Part 4 Found

Wait what!? I screamed excitedly. I hugged him from the joy that came over me. Really where I said still over excited? In a boarding school in Maui, Hawaii. He said. Ok let's go gather up Dylan,Penny, Aurelia, and Ross. We all went at our fastest. We finally reached Birmingham after flying for a hour. When we got there we were surprised to see a house and all of them sitting in front of the cozy house. Josh! Dylan and Penny screamed at the same time while running toward him. Hey squirt he said to Dylan! Penny! He hugged her too. Have you your penny he said in a pirate accent? Ay captain she said as she showed her a penny! All three of them laughed. Dylan turned towards me. Thanks CJ he said happily! He ran up to me and hugged me super tight. I rubbed his hair. Every one except us three looked super confused. What? I asked. You really think they came here as a coincidence? I asked. Yeah Ross mumbled. No Josh sent them to me. Ok let's stay here today and tomorrow we need to rest. Yay! Aurelia said resting the best thing ever. I walked to the yard. I pulled out a sword. And made myself a fighting buddy. I dropped the sword and gave some kicks and punches. I knocked it down. I grabbed my sword and stabbed it. I heard someone clapping it was Josh. Not bad he said. Are you ready to fight me? He said in a evil voice. Bring it I said with a determined face. We both made swords and waited for a while till we weren't nauseous any more. Then we started sword fighting while making funny voices and laughing.
Look at them Aurelia said! Let them enjoy being childish for once Hunter said. Hehe it's so funny how Josh is going to lose to CJ Penny added. Yeah let's just hope Josh won't get to badly beat Ash said. I started praying that he would get badly beat. Hey stop praying that Ash said and then slapped me across the face. Dylan was on Hunters back fast asleep. There idiots I said. How bad is it to be childish once in a while! Aurelia said obviously mad. Uhhhhh guys shhh your gonna wake Dylan and they are going to hear us. Look Josh turned red! Aurelia squealed
Damn I'm going to lose at this rate! I thought. Your damn right you are CJ said. Are you listening to my thoughts! I guess I am! She said still happy. You surrender yet Captain Josh. She said in a deep voice. Never! I said in a deep voice too. I guess I will have to beat you then she said. Oooph! She threw me to the floor. Crap I lost. You lost! She said while dancing around me. Only cause I was distracted! I said. Yeah right I'm just better than you! She screamed. She helped me up and we both walked to the group. Soooo where were you two? Aurelia asked. You know just fooling around I said. I know you guys saw us I screamed! CJ handed me a bat and we ran after them! Through all that Dylan still stayed asleep. Soon enough night fell. We all headed inside to eat some dinner. We all ate tomato soup even Dylan ate tomato soup! Mmmmm yummy I said.
After dinner everyone went to sleep except me. I went outside and just stared at the sky. I sighed softly. I laid down on the soft ground and thought about everything everyone has gone through. It's been fun but what will happen when we find my brother? Since it was so dark I didn't see someone walking towards me. Whoever it was just sat next to me. You worried they said? The voice was familiar. It was Josh who was sitting next to me. You worried he asked? Yeah how could I not be? I said softly. I don't know what will happen next this time I said. Just focus on the present Josh said. You need some sleep. He said. I closed my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder. Fine I grumbled. He laughed.
Soon enough she was asleep. She was breathing evenly. The wind was blowing hard. Thinking she would fall off I put my arm around her so she wouldn't. I wondered what she could possibly be dreaming about. I rested my head on hers and fell asleep. I woke up to the trees ruffling and the birds chirping softly. I didn't take my arm away. I just sat there. I could feel her waking up but I didn't move. Josh she asked? Yeah? Is it morning already? She asked. What does it look like? I said. Well then she said and swatted my arm away. She went inside. I laughed softly to myself as I stood up. I walked inside to see that everyone except obviously CJ was asleep. I sat down on the table and rested my head. She was playing around with a Rubik's cube. Aurelia grabbed her and pulled her into a room. Hunter Ash and Ross grabbed me and pulled me outside. What's wrong I asked? Stop faking it! They all said. Now I was as confused as ever. You are in looove Ross mocked. Excuse me I asked? My blue eyes were probably looking confused. You better have not done anything other than what we saw last night. Ash said. Look I didn't do anything but comfort her. Mhmmm Ross said. Look will you stop talking crap and here me out. I saw her outside alone. I walked up next to her to comfort her. She fell asleep on my shoulder. Since she looked so fragile at the moment I put my arm around her so she wouldn't fall ( even though it was a dumb thought). Eventually drowsiness came over me and I fell asleep. So you didn't even kiss or anything Ross asked? No! I said now mad that they would accuse me of such things. I slapped each one of them and walked away now fuming mad. I walked in the house made myself whom wings my head hurting and flew away to get less angry and not end up killing them.
