head.

"So, what do you say?" He asked her.

Gauri blushed looking away.

"So? It's a yes from both of us?" Omkara asked with a smile seeing her blush.

Gauri nodded her head blushing.

"Don't you think you are blushing a lot today?" He asked with a chuckle.

"I don't know what's wrong with me. I guess it's normal during situations like this." Gauri said still blushing.

"I'm not complaining." Omkara said grinning.

Soon the family was informed about their decision.

"BHABHI!!" Rudra screamed excitedly as he rushed towards Gauri.

Gauri laughed happily as Rudra lifted her off the floor and twirled her.

"JEEJU!" Avanthika rushed towards Omkara and hugged him happily.

Omkara chuckled and hugged her back.

"I will inform Vishaal." Anjali said happily.

"Tell him to inform Tej too. I will bring some sweets." Jhanvi said with an excited smile before rushing to the kitchen.

Daadi asked Omkara and Gauri to come near her. When both of them sat on either side of her, she kept each of her palm on their head and blessed them.

"Stay happy always." Daadi blessed them with a happy smile.

Both of them smiled at her.

Jhanvi brought the sweets and Anjali too returned after the call. Omkara and Gauri were asked to feed each other first.

Omkara took one and held it near her mouth. Gauri bites onto it and smiled at him. She repeated the same with him.

Rudra and Avanthika excitedly started screaming and dancing around. Jhanvi and Anjali fed each other the sweets and happily hugged each other. Daadi folded her hands and looked up thanking God for everything.

Seeing their family so happy, they turned to look at each other and smiled happily.


I was actually in the mood to write more. But then it would become too long.

Let me see with the response to this chapter. I might or might not update soon.

Also, my results would be published soon. Please do pray for me:)

Until next time
With love

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