World 2: Desert Land
Mushroom Kingdom, Desert Land
We then cut to the next scene showing the sandy desert and the sun was much brighter than before. Next, Mario, Ringo, Tee, and co. came out of the Warp Pipe one-by-one and Luigi said.
Luigi: Looks like we made it, gang.
Arle: So, what is this place?
Carbuncle: Guu?
Fire Mario: This place you're seeing now is called... Desert Land.
Ringo: I can see that since I've been to a desert before.
Luigi: You have?
Ringo: Yeah, which is no surprise for me to say the least.
Tee: Now that were here in Desert Land, we should get a move on.
Starlow: Agreed. Now let's go.
Next, they were now moving onward as they are now exploring through Desert Land. As they left, Rulue came out of the Warp Pipe and said.
Rulue: I wonder where am I now?
Then, she look to the left at the sign which she reads.
Rulue: Desert Land. Huh, well I guess that explains the sand and the Pyramids.
Rulue: But anyway, I must hurry with the others before I lose them.
And with that, Rulue started running to where the Mario and the others are at so she can catch up with them.
After five minutes have passed, they are walking pass through the palm trees of Desert Land, where the first level begins.
World 2-2
(BGM: Desert Theme - New Super Mario Bros. Wii)
Luigi: Phew. This place sure is hot.
Fire Mario: What'd ya mean this place is hot? We've been here for about five minutes.
Luigi: Yeah, I know. But It's gonna be hot eventually.
Ess: I agree with your brother here. Because I do NOT want to be sweaty right now.
Fire Mario: Oh relax will ya. Besides, I brought some Water Bottles for us to be hydrated.
Raffina: You do?
Fire Mario: Of course. Why wouldn't I bring them.
Bucken Berry: Well that's good to know. Otherwise, we would've been thirsty to death.
Next, they encounter two Barrels that were sitting next to the palm tree.
Amitie: Are those Barrels?
Luigi: Yep. These Barrels are useful to throw them at enemies.
Luigi: But these Barrels can also hurt us if we throw it on each other by accident.
Tee: So it's best that we should be careful when we throw Barrels?
Fire Mario: Mmhm... C'mon Luigi. Let's carry these Barrels.
Luigi: Right!
Then, Fire Mario and Luigi walk towards the Barrels and grabs a barrel each. Once they both got a hold of a Barrel, they are now moving forward as they see three Goomba's who are walking up the slope.
Fire Mario: Perfect!
Next, Fire Mario threw the Barrel on the sand as the Barrel starts rolling down the slope.
Then, the three Goomba's heard a noise and started to look around to see where the noise is coming from. As the Goomba's were looking around, one of the Goomba's spotted a Barrel that was rolling down towards them.
Goomba #1: Uh oh.
Goomba #2: What's wrong, pal.
Goomba #2 looks up and also sees a Barrel that was rolling down towards them.
Goomba #2: Oh...
Next, the three Goomba's were squashed by the Barrel as the three Goomba's were instantly defeated.
Then, they continue onward as they spotted three more Barrels that were on a platform.
Luigi: Alright! More Barrels!
Fire Mario: Ringo, Tee, Raffina, I want you three to carry the Barrels.
Ringo: Got it.
Said Ringo while Tee and Raffina nodded as they jump on the platforms and started to carry a Barrel each.
Ringo (Thoughts): Huh. This Barrel ain't that heavy than I thought it would be.
Next, they encounter an enemy who has short grayish blue hair as well as a black shell behind his back.
Luigi: A Spike dead ahead, bro!
Fire Mario: Get ready to jump, gang.
Then, Spike pulled out a spike ball from his stomach and throws it on the sand as the spike ball starts rolling down the slope. Once the spike ball was rolling down the slope, they all jump over the spike ball and Fire Mario said.
Fire Mario: Luigi, now!
Next, Luigi threw the Barrel at Spike knocking him out of the way as Spike was instantly defeated. Then, they kept moving forward as Fire Mario was hitting the ? Blocks that contains one Coin along the way.
Next, Spike was standing on a Brick Block and he soon spots them in sight. As he spots them, Spike pulled out a spike ball from his stomach and throws it at them. Luigi then notice the spike ball was coming towards them and said.
Luigi: Spike ball coming towards us!
Fire Mario: Look out!
Next, they jump over the spike ball and kept moving forward. Fire Mario then throws a fireball at Spike dealing damage as Spike was instantly defeated.
Then, there was another Spike that was standing on a Brick Block was looking at the opposite way.
Bucken Berry: Look, there's another Spike up ahead.
Raffina: I got this!
Next, Raffina jump on a Brick Block platform and jumps again really high. Once she jumped really high, Raffina threw a Barrel at Spike's head dealing damage as Spike was instantly defeated.
Luigi: Wow! Nice throw!
Raffina: Thanks.
Then, they continue forward and they jump on the Brick Block as a platform so they can get across the pitfall. Next, they made it through the pitfall as they encounter two enemies who are a turtle-like creatures that have a red spiked shell on their backs.
Luigi: Two Spiny's dead ahead!
Fire Mario: Tee! Throw the Barrel now!
Tee then nodded and he throws the Barrel on the sand as it was now rolling up the hill. As the Barrel was rolling uphill, the Barrel hit two Spiny's as the two Spiny's were instantly defeated.
Next, they were moving forward and Fire Mario hit the ? Block revealing... one Coin.
Fire Mario: Another one Coin. *sign* Figures.
Then, they ran down the slope as they spotted a platform that will take them up to the top.
Fire Mario: Alright everyone, let's jump on it at the same time.
Next, they nodded as they all jump on the platform at the same time. And when they did, the platform started to move up slowly which will take them to the top.
Then, they made it to the top as they see is a Checkpoint Flag up ahead.
Bucken Berry: Hey look, a Checkpoint Flag up ahead.
Luigi: I call dibs on that Flag.
Next, Luigi ran towards the Checkpoint Flag and passes it, meaning that the level is halfway over. Once Luigi passes the Checkpoint Flag, they started running down the slope as they encounter three Goomba's who are walking up the slope.
Fire Mario: Ringo, you're up.
Ringo: I'm on it.
Then, Ringo throw the Barrel down on the slope and it hits three Goomba's as the three Goomba's were instantly defeated.
Next, they see Spike who spotted them as he pulled a spike ball out of his stomach and throws it down the slope.
Amitie: Another spike ball incoming!
Ala-Gold: Quick! Let's hide behind the wall for cover!
Then, they hide behind the wall as the spike ball roll past them.
Propeller Toadette: Phew. Well I'm glad that we hid behind this wall in time.
Luigi: What do we do now, bro?
Fire Mario: Hmm. I want you guys to stay here, while I take down Spike.
Bucken Berry: Okay. But be careful out there.
Fire Mario nodded as he jump on top of the wall and ran towards the next wall to cover. As Mario was taking cover, Spike was looking around to see if he manage to hit them.
Next, Fire Mario jumps high up and throws a fireball at Spike dealing damage as Spike was instantly defeated.
Fire Mario: You guys can come out now, the coast is clear.
Then, they all jump straight to the top so they can catch up to him. Once they caught up, they started moving forward as they ran towards the moving platform. Next, they jump on the moving platform so they can head back down towards the ground.
Then, Fire Mario see another Spike as he quickly throws a fireball before Spike could pull out a spike ball out of his stomach. And when he did, the fireball hit Spike dealing damage as Spike was instantly defeated.
Next, they jump on the ground and encounter three Spikes who are ready to throw their spike ball at them.
Luigi: Oh boy, you guys better get ready to jump.
Everybody: Right!
