Worrys up above
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Time POV
I paced worryingly around Skyloft.
I mentally cursed and hut myself as I saw what just took place and did..... Nothing!
I growled and went to find the Zelda of this place.
I searched for ages and eventually found her on the edge of the island by the graveyard singing a song and strumming her harp Gently.
I approached her wearily and slowly.
She must have heard my armour clanking against eachither as she strum her song to an end and turned to face me.
She reminded me of my Wife back home, Malon. Oh I hope she's okay. I smile slightly at the though of there possibly being a child when I returned but the throughs where clouded with a cloud of worry for my commerads.
"Oh! Your one of Links friends, I saw you at the Skyloft thing. You where the one who sat out right? I apologise but can't remember your name.... Oh and where are the others?"
She rambled on. I took each quick-fired question in to account and faced her, sighing.
"I'm also link, but call me time so it doesn't get confusing. Yes I sat out because I wasent going to get involved and I was looking out for any threats approaching me. It seems as I've failed as they are not down on the surface, and the weird demon guy who knocked them down has sk- your link."
I explained. Worry and panick arose to her face. Anger whipped her face as she looked under the tree by the graveyard we where in .I only just realised that.
"Ghirahim is the demon you speak of. He came before. Link defeted him and his sword shattered across the surface. We recovered the shards of the sword and placed them under that tree. Impa, link and I all placed a protection on them to make sure they didint bind and let him roam once more. But it seems we have failed. The sword is buried under that tree. You may dig it up, but the worry is that it may not be there or it is binded back to a sword. My link has the goddess sword and is the only one with enough power to break the blade again."
I looked sorrowly at Sky's Zelda. She was on the verge of tears.
"Thank you for the information. I will be off to the surface to meet with the others. I will be back with them. Is there any way to get up from the surface? And a calm way down?"
She nodded, her hair falling onto her face, the breez blowing behind me blew it back into place.
"I can offer a loftwing. And there are Bird statues but they are most likely unusable and unactivated without Fi. The spirits that recides in the goddess sword."
I nodded and turned to leave, sleds spoke up. I turned back and saw her sobbing.
"Please be safe..... Link can hold his own but please try to reunite him with the light...."
I nodded and walked to the barracks to get some more equipment.
I entered, the knights looking at me weirdly but I egnored them, grabbing a bag of Rupees and a new quiver of well-crafted arrows.
I went and found the loftwings bumping into someone on my way with the leashed Loftwing.
"OI! Tin can, that's my Loftwing! Where are you going with it?"
I turn to him. He has red hair that whips up in a point. It was slightly darker than Malons. He had to guys behind him that looked like jocks.
"The surface. And I'm borrowing him. He will be back in perfect shape."
I continue walking egnoring the boys.
"OI! Come back! I wernt finished!"
He started to run to me, I quickened my pace.
I felt a strong grip on my shoulder but I was significantly stronger than the guy and carried on walking. He scoffed and walked infornt of me.
"Listen here. I don't know who you are but you are going to explain to me why you are going to the surface before you take my Loftwing anywhere!"
I looked him up and down. He was a bit shorter than me and I could easily take him on.
But I know I was not looking for a fight so I sighed and told him a brief story.
"Basically, a ressurefted Demon names Ghirahim kidnapped Link and my friends fell to the surface so I'm going to go save them and Link."
The red head looked confused and I took the opportunity to run past him.
He was so shocked he never noticed me dive off the island.
Earlier I was listening in to Sky's Loftwing presentation and copied what he said.
Exept this Loftwing had no reins. Like sky said, there was one guy who could do it by taps or whistles.
It still had the leash on so I untied that and retied it quickly into a set of reins I was praying would work
It did
and it was surprisingly easy.
I soared around before diving down wjere I saw my comersdes fall down.
The thick cloud was blinding and when I got through I almost hit a tree.
I circled around and saw them under a section on bushy trees. I swooped down and landed near them.
The scarp talons scratched and upturned the dirt, it's large back exacted a loud squawk frightening the poor group.
It's wings flutterd as I jumped off.
"TIME!" the young link said as he ran and hugged me.
I smiled and ruffled his hair.
I looked to the group. Wild has awoke. Now only 2 where passed out.
Twi and Warriors.
"Hey, um. Is warriors okay?"
The group looked sad
"No. His arms have been torn. He put too much strain in them and they won't be the same."
Legend said sadly.
I looked at him, I saw where the blood has append throguh and stained his tunic.
The new one to the group, wild, spoke
"Where's sky?"
The group looked sad and looked guilty.
"He's been taken by a demon"
Four replied scoffing
Wild shouted
"Calm down. We are thinking if a way to get him back"
Wind said
"I got some information from this Zelda. He's in a lair. He can stand his own but not for long. And she doesn't know how strong the demon is. But his name is Ghirahim. He had his sword broken by Sky years ago. The sword shards recide now under a sacred tree protected by magic. But Zelda thinks it may have joined together or gone completely. She granted me permission to dig it up"
I said relplaying the information given to me into a shortened version for the group.
"Well, what are we down here for?!"
Hyrule said annoyed.
Out of nowhere, a runner came from the ground. Four and I ran to its source. It was a giant goddess statue. However, it was being levitated by Black and red magic.
I looked in awe and panick of the floating island return to the sky.
In its place where a temple. It was a spiral pattern. Stone markings and a weird stone grave thing lay in the middle.
I took one step then was thrown backwards by a shockwave of force.
I saw the stone rise. A big black monster with rows of teeth grew from within.
I looked in utter horror as it faced me.
Four screeched and ran to the group.
They returned with a tired looking and sloppy Twi.
The group looked shocked, Hyrule was unpresent, staying with a Passed out Warriors.
"what the fuck.....?"
Twi corakced.
"No idea man, but we gotta kill it. It doesn't look good, that's for sure!"
Legend said.
"Well, look. It has toenails. I feel they are a weak point. It Remus on them to stand. Then, when it's stunned from a fall, we could jump up and attack thr stone sword ok it's head"
Wild said.
"Snart-ass" Twi retorted
"Nice one" I said, complementing the hero.
I started walking towards the beast. Four ran to the cannons with Wind. Wild, legend and Twi all joined me
"See you on the other side"
Legend said, running towards the demon.
We followed, into battle.
Well, tell me what POV you want to see next. Love ya!
Word count - 1413
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