Chapter 2

(Changing pov in this one~ have fuuuuun!)
(P.s. I just like this song so yeah. Kinda goes with the story?)

Y/n slipped on his (f/c) converse that matched his sweater. He stepped out into the L.A. fall air. He locked his door and made a face to the camera as he walked down the stairs. His apartment was on the second floor. He decided on going by "The lake of inspiration" as he liked to call it. Woods suronded the clear lake and no one ever came there do to random rumors around town.
Y/n adjusted his camera and took out his sketch book and pencil wrap. He looked at the pages, every so often showing them to the camera and explaining it or a technique he had used. He made a small barley noticible Markiplier refrance and laughed at his own joke. It was about lunch so he signed off and started to head back through the woods.

~ time skip brought to you by bumble bee tuna (don't ask) ~

Y/n got back home and went to go edit and upload his latest video. After some amount of editing he uploaded. As it was uploading he walked out of the room to go make himself something to eat. He found various ingredients laying around waiting to be cooked and combined, but y/n was far to lazy. He decided on grilled cheese. He ate then had an idea. He grabbed his phone, laptop, and sketching suplise and walked out the door. He locked it and then left in the direction of the café.

~ mini time skip brought to you by mini moose! (High fives all around if you get my
references) ~

He arrived at the café and sat at a table in the corner. He started to sketch random Markiplier fan art when the waitress came around, one of y/n's coworkers. "Hey y/n!" she greeted rather cheerfully. "Hello" he replied with a soft smile playing on his lips. "What can I gettcha?" she asked. "(Insert favorite drink from café) if you will." he stated looking back down at his tiny sketch of a chibi markimoo."ok ill have it right over." she replied. Y/n soon got very engulfed in his tiny world of fanart and drawings. Then came a tap on his shoulder. He turned, "yes?" y/n responed. Moving his hands unconsciously away from his paper. "May I sit with you?"
y/n looked in utter shock as he saw who was asking the questioning. The short
Asian-American man stood, in all his glory. He wore his so called "lucky" flannel, along with a pair of black jeans. The man was distracted by the sketch book infront of (y/n). He looked down to realize that the page was covered in Markiplier doodles. He blushed a bright red and closed his book respectfully. Marks expression... Saddened? "D-did you need something sir?" (y/n) asked meekly. His idol, no his savior, was standing right I front of him. "Oh, a, yeah!" mark said. "I was wondering if I could sit here... It's kinda busy...." mark wanted to sit with him? With a tiny Youtuber who had just under a million subscribers? With a nobody? "Y-yeah go a-ahead." (y/n) stammered. "Thanks!" mark flashed a big smile and (y/n) blushed again. He unconsciously ran his once again bandaged grabbing limbs through his still messy hair. The waitress walked over just in time to break the silence. "Okie dokie! Here you go!" she handed him his drink and noticed mark sitting at the table staring at
(y/n)'s hands. "Does he wanna drink to?" she asked. (Y/n) looked over at mark and hid his hands below the table so mark could answer. "O-oh yeah ill have coffee." mark said, taking sudden interest at the pristine black marble table. The waitress nodded and walked away. "I didn't catch your name." mark said, straining in his seat. "(Y/n), (y/n) (l/n)." he said. "That's were I've seen you!" mark exclaimed, a light shown in his eyes. "Y-you know m-me?" he asked, now getting comfortable around his hero with headphones. "Yeah! I watch your Youtube channel!"
(y/n)'s eyes grew to the size of the moon. (I've been waiting to make a panic! At the disco refrance!)
"Really?!" he asked. Genuine surprise spread across his tired features. "I've never actually met a fan before!" he explained. "I was starting to think they were non exsistant." he muttered more to himself than to any one else. Mark burst out in his deep laugh that (y/n) had grown accustomed to over the years he has been watching marks Youtube career grow and grow. "Really?" He asked his face now I slight expression of shock. Y/n looked up confused 'had he thought I was joking?' (y/n) asked himself. "You actually were not joking were you?" mark asked, dumbfounded. (Y/n) made a slow nod as the picked at his bandaged hands under the table. "But why don't they meet you?" mark asked, more to himself than to (y/n). "Your funny, adorable and kind in your videos! Plus you are an exceptional artist to say the least!" mark stated. (Y/n)'s face was turning very red, almost competing with marks old dyed hair. (Y/n) took a sip of his forgotten drink. His hands were shaking. No one has ever complimented him that well. Not even friends nor family. Now his idol, his savior, one of the reasons he didn't just end it already.... Just gave him a heart felt compliment... And not even out of pity! Mark had realized what he said and went even redder then (y/n) (if that was possible) the waitress came back with marks coffee and handed it to him. He gladly excepted it and set it down. Thanking her, the waitress left to go work other tables. "So how l-long have you w-watched my v-v-videos?" (y/n) asked mark. He looked surprised that (y/n) could speak. "Well I found your channel about... Two years ago?" he estimated. "T-that's interesting..." (y/n) stated taking a causal sip of his drink. "Why?" mark asked with curiosity seeping into his expression. (Y/n) gave a small smile "that's a-about when I found y-your channel." he said. Mark smiled and took another sip of coffee.

~(Markimoo POV)~

I sipped from my warm coffee and studied (y/n)'s face. He acted so different from in his videos! In his videos he was a big goof and seemed like a fun guy to hang with. And his (e/c) sparkled when he was inspired with art. I felt I had knew him my whole life. I then realized that he too, since we had been fallowing eachothers Youtube about 2 years, might also feel like he knows me. Then my phone went off. I go to check it. Its a Youtube notification. "(Insert Youtube name) uploaded a video!" I chuckled and he looked over. "What's so amusing over there?" he asked. I shrugged. "I just saw a thing on Twitter that made me laugh." he nodded and looked out the window. Urgh I my mind won't shut up when I look at him. 'Look at his smile. Look at his far off eyes, look at his skinny build. He looks so cute~' I could feel my cheeks get hot again. "Hey (y/n)?" I asked breaking his deep thought. He turned towards me his beautiful (e/c) orbs now content on me. "What is it mark?" he asked. His voice his voice. As my name tumbled out his mouth I tried not to squeal. 'Get yourself together mark! You just met the guy don't fanboy on him!' I had to admit though... I was kind of a major fanboy of the younger male. "Why are your hands bandaged?" I asked suddenly and out of no where.
(Y/n) stopped for a second and ran his hand through his still messy and adorable hair. "I burnt them when I was messing with fire while my sister and aunt were inside the summer home." (Y/n) said. "Oh okay." I simply stated and grabbed a note pad out of my back pocket.

~( (Y/n) POV )~

Mark pulled out a pad of paper and found a pen left behind by the waiter. He wrote his number on the paper. He handed it to
(y/n). " I need to head back to my place and record my second video for the day." mark said with a sad smile on his features. (Y/n) stood and hugged mark. He was immediately engulfed in I huge bear hug. When they parted (y/n) slapped a twenty on the table to pay for their unfinished drinks and to generously tip his fellow waiter. He pocketed the number and waved to mark before heading out onto the pavement.

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