So tell me everything Aurelia squealed! Once I told her what I knew she looked disappointed. I thought you two were going to kiss finally. No I screamed! I was mad now. Look don't pull me in a room for that. You really can make such a big deal of everything she said. I was just excited.So just stop thinking about yourself. She said.Now I was hurt and mad. I ran out the room and pass the boys. I ran to the forest behind our house. Hot tears strolled down my eyes. I wasn't just crying because of that I was crying because of everything that was happening lately. I finally burst. I kept running. I whipped tears and just ran and.....ran.
As she ran out the room I could see she was mad and hurt. I felt terrible now. Hunter stopped me what happened to CJ. No time to explain I'm going after her. Me too Ash said and me Hunter added. Ross you stay here and watch over the little ones. Fine he grumbled. I ran fast after CJ so did everyone else.i didn't see her anywhere. Soon enough after using a lot of my strength I saw a girl running. Wiping her face every so often. The closer we got to her the more I noticed some stuff like the way she was crying. Ash ran next to me and Hunter ran next to him. No way she's crying that barely ever happens he said. I guess everything just burst. All her bottled up feelings she had Hunter said. A few minutes after she stopped. She sniffed and turned around to see us standing behind her. I... Hate you to....see me like this she said. While she hiccuped a little. Ash wiped her tears. Your bottled up feelings had to come out at some point. Hunter said soothingly. I just stared at her. And said I'm sorry this is my fault. I was in shock to notice how long she bottled all these feelings. Just let me have some time alone she said. Ok we'll go Ash said. I saw she snapped out wings. And kneeled on one knee
I flew swiftly and softly. Then I heard CJ sniffing and her feet running. I could tell Aurelia said something she shouldn't have. I looked by where I was. I was above the forest behind our house. I skimmed the place. I saw a little figure down there since I wasn't to far up. I dove down and saw CJ standing there with wings. Hey I said. Let's sit I said as I lifted up to a branch and reached out my hand for her to take it. She took it and I pulled her up. Hey no ones here it's fine for you too let out all those feelings left. Like the one about how your dad lied to you or how you think your friends might leave you or the thought of everyone and me being tortured for you. She hiccuped a little and tears came to her eyes. I'm sorry I said noticing I shouldn't have mentioned those things. Tears went down her eyes. I brought her to my arms. She leaned into my chest. And didn't sob loudly but softly which obviously I found cute. I'm sorry to do this she said her voice shaking. It's ok I said. Honestly I liked her crying on me. Oh that's such a perverted thought I said in my mind. She stopped after like 4 minutes. I looked into her brown eyes. Surprisingly her eyes weren't puffy. We jumped off the branch. She sniffed a bit and told me thank you. I pulled her into a hug. Surprising me again was that she didn't pull back. After 50 seconds then she pulled back. Let's go home she said. I'll walk and you fly. She said. And I took off.
Dylan had woken up. Where's Josh he asked. He's taking a walk. I said. And CJ he asked again. She's flying around for a bit. I lied. Aurelia, Hunter, and Ash walked in. Hey Hunter said. Where's CJ? I asked. She'll be coming soon Ash said. Yay! Dylan said now happy. We heard a knock on the door and Josh walked in. I saw CJ while I was flying she's close. CJ walked in the door like 1 minuet later.
