Meeting the Wife

Ello again lmao

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Wild POV

We stepped throguh the portal. I felt myself being chucked sound and we ended up in a wooded area filled with bright green trees and small houses.

"Right. Who is this Hyrule belong to?" Four asked

"Why it's mine. Now, we won't stay here for long. I know my way to Termina from here. Come along" Time said

He took us over a rickety bridge and we found a stable. We all got horses and rode along.

It faded to night so we set up camp in a sketchy Swamp

I took first whatched.

It was all calm. Time took second watch. I fell into a blissful sleep.


Morning arose and I cooked us all a loaf of bread and a omelette.

The group was surprised at my previously hidded cooking skills

"Normally we leave Twilight to cook, never a good idea. Don't know why we didint stop." Legend said

I smiled at the complement and Twilight looked a bit annoyed

"My cooking is perfectly fine thank you!" He countered

"Great cooking my ass! We get severed either Uncooked or Burnt food because you fall asleep!" Warriors remorsed.

Twilight took offence and stared daggers into Warriors soul. Warriors didn't Flinch

"Ladies ladies, Let's just agree Twilight should take lessons From Wild. Hmm?" Sky said resolving it.

Both of them huffed in defeat.

"Right. All Eaton? Get up, were nearly there." Time said eagerly.

"What's got you do happy?" Hyrule Commented. We agreed.

"Never seen ya this happy old man."
Twi commented earning a hit to the head

He huffed a ouch and mounted his steed.

I gave mine a couple apples which it gobbled up before mounting it.

We where back on the move in no time.

Time showed us out of the swamp to the plans of a field. There where some cattle grazing but other than that is was calm.

In the distance was a barn and a small house.

Further in the distance was a small town.

"Home sweet home." Time side before galloping off

"Seriously?!" Wind shouted. He had no idea how to ride a horse and was all over the place.

Eventually we got to the Barn and House with only Wind and Legend falling off.

"I'm never riding a horse again" wind commented as he got off.

We laughed at his reaction to Simple horse riding.

We followed Time who walked straight into the house, no knocking. Though I wouldn't be surprised, i do it way to often.

Inside was small but homely.

It had some pictures up around and a staircase. If you turned rifht it led to a Kitchen/Lounge. Upstairs I guessed where the bedrooms.

"Malon. You home?" Time called out. A hmm was heard from the Kitchen and we all went that way.

Time rushed up to a Red haired lady. He kissed her gently

We where shocked

"How on Hyrule are you and Wind only able to get girlfriends!" Twilight commented

It caught the girls attention

"Link, hunny, who are these guys?" She had a sweet voice. It had a stereotypical southern farmer accent.

"These are my friends. Or comersdes. They all possess the spirit of the hero, like me. Introduce yourselves"

Sky cleared his throat

"I'm Link... But I'm nicknamed Sky because it just gets confusing. I am the original hero! Hero of the sky!" He posed dramatically.

Four huffed

"I'm also link. Nicknamed Four. Hero of the Four Sword ya di da whatever" Four said annoyed. He was awoke this morning by falling out his hammock onto the cold boggy water. He's still pissed.

"Moody. Anyway! I'm Link, once again. Nicknamed Twilight! Hero of the Twilight. I am Old man's direct Descendant!" Twilight alos posed like Sky

"I'm sorry, old man?" She asked confused

"That's my nickname. Made by Rancher. Used by Rancher." Time said unimpressed

"I'm also called Rancher. It's a two way deal. I get to call him Old man, cos he's old, hd calls me rancher, cos I worked on a ranch " Twilight explained.

"Stop hogging the attention!" Wind exclaimed. Twi put his hands up defensively.

"Anyway! I'm Link, once again, again. I'm nicknamed Wind, Hero of the Wind and Sea!" Wind said happily

"Your so young hunny." She said sympathetically.

"Trust me, he doesn't act it. Anyway, I'm Link or Legend. Hero of Legends? I wasn't really given a title." Legend explained

"I'm Hyrule. Hero of Lorule and Hyrule. Like Legend I wasent really given a title."

"Lemme guess, y'all are all called Link? Hence the nicknames?" She said

We all nodded.

"Anyway! I'm warriors, hero of........ Warriors? Eh I don't know."

"Oh um. Um Wild, hero of the Wild. Though my era is in chaos at the moment." I said feeling guilty for leaving it behind

"Oh my Malon you should see his cooking. It's devine!" Time commented. I flushed red in embarrassment.

"Is this competition i sense? If so I'm up!" She said determined

I looked awkwardly around.

Time signalled for me to go to Malon who was clearing a space.

"Y'all are gon' be the judges." She said "now do you have Ingredients or do you need some?"

I looked at my hand

"I have ingredients. What are we making?"
I started removing my jewelry and garnets revealing my odd arm. She looked at it oddly but swallowed the question as it made me uncomfortable.