Then, three Spike's threw their spike ball at them and they jump over the spike balls three times. As they finish jump over the spike balls, Fire Mario throws three fireballs at three Spike's dealing damage and the three Spike's were instantly defeated.
Next, they jump straight up to the top and kept moving onward as they see another moving platform which moves up and down. Then, they all jump on the moving platform which took them down towards the ground.
They jump off the platform and saw four more moving platforms which moves back and forth. Next, they all jump on the moving platforms four times as they reach to the top. Once they reach to the top, Luigi spotted a flag pole and said.
Luigi: Mario, look. There's a flag pole up ahead.
Fire Mario: Sweet! We're almost there, gang.
Tee: Then let us make haste.
Then, they started running towards the flag pole so they can clear the level. But unfortunately, they didn't notice Spike that was standing on the moving platform as if he was guarding the flag pole.
Next, he spotted them and starts pulling a spike ball out of his stomach. As Spike pulls out a spike ball, he throws it at Fire Mario and gets hit by it which cause him to lose his fire powers in the process.
Mario: Ouch!
Everybody: Mario!
They soon check up on Mario and Raffina was the first one to speak up saying.
Raffina: Are you alright?
Mario: Yeah, I'm fine. I've been through worse.
Then, they look up seeing Spike who pull out another spike ball out of his stomach.
Arle: Oh no you don't! Carbuncle, go get 'em.
Carbuncle: Gugu!
Next, Arle picks up Carbuncle and throws him towards Spike as Carbuncle started to shoot a laser out of his forehead on Spike dealing decent damage as Spike was instantly defeated. Carbuncle then landed on the moving platform as Ala-Gold said.
M/L/BB/AG/T: Woah!
Ala-Gold: What did Carbuncle just do?
Arle: Well, he can shoot a laser out of his forehead and it's incredibly strong.
Tee: No kidding. That was some power for a little guy.
Mario: Well now that Spike is out of the way, we should finish the level right now.
Then, they nodded as they ran towards the flag pole so they can finish the level. And when they did, they touch the flag pole and started to slide down meaning that the first level is cleared.
(BGM Ended)
M/L/BB/AG/PT: Oh yeah!
Yoshi: Yoshi! Yoshi!
Ringo: We did it, team!
Amitie: So where to next?
Next, Ringo pulled out a map for World 2 and said.
Ringo: Let's see here. Judging by this map, we should be close to the fortress if we head straight and then make a left turn of the palm tree.
Tee: Then we better hurry to the fortress.
Mario: Right! Now let's-a go!
Then, they all left the area of the level so they can move onward to the fortress. As they left, the camera pans up towards the sky showing more Puyos and Tetriminos that were falling down towards the ground.
Next, the Puyos and Tetriminos were form into a wall as we see Rulue who stopped running and sees Puyos and Tetriminos that were blocking her path.
Rulue: Darn it! Looks like these Puyos and Tetriminos are getting in my way. No matter, I will soon clear this up quickly in no time.
And with that, Rulue started to clear out the Puyos and Tetriminos in order for her to proceed onward once again.
After a few minutes have passed, we now see the fortress up close as they made it to their destination.
Luigi: Phew. Looks like we made it.
Mario: Yeah, now let's head inside and see who we might be facing this time.
Luigi: Agreed.
Then, Mario and Luigi ran towards the fortress as they were heading inside. Once they were inside, the fortress doors were starting to close and Amitie started to shout out to them saying.
Amitie: Good luck you two!
Ringo: And be careful!
Next, we see Kamak who was watching the Mario Bros heading inside the fortress while leaving the others outside from above.
Kamak (Smirking): Perfect!
Kamak: Alright, Boom Boom. Show them what your made of.
Then, the creature nodded as the creature let go of Kamak's broom and was now falling down towards the ground. Ala-Gold then sees a shadow that was right in front of Bucken Berry and said.
Ala-Gold: Uhh, Bucken Berry?
Bucken Berry: Yeah, was is it?
Ala-Gold: Why is your shadow growing bigger?
Bucken Berry: Huh?
Next, he looks down and sees a shadow that was getting bigger and bigger. Bucken Berry then looks up and sees a creature that was going to crush him.
Bucken Berry: Yikes!
Next, Bucken Berry moves out of the way and the creature soon stomps into the ground which cause the others to turn around to see who it was. Then, we see is a creature who appears to be a big buff Koopa with his big hands and short feet.
Ess: Who the heck is that thing!?
Propeller Toadette: That thing your seeing is none other than... Boom Boom.
Tee: Boom Boom?
Ala-Gold: Yeah, he's one of Bowser's minions that's part of the Koopa Troop.
Bucken Berry: And I bet I know why Boom Boom's here. He's here to get rid of us from going any further.
Boom Boom then started to stomp in place while moving his hands like a cart wheel.
Raffina: Not if we get rid of him first.
Ringo: Alright everyone, let's take him down!
And with that, Boom Boom charged towards the group as they are now battling against Boom Boom begins.
We then see Mario, Luigi, and Starlow who were walking inside of the Fortress, where the next level begins.
World 2-Fortress
(BGM: Tower Theme - New Super Mario Bros. Wii)
Mario: Now that were inside, let's see what kind of trap this fortress has to offer.
Luigi: Mhm... let's hope we can get through this.
Starlow: Eh, I'm sure you two will be fine. So good luck.
Next, Starlow went inside of Mario's pocket as Mario and Luigi are now moving onward through the level. As they were both moving onward, they jump and grab onto the moving wire fence.
Then, they both started climbing upwards and jumps on the platform. As they both jump on the platform, the Mario Bros jump and grab onto another moving wire fence.
And after that, they both jump onto another moving wire fence, and another, and another as they both made it to a platform.
Next, they encounter a Dry Bones who was walking towards them as Mario jump on Dry Bones head which cause him to fall apart. And after that, they were jumping up towards the platform and grabs onto the moving wire fence.
Next, they both jump on a solid platform and the Mario Bros looked up to see if there's another platform they could reach. Then, the Mario Bros both jump and grab onto another moving wire fence as they both jump on a platform.
Next, they both jump on another platform as Mario jump and grabs onto the moving wire fence. Follow by Luigi who did the same thing while following him in pursuit.
Next, the Mario Bros jump on the solid platform as they both look to the left and right seeing a Dry Bones on each side.
Mario: Okay Luigi, I'll take the left side, while you take the right side.
Luigi: Got it, bro.
Then, the Mario Bros started to split up where Mario jump to the left side of the platform, while Luigi went to the right side of the platform.
Next, they both took out Dry Bones on each side as they made it to the top of the solid platform. Once they made it to the top, they encounter another Dry Bones who was guarding the door.
Mario: Yooohooo! Over here Dry Bones.
Then, Dry Bones started to toss a few bones at him as Mario deflects the bones by whacking it with a hammer. Next, Luigi jump really high in the air and stomps on Dry Bones head which cause him to fall apart.
Mario: Nice work, bro!
Luigi: Thanks!
Mario: Now lets head inside this door before Dry Bones could come back to life.
Luigi: Right!
Then, Mario open the door as they both went inside the door before Dry Bones could regenerate.
We then cut to the next scene showing another door as the door open by itself. Once the door was open, we see Mario and Luigi who were coming out of that door as the door soon close behind them.
Luigi: Hey look! There's a checkpoint flag in front of us.
Mario: Sweet! Let's passed that flag and get moving.
Next, Mario and Luigi ran towards the Checkpoint flag and passes it, meaning that the level is halfway over.
Then, they both jump and grab onto the moving wire fence as they were climbing up. As they were climbing up, Mario looks to the left and sees another moving wire fence along with spikes that were next to the moving wire fence.
