
Characters now look and act more like the original LU from JoJo, so go check their work out aswell ok Tumblr but can also be found on Google and Pinterest.

Also I'm adding Past cus yes

Enjoy this!

Wilds POV

As we stepped through the swirling portals we where met with a joyful island. In.. the sky.

Wait what?

"WOAH! Sky is this your island?!" Wind exclaimed jumping up and down

"Yep it is Sailor. C'mon I'll show ya around, And I assure you, there are no monsters till you reach the surface" Sky replied running off

We all followed suit. I walked calmly behind with Twi who the others sometimes called Ordonian or Rancher.

"Ya know ya can speak tiny"

Tiny?! Who's he calling tiny?!

I signed back to him

I made a vow. I choose not to speak and quite frankly, don't know if I still have a voice

"Nahhh. C'mon, we all made Vows and got them broken somehow. I think the Goddess understands why and, she wouldn't mind ya talking around us as we are also hero's. So don't think to much if this but I'm making you speak today weather you like it or not Tiny"

Again with the tiny?!

Fine. Your arrogant. Now how do you speak again?

"Your calling me arrogant. I guess you haven't been around Old man so long so I can see where you get it from. Anyway, I'm strayin'. So, you build up courage and just try making your mouth move and feel your throat say the word."

I nodded and tried. I opened my mouth to say a hi but a mixed up gurgle erupted instead. I flushed red, embarrased. Twi laughed slightly.

"It happens to the best of us Tiny. Now, just try again but think of it more smoothly. Just think of yourself saying the word... I dunno. Hello"

I nodded again and tried. My throat tickled as the word flew up it into my mouth. My lips.moved suit to the word I spoke.

Somehow, thank the goddess, I was able to speak a very clear hello.

"Wow. Hello aswell Tiny. Now just try say something to me. For example, 'Hi I'm Wild, what's your name?'"

I nodded, again, and tried speaking. The same weird sensation in my mouth as my voice spoke words.

"Hi I'm Wild, what's your name?"

The rancher looked shocked at my capability to speak so fluently.

"That's well done. Now, when your in a conversation and you want to speak, just do what you did there all over again. And now we need to somehow find Sky."

I looked around with Twi. All we saw where normal Hylians. No heroes.


Twi smiled at my improvement to speak.

We looked around when a blonde girl in a pink and white gown with Tan trousers, big boots and a harp jumped Infront of us.

"Hello boys! You look lost, may I help you in any way?"

Her voice was calming and recognizable. I and Twi both recognised the voice.

"We uh, where looking for our friends. They went wondering round and we got lost"
Ordonian said rubbing the back of his fur filled neck passed the fur on his shoulders

"Ah! I just passed them, they where looking for you actually. I said I'll try find you and take you to the Take off pad. Follow me, I'll show you the way"

She took off, her dress and hair swaying as she walked.

"I bet you 10 ruppess that it was Old man who saw we where lost"

"Hmm, I've not been here long but I think it was Warriors."

We approached the group with the blonde girl. Sky hugged her, thanking her.

"Whered you two go?"
Time asked giving us a look with his one eye.

"I was teaching Tiny here how to talk!"
Ordonian said.

"Stop calling me Tiny, I'm barely shorter than you."

"But your still shorter than me so."

"Shush! Sky said he wants to show us something." Wind said shushing us.

"I haven't done this in a while but here it goes."

He ran off the platform into the clouds.

"Sky!" We all shouted exept Time.

We heard a whistle and something red zip past us. Twi's eyes lit up


Heroes like me who didint know what a loftwing was where confused but the ones who did looked calm.

Sky appreered, riding the Loftwing.

"WOAH! Please, Please,Please let me have a go Sky, Pleaseeeee!"
The Rancher exclaimed

"Sure. You can all have goes, I'll just teach the basics. Oh! ZELDA! Could you please go grab some Loftwings and send em over here!"

Huh? The lady was Zelda? I see the resemblance... My Zelda looks very similar to Sky's...


She rushed off

Sky was telling us about the Loftwings while Rancher,Sailor, Captain and Four jumped inpaitantley.

Sky's Zelda flew by and landed with enough Loftwings for most of us.

"You will have to go in pais and one person sitting out as we don't have that many spare Loftwings."

Twi rushed over and chose a green one and pulled me on with him.


Warriors and Wind shared a white Loftwing, Four and Legend shared a pink one, Past and Hyrule on a Orange Loftwing. Time decided to sit this one out

"Right. So normally you would start by jumping off and whistling but that's after you get used to your Loftwing. To start moving use the reins provided and kick lightly the side of the Loftwing. This will start it to move. Use the handling reins when the Loftwing jumps off the platform and pull them up immediately. Otherwise you will fall down below and yeah, not a smart idea. So, afterwards, you basically lean where you want to go. Pull the reins slightly when you lean to direct the bird. When the Nord likes you more, you can just lean and the bird knows you. For example, a friend of mine, Groose , Has no reins on his Loftwing. I think he's crazy, but up to him"

Sky said. Zelda giggled a bit at the end.

"So! Who's going first?"

The Ordonian shot his hand up, the fur on his shoulders went all in Wilds face.

"Right, I'll go with you so if you fall you won't die. Unless you have some sort of sailcloth or paraglider?"

"I have a Paraglider" Wild responded

"Great. You know what to do, go when your ready."

Wild nodded and held on tightly to Twi's Waist. Twi kicked the side of the bird lightly. It squawked and ran towards the edge, jumping off.

The heroes waited in anticipation for the pair.

From below Skyfoft, a tornado flew. Sky and his Zelda looked terrified.


sky warned. As the heroes moved back, a figure appeared after a splash of red and black diamonds came with him. He was holding a passed out Twi and Wild. He chuckled them carelessly on the ground. Hyrule and Legend pulled them towards the group.

Time and Sky stood Infront with warriors drawing his sword with them.

The figure laughed and spoke in a deep, annoying voice

"Heh, Skychild! Happy to see you again! And it seems youve made some very unnatractive friends" He cooed

"Leave us Alone Ghirahim. I killed you, how are you here?"

The figure, now identified as Ghirahim, Laughed again

"Why you merely killed future me. I swapped past and future me out with eachither. And, as you where playing around with the sky Maiden and the old lady, I slipped through the gate! Quite magnificent how none of you noticed..."

Sky looked shocked.

"Your quite cunning Ghirahim. But, Sky and I have both killed you. We know your damn power and can kill you again." Warriors threatened.

"Oh really now? I don't recall you ever being with Skychild until now! And if you know my power.... Then you would know I'm always one step ahead of you. All of you reincarnations of the Skychild. Yes, I know who you all are. I was there when demise cursed Skychild and the Skymaidens Bloodlines for eternity! Quite magnificent!"
Ghirahim claimed. The hero's looked shocked.

Was this the Demon Sky was talking about earlier? The demon paced round and stopped just to the side of the group.

"Hope you all have a great time, done below by the way!" He claimed.


Sky claimed too late. Ghirahim snapped his fingers and a barrier appeared behind them and pushed them forward and off the platform, and off Skyloft.

Cliffhanger hehehe

Thanks for the small amount of reads on this. I really do try my best!

Love ya

Also pls check out my discord


Word count ~ 1471

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