Part 2 sworn to secrecy

Hunter I managed to say. You guys know each other Ash asked? I guess you can say that said Hunter with a teasing smirk. I rolled my eyes. Ash look sooooo confused. Ok everyone, a group of 7 or 8 people will ride in one car announced the teacher. So make your groups. Since we made our group first the teacher took us to on of those big cars. Whose driving I asked? I am said I young man in about his twenties. He wore a hoodie and some jeans and had spiky brown hair with brown eyes. So basically he looked like a model. Zoey walked next to me and said Omg so cute in a whisper. I laughed. What !? Asked Pierce. Nothing we both said at the same time. Ash seemed to read my expression and grinned. I get it now. His eyes fell on Zoey. Zoey he is to old for you he said rather loud. Hey she said that was supposed to be a secret!! The driver face turned red. I fought the urge to laugh. Instead my face turned red. You look like a mandrill said Ross with a smirk on his face. Everyone laughed including the driver. Ok guys lets get going said the driver. you guys are 15 and 16? Asked the driver. Yeah I replied. And you are how old I asked? Before the driver could answer Pierce said now CJ don't you go of stalking. I reached over and punched him in the ribs. Ow he muttered! The driver finally answered 17 almost 18. Shouldn't you be in school asked Aurelia? My parents can't afford collage so I work for your school he answered. Oh where do you live asked Zoey? Aren't you guys not supposed to ask those kind of questions asked the driver. Hunter coughed Zoey. Ash laughed. So what's your name asked Aurelia? I'm zack he answered. You guys probably won't see me a lot. Look at that waterfall! I said eagerly. Wow said Ash. Have you two never been to a mountain Zack asked. No we answered we live on a farm. Are you two related he asked again? No Ash just lives with me and dad. After another hour we finally got there. We all got out of the car. Ross ran and jumped into the water. It's deep enough to jump up from the waterfall he screamed! I ran and climbed to the top of the waterfall. From there I hesitated a little. I looked down at Pierce, Ross , Zoey , Ash, Aurelia, and Hunter they all gave me a thumbs up. I  jumped into the water. As soon as I touched the water a quick sensation of happiness  came over me. Zack said something screamed something. We ran over to see that the car fell of the mountain. Crap muttered Zack. Good news is I have my phone. Bad news is I have only 1 bar. Uh oh he said softly. What's wrong I said quickly. Uh he showed me a text that said Zack we have all been stopped by the police and told not to go up there I don't know why and he won't tell us Good luck guys! As quick as I read it we lost signal. I guess we're stuck here I said. While everyone was swimming someone grabbed my hand and pulled me. It was .... Hunter. Shhh he said. He took me close to the top and walked out of the others sight. What happened I asked? Have you experienced anything weird since you got your mark? I muttered what mark? I already know. I hadn't noticed he still held my hand. I was about to slap him when Ash walked into sight with Ross. Ooh you sneaking off with your new girl friend. I was just telling her something he said. Yeah right said Ash. Why are you holding her hand then? Asked Ross. Damn I forgot I was still holding your hand he whispered. He stood up and just left. I went up to Ross and Ash and slapped both of them. You idiots I said. It wasn't like that. I walked down and went off close to the waterfall. Hey guys I screamed! They all walked up to me and asked What's wrong? Follow me I said. I walked to a big tree. There was my back bag. I opened it and grabbed a bow and arrows out and a pocket knife. I handed the pocket knife to Ash. Guys if we are going to survive a few days here maybe a week we are going to need supplies. Leave the hunting to me and hunter. Leave the making weapons to me and Pierce. Making the fire will be Aurelia and Zoey's job. Ross you will go and find me some supplies to make weapons. And break. Ash stay here and wait for me and Hunter to come back. Come back from your lip locking session asked Ross. No I screamed. Now go do your job you knuckle head.
      Me and Hunter took off. Everything was quiet including us. Hunter came a little closer and whispered what can you do? With what my bow and arrow? I asked. No with your mark what have you been able to do so far. Uh I was able to make fire appear in my hand but only when I was mad. Ah that only happens once and you already used it. Damn I whispered. He just laughed. While we were walking we heard a ruffle in the bushes. I walked over to the bushes and saw that there was a squirrel there. I took out my bow and arrows and shot. I hit it straight through the heart. I'm sorry I whispered even though I knew it was dead. I picked it up and handed it to Hunter. He attached it to a string. We kept walking deeper into the woods. It was almost noon already. We heard a twig snap and hunter pushed me against a tree. I almost punched him, but before I could I saw an arrow fly. Someone booby trapped this. We walked carefully but no arrows came no nothing. We walked to a stream. By the stream there was a bear. I took out my bow and arrow and I shot at its head then it's heart. It died instantly. I went over and took off its leg and arm and handed it to Hunter he tied both of them to the string. What I didn't know was that there was something following us.