Next, Mario jump to the left and grabs onto the moving wire fence once again. Follow by Luigi who also did the same thing that his brother did.
Then, they both jump to the left again and landed on a platform so they can avoid hitting the spikes. Once they avoided the spikes, Mario sees two ? mark blocks and said.
Mario: Two question mark blocks, eh.
Luigi: Let's hope one of 'em has a power-up.
Next, Mario nodded as they both hop down towards the solid platform. Once they landed on the solid platform, Mario jump towards the two ? Blocks and hits both of them revealing... a Coin and two Ice Flowers.
Mario: Alright! Two Ice Flowers!
Luigi: Sweet!
Then, they both took an Ice Flower each and uses it as they both transform into into their Ice forms.
Ice Luigi: Now that were powered-up, we should get moving now.
Ice Mario: Agreed.
Next, they both jump on the platform as they were heading up to the top of the fortress.
(Mini Timeskip)
We then cut to the next scene showing Ice Mario and Ice Luigi who are almost at the top as they were jumping and grabbing on the moving wire fence three times while avoiding the spikes that were underneath them.
Then, they jump on the platform as they looked up to see a boss door, knowing that there very close to the top.
Ice Luigi: There it is, bro. The boss door.
Ice Mario: I can see that. Now let's head towards the boss door and see which Koopaling are we facing against this time.
And with that, they jump very high towards the solid platform and went towards the boss door.
(BGM Ended)
Next, they came out of the door as the door soon closes behind them.
Ice Luigi: I'm glad we made it through that.
Ice Mario: Mhm... now lets see which Koopaling are we facing next.
Then, Ice Mario and Ice Luigi ran forward towards the arena and jumps over the pit of sand. Once they jump over the sand, they both see is a Koopaling who appears to be a large Koopaling with hot pink shades and his eyes are never shown behind them. He also has a purple shell behind his back.
Next, he turns around and see the Mario Bros
???: Huh?! I thought you two would never make it here.
Ice Mario: Well Roy Koopa. Let's just say that we defeated Larry back in the first world which he was too easy.
Ice Luigi: Yeah, what my bro said.
Then, Starlow came out of Mario's pocket and said.
Starlow: Alright, Roy. I think best that you and the others should free the princess at once.
Roy: Nice try, dome head. But I wouldn't let that happen so easily.
Roy: But now that you're here. It's time we play a game called Puyo Puyo.
Ice Luigi: Puyo Puyo, huh. Well this should be easy.
Roy: Well it won't be easy for you this time. And you wanna know why?
Ice Mario: No. Why?
Roy: Because I know how to combo those Puyos pretty easily which I'm pretty good at it. So I'm going to put it to the test by defeating you and your brother once and for all.
Ice Mario: Alright then, show us what you got, Roy!
Roy: Oh I will alright, bring it on!
And with that, Ice Mario and Ice Luigi battle with Roy Koopa in a Puyo Puyo Battle begins now.
(BGM: Tower Boss - New Super Mario Bros. Wii)
Ice Mario and Ice Luigi starts off by stacking up some Puyos while Roy Koopa is also stacking up some Puyos. Next, Ice Mario manage to clear Puyos twice to perform a spell 1 attack.
Ice Mario: Hammer!
Follow by Luigi who also manage to clear Puyos twice to perform a spell 1 attack.
Ice Luigi: Hammer!
Then, Roy Koopa manage to clear Puyos twice to perform a spell 1 attack.
Roy: Shell Shocked!
But it wasn't enough as Roy Koopa receive a few Garbage Puyos into his stack.
Next, they stack up some more Puyos as Ice Mario manage to clear Puyos three times to perform a spell 2 attack. Follow by Ice Luigi who also manage to clear Pouyos three times to perform a spell 2 attack.
Ice Mario: Quake Hammer!
Ice Luigi: Quake Hammer!
Then, Roy Koopa manage to clear Puyos twice to perform a spell 1 attack.
Roy: Shell Shocked!
But it still wasn't enough as Roy Koopa receive a few more Garbage Puyos into his stack.
Next, they stack up even more Puyos as Ice Mario manage to clear Puyos four times to perform a spell 3 attack.
Ice Mario: Iceball!
Follow by Ice Luigi who manage to clear Puyos five times to performs a spell 4 attack.
Ice Luigi: Thunder!
Then, Roy Koopa manage to clear Puyos three times to perform a spell 2 attack.
Roy: Magic Attack.
But it wasn't enough as Roy Koopa receive a decent amount of Garbage Puyos into his stack.
Roy: Ugh!
Next, Ice Mario manage to clear Puyos three times to perform a spell 2 attack.
Ice Mario: Quake Hammer!
Follow by Ice Luigi who manage to clear Puyos twice to perform a spell 1 attack.
Ice Luigi: Hammer!
Then, Roy Koopa manage to clear Puyos four times to perform a spell 3 attack which he jumps high in the air and starts slamming his two feet into the ground.
Roy: Earthquake Tremor!
Unfortunately, it was enough from Roy's spell 3 attack as Ice Mario receive a few more Garbage Puyos into his stack. While Ice Luigi receive a decent amount of more Garbage Puyos into his stack.
Luigi: Owie!
Next, they stack up some more as Ice Mario manage to clear Puyos five times to perform a spell 4 attack.
Ice Mario: Fire!
Follow by Ice Luigi who manage to clear Puyos four times to perform a spell 3 attack.
Ice Luigi: Iceball!
Then, Roy Koopa manage to clear Puyos five times to perform a spell 4 attack which he takes out a Bullet Bill Cannon and aims at the Mario Bros saying.
Roy: Bullet Bill Cannon!
But it wasn't enough as Roy Koopa receive a few more Garbage Puyos into his stack.
Next, they stack up even more Puyos as Ice Mario manage to clear Puyos four times to perform a spell 3 attack.
Ice Mario: Iceball!
Ice Luigi: Iceball!
Then, Roy Koopa manage to clear Puyos twice to perform a spell 1 attack.
Roy: Shell Shocked!
But it still wasn't enough as Roy Koopa receive a bunch of Garbage Puyos into his stack.
Roy: Aaaah!
(BGM Ended)
And with that, Roy koopa's Puyo stacks were full as he was defeated while the Mario Bros were victorious.
Roy: *groan*
Ice Mario: Yes, I'm the winner!
Ice Luigi: I'm-a Luigi, number one!
After their battle was over, Roy Koopa said.
Roy: Oh come on! How did I not win!
Ice Mario: I gotta admit, you did pretty good. But it wasn't good enough for you to beat us.
Roy: Grrrr... you just got lucky. But next time we battle, you won't be so lucky.
Next, Roy Koopa retreats by jumping away from the scene as Starlow said.
Starlow: Looks like he's retreating to the castle now.
Ice Mario: Indeed.
Ice Luigi: Now that that's over with. We should meet up with the others so we can start heading to the castle.
Ice Mario: *nods* Now let's-a go!
And with that, Ice Mario, Ice Luigi, and Starlow are now leaving the arena as they jump over the pit of sand and went on to the next door.
We then cut to the next scene seeing Ringo, Tee, and the others who manage to defeat Boom Boom as he was lying on the ground unconscious.
Ringo: Phew. I'm glad that's over with.
Tee: Yeah, who knew he would be aggressive of trying to attack us.
Bucken Berry: Well he always does that for what Mario and Luigi told us. But in the end, we simply dodge his attacks, hit him in the head three times and bam, he's defeated.
Ala-Gold: Yep. Pretty much.
Then, the camera pans towards the fortress as we see Roy koopa who was climbing down the rope. Once he made it down safely from the top of the fortress, he said.
