Our Lucky Flannel

{TBH, ever since I first saw this picture now when I see Mark all I think is: "OMG it's real life Maes Hughes from FMA!!!!"
Like for real. Lol even his smile is like Maes's and they're both such caring people!}


(Y/n) was sitting on top of me with her smooth legs straddling my waistline. Her elbows rested on either side of my head, making a cage with her arms as her soft hands tangled in my hair while she passionately kissed me. I kissed her back with just as much passion, my hands gliding up and down along her thighs. I wanted to prove to her just how much I loved her, but I understood that taking things too far so soon after Dark had done those things to her wouldn't be right.

Suppressing the desires that were starting to build in my pants, I focused on our kiss. I softly sucked on her bottom lip, gently biting it before lightly dragging my tongue across it. She slightly moaned and nervously started to pull away, her hands letting go of my hair and sliding down to rest on the floor as she pushed herself up. I used my upper body strength to do a kind of sit-up, following her to keep our lips connected in this heated lip lock.

My hands slid up to gently rest on her waist, my thumbs rubbing tiny circles on the sides of her stomach in an attempt to soothe her. "(Y/n)," I softly muttered her name into our kiss before pulling away just enough for us to breathe. My lips lightly brushed against hers as I continued to speak. Our slightly heavy breathing came out in hot puffs as they mingled between us. "I'm not going to do what he did. (Y/n), I just wanna show you how much I love you, how much I need you. Please, let me give you just a tiny glimpse of my love for you."

My brown eyes met her own bright (e/c) ones as I kissed her again. She seemed to look deep into my soul, searching me for any signs that this was wrong. That I was going to hurt her to get my way. A twinge of guilt started to form in the pit of my stomach when I realised just how badly Dark had hurt her.

She seemed to relax after a short while of thinking, and she slowly closed her eyes, letting out a shallow sigh as she leaned into the kiss. I too closed my eyes before slowly dragging my tongue across her bottom lip again. She seemed to hesitate a bit before slowly opening her mouth, gently pressing herself deeper into my embrace as if to say, "I'm nervous, but I trust you".

I slowly and tentatively began to push my tongue into her warm, wet cave. Dragging it along the roof of her mouth before wrapping it around her own wet muscle as I began to suck. She tasted so sweet, almost like strawberries. I moaned into her lips slowly moving my muscle inside her mouth and revelling in her flavour as I began to explore her sweet cave. She began to moan back as her tongue slowly began to dance with mine. It slipped itself away from my tongue and slid into my own mouth. Now it was her turn to taste me as she moans again and follows my example of sucking as she gives my tongue the same treatment. I smiled softly into our passionate kiss and lightly moan to let her know how happy she made me. I slowly began to pull away for air, twisting my hot tongue around hers one last time before fully separating.

I gently rested my forehead against hers. A string of our shared saliva hung in the space between us as the only thing that still connected our lips.

I felt a twinge come from her lower body and looked down. My already blushing face flushed to an even darker shade of red when I realised just how exposed she was. I could see her "flower" as it pressed against my pants. A small wet spot had formed on the fabric of my jeans beneath it and I could feel the heat of her core. I also realised that, despite my best efforts, there was a hard lump forming in my own pants.

I looked back up to see that she had been watching me stare at her. A blush of her own covered her pretty face as she quickly looked away. I lightly chuckle and bring one of my hands to tuck a lock of her (h/c) hair behind her ear. "You're so cute when you're embarrassed (Y/n)." I smile at her and kiss the tip of her nose.

"S-Shut up.. idiot..." she muttered to me but giggled anyways. I smirk and lightly shake my head before moving her a little further back along my legs. I leaned over and grabbed my flannel from the floor. She must've dropped it when I first came back. I brought it behind her and began to gently dress her in it. I began to button it closed as I slowly made my way up her warm chest. Once that was done I sat there with my hands gently holding her upper arms.

