
I woke up drowsy and sick to mark's alarm blaring. I got up to the room spinning and I hurried over to the bathroom because I felt sick. I heard the bed springs creak over my noise that indicated mark rising from sleep. He turned off his alarm, checking his phone while unplugging it from the charger. "You alright love?" he called so I could hear from the bathroom. "Hangover..." I replied weakly. My stomic gave again releseing another wave of agony. I emptied my stomic completely, and wiped my mouth. I washed my hands then looked into the mirror above the sink, taking in my big bags and sickly appearance. I walked out of the bathroom over to mark, and hugged him lightly from behind as he checked stuff on his phone. I felt an arm curl over mine. He turned around and hugged me gently, leaving kisses on my nose and forehead.

"Hon you look drained. Lets get some breakfast with the boys and head to con." mark suggested, patting my back lightly with a kiss to my closed eye. I nodded slightly and he side hugged me and I went and got dressed, then brushed my teeth.

I came back moments later with some new black jeans, and a black and blue striped shirt. He grabbed my hand and my phone and we set off down the lobby where they provided free breakfast. I got some toast and strawberries and we joined a table with Ethan and Tyler. They greeted us and I gave a small smile and a wave as I bit into my brittle toast. Mark started talking about the con and I listened in intently. Mark, jack, bob, Ethan, and wade were doing a panel, then there was another one with felix, Ken, mark, and jack. Then there was signings and meet ups with free time in between. I couldn't wait to meet people regardless if they knew me or not. To think of it, when was the last time I made a video? I may vlog our trip. While I was recovering I knew mark was making videos and uploading, I was just resting the whole time. Took out my phone that mark had handed me and saw he must have charged it while I was drunk last night. I lent over and rested my head on marks shoulder. I felt him tense so I looked up at him with innocent eyes. He looked back down at my face and I saw his cheeks flush. I smiled softly and went back to my phone as he relaxed and his shoulder got more comfortable. He waved a hand in front of my face to tell me it was time to go.

We left the building and I opened Youtube and started a sneak live video. I held my phone up and giggled discreetly. Mark turned to see me recording and laughed.

"What!?" I asked in fake defense, "I haven't uploaded in almost a year! My 10 active followers crave content." I explained. I recorded as we got in the car and drove over to the center the con was held in, and we walked inside and got our special badges along with the times mark had to be at the different events he was attending, I took care in grabbing a map of the center, just incase. We walked arm in arm to a few different booths, some recognized mark, and they exchanged some words, mark even signed something for a young lady running a booth. Soon mark's watch chimed, telling us it was time for his first panel. We headed over to the stage and I got to sit in the back. Mark was mic-ed up and sent on stage where the others were just introduced. Then I was mic-ed up for some reason. Mark then called me on stage an i stepped out nervously. I didn't know I was in the panel as well. I sat down next to mark, and some questions were displayed on the big over head screen. The first was for jack, asking about his drums and anymore covers he wanted to do for different songs, there was one about the boner cast of course, but the third was for me, it read "this one is for y/n! How was your recovery, and any tips on how to pick up hot Asian Americans on the internet?" I read it aloud and everyone burst into laughter and I blushed.

"Well first off, my recovery was long and hard *cough* oh sorry that wasn't about my recovery." I glanced at mark and every one erupted in laughs and cheers as mark crossed his legs. "But yeah, my recovery went well, as for picking up hot Asian Americans, be super nervous and almost puke as he asks to sit at your table because the coffee shop is full." everyone laughed and the next question appeared for Ethan asking to do a backflip for mark again.

"Oh hell yeah!" he yelled and jumped up, he took position and back flipped in front of mark and I. I cheered and clapped as did everyone else.

Before I knew it the panel was over so I got my mic off with mark and he took my hand as we went to the signing booth. Mark and I sat at the table as the line stretched far. Mark put on a smile and kissed my cheek before talking to the first in line. I opened my phone, half paying attention to the interaction mark and the dude talking to him were having. I opened my news app, and searched through anything interesting in the news for L.A.. Then a title caught my eye.

"Prison break, 5 convicts escape"

I shiver and open the article, prepared for the worst. There was a list of the names along with how they got out.

Kyle Harve
Lucio Sammons
Jim Gebret
Sam windeo


Vincent Golric.

I checked the photos to see if it was him, the Vincent that kept me for so long. Upon seeing his face it caused me to start shaking. I dropped my phone and my breathing kicked into over drive, and I started panicking. Mark noticed this and stopped the conversation he was having with the fan. He bent over and hugged me tightly, asking what was wrong and trying to calm me down. I started sputtering and coughing, trying to get air back in my lungs as my vision went darker. The only words I managed to say was,

"He's out."

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