Welcome back, hi if you made it here and liked it so far.
Hope this is good. This is my take on Linked Universe btw
Zelda POV
Father stood up ready to speak
"Hello champions, Appointed knight, Princess and all of the guards. We have gathered to address a issues about marks appearing on the champion, The knight with the sword and the princess herself. I would kindly ask for the champions to come up, and the decendents of not them. Revali, or Teba please come up"
Teba nodded as Revali was still passed out. He told a guard to notify him if he wakes.
He flew up to father.
"Please, enlighten us on to why Champion revali is passed out at the moment. And what his take on the marks are."
Teba nodded, clearing his throat.
"Master Revali believes the marks are something not from Calamity Gannon... But maybe someone similar. He also says the marks are draining his energy and ability to updraft. I can confirm that this is happening. He started to updraft and it went half as high. I was then thrown up and away and when I flew back, He was passed out on Death mountain."
Some gasped. I walked forward.
"If I may, Teba, Father. I have more information from Urbosa before something celestial happened."
Father nodded and motioned for Teba to leave. Teba bowed slightly and flew down to Revali.
I was about to move when I heard shuffling from the way to the Gerudo. I looked and Urbosa was awakening. I rushed over.
"Urbosa! Are you okay?"
I helped her up.
"Y-yeah just exhausted. "
She looked around and bowed to the king. The king looked her way and bowed his head to the chief.
"Lady urbosa. Welcome. If you are wel enough, please, come up and explain your take on the marks. Zelda said something happend at Gerudo Town. "
Urbosa nodded and walked up to the top.
"I believe the marks are things that drain our powers and give it to our decendents. I cannot recall what happened but I feel drained of my lightning."
This king looked disaapointed. I walked up there and looked to urbosa
"What happened is Both the chief's passed out after their marks glowed a bright green and started shooting lightning. Lightning came out of Urbosa and struck into Lady Riju. "
All in the room where confused and shocked.
"From what I've heard from Teba, Revalis updraft has transferred to him."
Teba looked at his hands. He then looked at revali. Revali was unmoving. I looked confused. Teba shook revali and checked hi heartbeat. He then started to panick. We all looked on.
Teba POV
I checked Master Revalis heartbeat after I saw no breath.
I started to panick. Everyone just looked on.
I shouted Guards ran over and prayed past me. I forced back.
She squeezed through.
"What's up? Is he okay?"
"No.. he has no heartbeat."
Everyone went silent.
Mipha put her hand up to heal but instead it was nothing. She looked at her hand and then Sidon.
"Sidon, here. You have my power. "
Sidon looked worried. I don't blame him.
"But i- I don't know how to use it!"
Mipha grabbed his face and brought it to hers, whispering something in his ear. He nodded and put his hand over Revalis heart.
A glow appeared, it was mixed with bubbles. Sidons eyes where closed.
Mipha rested her hand on his, travelling her energy left aswell.
It stayed like that for a while.
Until revali shot up.
Zelda shouted.
Revali looked at her weakly.
He looked at me and scoffed.
"T-thought you died."
"But you did"
He chuckled and I did aswell.
"I'm fine, now go away"
He said flapping his wing.
I thanked Mipha and Sidon and the speech continued.
Zelda POV
Father carried on his speech, welcoming revali back.
He talked about how this will be bad if it continues as the decendents can't yet use the abilities gifted by Hylia to the champions.
My eyes wondered round the room and landed on link. Something seemed off. He was looking straight up. I looked closer and his eyes where a bright white. I shuffled over and shook him.
His mark glowed.
He started to float barely.
I stood back in panick.
"Link? Link! Link!"
Attention was drawn to me as more people rushed over.
A circle shaped portal with clouds appeared.
Someone clad in green fell through.
I rushed over to them.
They had chainmail armour on and a weird elf hat. They also had the master sword.
How has he-
I got pushed away and he rolled away as someone else fell, this time from a watery portal.
This person was a child, no older than Riju. They where also in green with the weird hat. He also had the master sword
The portal changed to one that looked like clocks.
The first guy grabbed the kid and pulled him out as a guy a bit older than the two fell through.
He had a master sword aswell. And also wore green with a weird hat. He also had a mask on his forehead.
The protal formed into one that looked black and yellow, a man clad In green, again, fell through, almost landing on the mask wearer
The portal changed to one that looked odd. It was black and had some blue swirls in the middle.
This guy wore a darker green but still with the same hat and sword.
The older guy with the mask grabbed this guy out the way.