A sudden look of realisation crossed her face as she brightly smiled up at me. "Mark! The next time either you or Jack leaves, would you promise me that you'll look for some more clothes I could wear?" I smiled gently at her and nodded. "Yeah, after everything that's happened I'd feel a lot better if you weren't so exposed. Besides, now that I'm your boyfriend I really think that I should be the only one to see you like this." I slightly drawled out the whole 'I'm your boyfriend' part, loving the way it sounded and the feeling of it rolling off my tongue.

She cocked an eyebrow and smirked up at me. "I don't remember you ever asking me if you could be my boyfriend, Mark." I nervously laughed at her smug face and scratched the nape of my neck. "W-well I thought that after our kiss we'd be together. Y'know, like a.. silent agreement kinda thing!" I cheekily smiled and she just shook her head. "Nope. That's not how this thing works." I chuckle as I look down at her challenging grin. "Alright then, (Y/n), would you do me the honour of becoming my lovely girlfriend?"

She placed a hand under her chin and looked up as if in deep thought. "Mmmm... No." I brightly smiled, and was about to hug her, when I stopped dead at the realisation of what she'd said. "Wait, what?! What do you mean 'no'?!!" "Mmmmm.... Yeah, sorry. I don't really feel like it." She shrugs.

"Y-You're serious?" She looked up at me and I could see the bull shit grin grow slowly on her face as she giggles. "No! I'm only joking! Hehe! I'd love to be yours Mark!" I warmly smiled at her and wrapped my beautiful girl up in a big hug. When we pulled apart a bit she was brightly smiling with a light blush.

"That was mean (Y/n)." "Really? I thought it was hilarious!" I shook my head at her before remembering what we were talking about before. "Oh, and by the way, I'll send jack to look for your clothes. After all he needs to start doing things around here." After I said that I suddenly remembered what happened to jack.

He'd been trying to turn the power back on and was just about to get into a wet suit when Dark found him. Long story short; they got into a fight and Dark had stabbed him with a knife from the kitchen.

I gently move (Y/n) and get up, helping her to her feet as well. "C'mon, I wanna see how Jack is doing." I began to walk but she held me back. "Don't bother him. I bandaged him up and he took a couple of sleeping pills. Let him sleep. Besides...." she seemed a little embarrassed and reluctant, but continued to talk after looking away and a moments hesitation. "I'm exhausted and I can't stand the idea of being without you again. Please... won't you stay with me, just for tonight, and then.. check on him in the morning? Please Mark? After he was here... I jut really want to be with you, and only you. Like... how it was before Jack and Dark came. Just.. us."

I sighed but nodded anyways. I trusted that she took good care of Jack. And anyways, I could tell that she needed me right now. I walked to my bed and pulled back the sheets and blanket, lightly laying her down on the mattress and tucking her in. It kinda makes me happy to know that after everything that's happened she still can find comfort in me. Despite all the bad things that've happened, she still wants only me at her side when she feels distressed.

It's a really interesting feeling. I'm satisfied and proud that she only wants me, even though she's been through a lot of awful things and just needs some comfort. It's like... being happy about the result of something bad, but also not... I don't know. I'm just, glad. But I'm also sad for her too, and angry at Dark.

I sighed, dismissing my swimming thoughts as I walked around the bed and took off my pants and shirt. I was only in my boxers as I crawled under the covers beside her. She smiled as I gently wrapped my arms around her, and turned in my arms so that she was pressed into my chest. I lightly kissed the top of her head, the feeling of her cool, soft, (h/c) hair lingered on my lips as I rested my chin on her head. I was thankful that the hard bulge in my boxers had calmed down quite a bit, it meant she wouldn't feel anything and I was saved from the embarrassment of my boner.

I slightly smirked and sort of snorted at the thought before looking across the room and out the windows on my wall. I slowly and gently caressed her hair as I watched the midnight waters from my bed. I thought about the time I'd first arrived on this planet, of how looking out at the beautiful deep ocean scene before me used to make me feel so lonely and hopeless. But now, as I looked at the glowing fish and plant life, I felt hope. Hope that one day I'd get to explore this ocean's depths with (Y/n) and Jack, and that we'd find a way home together.

