jack is here!

I sat at the edge of my bed. All was silent save for the breathing of mark on the left of me. Unpleasant memories and scenarios played through my mind like a never ending movie of sad. I was having flash backs to my parents, their disgusted faces when I told them about my sexuality, when I was little and they didn't care for me, and their happy attitude when they heard I was moving out. Despite all these short comings in the parenting department I did not hate my parents... I was just disappointed I never lived up to their standards. I was never really liked when little, I was the silent one. More and more depressing thoughts passed through my mind, I was on the verge of tears. Then the mentle image of mark's corpse on the ground from my night terror crossed through my mind and opened the flood gates. I felt two hot tears slide down my face as my hands began to shake. I let out a quiet sob, trying not to wake my sleeping partner. He didn't need to see me like this, like a reck. I softly lifted myself from my bed, and tiptoed out the bedroom door. I walked into the sitting room, and stood for a second, servaying the room. I then began pacing around the coffee table, slow at first but it was picking up speed. The only noise was the clock on the wall. Ticking and tocking infinite and never slowing. I found myself in a rhythm, and focused on keeping it. My arms crossed against my chest and my bottom lip in between my teeth.
I kept this pace for what felt like 20 minuets, getting lost in the silence and dark. I glanced up at the clock and spotted the time. "Damn it!" I cursed as I found the time in the face of the clock, it read 8:46. I decided that an early breakfast was in order. I trudged into the kitchen and made toast for both mark and I, then I realized I wasn't all that hungry. I dumped all the toast on to one plate. I then had a brilliant idea. I quickly found a piece of paper and a pen and wrote a note to mark, explaining I would be out for about an hour. I then put what time I am leaving, and grabbed my phone and wallet incase mark called or I got lost.

I strolled down the path I often trekked, it was nice and secluded so that I wouldn't have to talk to other people. The dirt and rocks crunched slightly under my shoes and the fresh air filled my lungs. The sun was just raising, and the sky was painted with pastel pinks, oranges, and purples. The lake and doc were soon in sight, and I quickened my pace a small bit. I approached the doc and sat down. I felt the weathered planks under me and a calming air took hold of the area. Early morning mist hung over the lake and gave it an eerie calm. I crossed my legs and stretched over them, reaching my hands out and almost touching the doc with my forehead. I held this pose for about 30 seconds and then straightened. I reached to the sky and stretched up, then twisted my torso to pop my spine. I then stood up. I took a deep breath and did a cartwheel for energy. My attention was soon taken by my phone, specifically the comments and feedback on the vlog about me and marks new relationship. I scrolled through a few and found that the majority was supportive, but you always have some bad eggs in every situation. A few heartful words were spread, but that didn't matter to me. I love mark and he loves me. If they can't see that then that is fully their problem, and theirs alone. I headed back on the trail, and began my walk home.

I walked up the apartment, coffee for mark and I in my right hand so I could open the door. I opened the door and was bombarded with party poppers and streamers everywhere. There was two male figures standing in the sitting room, mark and..... JACK?! I set down the coffee and gave jack a hug. He hugged back and we separated. "When the hell did you get here?" I asked cheerfully. "Came in this morning and helped mark decorate the place!" jack answered. "It's to cool to meet you in person!" I exclaimed happily. "Like wise!" jack agreed. "We should stay at my house for the time that jack is here." mark added. I then realized that I had never been over to marks place. "WHOA! I AM GONNA GET TO GO INSIDE MARKIPLIER'S HOUSE!" I exclaimed in a fake teenage girl voice. Mark and jack burst out in laughter. I looked around and spotted the two cups of coffee. "Awww now I feel like a jerk!" I pouted. "What's wrong love?" mark asked. "I got coffee for me and you but didn't think jack would be here!" I confessed. "Ill go make you some coffee! Be right back!" I hurried into the kitchen and put on the pot for coffee. I heard mark and jack laughing in the living room and smiled to myself. The coffee was done relatively quickly, I set it on the coffee table and walked into the bathroom. I just have to remember not to hog mark or jack because they haven't talked face to face in awhile. They just needed to chill and hang before I was put into the equation. I changed my bandages quickly and put them away. I snuck into my room and pulled out some sketching suplise. I servayed the room once I sat at my desk. I noticed the usually clean and tidy room was a tad bit messier since mark had come over. I picked up some things and cleaned the room up a bit so I wouldn't trip or break something. I went back to my sketch pad, and before I knew it, I had three chibi characters in front of me, mark jack and I, all in our little poses. (Btw chibi means short or cute)

I heard my name being called out from what seemed like the kitchen, so I set my pencil down and headed out of my room. I walked into the sitting room to see both the boys at the breakfast bar, jack had a glass in one hand and a dish towel in the other, obviously pretending to shine it as if he were in an old west saloon. Mark leaned over the bar with his arms crossed over the counter. Jack spoke up. "Howdy partner! Come on down to jacks saloon, we're havin' a chit-chat." he said in a cowboy accent. I laughed and walked over like I had spurs on my heals. I sat down at the bar and mimicked marks position. "Well look who we have 'ere!" mark exclaimed "he suuure is a looker ain't he?" mark turned the question to jack. Jack nodded and I felt blood rush to my cheeks "y-yer not so bad yerself buckaroo..." I replied in the mock western voice. Mark and jack both busted out laughing, filling the tiny apartment with warmth that had never really been there previously. "Sooo when should we head to your place Mr. Markiplier?" I inquired, "we can head out now if you wanna," mark answered. I jumped off the stool. "Hold on! Ill go pack some things then we can head out!" I proclaimed excitedly. I ran into my room once again and packed some clothes, sketching stuff, a charger, and some headphones. I ran into the bathroom real quick and grabbed my first-aid kit for my hands. I threw that in my bag and flung it over my shoulder. I quickly stepped into the living room and ran my hand through my hair. "This will be like a sleep over!" jack thought aloud, "I love sleepovers!" I said in a shrill voice, mocking a line in mark's resident Enis skit. We all laughed and headed out the door. I locked it with my key and we started our walk to marks house, all the while poking fun, laughing, and just generally having a great time.

(Okay.... Here is the chapter that was deleted, it's not word for word and I described a few things better and such. I know this one is only 1400 when the original was around 2000 but its because that last line was a good ending point, and a good starting point for the next chapter.)

(I have little idea where this book is going, but it has been brought to my attention that people want me to add dark and anti into this book and I am debating weather or not I should.... Give me some feed back and ill see how it goes.)

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