
(Disclaimer: I have already written this message 1000 times rewriting this chapter so here it is again. I don't know what the inside of marks house looks like. The inside will be made up by me. I live in a wooded area, and I have never been to L.A., so the geography may be off.)

((Y/n) POV)

We got to marks place quickly and headed inside. We picked rooms, I was sleeping in marks room with him, and jack got a spare room. Ethan also happened to be staying over, that's the reason mark left Chicka home when he came over to my apartment earlier. Currently, all the others were down stairs and I was sitting on marks bed, taking in the room. I didn't want to intrude on their fun. I would just wait till they called for me or something. The room smelled like him, and even though it was a bit creepy, I found myself taking in the scent and smiling. Then I remembered I hadn't eaten yet today. I decided I would go super ninja mission impossible to commence operation: "sneak into marks kitchen and find something to satisfy the growling beast I call my stomach". Not very catchy, but ill find a better name later. I got off the bed and slowly crept to the door. I then tiptoed down the stairs, hugging the wall with my back. When I got to the end of the stairs I did a tuck-and-roll into the kitchen. I stuck the landing and ended up in a crouch position, my hands forming a gun. Coast clear. I tiptoed over to the fridge and opened it silently. Inside were normal things, condiments, sandwich meats, milk, etc., but in the middle, there was a big half-eaten cake. I found the silverwear and plates quietly and pulled out a fork and knife and served myself some cake. I slid the cake back in the fridge and closed the door. I quietly snuck to the entry way of the kitchen and leaned against the frame. I took a bite of cake. Mark turned around and saw me and jumped back in suprize. The two others turned around and also jumped. Mark was holding his chest and jack was the first to speak. "Holy shite! How'd you get there?!" he hollered, "can you teleport?" Ethan added, "how did you get cake?! And how the hell did you get the silver wear and plate with out noise?!" mark asked exasperated. "A magician never reveals his tricks!" I said with an air of mystery to my tone. "Now operation: 'sneak into marks kitchen to find something to satisfy the growling beast I call my stomach' is a success!" I hollered. "Catchy." jack commented.  We all broke into laughter. The laughter died down a bit and mark looked as if he had an idea. "We should do a challenge video! Since we are all here any way!" "hell yeah!" I shouted, "WOOOOOO!" jack cheared, "yeah." Ethan confirmed. (And at that moment Ethan realized he was with a bunch if man children.)

(Marks POV)

(This challenge is one I made based off of Dan and Phil's 'punk' and 'pastel' edits they did on their channels.)

I was driving home, car full of bags from my little 'shopping spree'. I had just went on a trip to get all the suplise for the challenge we were doing. I decided we should do the 'edits' challenge. Basicly if you have ever been on the internet, you have probably seen and 'edit' weather it be punk, pastel, goth, etc. This challenge was Basicly you dress up as the character and act like that edit or character would act. Jack and I are most frequently edited as our two characters, Darkiplier and Antisepticeye, so I got costumes for them. For Ethan I got a goth edit, and (y/n) a pastel one.

I got home and got dressed in my costume. I was wearing a ripped up red flannel with a tight black shirt underneath.  The contacts in my eyes were all black, and I had thick eyeliner. I spiked up my hair and wore black jeans. I grabbed all the bags and walked onto the camera I had set up with everyone already infront of it.
"Hello everybody! My name is Darkiplier. Welcome to the edits challenge!" I voiced my intro into the camera. I handed each one of my friends their bags, and explained the challenge.
"I CALL FIRST!" jack hollered, running off camera. We all laughed as we heard him run into something off camera. I took a second to get into character. I smiled creepily to the camera, and cleared my throat. Then I remembered something. I ran off camera and grabbed my phone. I called Tyler.
"Come to my house we need you for stuff." I hung up quickly so there was no time for questions. I forgot I had bought him a costume as well. I ran back on camera to (y/n) and Ethan laughing about something. Jack came back in his costume, a black and green sweater with black skinny jeans. He also had contacts, one black and one mirroring his logo. He also added the touch of a scar across his neck. He stepped on camera and laughed insanely. I also got in character and chuckled darkly. (Y/n) feigned fear, and coward away. Ethan ran off camera screaming with his bag.
"Noooo! Ethan don't leave meeee!" (y/n) called after him. Jack and I had the exact same idea and walked up next to (y/n). I was on his right, and jack was on his left. We both stood over him and he crouched down a bit. That's when Ethan came back. He had a black sweater and black lipstick and makeup. We all laughed as he trudged on camera in character. (Y/n) hopped off  camera and came back in his pastel costume.

"Hey guys." he said in a soft peaceful voice. I started gushing over him and had to stop myself before I fangirled infront of the camera. I ran up and hugged him tightly.

((Y/n)'s POV)

Mark ran over to me and smothered me in a hug. Then there was a knock on the door. I walked over to the door and answered it. It was Tyler. "Hello?" Tyler greeted, I am guessing he doesn't know about me. I felt mark approach behind me and I stepped away from the door so he could talk to Tyler.
"Hey Tyler! We are filming a video, here's your costume, go get dressed." mark thrusted a bag into Tyler's hands and pushed him towards the bathroom. Tyler looked confused, but went along with his crazy friends instructions.

Soon every one was on camera, mark and jack in their alter ego's likeness, Tyler in his hipster outfit, Ethan in his goth/emo outfit, and finally me in my pastel costume. We all moved into a space where we could do skits as our characters. We took suggestions from the people of Twitter land. First was "dark" and "anti". They did a skit about fighting and such, then people suggested I do one with Tyler.
I had only met Tyler like 10 minuets ago, so this might get awkward quick. I walked up to him and sized him up. I was smaller than mark, and Tyler was a giant to mark, so you can imagine how intimidated I felt. The prompt the person suggested was "(y/n) and Tyler get into a fight over who is superior. Oh great.
"So b-buddy, you think you are better?" I said looking up at him. He looked down
"you got a problem?" he asked, folding his arms.
"N-nope!" I said cowering away
"No problamo man, except I think I am better." I said standing up strait. Mark laughed in the background.
"Well I am better than you!" Tyler exclaimed,
"Change!" Ethan shouted.
"Obviously you're better!" Tyler changed his words.
"Change!" mark yelled.
When did this turn into the change game?
"So you come here often?" Tyler said.
"Yeah boi" I shouted.
"I come here all the time, so much in fact I know this place like the back of my hand!" I looked down at the back of my hand
"Hey when did that get there?" I asked, looking at the back of my hand. We all laughed. We argued some more with a few spare Dick jokes in between. We all got turns doing skits with each person and shared a lot of laughs.

"Hey guys! We should get dinner together! Since jack is staying over for awhile" I purposed.  Every one agreed and we headed out to the restaurant.

(FINALLY! I was kinda neglecting this book sorry! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry if I didn't catch Ethan or Tyler's personalities correctly. Also if you like my stuff I encourage you to go over to my art book, it has a fair amount of markimoo and jackaboy art, and I do take requests! I am considering writing I tiny filler random chapter featuring anti and dark, so comment or whatever to tell me if you would enjoy that, it wouldn't be canon to the fic, just like a little au. Bye!)

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