Different POV's Each chapter, they will be listed at the top!
Zelda POV
I awoke to the sound of the castle bells and loud knocking on my chamber door. I got up, fixing my night gown and answered.
"Who is i-"
I was interrupted by Link pushing in and looking close to my face. I felt his hot breath on mine and I felt my cheeks heat up lightly with a giant blush. Damnit.
He grabbed a close piece of paper and a quill, wrighting something quickly and sloppily.
"Link what are you doing?"
I asked. He gave the piece of paper to me. It had smudged words on and was scribbly.
It read
Marks. I woke up with a blue sword under my eye, you have a triforce on your cheek.
I gasped and looked at him. It was true. My cheek tingled and I lifted my hand to it. There was a piece of skin, slightly arose from the rest.
I rushed to my bathroom and looked. A bright yellow triforce design on my cheek.
I grabbed a sponge and filled it up with water. I tried scrubbing it off. It stuck, and now my cheek was red and sore.
Link passed me another note.
I've tried that. They seem to stay. What do we do? Noone else in the castle has these marks. I don't know what they mean but I feel they aren't good.
I huffed and looked at him. His emotionless eyes spoke many words, ones of panic.
"I have to agree. Well, we gather the cha-"
The second time today, interrupted. This time by a bang on my roof. We rushed out.
We saw Revali, laying on the floor, feathers scattered round him, he got up slowly.
"So you have them to, huh"
He said pointing to our marks. His was green and made wavy lines up his left side of his cheek behind his eye.
"Yes. Link and I have them, we don't know what they are or what they do"
Revali perked up.
"I have some sort of idea. My updrafts, take alot more energy and don't go as high. My flight is also decaying and takes alot.more strength than before. I feel as though they are eating our abilities and soon won't be anything more than useless"
Link and I went eye wide.
"You don't think.... It's Gannon?"
"Could be. But we need to see if the other champions have these marks."
I looked down and then back up, thinking.
"Yes. We shall head out with guards, it quicker than letters. Revali, if you can, head to Goron city and tell Daruk and Yunobo to meet us at the castle. Go collect Teba aswell of you can."
He nodded and updrafts off.
"Link you go to Zora's Domain and collect Mipha and Sidon. I'll head with guards over to Gerudo and collect Urbosa and Riju. Got it? "
Link nodded and ran off, his run seemed slower. Huh.
At Gerudo,
Urbosa POV
I felt uneasy with this new marking. I felt drained ever since it appeared. Riju also has a small one but not as threatening as mine.
It felt tingly. Like my electricity when I use it. Odd.
I heard guards run in, alerting me that the princess was here.
The princess? Why was she here?
"Lady urbosa." She bowed and continued. "It seems you have one aswell. Link, revali, and I all have marks, and judging by that you have it, I believe Mipha and Daruk have them aswell. "
Odd she brought that up.
"Yes. Riju also has one. "
I beckoned for her to come over to me. Hers was like mine but smaller.
Zelda gasped slightly.
"Oh my, there the same. Both green lightning... Lady Rijus is smaller though. Revali has his theories, like always, but I believe him this time."
Now I was interested. Revali? Actually being right? It's a miracle, like these things.
"Go on."
"He feels drained, of his powers. He claims his updrafts aren't as high as before and he crashed into my roof this morning."
I was shocked.
"I feel the same. It feels as though my lighting it being ripped from my grasp"
Riju spoke up, in that small voice.
"If I may, I feel the opposite. I am mearly learning lady urbosa's lightning ability but I feel as though I have more than before. I can feel it in my blood, I feel more how lady urbosa said she doesn't."
Everyone in the room was shocked. I glanced at the princess who seemed panicked. I felt my right eye hurt. It's where the mark was.
Guards ran over to me and Riju. I gasped my mark, I fell over hunched.
Zelda POV
I ran to urbosa. She fell down grasping the mark after it glowed a bright green. Riju looked fine. Green lightning emmited from her and stuck Riju.
Riju's eyes went a white as she was stuck. She fell down, passed out. Urbosa was aswell.
"Oh my god. Buluria ( I think that's her name. Urbosa's guard is who I'm talking about ) has this happened before?!"
I asked panicked.
"N-never! Lady urbosa! Lady Riju, are they okay?"
"Merely passed out "
A guard responded.
"Bring them to the castle, we have horses."
"Yes." Buluria snapped her fingers and guards lifted the pair up.
"Someone get Lady Riju's Patricia doll. NOW!"
Buluria shouted. A guard ran off returning with a massive plush that looked like a Sand seal.
The guards lifted Lady urbosa out and ran out of Gerudo town to the stable. They stopped momentarily to change people at the Bazaar but carried on.
We got to the stable and put them on horses, Buluria and another high appointed guard got on with the girls. Buluria with Riju and the other one I didint know the name off was with Lady urbosa. Huh.
I got on my stallion and led the way through the canyon to the castle.
We went through the plains rather quickly. We saw link riding on Sidons back through rivers with the Zora. In the sky, Revali was passed out on Teba and we saw Gorons enter the Castle.
We entered and saw the people of the town line up and whatch us as we galloped past and put our horses in the stables.
The guards walked with the pair over their shoulders. I now had a chance to talk to the Gerudo lady.
She was the same height as Urbosa and had short hair. Her face was covered with scars but she rocked the big eyeliner and red eyeshadow, matching her hair.
"Excuse me. "
She galnced my way, bowing her head.
"What's you name? I like to refer to people by their names and you seem close to Lady Urbosa."
"Kanji. And I am Lady urbosa's Fiancé"
I looked shocked. Lady urbosa was marrying this lady? I've only met her once! Wow.
"Oh, um- Congratulations! "
I said, at loos for words. She smiled at my wide, goofy grin.
We entered the Sanctum and saw Father sitting there. Daruk and Yunobo where waiting. They both had marks the same. Theirs where bright orange pentagon's around their eye for Daruk and cheek for Yunobo.
I sent a quick look their way and their worried looks turned into panick as they saw the two rulers of Gerudo town passed out. Father also looked worried.
The royal guards got them some seats and the Gerudo guards put them on the seats and stood behind them.
I waited in the center, looking round as anyone came in.
Teba flew in and landed roughly with another passed out champion. More chairs for Revali and teba stood behind.
The bright green wavy wind - like mark on his white feathered face stood out more than on revalis dark blue face
Wet Zora walked in, they where given towels. Link was also with them. His hair was dripping and Sidon and Mipha where trying not to laugh. Links face was angry.
Sidon and Mipha has bubbles going up their face from the corner of their mouths. They where a light blue and had dark blue swirls going up with them.
Link trudged away, drying his hair. His clothes where also soaked.
Mipha ran over to me quickly.
"Sidon went under the water and forgot link was on him and link got soaked. It was really funny, talk later"
She spoke quickly and walked with Sidon.
Father stood up and hushed everyone, this was going to be long.
Chapter one out. Hope it was good, give me requests on any page and love ya!
Word count - 1440
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