We are together forever (final)
Marionette's P.O.V
I woke up and found that Chloe was still asleep, so I gently nudged her. Mmm. Said Chloe. Chloe it's time to wake up. I said. Ok then. Said Chloe. We got up and got ourselves dressed. How did you sleep Chloe? I asked. I slept well. Said Chloe. It's a good thing that you do have to see your mom anymore. I said. No I don't, and I can't believe that she's homophobic. Said Chloe. "Don't worry you won't have to put up with her anymore since you're with me now." I said. Ok. Said Chloe. Then we both went downstairs for breakfast. Good morning girls. Said my mom. Good morning mom. Good morning Mrs Chang. Said Chloe. Did you girls sleep well? My mom asked. Yes we did. I said. Good to hear. Said my mom. So mom where's dad? I asked. Oh he went to get more flour. Said my mom. I thought that we had enough flour. I said. Well we only have one bag of flour left. Said my mom. Oh ok then. I said. So what do you girls want for breakfast? Asked my mom. Do you have any bread so we can make toast? I asked. Yes. Said my mom. Thank you Mrs Change. Said Chloe. So Chloe and I went to go make ourselves some toast for breakfast. Mari. Said Chloe. Yes Chloe. I said. What should we do tonight. Well why don't we our hair done today and maybe go shopping. I said. I love that idea. Said Chloe. As we finished our breakfast and got ourselves ready to have a girl's day out. Mom Chloe and I are going out. I said. Alrighty then, be back home before dinner. Said my mom. Ok mom. I said.
Chloe's P.O.V
Mari and I arrived at Le hair Sloan to get our hair done, we walked right through the door. Hello girls, what kind of hair style do you want? Asked the hairstylist. I want my to be a pixie cut. Said Mari. And I want my cut to my neck. I said. Ok then. Said the hairstylist. So Mari got a cute pixie cut, then I got my hair cut to my neck. "Well I think that we look amazing." I said. So where are we going to do next. I said after Mari paid the hairstylist. Why don't we go and get new clothes to wear. Mari suggested. Ok then. I said. We we got to Le clothes store, we went right inside to see what clothes that we wanted look good in. Well now let's see what they have here. Said Mari. There's a bright pink shirt and some dark blue pants. Said Mari. And there's a yellow-gold shirt and orange pants. I said. We went to try on our new clothes, and when we came out of the changing rooms we looked at each other. You look amazing. I said. You look beautiful. Said Mari. Well I guess that we should get them. I said. Ok then. Said Mari. After we paid for our clothes we went to get some pizza at pizza Rossi. Some people were looking at us, I guess they saw our new looks and were taking it in. We sat down and talked while we waited for our cheese pizza, to arrive. Well looks like that we had a good time getting our hair cut, and getting new clothes to wear. I said. When we get to my house we can put our new clothes on, and show my parents. Said Mari. That's a great idea Mari. I said.
Marionette's P.O.V
After we had paid for our pizza that we ate, we went to go get some ice cream for dessert. As we sat down in the park we saw Kagami and Lila sitting next to each other. Well hi there. I said. Hello. Said Lila. So what are you two doing today? Chloe asked. To be honest Kagami and I are together. Said Lila. Wait you two are dating.I asked. Yes Said Kagami. Well what's your sexuality? Chloe asked. Kagami is bisexual, and I'm a lesbian. Said Lila. Wow when did you figure out that you two are bi, and Les? I asked. Yesterday after school. Kagami answered. "I guess that we got three couples of the LGBT community." I said. There's Luka and Adrien, Kagami and Lila, and us. Said Chloe. So wait time is it? I asked. Well it's 4:45 pm. Said Kagami. Whoa Chloe and I need to get back to my house before dinner. I said. And when we finished our ice cream, we went right back to my house. Well don't you girls look cute. Said my mom. We got our hair cut, and we got new clothes. Said Chloe. I see that. Said my mom. Mom Chloe and I are going to put our new clothes on. I said. Alright then. Said my mom. We went upstairs to my bedroom and we change out of our old clothes and into our new clothes. Wow pretty. Said Pollen. Whoa you scared us Pollen. Said Chloe. Sorry about that my queen. Said Pollen. You would be amazing with your new hair cuts as Ladybug, and Queen Bee. Said Tikki. Girls dinner. Said my mom. And we went downstairs for dinner.
Chloe's P.O.V
Marionette and I came into the kitchen with our new clothes on. You look great. Said Mari's dad. Thank you dad. Said Mari. We sat down and talked about what we did today. So we went to get our hair cut, then we went and got new clothes, we went to have pizza for lunch, and we had ice cream for dessert. Said Mari. Wow sounds like you had a fun day. Said Mrs Change. Also Kagami and Lily are dating. I added. Well that's good to hear. Said Mari, dad. Lila is a lesbian, and Kagami is bisexual. Said Mari. After dinner Mari and I went upstairs, and changed into our pajamas. I guess that now we are together forever. I said. Yes we are said Mari. We turned a movie on Marionette's computer. I wonder how Adrien and Luka are doing? I asked. "Well with Mr Agreste accepting his son for being bisexual and Luka for being gay. I think that they are doing ok."Said Mari. We got so many things to do, but there's so little time. I said. We can see what we can do for rest of our lives. Said Mari. Finished high school, go to college, graduate college, get married and start a family. I said. Well that's a long time from now, but we will always be there for each other no matter what will happen. Said Mari. As the movie came to an end Mari and I got ourselves ready for bed, knowing that we are together forever. And that our future together is looking bright right now. Good night Mari. I said. Said good night Chloe. Said Mari. And then Mari turned out her bedroom light and we went to sleep.
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