Part 1 discovered
Ever since mum died it's just been me dad and my goofy best friend Ash. We live in a farm in Texas. We don't go to school and we're stuck working every day. CJ stop day dreaming and go milk the cows! Yelled father. Will do I said. Ash rushed down and said I'll help! Anything to get out of feeding the goats huh? I asked. Yeah you can say that said Ash. As we made our way down to the cows we suddenly fell into this hole! It's huge! Exclaimed Ash as he looked around. What's that glowy thing I asked? Don't know lets check it out said Ash. The closer I got to it the more I urged to touch it. The wind seemed to be telling me no but we kept going. Let's touch it at the same time said Ash. Ok I said but if we get killed I'm blaming you on it. We both reached out our hand and touched it. The world quickly faded. ASH! CJ! I tried opening my eyes but I just couldn't. Eventually I was able to open my eyes. I saw my dad looking over me and Ash. I sat up at the same time as Ash. What's going on I asked? I don't know I was in the kitchen and you both appeared there. I feel different I thought. You and Ash go get some shut eye. Said dad. Ash and I both went to our bedroom. I climbed to the top bed. CJ asked Ash? Yes? I responded. I feel different as if more powerful. I feel the same. I said. Hey will you check my back? Said ash yeah but why? Maybe I have a mark or scar or something. As I check him something caught my eye. Hey take off your shirt! His face was so funny I couldn't help but giggle. Just do it trust me. He took off his shirt and I touched his shoulder. Blimey your right! You have a mark on your shoulder its red and has a like meteorite passing over the ocean. Wait let me check your shoulder! Exclaimed Ash. He softly touched my shoulder and said... Looks like you have one too. We can't tell my dad about this I told Ash. Your right he said. The next couple of days passed as normal as it could be. The soft morning light seemed to touch my face. When I got down stairs I could see Ash all quiet. What's wrong I asked? Nothing except your dad decided to send us to high school this year! He angrily ate his cereal. What I screamed! Catherine Joy will you stop screaming? As dad walked down the kitchen I started agian. How could you do this to us!? CJ honey your 14 it's your first year of high school I have to send you to some kind of school. I was so mad the next events just happened suddenly. I put out my palm and some kind of power went through it and the next thing I know my hand is lit with fire. WHAT THE HECK that's so cool! Screamed Ash. As quickly as it appeared it disappeared. I....I don't understand I stammered. My dad started to clap good magic trick he said! Finally you got one trick correct! wasn't a magic trick. Just do me a favor go with Ash to town to go get your school supplies. Dad said. Fine I muttered. I went to our room. Hey Ash I said. Yeah he replied. My dad wants us to go get supplies for school. Ok let's go he said. While we were walking to the bus stop he asked me how'd you do that CJ? I don't know I was so mad it all just came out. I think it might be linked to our emotions which at the same time it's linked to the mark. You interpreted all that in half an hour? Yeah I replied. Maybe I can do stuff too? He said. Yeah we can try tomorrow after school. Yeah! He said. Finally the bus came. We both got in. When we came back my dad told us which school we're going to. Wait Richmond High!? Me and Ash said at the same time. Yeah my dad replied. Cool we said at the same time again. Jinx I said. Dang he said and I punched him. Ow he said and I punched him again. Ash Ash Ash my dad said. Thanks he replied. Dad! What he replied?
Why'd you do that? He laughed relax CJ it's just a game. I'm going to the lake I said. I'll go to said Ash. While Ash played around with the fish I kneeled by a tree. He looked up you ok? Yeah it's just my dads making a lot of decisions lately without asking us. I looked him in the eye. Were your parents like that I asked? He looked down and said Sometimes they were. Ashes parents died when he was 5 when my mom died since that he's lived with us. I hear him sometimes praying at night that his parents are in heaven. We headed back for dinner. I skipped dinner and went to my room. I picked out my clothes for tomorrow: white shirt with these ripped leggings a sleeveless Jean jacket and boots . I am going to look awesome I said to my self. Ash walked in talking to your self agian? No I said. He gave me a look that said you can't lie to me. Maybe I said with a smile. Anyways he said I brought you some bread. Thanks I said. Hey your styles pretty cool can you pick out clothes for me he asked. Sure I replied. I looked in his closet and saw a style he's never used before I picked out these black jeans with chains like hanging from them and a plain black shirt. Also I picked out a white skater hat with skater shoes. Cool style he said with a crooked smile. Thanks I replied. We got into our beds and turned off the light. I felt so drowsy the moment I hit the pillow I fell asleep. I woke up at 6 am, and turned on the light.
I put on my clothes and by the time woke up I was already tying the laces on my boots. Good morning I said. He yawned like wise. He went into the bathroom put on his clothes and came out. What hairstyle should I do I asked? Hmmmm why don't you keep it down for once? Ok I said. And for me he asked? Uh put on gel and lift up the top so it makes like a swish. Once we were done and ready for school we headed for the school bus. Of course since we're the first stop we were the first ones in. Hey Ash just this once let's not sit together to see if we make any friends. Fine just this once her said. Everyone was quiet..... Too quiet.
I gave Ash a look and just by sharing looks we both knew we were thinking the same thing. A car drove off into the bus and hit it. It hit so hard the bus flipped a few times. Me Ash and two other kids flew to the front of the bus hit the front window broke it and toppled on the street. Out of all of them I was the worse Ash the second, this preppy girl third, and this cute boy fourth. I had a huge cut going down my side, I think my ankle is broken, and my head and arm are bleeding like crazy. The girl and boy got up they had a couple of bruises and cuts but they weren't as half as bad as Ash and me. The boy walked over to me and seemed to say something. I couldn't answer. The world was blurry. I saw the paramedics arrive. I tried to make out the words. My insides feel shattered why can't I talk? Is Ash ok? I knew school was a bad idea. Will my anyone see my mark? So many questions went through my head.