Roy: *sigh* I can't believe I lost to them in a Puyo Puyo match. No matter, I will beat those two plumbers in another game.
Roy: And then, dad will be so proud of me that he'll give me what I want.
Bucken Berry: Hey look, that must be Roy!
Ala-Gold: Get him!
Next, Roy Koopa turns around and sees Bucken Berry, Ala-Gold, and co. who are running towards him.
Roy: I don't think so.
Then, Roy Koopa use his magic wand and shoots out two fireballs at them. As Roy Koopa shot two fireballs, Yoshi use his tongue on one fireball while the others dodge the second fireball by sidestepping.
Next, Roy Koopa started to whistle and his own clown car showed up. Once the clown car showed up, Yoshi spits the fireball back at Roy as he jump high in the air and lands on the clown car which cause the fireball to hit the ground instead.
Roy: So long, losers.
Then, Roy flew away from the scene as Ala-Gold said.
Ala-Gold: Shoot! Looks like he got away.
Ess: Well that was dirty of him for trying to attack us!
Propeller Toadette: Yeah, but at least we dodge the fireballs. Otherwise, we could've been hurt from it.
Next, Ice Mario and Ice Luigi, are heading down by the rope while Starlow was floating down towards the ground. As they made it to the ground, Ice Mario said.
Ice Mario: Are you guys, okay?
Bucken Berry: Yeah, were fine... Wait, how did you know that were attacked.
Ice Mario: Me, Luigi, and Starlow saw you guys getting attack from Roy and he soon ended up escaping after that.
Ice Luigi: Mhm... which is why we wanted to check up with you guys as fast as we could.
Propeller Toadette: We you won't have to because were totally fine, just like what Bucken Berry said.
Starlow: Well that's a relief. But any who, we should head to the castle so we can take down Roy for good.
Ice Mario: Agreed. Now let's roll.
And with that, Ice Mario, Ringo, Tee, and co. are now moving onward to the castle, where their next destination awaits them.
After five minutes have passed, there are now in the next level where they will soon reach to the castle in no time.
World 2-5
(BGM: Desert Theme - New Super Mario Bros. Wii)
Propeller Toadette: Phew. This sun is staring to heat up even more.
Ice Luigi: Yeah, tell me about it.
Tee: Hopefully we'll find some shade that will cool us off once we reach to the castle.
Ess: I sure hope so because I do NOT want to get sweaty.
Then, they encounter a tall spiky enemy who appears to be a yellow creature with numerous green spikes festooning their bodies. They are made up of several round balls combined together to form a wiggly structure.
Amitie: Woah. What is that thing?
Ala-Gold: That thing is called a Pokey. He's a defensive type enemy.
Ringo: I guess I can see why he's called Pokey. Is it because he has spikes around him.
Bucken Berry: Yep, that's right.
Raffina: So how do we get past Pokey without touching the spikes around him?
Ice Mario: I think I know how to get rid of him.
Amitie: You do?
Ice Mario: Mmhm... show 'em Yoshi.
Yoshi: Yoshi! (I'm on it!)
Next, Yoshi walked towards Pokey and started to use his tongue to snatch Pokey's segment one-by-one. Once Yoshi ate Pokey's segments, he use his tongue again and ate Pokey's head which cause the Puyo and Tetris crew to be shocked from Yoshi eating Pokey.
Arle: Did he just—
Ringo: Eat Pokey.
Ice Luigi: Yep.
Amitie: But didn't that hurt him from eating Pokey?
Said Amitie who was feeling worried about Yoshi.
Ice Mario: Nah, of course not. Right, Yoshi.
Yoshi: Yoshi, Yoshi. (Yep, I feel fine.)
Ice Luigi: For what we learn about the Yoshi's is that their shoes are immune to spikes. And as for eating enemies that have spikes on 'em, they're also immune to them.
Amitie: Really?
Ice Luigi: *nods*
Amitie: That's so cool.
Raffina: Well that's very impressive.
Yoshi: Yoshi. (Thanks, Raffina.)
Tee: Now that Pokey is out of the way, we should keep moving.
Ice Mario: Right.
Then, they were now moving forward by jumping over the sand to get across. Next, Luigi sees two ? mark blocks as he jumps up and hits two of them revealing... a Coin and two Super Mushrooms.
Ice Luigi: Oh, it's just two Mushrooms.
Ringo: Mushrooms?
Ice Mario: That's right. These Mushrooms here can heal you though almost any body part.
Ringo: Interesting.
Arle: Hold on. If these are Mushrooms, are they part of the Shroom Shake as an ingredient?
Ice Mario: Yep.
Arle: No wonder it taste so good.
Bucken Berry: Indeed they are. And since we found two Mushrooms, we should take it so Mario can make more of those Shroom Shakes.
Propeller Toadette: That's a great idea, Bucken Berry.
Ice Luigi: Well, you heard them bro. Let's take these two Mushrooms and get moving.
Then, Ice Mario nodded with a smile on his face as he put the two Mushrooms away into his inventory. Once he put the two Mushrooms away, they continue onward by jumping over the sand again to get across.
Next, they encounter another Pokey who has one body segment. Ice Mario then threw an Iceball at the Pokey which cause his head and one body segment to be frozen in a block of ice.
Ice Mario: Now that oughta do it.
Tee: Woah! You just froze Pokey in a block of ice.
Ice Luigi: Mhm... That's the power of an Ice Flower for ya.
Ringo: Oooh. No wonder you and Luigi look different.
Ala-Gold: Well yeah. Once you use a power-up, it will also change your appearance as well.
Ringo: I see, well that's kinda cool.
Then, they went around the frozen Pokey as they were moving forward.
Next, they encounter another Pokey who now has eight body segments. But suddenly, Pokey has change into Orange fruits which cause Yoshi to have hearts in his eyes.
Then, Yoshi use his tongue which he ended up snatching the whole Pokey and ate him. Once Pokey was eaten by Yoshi, they jump over the pitfall so they can continue onward.
Next, Ice Mario sees a ? mark block as he jumps up and hits it revealing... three color poke dot Eggs.
Yoshi: Yoshi?! (Huh?!)
Amitie: Something the matter, Yoshi?
Before they could answer, the three Eggs started to hatch. As the three Eggs were hatching, the three Eggs were now hatch up revealing a Yellow, Pink, and Light Blue Yoshi's.
R/A/A/R/T/E: Woah!
Arle: Those three creatures look just like Yoshi.
Carbuncle: Gugu.
O: Pipi.
Ice Luigi: Well it's because they are Yoshi's, but in different colors.
Amitie: Ooooo! I didn't know they were other Yoshi's.
Yoshi: Uh huh.
Y Yoshi/P Yoshi/LB Yoshi: Hm?
Then, they look at Yoshi, Mario, and co. and they were making happy noises of joy.
Ess: Well these three Yoshi's seem happy for some reason.
Bucken Berry: Yeah, it's because they're free from Kamak's spell.
Tee: What'd ya mean they're free from Kamak's spell.
Ala-Gold: Well... For what Mario and Luigi told us, Kamak use his spell on the Yoshi's which they trapped them in an Egg.
Amitie: Really? Then what happened to the Yoshi's.
Ala-Gold: Kamak grabs the Yoshi's Eggs and stuff them into the ? mark Blocks.
Amitie: That's terrible.
Raffina: Looks like he needs to be taught a lesson.
Ess: I agree.
Yellow Yoshi: Yoshi! (Thank you for freeing us!)
Pink Yoshi: Yoshi, Yoshi. (We would've been trap in that ? Block forever if it weren't for you guys.)
