random Au chapter idk
(Random Au chapter for no reason lmao it's with dark and anti meet (y/n) and stuff happens.)
(P.s. tis not canon to the fic, just a little funsies.)
((Y/n) POV)
I woke to the deafening sound of silence. It took me a second to recover my memories of where I was. I was laying in marks bed, with the other side cold from his absence. There was a clatter down stairs and I jumped in my skin. I lifted the covers off my legs and slid out of the bed carefully, not making a sound. I shivered as I heard footsteps and a draft slid through the dark room. My top half was exposed while I wore sweatpants on my legs. I snuck to the door cautiously, and listened intently for the person down stairs. The footsteps were louder, as if someone didn't know I was here. I quickly got very fretful, so I looked around for something to defend myself with. Mark kept a bat leaning against his bed-side table, so I quickly and quietly scrambled to obtain the aluminum baseball tool. I took it in two hands and gripped it for dear life, to the point where my knuckles turned white. I slowly opened the door. As the door swung open, I saw a figure standing just beyond. Without hesitation or to my knowledge the bat whipped through the air bound for the figure. There was a thunk. Then a crash. The figure now lay on the floor motionless.
Then another pair of foot steps come racing up the stairs and it happens again. Thunk. Crash. Now there are two people at my feet, and I have no idea what to do. I find my phone and use its flashlight feature to discover the two identities of the ---well you could tell they were men from their siluets--- men.
The two men on my floor are mark and jack, but somethings.... Different. Marks hair is a blood red on top, like his old hair, and jacks is way darker then it should be. Mark is in all black, and as I am looking down I see his teeth are now sharp and predator like, and they gleam in my phone's light. I redirect my attention to jack, who is wearing a gray and green sweater and black pants, and seems to have a few problems with his eyes. His teeth also appear sharper then normal for him. "Shit!" I hiss under my breath, placing the bat on the bed. I rush over by the two mens sides and bend down, shining my light over where I thought I hit them in the skulls. They both had large bruises forming on their temples and I got even more worried than before. I put my arms under marks, and dragged him into the room and on the bed, then did the same for jack. I rushed downstairs and almost fell halfway down the steps. I ran to the downstairs bathroom and grabbed marks giant first aid kit, and hauled it back up the stairs as quickly as I could without falling. I set it down beside the bed and got to work, looking through the various and confusing supplies and brand names I didn't recognize. I didn't know what to do, so I ended up googling it. The internet gave me instructions. I made sure they were breathing, I made sure they were on the their backs, then I elevated their feet about 12 inches. The next thing it said was to remove any restricting clothing. I search them and found their belts and removed those (even though I was very uncomfortable) and removed a watch mark was wearing. I checked if they were having any trouble breathing and they seemed fine. According to the internet they should wake up shortly. I then grabbed an ace wrap bandage and wrapped each of their heads to prevent swelling. I remembered about how my school nurse used ice to reduce swelling as well and I got up and dashed down stairs.
After I got two zip-lock bags full of ice I headed up the stairs once more. I opened the door and stepped in, but was immediately pinned to the wall by a great force. The makeshift ice packs slid from my fingers as I yelled in pain and surprise. I looked up to see mark's face, devoid of emotion. Behind him jack was climbing off the bed.
"M-m-mark?" I whimpered, barely audible. His arm was pressing forcefully into my throat and his other held my stomach to the wall. I took a second to analyze mark's face. I don't know how I looked past his black eyes, all was black save for his pupils, they were the sickening color of blood. I coughed a bit as his fore arm started closing the space between his arm and the wall, my neck in between. Thinking quick I brought my fist up and punched him right in his bruise from the bat. He released me hastily, clutching his aching head. I doubled over, then curled into a defensive pose against the wall, catching my breath. My knees tucked to my chest and my arms curling inbetween my chest and my legs. I saw the bat was not far, so a quickly snatched it out of its resting place.
"You're n-not my mark." I said in a serious and accusing tone.
"No shit sherlock," the fake jack remarked.
"Fuck you Watson." I replied on instinct.
The other mark recovered and stood next to the jack.
"W-who are you?" I asked, losing my courage,
The fake jack answered, "I'm anti and this is dark, we can ask the same for you."
"(Y/n)." I stated shortly "why do you look like mark and jack?"
"Long ass story," 'dark' answered,
"Why are you here?" dark asked, a scowl on his mark-like features. I mumbled incoherently.
"What was that kid? Mind speaking up?" anti asked in a condescending tone.
" I said, I'm marks boyfriend" I stated a little louder and more clear. They both laughed.
"Of course mark would pick you," dark said, stepping closer.
"People like you are what he would go for." he continued.
"W-what do you m-mean, people like me?" I stammered.
"Oh you know, weak, rejected." he stated casually. This made my blood boil.
"Take it back." I threatened. They both started laughing loudly. I stood up again.
"Take. It. Back." I said slower and deeper. They faked fear and mocked me. I suddenly pounced at dark and knocked him to the ground, full of rage. It's one thing if I tell myself I'm worthless, but for someone to actually say it is a whole different story. I punched dark in the jaw and he rolled us so he was on top. He pinned my throat to the ground but I lifted my knee and he took a hit to the balls. He weakened temporarily and I made my move, flipping us over again and punching him three times to the face, until I was somehow lifted off of him by a great force. I looked down to see I was floating, I green force-feild like energy holding around my body. Anti lifted dark off the ground and dark brushed himself off. I punched and kicked, trying to get free and finish what I started.
"Woah, chill." anti said, making me drift slightly further away from the two men. I calmed down a bit and caught my breath, now tired from the physical effort of fighting. The strange energy disappeared and I fell to the ground. I stood back up and went back to my original spot by the wall. I picked up the bat but did not raise it. I bent down and picked up the two forgotten ice packs and chucked them at the two.
"To reduce the swelling." I stated, gesturing to my own head in place of theirs, "I am going to make breakfast and you better not break shit or so help me." I said and headed down stairs. Well that was an eventful morning.
( hey! Long time no see! Anyways! This was really fun to write and I feel like it was a nice break from the story! I will consider continuing if you liked it, or if you didn't then oh well! I tried. Thanks for reading, and if you want to check it out I have an art book, and if you request stuff I shall draw it! Bye! )
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