The portal changed to four colours Blue, Green, Purple and red
Someone clad with those four colours fell through. He was a bit older than the kid but younger than the others. He had a bat and the sword the same
Daruk grabbed the teen quickly as someone fell out of a portal that glowed blue. This one wore chainmail and green with a blue scarf. He had the master sword and a hat aswell.
Sidon grabbed him as another fell. He wore a mid green tunic and no trousers. He had a backpack that broke his fall. He had a sword and hat the same.
All the green tunic men had a shield only spoke in legends as the hylian shield. According to legend, only the one who wields the master sword can use the shield to its full potential.
The portal closed and Link fell down, urbosa supported his fall as he came back to his sences.
All the green tunic men awoke, they helped eachother up. All of them seemed to bare the sa.e sword mark on their eye. Some however, had weird marks.
The dark tunic guy had some black, red and blue marks covering one side of his face which he so desperately tired to fix his hair over.
The one in light tunic and hat with chainmail had diamonds of black and red over his face with the sword. On his eyes he had red Wings of what looked like marks of eyeliner.
The kid had blue wave like marks on his forehead
Half of the mask wearers face was covered in a zombie like skull. It was covered with the mask.
The one who came out a black and yellow portal had those coloured eyes. He also had cracking, popped out veins that looked black
The multicoloured teen had multicoloured eyes that changed through rapidly as he spoke to himself. He had some splats of colour around his eyes
The trouser-less guy had marks on his legs that looked like a triforce and a sword.
The guy with the blue scarf has some weird language and half his face was decaying and glowed dimly.
They looked oddly fammilliar. They all got up and looked around.
"Hey um, where are we?"
The diamond boy asked to noone in particular.
"You are in Hyrule castles Sanctum. Who are you and how did you come through the portal?"
I asked, curiously.
"Hyrul-? Urgh! Twi I was just getting used to your realm."
"Well I don't control this crap!"
The one he called twi responded
"Someone has to explain and I dips not me!"
The kid called out
"I second that!"
The blue scarf said
"Fine. I'll do it just shut up!"
The diamond guy said
"We are the past hero's of legend. We are all Link, and wield the master sword and triforce ya, di, da. I guess you also have a link "
Everyone in the sanctum looked shocked to say the least. Link stood forward curiously.
The one nicknamed Twi said rushing to our link and inspecting him.
"Up to Hylia"
The trouser-less guy said. Link looked freaked out.
"Wait.... Didnt you say? Heroes of Hyrule? Asin from the legends? But.... Your all dead. The past hero of Twilight died over 10,000 years ago... How are you here?"
Mipha asked.
"10,000 YEARS AGO?!"
All the heroes looked shocked.
"10,100 to be exact thanks to the calamity but yeah "
Revali scoffed.
"Wow I feel old."
The diamond one said.
"If your all called Link, how do you tell eachother apart?"
Urbosa asked.
"Ah well we decided to go for our names of what we where called. Like, I'm the hero of Time so I am nicknamed Time."
"Im Warriors! As I am a captian of warriors!" He said dramatically earning a laugh from the kid
"Wind! Hero of the Wind and sea! I'm also a Sailor!"
"Sky, hero of the Sky"
"Your the first hero! How is your sky islands? I heard they are really cool!"
Yunobo asked interested
"Fun? Their down low now and kind of broken. "
"Four. Hero of the four sword"
"Twi! Hero of the Twilight!"
"Hyrule! Hero of... Well.. Hyrule"
"Legend. Hero of legends?"
I said.
"Our link is Hero of Wild. He's also Mute."
The other hero's looked sad.
"Did he make a vow? Or born?
"He made a Vow to the goddess and hasn't broken it for 112 years."
Urbosa replied.
"112 YEARS?!. How old is he?!"
Time asked.
"Nearing his 120th birthday. All of us here are over 100. We all got frozen in time when our link died and entered the shrine of ressurection."
I said looking sad.
"He's been through alot. "
Warriors said
"Yes. Now, how did you get here?"
My father said. All the heroes bowed exept the kid. He started crying and run up and hugged my father's leg.
I felt bad for the kid.
"Wind, C'mon sailor. That ain't him."
Warriors said, beconing the kid over. The kid reluctantly ran over, hugging the hero.
"Is he okay? Does he want anything?"
"He's okay, just getting flashbacks. Captain will take care of him though."
Four said calmly
I nodded and stood back.
Maybe these marks wernt so bad after all.
End of chapter 2. This one's long my god.
This is also my take on the linked Universe. No hate pls. No corrections unless I've missed something vital.
Hope you enjoyed!
Word count ~ 1866
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