I wanted to take (Y/n) home with me. I wanted to show her Chica, and I wanted to introduce her to my family. I wanted to show her off to my friends, hell I wanted to show her off to the entire world. I wanted to say, "this is my beautiful girlfriend, and I love her with all my heart!". Heh, (Y/n): my girlfriend. It's got such a lovely ring to it. And maybe... just maybe, she'd become (Y/n): my wife. Hmmm... (Y/n) Fischbach. Yeah, I like that.

I looked back down at the sleeping woman beside me and smiled. She looked like an angel in the dim light. My heart swelled in joy and pride as I watched her fall into the world of dreams. She was finally mine, and I intended to do my best to protect her and make her happy.

I watched her sleeping form for a little while before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep. We'd been through a lot these past few days, and I was glad to finally have some time to relax and just let go. I began to dream of a future together with her, and felt myself smiling as I fell asleep.

{Time skip brought to you by a wild Ethan in its natural habitat}

(Y/N)'S POV:

I stood in the kitchen, happily humming a tune as I organised three plates of food for us. It was around lunchtime, and Jack had woken up about an hour ago in a state that Mark had called "High as fuck". It was a side effect that taking too many of the sleeping pills all at once could cause.

At first I didn't really understand what he meant by that, Jack wasn't in the air nor was he fucking anyone. But, when I looked around Mark's broad shoulders into the hospital wing and saw Jack half naked and twerking, I completely understood; he was out of his freaking mind.

Both Mark and I had just stared at him, but when Jack started loudly "singing" and laughing while he tried to take off the rest of his clothes, Mark turned me away and insisted that I leave. I didn't even know wether to be happy and touched that Mark was looking out for me, or upset and annoyed because I wouldn't get to see what else Jack would do.

So here I was, putting fried peepers on plates and slicing lantern fruit. When I finished dividing the food I grabbed some water bottles and made my way back towards the hospital wing. I had one tray in each hand and another balanced on my head. I must say, I've come a long way from not being able to walk at all.

I rounded several corners and went through a few corridors and I could hear the mumbling voices of the two men. Well... more like one exasperated Mark voice and one hyper Jack voice. I followed the growing voices until I came to the closed hospital wing door. I could hear them crystal clear now.

"NO! You can NOT eat a syringe!! IT'S NOT CANDY!! Jack- JACK put that down! S-stop twerking with the trash bin!!" That voice was Mark's, and he sounded extremely annoyed. There suddenly was a loud crash, and the sound of Jack's happy go lucky laughter quickly followed it. "You can't pin me down Mr. Rainbow Troll! HAHAHA!! ... AHHH!!! You've got red fire on your head troll man! Have you been playing with the matches? You're not supposed to unless Daddy Bob is there with us, you know it upsets the fairies! And they lick your toes when the unicorn stabs Wade!"

I mean, it...kinda made sense? But it also didn't...? I didn't know what was happening and I started to feel like maybe I should just sit this one out. Yeah... I'm not so sure I really wanted to deal with this, and besides, I could always help Mark organise his lockers! Yeah, that's it! After all, they got a little messy since Darkiplier was here and it would be such a help to him!

I took a step back away from the door as I reasoned out why it was okay for me to leave Mark to deal with this alone, but stopped when I heard Mark yelling.

"OW SHIT!!! GOD DAMMIT JACK STOP SLAPPING MY HAIR! IT'S NOT ON FIRE!!" "YOU SIT ON A THRONE OF LIES MR. TROLL (Elf reference? Anyone? No? Okay....) I KNOW YOU PLAYED WITH DADDY BOB'S MATCHES!! OOOOH!!! There's fishies outside!! I wanna play with the little fishy!!!" There were several wrestling sounds and grunts before a large slamming sound resounded from behind the door. My guess was that Jack had just tried to jump through the window.