Light Blue Yoshi: Yo-Yo-Yoshi. (And now that were free, we're going to help you guys on your adventure.)
Yoshi: Yoshi! (Sweet!)
Ringo: So now that they're free, now what's next?
Ice Mario: Hmmm... I know! Yoshi, is it okay that your friends could join us.
Next, Yoshi nodded saying yes which cause the Yellow, Pink, and Light Blue Yoshi's are jumping with joy.
Yellow Yoshi: Yo-Yo-Yoshi! (Alright! And don't worry, we won't let you guys down.)
Ice Mario: Alright everyone, let's keep moving onward.
Then, they are now moving forward as they ran on the bridge to get across from the quicksand.
Arle: It's great that the three color Yoshi's are joining with us.
Ringo: Which means that cleaning up Puyos and Tetriminos will be a whole lot easier to get the job done.
Tee: Agreed!
Next, the camera moves up to the sky as we see a cloud that coming close to the screen. As the cloud was close to the screen, we see is an enemy who appears to be a Koopa Troopa, but he has no beak, glasses with thick black frames, and three strands of hair.
Then, he takes out a ball that have spikes around it and started to throw it towards Ice Mario. Once the ball was thrown, it landed in front of Ice Mario which he was caught by surprise.
Ice Mario: Woah!
Ice Luigi: What is it, Mario?
Ice Mario: A Spiny Egg almost hit me, but I'm glad it miss.
Propeller Toadette: I wonder who did it?
Bucken Berry: Unless Lakitu did it, look!
Said Bucken Berry who pointed at Lakitu which he takes out another Spiny Egg from his inventory.
Ice Mario: I should've figure that he was the one who threw it at me.
Tee: So that thing that's riding on a cloud is Lakitu?
Bucken Berry: Yep. And apparently, he throws Spiny Eggs at you.
Raffina: I see. So it's best we watch out whenever Lakitu throws the Spiny Eggs at us.
Next, Lakitu throws another Spiny Egg at Propeller Toadette as she dodges the Spiny Egg by jumping over it. Once Propeller Toadette jumped over the Spiny Egg, the Spiny Egg started to hatched revealing... a Spiny.
Ringo: Did that Spiny Egg just hatched?!
Ice Luigi: Mmhm... Once the Spiny Egg hatches, a Spiny will come out and try to attack us.
Amitie: Well that's kinda mean.
Suddenly, more Spiny Eggs came down towards them and Ala-Gold said.
Ala-Gold: I think we should get a move on.
Bucken Berry: Yeah, like right now.
Then, they started to run while dodging the Spiny Eggs that are being thrown by the Lakitu. Once they were running, they all jump over the small pitfall while Propeller Toadette started to spin in the air towards Lakitu.
Next, Propeller Toadette drill down on Lakitu's head as Lakitu was instantly defeated. Propeller Toadette then was on Lakitu's cloud which she will be able to go to higher places.
Propeller Toadette: Alright! Now I'll be able to go to higher places.
As Propeller Toadette was riding on Lakitu's cloud, we cut to Ice Mario and the others who jumped onto the brick Blocks as they jump on top of the stone.
Then, they jump on a yellow rectangle platform as they encounter a Piranha Plant who was standing on a stone platform.
Next, Ice Mario throws an Iceball at the Piranha Plant as the Piranha Plant was now frozen in a block of ice.
Ice Mario: That oughta do it. Now let's hurry before it melts and try's to chomp us.
Ice Mario and co. started to jump on the stone platform and went around the frozen Piranha Plant. Once they went around the frozen Piranha Plant, they jump up and landed on the brick Blocks three times so they can get across the quicksand.
Then, we cut to Propeller Toadette who was collecting eighteen Coins that are floating in the air. As she collected eighteen Coins, we see the Lakitu's cloud she's riding on is almost time's up and said.
Propeller Toadette: Uh oh, It looks like my time's almost up. I might as well head back down now.
Propeller Toadette then started to ride back down towards the ground. Once she was close to the ground, she jumped off of his cloud as the cloud started to shrink and disappeared.
Next, Ice Mario sees two ? mark Blocks that are just up ahead as he ran towards it. Ice Mario then jump up and hits the two ? mark Blocks revealing... one Coin per Block.
Then, they ran towards the yellow rectangle platform as they both jump very high as they could. But luckily, they landed on the yellow rectangle platform as they encounter two Piranha Plant's which the first one is a regular size plant and the second one was a big size plant.
Ringo: Holy moly, that plant from the back is huge.
Ice Luigi: I wonder how are we gonna get past those two Piranha Plants?
Arle: Why don't you guys use your ice powers.
Ice Mario: We could, but that huge Piranha Plant can break out of being frozen too easily.
Ice Luigi: My bro is not wrong you know. After all, we tried it last time and it didn't work.
Amitie: So now what? We can't just stand around here during this heat.
Arle: Hmmm... Oh, I know. Carby, are you ready?
Carbuncle: Gugu!
Arle picked up Carbuncle and throws him up in the air at an 80 degree angle. Next, Carbuncle started to shoot a laser out of his forehead on the two Piranha Plants dealing decent damage as the two Piranha Plants were instantly defeated.
Then, Arle caught Carbuncle and puts him right by her shoulder as they make their way forward. After defeating the two Piranha Plants, a cloud suddenly showed up from the background which appears to be a Lakitu once again.
Next, Lakitu takes out a Spiny Egg and throws it at Ice Luigi. And when he did, Ice Mario notice a Spiny Egg coming towards Ice Luigi and said.
Ice Mario: Luigi, look out!
Ice Luigi: Huh?
Then, Ice Luigi looks up seeing a Spiny Egg that was coming towards him which he started to panic.
Ice Luigi: Waaaah!
As he was about to get hit by a Spiny Egg, Ice Mario throws an Iceball at the Spiny Egg which was now turn into a frozen block of ice.
Ice Luigi: Phew. That was a close one.
Ice Mario: I have a feeling that Lakitu did this.
Ice Mario then looked up seeing Lakitu that was fly around them and took out another Spiny Egg from his inventory.
Ice Mario: Oh great, there's another Lakitu here.
Ala-Gold: Then we better get moving and fast.
Next, they were now running away from Lakitu as he starts throwing Spiny Eggs at them. Then, they ran on the bridge to get across the quicksand as they encounter five Pokey's who are moving slowly on the yellow rectangle platforms.
Next, the five Pokey's suddenly turn into Orange fruits which the three color Yoshi's have hearts in their eyes.
Then, the three color Yoshi's jump towards the yellow rectangle platform and started to use their tongue's which they ended up snatching the whole Pokey's one-by-one.
Ringo: Oh my. They really sure are hungry.
Raffina: I could say the same thing.
Ice Mario: Nice going Yoshi's!
Next, Ice Mario and co. started jumping towards the yellow rectangle platform as they continue onward. Ice Luigi then sees a flag pole up ahead and said.
Ice Luigi: Hey Mario, I see a flag up ahead.
Ice Mario: Really?
Ice Luigi: Yeah. Although, the two Pokey's are blocking the way.
Ice Mario: No worries. Yoshi and his three friends can handle it.
Then, Ice Mario look at Yoshi as he nodded with determination. The three color Yoshi's looked at Yoshi and he said.
Yoshi: Yoshi! (Alright team, let's eat the other two Pokey's, on the double!)
Yellow Yoshi: Yo-Yo! (You got it!)
Next, Yoshi and the three color Yoshi's ran towards the two Pokey's and started to use their tongue's to snatch Pokey's body segments one-by-one. While the four Yoshi's are eating the two Pokey's, Propeller Toadette sees Lakitu who was coming towards them and said.
Propeller Toadette: I'll take care of him!
