" I am sorry forth" tae is the first one who was out of all this.
"I just thought about how to make ming happy.i never expect that I am hurting you.sorry."
"But the thing is I love only tee he is my life. What we did is just acting. Hope you will understand me.you dont need to tell tee anything I can solve that thing.now i know how I feel and how tee is feeling. My baby is not angry, he is hurt that his life is close to someone not to him."
"I understood. But please forgive me."
Claps heards where every one turn around.it was tee.he came to forth.
"I am sorry forth for what tae did,but he did not do it with any wrong intentions. Please forgive him.."
Forth node his head .tae came near tee and apologize to him.
Tee laugh."don't repeat it" he said.
All the friends came to forth and said sorry but ming ran away from their.
"Ming "park shouted
"Forth go after him.may be he is feeling guilty."
"No let him be park.he should think alone he should know what he did wrong." Forth said
"But what if he...park "could not compete his sentence
"No he never do anything stupid I trust him.please dont get involved with him." forth said confidently.
Forth looked the way where ming ran
Ming went to the Clift and started crying until his eyes are dry.
Now its night time.ming all sitting there from morning and thinking hard.
At home every one is in tension that ming is not home after he ran away at breakfast table.
But not forth he is relaxed on the couch and attending some business calls.after he finished that.
"Forrh ming is not home till now" park almost shouted.
:He will come" forth said calmly.
"You are not understanding "park try to say something but forth cut him
Look park,first he is not baby to care of dont worry.he knows what he was doing.i am doing this to make him strong.we cant be with him all the time .he should be strong by himself.he should know what is right and what is wrong.he will hav family and business in his hands in future.he should be the back bone .let him become strong"
"Dont make him weak or make him think that there will be always someone to take care of everything. Please.trust me he will come."
Park just nude his head,park know what forh said was right.
After 2 hour ming came placing his hands in pockets and looking down on his way.
Every one shout and went to ming..
"Did I scare you all" ming said smillingly.
Everyone node.sorry for that .thank God everyone sigh and went to their rooms to give some privacy to forth and ming.
"All the time forth was looking at ming as he was seeing him after 1000 years .his Innerself is asking him to go and hug him and melt in his warmness but he cant do that .ming should know what is right and what is wrong because he has a big responsibility in future. "Forth again thought.
After everyone went to their rooms ming look at forth straight in his eyes.
Forth went to balcony to avoid that gaze which is making him weak every second.
Ming smiled and went to forth and back hug him.
"Forth did not say anythingbut thought he want to flip ming and hug him tightly and before he take the breath out him by kissing him."
Chaco i am sorry.i should not hav done that.its not like I dont trust you or your love.after mom ,no one ever came near to my heart.
"After a great effort and fight to myself I allowed you but still I was afraid that what if one day you will get bored of me and leave me."
Forth closed his eyes tightly but didnt turn or say anything.he wants ming to finish what he likes to say.
Ming continuous "though every minute I can feel how much you love I cant get ride of the small insecurity that I may not be perfect for you."
"As time goes by because of your love I feel ease slowly that insecurity feeling is fading away from my heart but when you leave me after that night without a word and no call for 3 days".
"I was totally collapsed,the feeling has hit me strong and hard where I try..I try...."he cant complete the sentence but was crying..
Firth turn immediately to ming and cup his check" you try what..."
Forth asked seriously....
Its nothing baby.
tell me now forth was really loud and cold...
Mung cry once again....
"I tried ...
I tried....
Before ming finished his words forth hug him tightly
"Oh god ming did you lost your mind or what"
"Yes forth, I lost in love with you..
Where I cant live without you.."
"For a single minute. "
"That's when tae came .then he took me here and know exactly what happen."
"He made a plan .I agreed to it just to get your attention I cant bear you distance from me.my heart has became weak in your love forth."
"I am sorry I didnt thing about how you will feel.please forgive me na..".ming cried in forth hug.
Forth was also crying and curising himself inside.but he didnt tell.he decided to make ming strong.
He will love him more where ming cant feel alone whe he is not around.
"I am also sorry cutie for shouting at you.please forgive me."
He hugged ming more tightly.
Both are like that for a while and got their rooms.
That's it for this part
Thanks megha
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