"Owwie!!! The invisible wall slapped my body! I'll just have to get to the fishy through the magic portal hole!" More scuffles, grunts, and crashing noises could be heard. "Jack just calm down! Uhh.... OH LOOK!! The fishy wants you to lay back in bed! 'Go to sleep Jack-a-boy!' See!? C'mon Jack, listen to the pretty fishy!" I snorted as Mark did a horrible fake girl voice for the "fishy's" plea to Jack.

"STOP LYING TROLL MAN!! GO BACK TO THE RAINBOW BRIDGE YOU CAME FROM!!" I tried to contain my laughter but stopped when I heard footsteps running towards the door. I tried to back away even more and was just barely able to dodge the door when it was flung open.

"NINJA FLIP!! WOOO!!" Jack came crashing out of the room and slammed into me. The trays of food I was balancing came crashing down around us as we landed in a heap on the floor. Jack was on top of me and I realised he was only in his boxers. They were the same shade of green as his hair and had little green.. eyeballs...? I also realised that his hands had miraculously landed perfectly on my boobs and he was slightly squeezing them.

"MISS FAIRY!!! Wooow you've grown tall! But why do you have balloons on your chest?" His big blue eyes were wide open and he had a big toothy grin as he practically yelled in my face. He squeezed and poked my boobs even more and I finally came back to my senses. "M-MARK!!! Get him off!!!"

I began to struggle again and raised my hand to slap the crazy green haired man when he was suddenly flung off me. I looked over to see that Mark had him pinned down and was straddling him as he tied his hands behind his back with some spare wires.

"NOOOO!!! Let go of me Rainbow Troll!!! The fishy will be mad and I have to pop the magic balloons on miss fairy!!" Jack was kicking and struggling beneath him as Mark struggled to tie the knot in the wires.

Mark huffed our a sigh of annoyance and relief as he finally got his loopy friend restrained. "You're not popping anyone's "Magic balloons"! Especially not if they belong to my girlfriend!" He got off him and lifted him up with a grunt. He then slung him over his shoulder and staggered his way back into the room before plopping a struggling Jack down on the bed.

"OOOOH!! Mr. Troll has a thing for miss Fairy??? YEAH TROLL MAN, GO GET SOME FAIRY BOOTY!!!" Mark cringed and turned to see me dying of laughter on the floor. He instantly smiled at me and shook his head, walking over and helping me get up from the ground.

He led me into the completely trashed room and looked around until he spotted a rag that wasn't thrown on the floor. "Here, let's clean you up." He began to wipe the food off my face and body. I smiled at him and looked over at Jack, who was... licking the pillow he was resting on....

"Gah! God Mr.Troll, this giant marshmallow tastes weird! Why isn't it sugary?! I demand to know, tell me fairy lady!!!" Mark sighed and I giggled. "(Y/n), remind me to hide those sleeping pills from Jack. I'm not going through this shit again."

I rolled my eyes and took the rag from him so I could clean off my chest. "Will do." After that we started cleaning up the room.

About thirty minutes of us cleaning and Jack saying and doing a LOT of weird things, Jack had suddenly groaned and started sobbing. "Everything SUUUCKS!!! My head and side are KILLING me and I feel like-*gag*- oh no. MARK GET THE TRASH BIN!!!" Mark was by his side in an instant with the bin and I turned away as Jack started to retch. "You owe me soooo badly for this Jack!"

I turned around once Jack sounded like he was done to find a disgusted Mark holding the trash bin as far away from him as possible with a grimace on his face. Jack had... well, he had cried more before passing out.

"W-what happened to him?!" I asked Mark while nervously placing my hand on Jack's forehead, he had a fever. "Well that's what happens when you use medicine incorrectly. He was loopy for a bit, and now... he's crashed and burned!" He smiled at the end of that sentence and I sighed and shook my head. "Well that's a nice way to put it."