Then, Propeller Toadette jump in the air and started to spin to make her go higher. As she was very high in the air, Propeller Toadette drill downward towards Lakitu. But unfortunately, he dodges the attack by moving backwards.
Next, Lakitu pulled out a Spiny Egg and throws it at Propeller Toadette. Propeller Toadette then got hit by the Spiny Egg which cause her to lose her Propeller Suit in the process.
A/E: Toadette!
Toadette: Ow! That hurts.
Ice Mario sees this and he started to throw a couple of Iceballs at Lakitu as he dodges the Iceball. But the last Iceball manage to hit Lakitu which cause him to be frozen in a block of ice.
Once Lakitu was frozen, he falls down and hits the ground which cause the block of ice to be nonfragile from it. The four Yoshi's then finish snacking the two Pokey's and the Green main Yoshi said.
Yoshi: Yoshi, Yoshi! (We're all finished, Mario!)
Ice Luigi: Hey, bro! The Yoshi's finish snacking the two Pokey's.
Ice Mario: Sweet! Now let's clear this level.
Then, they all ran towards the flag pole so they can clear the level. As they were running and jumping, Ice Mario said.
Ice Mario: Luigi, give me a boost to the top.
Ice Luigi nodded as he gave Ice Mario a boost by making Ice Mario jump on his two hands and throws him up to the top of the flag pole.
(BGM Ended)
Next, Ice Mario touch the tip of the flag pole while the others touch the flag pole and started to slide down the flag pole meaning that the third level is cleared.
IM/IL/T/BB/AG: Oh yeah!
The Four Yoshi's: Yay, Yoshi!
Tee: Well that level was easy.
Ringo: Yeah, I'm surprise that this level turn out to be that short.
O: Pipi pi.
Amitie: So now that we clear the level, where is the castle?
Ice Mario: Hmmm...
Then, Ice Mario started to look around until he spotted it. Once he spotted it, Ice Mario said.
Ice Mario: Aha! There it is!
Arle: Where?
Ice Mario: Right over there.
Next, Ice Mario points at the castle with his finger as everyone sees the castle which is way across the quicksand.
Ess: There is no way I'm walking across the sand.
Ice Mario: I think we won't have to.
Tee: Why's that.
Ice Mario: Look at the pipe over there.
Then, they look at the Green Pipe that was surrounded by four palm trees.
Ice Mario: I bet if we find a Green Pipe around here, hopefully it will take us straight to that Green Pipe we'll pop out.
Ice Luigi: Let's hope so.
Bucken Berry: Well, we might as well search that Green Pipe so can move on.
Ala-Gold: Agreed.
And with that, they split up so they can find the Green Pipe that's around the area.
After a few minutes have passed, we see Bucken Berry and Ala-Gold who are still looking for the Green Pipe on either side of the area.
Bucken Berry: Hey Ala-Gold, did you find a Green Pipe over there!
Ala-Gold: Nope, how about your end!
Bucken Berry: Nope, not in this side either!
Next, they both met up in the middle as they continue their search and Ala-Gold said.
Ala-Gold: There has to be a Green Pipe around here.
Bucken Berry: I wonder if the others have any better luck than we are.
Then, Bucken Berry and Ala-Gold bump their heads into something as they both stumble onto the ground.
BB/AG: Ouch.
Bucken Berry: What did we just bump into.
Ala-Gold: I don't even kno—
Next, they look at the Green Pipe that was covering up from the sand.
Ala-Gold: Well what'd ya know, we found the Green Pipe!
Bucken Berry: We sure did. Now let's use the walkie talkie to tell the others.
Ala-Gold: Good idea.
Ala-Gold then uses the walkie talkie so he can communicate the others and tell them the good news.
(Mini Timeskip)
We then see Ice Mario and the others who spotted Bucken Berry, Ala-Gold, and the Green Pipe as they approach them.
Ala-Gold: Hey everyone, I'm glad you guys made it.
Ice Luigi: So this is the Green Pipe you two found?
Bucken Berry: Yep, one hundred percent.
Ice Mario: Then let's check it out.
Next, Ice Mario jump inside of the Green Pipe while Ice Luigi and co. who follow him in pursuit. Once everyone jump inside of the Green Pipe, we cut to the next scene showing the castle where Roy awaits them for their arrival.
Then, we see the Green Pipe that that was surrounded by four palm tress from earlier as Ice Mario came out of the Green Pipe first. As he came out of the Green Pipe first, we also see Ice Luigi and co. that also came out of the Green Pipe one-by-one.
Next, they make their way towards the castle doors and Ringo said.
Ringo: Looks like we're here.
Ice Mario: Indeed. Now hears some water bottles for you guys while we head off to the castle.
Ice Mario then hand out water bottles for each person.
Ringo: Thanks Mario.
Mario: Your welcome. Now c'mon Luigi.
Ice Luigi: I'm right behind you, bro.
Tee: Good luck you too.
Then, Ice Mario and Ice Luigi make their way inside of the castle as the castle doors soon closes behind them.
Bucken Berry: Sooo... what should we do while we wait?
Ess: I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna stand over there at the palm tree so I can cool myself off from this heat while drinking this water bottle.
Raffina: Same here.
Ringo: I guess we might as well chill under the palm trees then.
As they were about to relax under the palm trees, a Tetrimino block suddenly landed next to them.
Bucken Berry: Woah! Well that was a close one.
Ala-Gold: Yeah, and I do believe that there's more coming!
Next, they see more Teriminos and Puyos that are falling from the sky as they decide to take cover. After twenty seconds have passed, it stop raining as they came out of their cover.
Toadette: Oh dear. Looks like this place is now a complete mess.
Ess: Oh come on, and I was just about to relax under the palm tree while drinking water.
Tee: I guess relaxing under the palm trees and drinking water will have to wait.
Ringo: Agreed. Now let's clean up this mess ASAP.
Everyone: Right!
O: Pipipi!
Yoshi: Yoshi! (Yeah, let's do it!)
Y. Yoshi/P. Yoshi/LB. Yoshi: Yoshi, Yoshi! (We'll help out too!)
And with that, everyone (except Bucken Berry and Ala-Gold) started clearing the Tetriminos and Puyos so they can finally relax under the palm trees and drinking their water bottles.
After five minutes have passed, Ice Mario, Ice Luigi, and Starlow were inside of the Castle, where the final level of World 2 begins.
World 2-Castle
(BGM: Castle Theme - New Super Mario Bros. Wii)
Starlow: So we finally made it inside of the castle.
Ice Luigi: Yeah, even though I wish they build an air conditioner for this place. After all, it was very hot outside.
Ice Mario: Well I doubt they'll waste their time building an air conditioner since they have important things to do like setting up traps for us to go through.
Ice Luigi: True dat.
Starlow: Now that were here, let's go find Roy and kick his butt.
Then, the Mario Bros nodded as Starlow went inside of Mario's pocket so she can be safe from harm.
Next, they both see a ? mark Block that just up ahead as Ice Mario ran towards it. Ice Mario then jumps up hand hits it revealing... an Ice Flower.
Ice Mario: Nice! That ? mark Block had an Ice Flower in it.
Ice Luigi: We should take it just incase.
Ice Mario: Agreed.
Then, Ice Mario jump on top of the Block and grabs the Ice Flower. Once Ice Mario grabs the Ice Flower, he puts it away into his inventory for safe keeping.
Next, they jump over the lava pit as they encounter an enemy who are fireball-like creatures that jumps out of the lava pits.
Ice Luigi: A Podoboo dead ahead, bro.
Ice Mario: No worries, Luigi. We'll just extinguish it with our ice powers.
