Chapter 6

(I am back, back again. Omnoms back. Phone a friend! Yeah I am really bored so I thought I would write! Who the *whispers* fuck, *gasps* cares if this thing gets reads or whatever! Enjoy the next chapter I guess.)

(Markimoo again yay!)

(Y/n) fell asleep in my arms and I took out my phone. I held it up and took a picture of him and me. I sent it to jack.

Mark: (picture)

Jack: oh god he's adorable!

Mark: poor baby... He got freaked and I am now cuddling for support. 👌

Jack: so tell me about your little... Discovery~

Mark: you perv.

Jack: hey! I'm curious though!

Mark: so we were starting and I was top... And then he suddenly flipped us and started being dominating and it was weird.

Jack: you let that tiny precious child be dom?

Mark: he was not precious when in the mood let me tell you that.

Jack: okay! Okay! I've heard enough! We should make a video today!

Mark: I'm down as long as I don't have to leave this precious smol bean

Jack: he can record to! I was thinking "keep talking and nobody explodes"

Mark: woah that sounds fun! Cool! I'm gonna go clean up a mess and make breakfast! Text ya when (y/n) wakes up.

Jack: see you!

Mark: bubye!

I got off my phone and carefully got out of (y/n)'s bed. I walked into the kitchen silently and started to pick up the shattered plate. I threw away the food on the floor and moped and swept. I was soon done with the mess on the floor and looked through the cabinets to find ingredients and utensils. I found the pancake mix, eggs, and hashbrowns. I was soon cooking and got done quickly. I set out two plates on the coffee table and made us each a cup of coffee. I guess it was more of a brunch than anything else. I soon heard a small adorable voice from the other room. "M-mark?" it called meekly. I walked into the room and saw a distressed (y/n) on the bed with his hair sticking out in odd places and wrapped in blankets. He yawned. "What's wrong love?" I asked. "I thought you left." he said sleepily. "Don't be dumb. I made brunch and coffee." I said walking over to the bed. (Y/n) rubbed his eyes and I picked him up. He nuzzled into my chest and I sat down on the couch with him next to me. "So how did you sleep?" I asked. He grabbed his fork with a small smile on his face. "I sleep without nightmares when your there." he said quietly. I blushed and smiled. He started eating. "S-so uhhh jack wanted to record a video with us..." I said staring at my beautiful partner. He was perfect in every way. I was so lucky to be able to sit with him here. To be with him at all. Then I noticed his hands were unbandaged. "(Y/n) where are your bandages?" I asked. He paused and looked down at his hands. I reached over and held his hands gently in mine. I inspected his hands. They had burns all over and cuts on the palms and fingers. I turned them over gently caressing my thumb lightly over the cuts. "What happened to them? What really happened?" I inquired. "Well a few months back there was an incident..." (y/n) said looking down at his hands in mine. "There was fire at my aunts house...she was my last family...she d-didn't make it out b-before the house e-ex-exploded." (y/n) said in a shaky voice. I couldn't bare to see him like this. "Well now you have new family!" I said in a cheery tone. He looked up confused slightly. "Me, jack, bob, and wade will be your new family!" I exclaimed. His features took on a happy and greatful expression. "You go bandage you hands back up and ill get the recording set up!" I said. He withdrew his hands from mine and stood. I stood to and he hugged me tightly before running off to the bathroom.

((Y/n) POV finally)

I walked into the bathroom and opened a drawer in the vanity. I soon found my bandages and took them out. I set the bandages on the counter and started to wrap my hands. I soon heard jacks loud voice from the other room talking to mark over Skype. I just finished bandaging up my hands and walked into my room to see mark sitting on a stool from my breakfast bar and jack on the screen in his recording room. "HEY (Y/N)!!!" jack hollered when I came over to sit down. Mark smiled and pulled up the gameplay on my computer. "Ok so (y/n) is going to play an ill be moral support!" mark said to the camera. I smiled. "So what are we playing fellas?" I asked. "We are playing keep talking and nobody explodes!" jack exclaimed. "I am going to be reading you instructions on how to defuse a bomb and you will explain the bomb and defuse it using the knolage I have provided you!" jack explained. "And mark is here to give me moral support. Got it." I opened the game and opened the book of bombs. "Me and jack have already played this so just skip the intro." mark said behind me. I clicked on the first bomb and I was introduced to a dark screen. Then the lights came on in game an showed a boxy bomb with three sections. We solved the three with no problem. We did a few more bombs each getting harder to solve the more we did. We eventually exploded and I ended my video. "THAT WAS AWESOME!" jack shouted. Mark laughed behind me and pulled up his chair so jack could see both of them well. "So... Are you guys a thing now?" jack asked, his smile wide. Mark wrapped his arm around my waist. I flinched a bit but then settled. "Yup! (Y/n) is my precious little love now." mark said. I blushed super hard and cast my gaze at the floor. (In this story we are gonna say mark was already gay) jack smiled wider. "Oh my god you guys are adorable!" jack squealed. "Any way I gotta go! See ya later!" jack said his goodbye and hung up his skype. I stood up and started editing. Mark sat on my previous chair and pulled me onto his lap. I was blushing super hard but kept editing as mark played with my hair and drew shapes on my back. This man, this beautiful amazing superhero, loved me. He was the first. I knew he was the love of my life. My soul mate. I finished my editing and layed back onto mark. His chin resting in my hair. I then got an idea. I got up and mark pouted. "Why you getting up baby?" he asked. "I wanna have a picnic at the lake of inspo!" I said. Mark got up. "Okay but IM doing the food packing!" mark said. "Okay well I am gonna get your clothes out of the dryer." I stated. "Nah ill keep these on." mark said walking out of the room. I grabbed my phone and went to text jack.

(Y/n): hey!

Jack: olah!

(Y/n): I guess I am gonna get that date with mark after all!

Jack: aw! Where you love birds going?

(Y/n): we are gonna have a picnic by a lake

Jack: oooooh that's so romantic! Was it your idea?

(Y/n): yup! Ill text ya later!

Jack: have fuuuuun~!

I closed my phone and chuckled at jacks silly way of talking. I walked out and saw mark with a basket in his hand packed with food that was out of my sight. "Ready?" he asked. "Hold on a sec." I said and turned back into my room. I put on a more decent outfit. I wore a (f/c) flannel with Grey jeans and black laceup boots. I walked back out and started to fix my hair. Mark was sitting on the couch and he looked up to see me. He got up and wrapped his arm around my lower waist. He kissed me gently on the nose and then grabbed hold of my hand. Mark then grabbed the basket and let me lead the way to the lake. We walked hand in hand, poking jokes at each other and laughing. We then got to the lake and mark and I sat on the dock enjoying sandwiches that mark had made. "What about your family?" mark asked suddenly. I gulped and opened my mouth to speak.

(Markimoo POV)

"What about your family?" I asked. (Y/n) opened his mouth and began to speak. "Well I'm an only child and my parents and I are not on good terms." he stated simply. He took another bite of a sandwich seeming to brush it off but I could tell the subject pained him. I decided to drop it for now. "Hey mark?" (y/n) asked "yeah?" I said. "Can I kiss you when I want to?" he asked. "Of course you can! You're my boy friend ri-" then I was cut off by (y/n)'s lips gently connecting with mine. I kissed back and pulled him closer. He broke the kiss. I spread out my legs in front of me and he sat in between them like a child. He leaned back on my chest and I curled my arms around his stomach and held him. My chin rested in his hair once again and we just sat there. Enjoying eachothers presence. It was like the word around us didn't exist. The trouble (y/n) had in his life dissapired. This was nice.

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