He let out his wonderful, rumbling laugh, and grinned at my remark. "Y'know, it actually is. To be honest I'm a little upset that punk wasted my medicine and I've got some.. choice words I'd like to say about this situation right now.... But, he's more than paid the price for it with all the side effects he's gonna deal with. Anyways, let's get cleaned up." He stood up straight and I immediately gagged.

"Ewwwww. I'm sorry, but that's so gross!" His grin broadened and he nodded. "Yeah... did I forget to mention I've got about half of Jack's stomach contents on my pants? He might have gotten out of the punishment for wasting resources, but I'm definitely gonna get him back for this! I'll also get him for him touching you and getting food all over our lucky flannel."

I looked at him in happy curiosity as we started walking out of the room and through the hallways. "What do you mean by "our" lucky flannel?" He chuckles. "Of course it's ours! First it was my favourite shirt, and now it's your dress! And... if you think about it, it's the first gift I've ever given you!"

I felt the blush creeping up on my face. "Oh Mark! That's so sweet! Hehe, you're just one big sweetheart aren't you?!" He blushed as well and smiled even brighter than before.

We'd continued our conversation and had eventually made our way to the moon pool. Mark set down the trash bin and it's horrid contents, and then he turned back towards me.

"Well, both of us are pretty dirty right now. Just look at your gorgeous hair! Jack got food all in it, and even with help from the rag you're still covered! I'm not even going to look down at myself!" I turned to the docked sea moth and saw my reflection in its windshield.

My (h/l) (h/c) hair had bits of fried fish and lantern fruit tangled in it, and there were bits of food I hadn't noticed before were all over the flannel. Now that I was really looking at the mess on me, I felt absolutely disgusting. I made a face at my disheveled appearance, and Mark must've seen because he came up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know what that face is all about. All I see is an incredibly beautiful woman and an almost equally handsome man. Don't you agree?" His reflection winked up at me and softly smiled. Not two seconds later I saw my own face smiling back at his. "Yeah, you are pretty handsome~"

No sooner than the words left my mouth, did I see my face turn bright red and his turn into a merry grin. "Aww shit! Did I really just say that out loud?!" I looked away from the reflection embarrassed, and he ruffled my hair. "Yes. Yes you did~"

I felt him lean closer to me and could feel his warm breath on the shell of my ear. "Look who's a sweetheart now~?" He smugly whispered before giving me a kiss on the cheek. I was about to deny him when I felt something wet and warm slowly glide across my cheek. I slightly shudder at the feeling and quickly look up to see Mark smirking back at me with that dumb face of his that basically screamed, "I'm about to say something stupid and there's nothing you can do about it." .

"Wow, I think that lantern fruit is even sweeter when it's coming from you~ I'd love to eat you up and lick you all day just for that sweet, sweet taste~"

My mouth dropped and my face was bright as a tomato again as I quickly turned away. A warm liquid dribbled slowly from my nose, which I quickly recognised as a nosebleed, and I quickly slammed a hand over it to stop the flow. I guess Mark realised how dirty that sounded  because he quickly started nervously laughing and trying to backtrack.

"I-I didn't mean it like that! Err.. I mean, if- if you want it to be like that then it can... but I really wasn't intending to come across that way and- and- Oh God! Sometimes people say things that they don't really mean to be dirty, but then dirty minded freaks like us hear them and.. yeah...."

I started laughing and smiled at him once I'd finally stopped the nosebleed. "Oh my God, that was great!" He looked away, flustered after I said that, but lightly smiled anyways.

"W-whatever. So, do you want to shower first or is it alright for me to go?" I tilted my head a bit. "Sh-shower? You mean like, the rain? Or is it something else that I don't know about?" He deadpans and starts laughing again. "W-what?! I already told you that my planet doesn't have everything your planet does! How am I supposed to know what that is?!"

He continued to laugh and even wiped away a stray tear from his eye. "I-I'm Sorry! I know I shouldn't laugh but come on! Don't you ever need to clean yourself? What do you do for that here?"