Ice Luigi: Oh yeah.
Then, a Podoboo jumps out of the lava pit again as Mario throws an Iceball towards Podoboo. As he threw an Iceball, Podoboo was hit by it dealing critical damage as the Podoboo was instantly defeated.
Next, they jump over another lava pit as they encounter another Podoboo who was jumping out of the lava pit. Ice Luigi then threw an Iceball at Podoboo and was hit by it dealing critical damage as the Podoboo was instantly defeated.
After defeating another Podoboo, they see a moving platform that was going up and down along with three paths to choose from.
Ice Luigi: Oh dear, there's three paths to chose from.
Ice Mario: Yeah, that is a problem. I think we should try the middle path first.
Then, they both jump on the moving platform as they both take the middle path. And when they did, Ice Mario and Ice Luigi were now moving forward to the path they chose until they both heard a sound.
Ice Luigi: What was that sound?
Ice Mario: I don't know, but we have to keep moving.
Next, they exit out of the middle path which led them into a loop. As they both exit the middle path, they jump back down and Ice Luigi said.
Ice Luigi: Wait a minute... didn't we already came here in this area before?
Ice Mario: You know, I was just gonna say the same thing.
Then, they look at the arrow sign which said to go straight ahead.
Ice Mario: I knew it! We are back from the start.
Ice Luigi: Well this is just great, now we gotta start all over again.
Ice Mario: Unfortunately, but I know we'll go to the correct path this time. Now let's go.
Next, the Mario Bros are now moving forward as they jump over through the the lava pits. After going through the lava pits, they encounter a moving platform once again as well as the three paths to choose from.
Ice Mario: Hmm... I think we should go to the top path this time.
Ice Luigi: I sure hope you right.
Then, the Mario Bros jump on the moving platform as they both took the top path. And when they did, Ice Mario and Ice Luigi were moving onward to the path they chose until they both heard a different sound.
Next, they both exit out the top path which led them to a new area of the level. As they both exit the top path, they both jump back down and Ice Mario said.
Ice Mario: Yes! Were in a new area now.
Ice Luigi: Well that's good to know.
Then, they both encounter a Piranha Plant that was coming out of the Red Pipe. Ice Mario threw an Iceball at the Piranha Plant as the Piranha Plant was now frozen in a block of ice.
Next, they both jump over the frozen Piranha Plant as they continued onward through the area. Ice Luigi then sees a ? mark Block as he jumps on the platform. Once he's on the platform, Ice Luigi jump and hits the ? mark Block revealing... one Coin.
After he got one Coin from the ? mark Block, Ice Luigi sees another ? mark Block that floating above the solid platform. Then, Ice Luigi jumps on the solid platform and jumps again which he hits the ? mark Block revealing... a Fire Flower.
Ice Luigi: Alright! It's a Fire Flower.
Ice Mario: Luigi? Where are you?
Ice Luigi: I'm up here, bro.
Ice Mario looks up to see Ice Luigi who was looking down at him.
Ice Mario: Oh there you are.
Ice Luigi: Mhm... I even found a Fire Flower up here.
Ice Mario: Well that's great! Because I see two Piranha Plants that are blocking the bottom path.
Ice Luigi: Oh. Well I'm gonna grab the Fire Flower and use it.
Ice Mario: Great idea, bro!
Next, Ice Luigi jumps on top of the Block and grabs the Fire Flower. Once he grabs the Fire Flower, he uses it and started to transform into Fire Luigi.
Then, he jump back down and landed next to Ice Mario and said.
Fire Luigi: So, where are the Piranha Plant's?
Ice Mario: They're right in front of us, bro.
Next, he looks straight towards the two Piranha Plant's who are blocking the bottom path.
Fire Luigi: Oooh. Well no worries, I can get it rid of those two with fire power.
Fire Luigi then throws two fireballs at the two Piranha Plant's dealing critical damage as the two Piranha Plant's were instantly defeated.
Ice Mario: Nice going, Luigi!
Fire Luigi: Hehe, Thanks!
Ice Mario: Now let's go ahead and take the bottom path.
Next, Ice Mario and Fire Luigi were now moving forward as they both take the bottom path. Once they both took the bottom path, they kept moving until they heard a sound again.
Then, they both exit out the bottom path which led them to a new area of the level. As they both exit the bottom path, they both see a blue switch with a letter P in it that's above the ceiling.
Fire Luigi: Look at that, bro. It's a P-Switch.
Ice Mario: I can see that.
Next, Ice Mario look at the five Dry Bones who are walking on the brick blocks and the Coins that are floating above the long lava pit.
Ice Mario: I think we both know what to do.
Fire Luigi: You said it.
Then, Ice Mario jumps on the platform while Fire Luigi was getting ready into his position. Once Ice Mario landed on the platform, he said.
Ice Mario: You ready?
Fire Luigi: Ready!
Ice Mario: O-kay. I'm going to hit the switch in 3... 2... 1...
Next, Ice Mario jump towards the P Switch and hits it which made the Coins turn into brick Blocks and the brick Blocks turn into Coins.
(BGM Changes)
(BGM: P-Switch - New Super Mario Bros. Wii)
Then, the five Dry Bones were now falling into the brick Blocks that are line up. Ice Mario and Fire Luigi were now running on the brick Blocks as they both jump over five Dry Bones while collecting 20 Coins in the process.
Next, they both made it to the other side as Ice Mario and Fire Luigi sees three paths to choose from which the middle path has 6 Coins that are floating next to each other.
Ice Mario: Quick, let's take the middle path and hurry before the time runs out.
Fire Luigi: Okay.
The Mario Bros jump on top of the platform as they both dash towards the middle path while collecting 6 Coins in the process.
(BGM Changes)
(BGM: Castle Theme - New Super Mario Bros. Wii)
Then, Ice Mario and Fire Luigi continue running through the middle path until they both heard a sound for one last time.
Next, they both exit out the middle path and sees the Boss door that's just up ahead.
Fire Luigi: There it is! We made it through the level!
Ice Mario: Yep. I guess that was too easy.
Ice Mario and Fire Luigi jump back down as they both ran towards the Boss door. Then, they were now in front of the Boss door and Starlow came out of Mario's pocket saying.
Starlow: This is it. Roy must be behind this door.
Ice Mario: I'm sure he's in there.
Fire Luigi: *nods*
Starlow: So, are you two ready to take him down?
IM/FL: Were Ready!
Starlow: Good! Now let's open the door and go!
And with that, Ice Mario and Fire Luigi opens the door as the trio went inside knowing that Roy is waiting for them on the other side of that door.
(BGM Ended)
Then, the trio came out of the door as the door soon closes behind them.
Next, the trio make their way forward to the arena as they soon encounter Roy Koopa once again who was playing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on his Nintendo Switch.
Next, he soon notice the Mario Bros who are standing in front of him and said.
Roy: Huh?! How did you two get here so quickly.
Ice Mario: I don't know. You tell me.
Roy (Thoughts): Rrrgh. I knew I should've make this place bigger for them to get lost in.
Starlow: Alright Roy, I want you and the others to release the princess at once!
Roy: Hmph. Like I would ever do that.
Roy: And since you and your stinky brother are here, I'm gonna face you two in a Tetris battle.
Fire Luigi: I knew this was coming.
Ice Mario: Okay Roy. Let's see if you improve your skills.
Roy: Alright I will. At this rate, you two are going down for good!
Ice Mario: Try us.
And with that, the Mario Bros battle against Roy Koopa once again in a Tetris battle begins now.