I heard some noises and turned around to see nothing. I looked at Hunter and he was looking around too. I whispered to Hunter keep watch. He nodded. I grabbed my arrow and started stabbing some fishes. I gave them to Hunter and he tied them. I looked up at the tree tops to see some kind of wolf man. I whispered to myself first shadow men now wolf men. I tapped Hunter and he turned around and looked at what I was looking at . He dropped the string and I gave him my bow and arrows. He whispered to me you probably have the gift to make things you imagine or have telekinesis. I imagined my self having a bow and arrows that shoot out fiery flames. Then I imagined a wolf that was loyal to us. Both came true I had a bow in my hand and a wolf beside us. Wow whispered Hunter. Can u make me a sword. Yeah I said and I made him a sword. I handed it to him. I motioned to the wolf to go attack the wolf man. When the wolf went the wolf man took out a sword and killed the wolf I imagined a baby dragon and it came. I took out my shot the fiery arrows and it hit the wolf man in the leg. He took out a dagger and threw it at me. I dodged it and it hit Hunter in the stomach. I got so mad I hit it in the arm and it screamed. I heard everyone else in the group coming I dis imagined every thing and shadow man fled. By the time I came I was close to Hunter. I was grabbing out bandages and wrapping them around his stomach. He was groaning in pain. I whispered to him it's gonna be ok. Finally everyone was here.
Zoey covered her mouth when she saw me wrapping more bandages around him. I turned around with tears in my eyes and told Ross and Pierce to go and carry him back to camp. I told Zoey and Aurelia to take the string and Bow and arrow back to camp. Everyone did what I said. Ash got close to me and whispered what happened. I explained to him what happened while we were walking. Wait so I must have telekinesis powers if you have making powers? I nodded not trusting my voice. He closed his eyes and I started being lifted off the ground. He opened his eyes and a smile went through his face. Yes he whispered. Then he gently put me down. Wait so that means I can move things with my mind and control fire water and ice. Yeah I said. Though we need to keep our powers a secret. Ok he said. We got back to camp. How is he I asked? He's unconscious but he's gonna be ok he was lucky the dagger missed and important part of the stomach said Aurelia . Thanks I said. No problem she answered. Wait so what did happened. I looked at Ash he seemed to be thinking the same thing. We were walking and this man threw a dagger at Hunter. It sounded really cheap but they bought it.
It was close to sunset. Everyone except my Ash and of course Hunter who was doing a little better. Ash made a fire of course using his mind it was a little risky though. By the time it was sunset we were already sitting close to the fire. I gave a fish to Ash,Aurelia, and Pierce. I gave the leg of the bear to Ross and a arm to Zoey. I had half the squirrel. Hunter was awake and sitting up. I gave him the other half. He looked terrible. Once we finished I laid down. I felt drowsy and fell asleep.
I had woken up while everyone was eating. I thought it was thoughtful how CJ cave me a piece of squirrel. She was now asleep. Hey Hunter did you and CJ have a lip locking session said Ross. I managed to say no but I heard you managed to get alone time with Zoey. Zoey turned pink and he just said your lucky your in pain and I can't kill you. A hour later everyone was asleep I think. I ruffled through CJs brown hair. What I didn't know was that Ash was awake. I laid down and fell asleep.