"For your information we do have hygiene here! There's a special spring that's hidden under one of the precursor's bases that we'd go to when we got dirty. We really don't have a need for it though since we live in water, basically just us swimming and moving around would pretty much keep us clean. But I did always like to go there with my big brother! It's got these special flowers that make you smell really good! Me and (b/n) used to play there when we were little! Hehe! We'd throw them at each other and try to make a crowns with them! He always tried to make a scent bomb to throw in our house! Oh you should've seen Dad's face when he did that! He was always so fun to be with and I really... miss.. him...."

I realised what I'd just done too late. Mark now knew that I had a family. His face was brightly smiling as I reminisced, but got somber when I stopped talking. I saw the tears that had started to well up in my (e/c) eyes in the reflection of the sea moth's windshield. I quickly blinked them away and forced my face into a smile.

"A-Anyways! Umm... w-what is this "shower" thing you were telling me about? I'd really like to know so that I can get all this food off me, and you can get all of that off yourself." I quickly changed the subject, hopefully he'd take the hint that I didn't want to talk about my family.

He pulled me into a disgusting hug. It's not that hugging him was the disgusting part, it's just we were both covered in gross things and I really didn't feel like mixing them together. "It's alright (Y/n), I know it's hard but if you ever need to talk, I'm here." He pulled away and had a gentle smile on his face. I instantly felt better just by seeing his caring face and my fake smile was turned into a real one.

Mark then grabbed my hand and started leading me back towards his room. "Now c'mon. I'll show you what a shower is. Uhhh... well I mean.. what the actual shower is, not how to do it. I mean we can shower together if you'd like but we don't-" "Yeah that's fine."

A huge blush grew on his face after I'd said I didn't mind showering together. "W-what? Is there something bad about showering together?" He nervously smiled and opened the door to his bedroom. "Well I wouldn't necessarily call it bad, but it is considered rather... intimate for two people to share a shower." "Oh..."

The realisation of what he was saying slowly dawned on me as he led me to his bathroom. "It should be fine if we don't look at each other though, right Mark?" He nodded and opened the door to his bathroom.

On the far side of the room was a large glass and tile box with a metal pipe coming from the wall. Leading off the metal pipe was a round metal thing, and a little ways directly below it was another round metal plate on the wall but this one had a handle.

Mark slid open one of the glass panels and turned the handle, instantly a jet of water burst from the round thing connected to the pipe on the wall. He turned and pulled out two fluffy white towels from the cabinet below the sink.

He took a deep, slow, breath before turning to me. "Alright, And You're sure you want to do this together?" "I already said yes, why would I go back on that now?" He shrugs and started to take off his shirt.

I had to stop myself from staring at his well built body, and turned away so I could start undressing myself. When I was completely naked I took a glance back at Mark. He'd turned the other way too, but I was still impressed with his attractive body.

"Okay (Y/n), I'll go in first and face the wall while you get in." He took a step into the shower and waited, facing the tile wall completely. I took in a deep breath and followed suit, turning to close the door and thereby trapping myself in the steamy shower with him.

The warm water felt heavenly and I could feel all the grime just washing away. The hot beads of water cascade down and drip from my (h/c) hair onto my body, gently running down all my curves. Mark handed me a bottle of something and told me to rub it in my hair, but not to get it in my eyes. I noticed that he'd already started lathering the stuff into his own hair.

I stepped away from the warm water and let the cold, white, creamy liquid pool in the palm of my hand before bringing it up to my hair and doing the same thing Mark was doing. I could feel the little bubbles forming in my hair and stole a glance to see that his whole head was white with their suds. I backed into the water again and slightly jumped as I pressed into Mark's hot back. We shared the water and washed away all the soap from our hair.

I began to fidget under the water, my legs started to grow numb and sort of... fizzle-y if you could even describe it like that. "H-hey Mark?" "Here this is the body soap, again don't get it in your eyes." He quickly handed me another bottle and I saw that he'd started rubbing this new soap all over his body.

