(Mark pov)
I woke up to the sun shining down through my window, and I felt there was something missing. I sat up and realized that (y/n) was no where to be seen. I then just assumed that he was downstairs, playing video games or something. I strechted and yawned, and rubbed my eyes of sleep. I got up and walked over to the door, then walked back to my closet to put some pants on. I then opened my door and headed downstairs, but only saw Jack and Ethan at the dining table.
"Mornin' mark!" Jack said cheerfully. Ethan nodded.
"Have you guys seen (y/n)?" I asked, trying not to get worried.
"He isn't up there with you?" Ethan asked. I shook my head.
"Maybe he went to his place to grab something, did you try calling him?" Jack theorized.
"No I thought he was down here with you, ill see if I can call him." I planned. I walked into my recording room and took out my phone. I dialed (y/n)'s number and it rang a bit before it picked up.
"Hello~?" a cheerful and unfamiliar voice answered and I got confused.
"Who is this? Where's (y/n)?" I asked.
"Oh (y/n)!!! Yes I am taking good care of him!" the voice replied. I got scared.
"Taking care of...? Who the hell is this and where is (y/n)?!" I asked, getting my temper worked up.
"Oh (y/n) is safe with me! You didn't protect him much when I picked him up from bed last night, surprised you didn't call earlier! I would have thought a loving boyfriend would notice him gone sooner." he mocked with an insane giggle after.
"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" I yelled into the phone.
"Im Vincent! And you won't be seeing your little boyfriend aaaany time soon, we are having just too much fun!" the man chirped.
"Even though I did have to clean up a fair amount of blood...." he added in a lower voice.
I felt tears flow from my eyes as the line went dead. I started sobbing at a louder volume and slid down to the floor. Jack and Ethan came running into the room, to see me on the floor, clutching my phone.
"Mark? Mark? What's wrong?" Ethan asked, worry dripping from his words.
"It's... It's.....*sob* (y-y/n)..." I whimpered weakly.
"H-he didn't answer h-his phone... S-some other g-guy did..." I filled them in, "h-he said he t-took (y/n).... That t-there was..." I stopped speaking at that point.
I tried to take deep breaths and calm down while jack and Ethan bombarded me with questions. I took out my phone and dialed 911.
"Hello this is 911, what is your emergency?" the calm voice of the operator came over the receiver.
"M-my boyfriend.... H-he's gone, last I saw him he w-was sleeping next to m-me and now-w he's...." I blubbed into the phone.
"Sir, sir. Tell us your address and we will send some officers over."
She replied, trying to calm me down. I spat out my address.
"We have a few officers on their way. Remain calm. Do you want me to stay on the line?" she asked.
"No n-no that's fine, thank y-you" I hung up and took a deep breath.
I turned to the others, "the police are on their way..." I said, and went to sit on the couch.
I want my (Y/n) back.
~((y/n) pov)~
Every breath I took hurt. My throat was dry and burning from not drinking anything, and from the screaming. I still felt the bite wounds around my face and arms. I stared blankly at the ceiling, mind mostly blank. The only noise in the room was my breathing and the slight
Drip Drop Drip Drop
From the sink. I have no idea how much time has past but my eyes stay open regardless. The night mares I have experienced are enough to make any normal person go insane.
I hear foot steps, and the door click. I know who steps through the door automatically.
"Honey! I'm home!" he states cheerfully. He hangs his coat on the coat rack by the door and steps up to the chair.
"I was thinking about you aaaaall day at work my love!" he confessed excitedly. He walked over to my left and stroked my hair carefully.
"Awww honey, you look like you didn't get a wink of sleep! Well, you were probably to excited about our next play time! Weren't you!" he stepped to the other side of the room to the door and locked it.
"No more waiting! Lets get started." he said, his voice dropping low in the last sentence.
He waltzed excitedly over to the right side of the chair and took a look at my bandage. He changed it painfully, but my whimpers went unheard because of the gag.
"Now sweety, don't be like that.." he teased.
He picked up a rag off the counter and held it over my mouth and nose. I struggled, but it was no use, within five minuets I felt the affects start to kick in and I became drowsy. Everything dulled and I couldn't move. Vincent grabbed a key from the counter and undid the restraints on my arms and chest. He took the hem of my shirt in his hands and began to ever so slowly lift the shirt up.
He soon got the shirt up to my neck and took it off me completely. I couldn't stop him. Threw the shirt across the room and redid my restraints.
"Now daddy Vincent is hungry, so I will go out for my lunch, and you stay here okay? By then the chemicals should wear off." he said with a smile and left.
(Mini time skip)
I heard the door click once again and Vincent stumbled in.
"Hey baby, you ready for play time?" he asked, looking hungrily down at my now exposed chest and stomach. My eyes took on a fearful look and I shook my head vigorously. He just laughed manically.
"Oh darling, you have no idea how long I have stared at you, your body, how long I have wished I could see what's underneath. I have wanted you for a long time now." he confessed. "Now I have you, I will savor you. lets play a game, hmm? Every day I remove a piece of clothing. Today it was your shirt. Tomorrow it will be... Your pants..." the added, then promptly burst into an insane giggling fit. I closed my eyes out of fear and the tears once again came. He stopped and wondered to himself.
"Now here's a delema. Should I... Or should I not remove your gag." he asked himself. "I wouldn't want to block out those delicious sounds now would I?" he grinned wickedly and I whimpered.
He reached up and took off my gag, and I clamped my mouth shut out of fear. He rolled up his sleeves and took off his shoes. He then climbed on top of the still bloody dentist's chair and sat on my thighs. Today he wore a button up dress shirt and dress pants, which lead me to believe he worked at an office. He bent over me and rested his hands on either side of just below my chest, right below where my fifth or sixth rib up were. He advanced, licking up my neck, and down my collar bone.
"D-don't..." I stuttered, as he started to trace his tongue down to my chest.
He smiled and kept trailing down my chest. I whimpered and kept crying as he got lower and lower, feeling every part of my exposed skin. His hands went to work, stroking and caressing every inch of my exposed skin, and every time he struck one of the bites it stung. I sucked in a sharp breath as he past one of the other bites. I could tell he was enjoying every second of this, it was evident by his heavy panting and sweating.
He then climbed off me and slicked back his hair that was falling out of place.
"I got an idea, ill let one of your arms go, and if you move to touch or grab me then ill break it." he said, his eyes completely gone of all reason and sanity now.
He walked over with the key and unlocked the bands on my left arm. Then he grabbed a knife. He got onto the dentist's chair again, and with a completely terrifying look in his features. His mouth curled into a grin the devil himself would fear. Then he brought the knife very carefully down to my chest and made a small cut, not deep, just enough to bleed. I moaned in pain, and he did it again.
He did it again and again and again, until I couldn't take it anymore and my chest and stomach were covered in these scars. I reached up to grab his arm, but he caught mine and pined it back down.
"Awww, looks like your arm has to be broken." he said. He climbed off me again and took my arm in his two slim hands. I looked away as he took his hands and positioned them. I felt a sickening pain, and heard a bone chilling snap. I screamed in agony as I felt my arm drop back down. Vincent strapped my arm back, and I was still wailing loudly and crying. He washed his hands and then took his coat and left.
Mark. Hurry.
(Another dark one, but hopefully mark and the police will get to you quickly right? Anyway suggestions are still open for scenes you want me to draw from the book to celebrate you guys. See ya!)
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