almost broken

It has been sometime since the last Simon had a visitor. That visitor happened to be my only hope. Now he was gone. I couldn't tell how long had it been. Weeks? Days? Hours?..... Minutes? There was no clock despite the sound of ticking constantly echoing off the stone walls. No daylight showed through anyware. The only time I could tell was when Simon came in to "play" and when he fed me. Feedings came sparsely, I guessed over a period of two days I would get a meal so I didn't starve. Bathroom time was allowed every once in a while. But each second felt like a day. An hour a month.

I was broken from my thoughts as Simon walked in through the big heavy door. I don't think I could take much more of this. He was smiling wide, almost unnaturally. I had gotten used to this look over the time I have been here. It means he has thought of a new way to torture me. I was at the moment tied to a table, no doubt he made it himself. He held something behind his back. He walked slowly around the table till he was next to my head on the table.
"Good morning y/n, or is it night?" he teased.

"I left your little boyfriend a gift last night." Simon cooed, pulling his arm from behind his back.

In his hand he held a set of photographs, each one a picture of me with all my wounds. I looked like hell. My eyes puffy and my arms cut up, bleeding from just about everywhere. I was naked as well. He had given these to mark.

"From the look on your face you aren't as amused as I am. Still sane in there?" he asked, tapping on my head.

I didn't respond as I felt the tears fall onto my cheeks. I started sobbing uncontrollably as I have done many times on this table.

"Awww hun, look on the bright side! If he turns the photos into the police all they will find is your blood on the photos and no finger prints! I have my own printer as well so they can't trace it back there either!"

He also took out another photo. It was a sneak picture of mark taken from outside my apartment. He was sitting on the kitchen floor curled up, his hair disheveled and his eyes red and puffy. He was wrapped in my blanket and had the pictures of me in his hand.

"N-no..." I stuttered out weakly. This couldn't be happening. Simon got a look of rage in his eyes.

"WHAT DID I FUCKING TELL YOU ABOUT SPEAKING?!" he flipped out, quickly switching from amused to furious in a matter of seconds.

I cowered back, trembling.

Simon slammed the photos down on the counter next to the bed and climbed up on the table. He stratled my hips and went for my neck, ceasing it in his hands. He gripped my neck tightly as I felt my airways closing as I gasped for breath. All I could see was the burning rage and hunger in his eyes as I felt my head swim as I lost vision.

Then there was a noise upstairs.

Simon stopped with the choking, which most likely will have left more bruised areas all around my neck. My throat was so dry it felt as if it was cracking as the airway was expanding and clear again. I went into a coughing fit as Simon got off of me and walked towards the door obviously raging about not getting to finish his fun.

(Vincent point of view ;])

I got inside the unlocked house pretty easily, and slipped through the door with relatively no noise. This was the house of that fucking victim stealer. I had broken out of prison just to see my y/n again. Then the bastard got to him first. I crept across the carpet, hand gun in one hand and blade in the other. I couldn't wait to see y/n's perfect body again, if that fucker didn't already kill y/n. I'd still bang him if he was dead anyway. Lost in thought I had accindently kicked something and it slid a few feet to the left.

"Shit" I thought, readying my weapons to engage someone in a fight. I heard the sound of footsteps and a door opening. A man tromped out from a hallway, metal bar in hand and a furious look in his eye. This would be fun.

I readied my hand gun and aimed for his foot while dodging his first blow. I shot and he screamed, but was other wise unphased as he got ready to swing again. He knocked the gun out of my hand and I went for a stab with my blade. I sliced his side and he yelped. I felt the hand that he had smacked and found at least one broken finger. The bastard. I got my blade again and sliced his other side. While I wasn't paying attention his arm came up with the metal poll in his hands and....



(Simon pov)

What an inconsiderate asshole. I felt blood seeping down my sides, and I knew I couldn't patch things up. If I called an ambulance I could take both me and this Vincent character to the hospital and he would get arrested again. Then he would be out of my way.

I stumbled over to the phone and put on my desperate act.

"H-hello? 911? I need an ambulance!" I cried

"Sir are you alright? Tell me what happened. we are sending one over now, what is the address?"

"T-this man came in and attacked me! He had a gun and a knife... I-I knocked him out with a metal bar, what if he's dead!?" I asked frantically, trying to sound like I cared weather he was dead or not.

"Sir calm down, what is the address?"

I gave her the address and hung up. I walked back over to Vincent and stepped on his chest. I heard a satising crack and laughed. That way he will remember me. I sat on the floor by him as I heard the sirens approach, and put my hands to my sides.

Two officers bust in and found us, I was lifted and supported by one, then another ran in with a stretcher for Vincent. I was loaded in the ambulance and set on a bed were they removed my shirt and began to patch me up. Vincent had been moved to a different car and I was perfectly fine with that. We began our journey to the hospital when the last emergency responder got in.

At the hospital I was rushed into an emergency care booth beside Vincent. I was hooked up to a monitor and two doctors rushed in. They told me I would need to be put under so they could clean examine and stitch up the cuts. I agreed and they gave me some gas. I knocked right out, but not before hearing that Vincent was waking up.


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