I'm not gonna lie, I was kinda turned on by watching him. I sigh and push the thoughts about the tingling sensation away as I began to clean the rest of my body with this new soap.

Once again I backed into the water to let the soap become washed away, and once again the fizzing feeling returned. "Mark, I really think that someth-EEEK!!!" There was a bright light and I could feel my legs fuse together as I fell to the floor. "(Y-Y/n)?!" Mark turned around and sort of caught me and pinned me to the wall at the same time.

We were both fully exposed to each other, but neither of us was focused on that. Between Mark's legs, where my own legs should've been, was a (f/c) tail with (s/f/c) fins. "M-my tail!"

Mark helped get me out of the shower and set me on the cold counter of his sink. Both of us were looking away from each other as I tried not to look at his manhood and he tried not to look at my breasts. He then grabbed one of the towels and turned around as he began to dry himself.

I took the other towel and did the same. Once I was completely dry, the fizzing and itchy feeling returned and with another bright light my legs had returned. "Mark, they're back! Look!" I quickly covered my private parts with my hands and arms and Mark wrapped his towel around his waist to cover his manhood before he turned to look.

"Huh, so tail when you're wet, and legs when you're dry. Well that's not a cliché at all." I tilted my head at what he said, he must've seen my reaction though and started laughing. "It's an Earth thing. Like seriously, with practically everything that involves a mermaid they'll have a tail when they get wet and legs once they're dry." "Oh... okay....?" He smiled at me. "Don't worry about it, I'll show you once we get home."

"Home? Oh! You mean, once we go to your planet? Heh, I was a little confused since we're already at my home, but... I wouldn't mind going.. if I was with you." I had a light blush and he leans over and lightly pecked me on the forehead in a silent thanks. Then he grabbed the towel from beside me and told me to stand up.

I did as he said and was a bit surprised when he reached his arms around me. "You're gonna need to move your arms, but I promise not to look... too much anyways." I scoffed at his stupid joke as he just grinned, but did as he said anyway. His gentle arms brought my own towel around me as he wrapped me in it. I was a little nervous as he tucked in the tip awfully close to my boob, but he was gentle and stepped back when he was done.

"There! All clean now." He smiled and leaned down to pick up our filthy clothes. "What are you doing?" He picked up my shell bra and I looked away with embarrassment. Once he had all our clothes he turned to me. "Well you're gonna be wearing that towel as a sort of dress now, I'm just taking our clothes out to one of the floating islands to clean them, and I'm gonna clean out my trash bin as well. Just lock the door once I leave so Jack can't get in. Oh, and I'll do a drive by on my way past our windows." He sorta waved as he left and a couple minutes later I saw him going past the bedroom window in his sea moth.

I giggled since he was waving our flannel like a flag at me before he drove away. I moved away from the window and plopped down on his bed with a sigh. I grabbed his pillow and hugged it to my body, enjoying his scent on it as I began to sleep. I had a dream about me and Mark exploring what I thought Earth would look like, and I couldn't wait for when we actually did get to see it.


*see my joke? ARE YOU PROUD MA?!MA?!! Aww she never responds...*

ANYWAYS! Enjoy all the sweet lemonade your parched, fangirling, heart could ever desire in the very next update! That's right folks! The VERY NEXT UPDATE!! Come one! Come all, to this exciting event that takes place between (the legs of) you and the man you love!

*I just have a dirty mind ok?!*

Don't forget the tissues to stuff your nose! And don't forget your IV's with all your extra blood for those moments of extreme blood loss!

Tell me if you liked it or not, think up your future kids names! (I'm just kidding there won't be any kids this round, but you can bet that I've goat a good lemon cuming )

*hah! More puns! Lol I'm basically Sans now! Papyrus would be so mad!*

Alright, alright I'm leaving! Thank you all anyways and tell me if I need to improve this chapter! I'll see you all with a light head and a massive nose bleed in the next update! Author-chan out! ~<3 }

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