"Dunno. Let the links decide! Whaddya want for lunch boys?"

They chattered amongst themselves occasionally hearing a word or two from sky that was simply 'No pumpkins!'.

"Fried wild greens with a side of Milk and a seared gourmet steak please!" Wind declared, shutting the others up

"On it! 3, 2, 1, GO!" She shouted.

I pulled up my inventory and looked through grabbing the needed ingredients. I was gonna step it up and make Hearty fried wild greens.

I got the radishes, herbs, mushrooms and a rock salt for a pinch of flavour

I mixed them in a bowl with some Oil that I have never seen before. Malon Supplied it

I cut the radishes up small and chucked them in a pan and friend them up with the mushrooms.

After they simmered a bit I added the Salt, herbs and a durian pre cut to remove the ungodly smell

They fried up and I put them on a plate.

Next was the steak.

I summoned up a large steak from my inventory, a herb, Goron spice and I already had a rock salt.

I crushed up the slat and herbs and mixed it in with the Spice and oil. It made a paste.

I layhered it onto the steak and put it in a pan with a lid on top.

I grabbed a milk from my inventory and boiled it up

I then put it in Cups.

Malon Eyed me closely as she was going after me.

I let the milk settle and the greens I kept warm with a flameblade next to them. Probaly not the safest but I didint know what to do.

I cleaned up my mess

A ping went off in my head and I checked the meat. It was cooked through.

I got a large plate out and put it on.

Then, I put it on the table.

The dishes of wild greens I placed next to it.

I have milk to all along with a plate and set of cutlery

"Aaand time! Looks delicious"
Malon commented.

I smiled and stood back and whatched them dig in I had a small portion of greens and meat. Malon did aswell

"Oh Hylia! What is this spice on the meat? It's devine!" Sky commented

"Oh, um, it's Goron spice from my era. It's really expensive"

The group nodded and ate it all up.

"I'm sorry Wild but I ahve to be honest. Amazing meal, extraordinary, but Malons milk is better." Time commented.

"Its true. Ya see, my milk is made with Alcohol. 10x better" she explained" and it's from fresh cattle that free roam graze "

I nodded, understanding what she was saying.

"Thanks Wild! It was amazing! Can't wait for dinner!" Wind commented. Him and warriors went outside with Legend, Hyrule and Four to explore.

It was me, Time, Sky and Twilight left.

"So how are yalls lives? Any ladies?"
Malon asked

"Hunny. Why is this a regular question any time someone arrived over?" Time asked. We laughed

"Hmm. It's a valid question. Ain't it?" We nodded.

"Not really? I mean there is this girl in my village, but she's been engaged to someone in Hyrule. I live in a Village, Ordon village. After I saved Hyrule, I gave up being a servant for Zelda and went back to the farm. It's amazing there, everyone is so nice." Twilight said, smiling

"I'm sorry for ya, Twilight was it?" She said. He nodded

"How bout you, umm. Sky?"

"Oh um well, the girl I like is well, Married and I found out she's now Pregnant. So thats lovely. And I'm unable to love now my soul is connected with a demons..." Sky said

"Oh my. That must be hard on ya. How bout you chef?" She looked at me. I smiled at the Nickname

"Well, two girls where fighting over me. Heck, everyone in Hyrule loves me for Hylia's sake! Anyway, the girls fought over me knowing I didint like either of them. Now I actually like one of the girls younger brothers."  exclaimed

"Wow, that's a story and a half!" Malon commented.

"Even though I'm 117 he's a Zora so he ages differently and he's around my age so no worry!" I said quickly.

The people in the room where shocked.

"Your 117?!" Sky commented.

"And I'm called old man...." Time returned

We laughed

"That was before we met Wild. Shaddup " Twilight said defending his point

"Still. I'm not that old!" Time countered.

"That's true. We only are married and have a baby on the way. Kinda like Sky's lover and her husband. Sorry for the comparison dear" Malon apologized

Sky just nodded.

We heard Winds scream from outisde and saw everyone laughing and him getting thrown off a Bull. Malon laughed.

"Remember us doing that as kids? Haha! The memories..." She said scruffing up Times hair.

"Mhm. With Cremia and Romani. Seeing who would get thrown the furthest." Time said.

"I swear you won but you suffered a broken..... Arm. And the lady from the Inn had to take care of you until you here better . Haha, fun times" she said and kissed him on the forehead. She held her stomach.

"I'm gonna go save Wind before he gets killed." Sky said. I followed, with Twilight leaning on me as we limped out.


Wholesome chapter lols.

What dish shall Malon cook? Find out next time onnnn

Malon Vs Wild!

Anyway, have a good day, night or whatever

Luv ya!

Word count - 1822

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