I was happy to be back. We're leaving first thing tomorrow morning. I announced. Penny walked through the wall into the room her hair was straight with a blue bow on it she had a skirt and a pretty shirt. What time is it she asked. 11 am Josh said. I felt my insides burning. It was starting to hurt a lot. Josh and I dropped to the floor. We closed our eyes shut. My insides weren't just burning they were bubbling and flipping around. It hurt so much. Josh let out a little whelp and I just shut my eyes a little groan came out my mouth. 10 minutes over. We stood up a still a little shaky. What was that Penny asked? I don't know I responded. They're here Hunter said. We all walked outside getting ready to fight. Shadow and wolf men were outside. How much Hunter asked. 1 dozen is the minimum 2 dozen is the maximum. Then we'll be ready he said. I thought I heard a little growl in his voice but that's just me. Dylan sparked lightning. I think everyone who didn't know was surprised. Penny floated off the ground. Ash was ready to make things fly, freeze , and burn. I made a army of animals. Josh made a army of ravage wolfs. I felt weaker. Josh I asked? Yeah what's wrong CJ? Why does my or our power feel weaker? I asked. Over time you might gain a little super speed or strength because of what I was forced to do but for that to happen there's going to be a period where you feel weaker. Thanks I said. Now the things started charging. I commanded my army to charge and made my self a bow that shoots fire arrows. Josh made his ravage wolfs attack too. He made a roped that will attack in different modes. Ash was freezing right now. Dylan was doing so much for a 4 year old. He was electrocuting the wolf men. Penny was flying and punching. I threw her a dagger so she can fight. Ross was fighting. He was strong enough to manage himself. Aurelia was throwing things like rocks. After 1 hour they were all finally dead. Is everyone ok I asked. I heard a groan. I turned my head to see it was Josh who had it bad. He had his shirt completely ripped. He also had a huge wound. Go get ready to leave I'll take care of him I said. Fine your majesty Ross said. I gave himself a look and he just scrambled inside.
I made bandages. I made some antidotes for wounds. He looked at me and said T..than..k I cut him off and said Save your strength you will need it. He tried to give me a smile. Hey I said save your strength! I was screaming at him. I rubbed the antidotes and wrapped the wounds. There all better I said cheerfully. I heard foot steps and turned to see little Dylan running towards me. What's wrong I asked? Ross said Josh is almost dead and will turn into a zombie! He whined. Why you! I screamed. ROSS WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU, YOU WILL BEG FOR MERCY! I screamed hoping Ross would hear me. I looked at Dylan and said no honey Ross is just messing with you so why don't you go and give him a little shock I said. I helped Josh in and set him down on his bed. Then I looked at Ross for a second and slapped him across the face. Ow what was that for he fumed! For lying to poor little Dylan! I screamed. With that scream everyone but Josh walked into the room. Oh and yeah I forgot to say but I will be forced to delay the day we are leaving to tomorrow. I said. Aurelia groaned but I just packed she said.
Oh well I said. But Ross complained. Over ruled I screamed. We aren't at court Hunter said. To bad. I replied. Can you make me a dolly please CJ Penny asked in a sweet voice? Sure I said. I made her a little dolly and handed it to her. Yay she said! I walked and climbed the closest tree. I rested there listening to the birds chirping. CJ! I heard someone call from down bellow the tree. I looked to see Dylan. I jumped down. What's wrong I asked. Can you teach me to become more powerful. Sure. I said. Here we don't you practice on shooting lightning at me and I will block it with this blocking sword I will make? I said more in a question way. Ok! He said now cheerful. He shot lighting really fast. I blocked quickly until one hit me. I dropped to the floor. Great job! I said. I got up and said now I will make us dummy's you will shoot lightning at it from a far distance and I will shoot it with my lightning gun. I made us that. We both shot at it until it disintegrated. Great job now let's go. It was already 4 pm. The rest of the day passed by nicely. The next morning everyone got ready to leave and took off. How long do we have to fly Penny asked once we were already flying for a whole hour.
       Time skip
    Finally a huge castle came into view. "That's the school".

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