I woke up in the school nurse Ash was sitting up already. The nurse walked over and said you had a pretty bad fall. Some how both of you survived you should have been killed. I treated Ash already and he's ready to go to class. Ash stood up and the nurse wrote a letter. Both of you wont be able to speak for the whole day. As soon as Ash walked out this boy walked in. Excuse me nurse can I talk to this girl. Ok I'll walk out and take a break. Hey he said. I simply waved. Here I have a paper so you can write what you want to say. I wrote down who are you? I'm Hunter. Here I have permission to walk you to the garden to talk. I stood up and lumbered a little. He grabbed my arm and put it around his shoulder. If I wasn't afraid I'd fall I would probably have slapped him. He took my to a bench and said that mark on your shoulder It contains more power than you think. I gave him a confused look. He laughed a little that look was so cute. How do you think you survived that he asked? I shrugged. Your special he said. Usually that would've made me blush but my face was so dirty and bloody there was no way I could blush. He took my hand and pulled me somewhere.
It was a small lake. He wet his hand and wiped my face. !? Was my face looking so bad. He put my hair into place and said there much better. How could I let you go to class looking like that. Then he leaned in. I thought he was going to kiss me but he whispered in my ear I can help you. Ok time to get you to class. He showed me to my class room. I have a excuse so I'm don't have to go to class today. Meet me in the garden tomorrow. I just nodded and walked in.
Looks like we've got our other new student. This is CJ Brooker everyone. I have a question said the teacher. And then she whispered in my ear I already told Ash to go explore the school for 30 minutes. Are you and Ash brother and sister? Excuse me isn't this science class? I wrote down. Well we like gossip and back stories she answered. I wrote down no he lives with me and my dad though because his parents died when he was 5. Oh ok the teacher said. Ok read page 123 in your science textbook. Oh and CJ you sit with Maddy. Hey Maddy said as I sat down and I just nodded. The rest of the day passed by smoothly. Finally I'm waiting for the bus to come. Suddenly I felt a hand grab my on the waist.
Ow! I thought I turned around to see this sort of shadowy man in a black jumpsuit. I quickly punched him and ran for it. I was running so fast I ran into Ash. Before I could try explaining to him without talking the shadowy thing caught up to us. It grabbed me by the shirt it was quite strong. The moment it grabbed me something must of clicked in Ash's head he dove in and slapped the thing across its face. The thing grabbed me by my leg and hung me upside down. Ash now punched it in the back of its shadowy head. Now it's nails started digging in. I started to rock my self back and fourth, after 4 rocks I flung myself up and used my free leg to kick it where it hurts and my arm to punch it in its face. It dropped me and I landed on my back. It turned its self to me and started throwing punches, kicks, and hits.
Hello this is the writer this small part will be in Ash's point of view.
One punch hit CJ. It was so hard it threw her to the floor. Before I knew what I was doing I threw out my arm and air came out like if I was Avatar. It dodged it and ran away. Weird it ran away I thought. I drew my attention to CJ. I helped her out then drew her in for a tight hug. I had my hand on the back of her head. She was rather warm. I hastily drew away from the hug. My expression said are you ok? She nodded. Then before I knew what happened she collapsed. I caught her in time. I picked her up and put her on my back. I carried her all the way home ( which is 4 miles away). When I got home. I explained to her dad by writing down on a piece of paper what happened (Of course I lied). I went to CJs room. She was still un conscience. I played around with her brown beautiful hair. She looked so peaceful. I had a camera because I want to be a photographer. I grabbed the camera and took a picture of her. (It sounds rather stalkerish ). Of course she was un conscience the rest of the day.
I woke up the next morning to Ash shirtless. I screamed Ash put on a shirt already. He laughed. Looks like your awake. Your dad got a email from the school it says we have a field trip today. Where are we going I asked? To the waterfalls up on the mountain. That's why I have my bathing suit on. Oh also most boys will be shirtless so try not to scream he teased. I felt myself turn red. I thought it's gonna be rather weird seeing shirtless guys it's even weird seeing Ash shirtless. His blue eyes stared at me. What I said? Spaced out he answered. He looked rather different in his blue bathing suit. His tan but not so tan skin and six packs stood out more. His blue eyes and brown hair seemed more magnificent. What stood out the most was his wide goofy smile. I grabbed my prettiest bathing suit and changed in the bathroom. We ate break feast and headed to school. Everyone in our class stood out more. This tall cute blond haired and this medium sized black haired boys walked towards us. Hey said the tall blond haired boy I'm Ross and the medium sized black haired boy said I'm Pierce. Cool I'm CJ and this is Ash. Wanna walk home with us and our group today. Sure me and Ash said at the same time! Here let me introduce you to them. We walked towards two girls and a boy. This is Aurelia he said as he pointed at a short blond girl with brown eyes she waved. This is Zoey she said as she walked towards a rather tall orange haired girl she said hey. Then he walked to a familiar looking boy. This is Hunter. Sup he said. Wait what I thought. Hunter!
Hey guys it's The author I hoped you liked part 1 I'll try to make part two a little longer. Well I'll hope to get part two out in within a week top
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