I woke up went to the lake and washed my face and wet my hair.  I jumped into the water and floated on my back. The sun was rising. I don't think anyone is awake I thought. After a while of floating I heard a splash. Pierce had jumped in. I wish we had dry clothes he said. Yeah I replied. I got out of the water and went into the woods. Pierce ran next to me. Where are you going he asked? To go find eggs. I climbed a tree up to a nest I took 4 eggs from the nest and left 2. I jumped to another branch and kept jumping till I found another nest. I took 3 eggs and left 3. I climbed down and ran back to camp. Everyone was still asleep. Damn your ran fast said Pierce. I know I said. I cooked the eggs then broke them in to a plastic bottle the looked so perfect. I woke everyone and gave everyone an egg. Thanks they said. Aurelia took my arm and pulled me somewhere. Help me I mouthed at them. She took me deep into the woods and said I know your hiding something. I replied hiding something me. Do I look like the kind. Oh I know she said in an excited voice. You do? You like someone she said. No I don't I said. Oh come on she said. It's either Hunter, Pierce, or Ash. Then she skipped away. I let a relived sigh and walked back to camp. Then I noticed we had totally forgot about Zack. I ran fast back to camp. While no one was looking I jumped of the mountain. I imagined wings on myself and then I had them. I flew up higher than anyone else and I saw that Ash and Hunter were looking up. They were both smiling. I flew fast drifting higher than the trees looking for Zack. There was no sign of him. I went back to camp. I drifted high above them. Hey where's CJ asked Ross. Since they weren't looking I landed behind Ross and tapped him in the back.
    He screamed like a little girl. I laughed so hard. He hit me in the arm. I just laughed. Ash gave me a thumbs up with a crooked smile. Then I gave Ash and Hunter a look that told them I was going to tell the rest of them. They both gave me a look that said only if you want to. I smiled. Hey guys. What they replied. Wanna see something cool I said with a mischievous smile.
       I took out wings and a dragon appeared next to me. Everyone's except Ash's and Hunters mouth dropped open.
They both smiled. Then Pierce was like wait can. I'll fill you guys In later. For now you can't tell anyone about this. If you do so help me I will. Ok we get it said Ross. We promise. Then Ross started floating. What the hell is going on he screamed. Hunter looked at me and I just said not me. Then Ash smiled at him. Ross was still screaming and waving his arms in the air. He started floating off the mountain. Ash dropped him then made him float back to the camp before he hit the floor. I think I peed my pants he said. We all laughed. Ok so who did that asked Aurelia. Ash gave a crooked smile. He said guess. Hunter fist bumped him. Then we fill them in on what happened. Ok guys I'm gonna bust you guys out of here. I snapped out my wings. I grabbed Pierce and Zoey and then imagined a dragon Ross and Hunter climbed that and Ash levitated himself. I told the dragon where to go. Finally after flying for a hour we arrived at my house I dis imagined my wings and the dragon and Ash stopped levitating.
      Where are we asked Zoey? We're at my house. Let's go in. Ok then Hunter said. When I walked in my dad hugged me and Ash. Where were you guys? It's a long story I said. Who are these people. This is Hunter,Zoey,Ross,Pierce,and Aurelia. Ok then you guys go on ahead. I showed them our room. Nice room said Aurelia. Thanks I replied. Ok guys I have an idea said Hunter. What a scavenger hunt he said. Cool what we looking for? Anything that's interesting he said. Ok let's do it Pierce said. Ready,Set, Go. We all went and looked. After half an hour I had found a wierd looking mini statue. Ash found nothing. Pierce,Ross,Aurelia, and Hunter found nothing as well. Zoey found a family portrait. Ooh let me see I said. I've never seen this family portrait. Is that Ash asked Ross? No I don't know who that is. You guys can go home it's late. After they left me and Ash went down stairs. Who's this boy? I asked my dad. He looked hurt. That is your lost brother. WHAT DO YOU MEAN LOST!? I screamed. He disappeared one day.
     We left the house. Aren't you going home? Asked Zoey. No I'll wait here for a while. Me too then. Said Pierce. After a while I heard a scream it said, WHAT DO YOU MEAN LOST!? Poor CJ said Pierce. Ya I know I responded. Let's go home I said. When I got home I got hugged by my little brother and mom. Where were you are you ok? My mo asked so many questions. I'm going to bed it has been a long day.
     Tears went down her eyes. How could you not tell me this!? She screamed. She went to her room. I followed her. I walked in. CJ are you ok? I just can't b believe he didn't tell me this. More tears were going down her eyes. I sat down next to her. We are going to find him. W..we are. Yeah I said. I put my arm around her. We are going to find him and bring him home. Thanks Ash she said. She rested her head on my shoulder. My ears turned pink. Go to sleep CJ. She laid down in her bed and I went to my bed.
I woke up. I  changed into some shorts and a tank top. Ready to go Ash said. He was wearing jeans with a white jacket and gray shirt. He brushed his hair into a spiky form. I braided my hair. Let's go I left a note for my dad. We left through the window. Outside by the door was the whole group. Where you going they asked? We're leaving.

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