(BGM: Never Let Up - Mario & Luigi Dream Team)
Ice Mario and Fire Luigi starts off by stacking up some Tetriminos while Roy Koopa was also stacking up some Tetriminos. Then, Roy Koopa manage to clear three lines to perform a spell 2 attack.
Roy: Magic Attack!
Next, Ice Mario manage to clear three lines to perform a spell 2 attack. Follow by Fire Luigi who also manage to clear three lines to perform a spell 2 attack.
Ice Mario: Quake Hammer!
Fire Luigi: Quake Hammer!
Fortunately, it was enough from Roy's spell 2 attack as he receive two lines of Garbage Tetriminos into his stack.
Then, they stack up some more Tetriminos as Ice Mario manage to clear four lines saying.
Ice Mario: Tetris!
Follow by Fire Luigi who manage to clear two lines to perform a spell 2 attack.
Fire Luigi: Hammer!
Next, Roy Koopa manage to clear two lines to perform a spell 1 attack.
Roy: Shell Shocked!
But it wasn't enough as Roy Koopa receive four lines of Garbage Tetriminos into his stack.
Roy: Aaaah!
Then, they stacked up even more Tetriminos as Roy Koopa manage to clear four lines saying.
Roy: Tetris!
Next, Ice Mario manage to clear three lines to perform a spell 2 attack.
Ice Mario: Quake Hammer!
Follow by clearing another three lines to perform a counter spell attack.
Ice Mario: Cape Counter!
Then, Fire Luigi manage to clear three lines to perform a spell 2 attack.
Fire Luigi: Quake Hammer!
Luckily, they both manage to counter Roy's Tetris attack as he receive three lines of Garbage Tetriminos into his stack.
Roy: Ugh!
Next, Ice Mario manage to clear two lines to perform a spell 1 attack.
Ice Mario: Hammer!
Follow by Fire Luigi who manage to clear four lines saying.
Fire Luigi: Tetris!
Then, Roy Koopa manage to clear three lines to perform a spell 2 attack.
Roy: Magic Attack!
But it still wasn't enough as Roy Koopa receive three lines of Garbage Tetriminos into his stack.
Roy: Ugh!
Next, they stack up some more Tetriminos as Ice Mario manage to clear one line. Follow by Fire Luigi who also manage to clear one line saying.
Ice Mario: Yes!
Fire Luigi: Oh yeah!
Then, Roy Koopa manage to clear two lines to perform a spell 1 attack.
Roy: Shell Shocked!
Follow by clearing three lines to perform a spell 2 attack.
Roy: Magic Attack!
Unfortunately, it wasn't enough from Roy's Spell 1 and 2 attacks as Ice Mario and Fire Luigi receive three lines of Garbage Tetriminos into his stack.
Ice Mario: Ouch!
Fire Luigi: Owie!
Next, they stack up even more Tetriminos as Ice Mario manage to clear three lines to perform a spell 2 attack. Follow by Fire Luigi who also clear three lines to perform a spell 2 attack.
Ice Mario: Quake Hammer!
Fire Luigi: Quake Hammer!
Then, Roy Koopa manage to clear two lines to perform a spell 1 attack.
Roy: Shell Shocked!
But it wasn't enough as Roy Koopa receive two lines of Garbage Tetriminos into his stack.
Next, Ice Mario manage to clear four lines saying.
Ice Mario: Tetris!
Follow by clearing another four lines known as Back-to-Back saying.
Ice Mario: Tetris!
Then, Fire Luigi manage to clear four lines saying.
Fire Luigi: Tetris!
Next, Roy Koopa manage to clear one line saying.
Roy: Yeah!
Follow by clearing four more lines saying.
Roy: Tetris!
But it still wasn't enough as Roy Koopa receive eight lines of Garbage Tetriminos into his stack.
Roy: Aaaah!
(BGM Ended)
And with that, Roy's blocks were full as he was defeated while Ice Mario and Fire Luigi were victorious.
Roy: *groan*
Ice Mario: Yes, I'm the winner!
Fire Luigi: I'm-a Luigi, number one!
After their battle was over, Roy said.
Roy: Impossible! I should've won against you two chumps!
Ice Mario: Well it looks to me that you didn't, as always.
Roy: Grrr! Alright, if that's how you wanna play. Then so be it.
Roy: Kamek!
Suddenly, Kamek showed up out of nowhere and said.
Kamek: I'm on it! Keeheehee!
Then, Kamek use his magic wand and started sprinkling some magic onto the arena twice. Once Kamek sprinkle the arena, he left to who knows where as the fives large Green Pipes pop out of the ceiling.
Roy: This time I will defeat you two chumps. And when I do, King Dad will take over the Mushroom Kingdom. All because of me.
Ice Mario: Like that's ever gonna happen.
(BGM: Castle Boss - New Super Mario Bros. Wii)
Roy starts off by jumping towards the fourth Green Pipe that was above him. he then climb inside the fourth Green Pipe as the Mario Bros decide to split up.
Next, Roy pops out of the Green Pipe a few times until he sees Ice Mario as a target. Once he spotted his target, Roy drops down towards Ice Mario to stomp on him.
Fire Luigi: Mario, above you!
Then, Ice Mario looks up seeing Roy who was about to fall on him as he jump out of the way just in time.
Next, Roy stomp on the ground to perform an Earthquake Tremor which cause Fire Luigi to become stunned from the Earthquake Tremor. As Fire Luigi was stunned, Roy saw this opportunity by using the magic wand to shoot out a fireball towards Fire Luigi.
Ice Mario sees this and throws an Iceball very quickly towards the fireball which cause it to collied it and the fireball was extinguish.
Then, Ice Mario jumps in the air to perform a Ground Pound on Roy's head taking massive damage. As Roy got hit on the head, he gets inside of his shell and started to spin forward towards Ice Mario. But Luckily, he dodge the attack by jumping over Roy which he was heading towards the wall and was bounce by the wall.
After the Mario Bros kept dodging his attack a few times, Roy came out of his shell and jump straight up towards the third Green Pipe. Next, he went inside the Green Pipe as they both decided to split up once again.
Then, Roy pops out of the Green Pipe a few times until he spotted Fire Luigi as a target. Once he spotted his target, Roy drops down towards Fire Luigi to stomp on him.
Fire Luigi: Oh no!
Next, he jump out of the way before Roy could stomp on him as he threw three fireball's at Roy dealing damage per fireball. Ice Mario also jump to avoid being stunned from Roy's Earthquake Tremor.
Then, Roy use his magic wand to shoot out a fireball at Fire Luigi. But he was interrupted by Ice Mario who jump in the air and performs a Ground Pound on Roy's head dealing massive damage. Once he got hit, Roy went inside of his shell and started to spin forward towards Ice Mario as he dodges the attack by jumping over him.
The Mario Bros kept dodging his attacks a few times until Ice Mario jump too early which cause him to hit his spiky shell taking damage and losing his Ice power-up in the process.
Mario: Yowch!
Next, Roy came out of his shell and jumps straight up towards the second Green Pipe. Roy then went inside the Green Pipe as the Mario Bros decided to spit up for one last time.
Then, Roy pops out of the Green Pipe a few times until he spotted Mario as his target. As he spotted his target, Roy drops down towards Mario to stomp on him.
Next, Mario had an idea as he took out his hammer and counters Roy's attack dealing damage. Follow by Fire Luigi who finishes him off by jumping in the air to perform a Ground Pound on Roy's head dealing massive damage.
(BGM Ended)
And with that, Roy was defeated as he fell to his doom saying.
Roy: You haven't seen the last of meeeeeee...
Fire Luigi: Yahoo! Another Koopaling is down for the count.
Mario: Yep.
Then, the third Green Pipe pop out a key which was floating down towards the ground. After the key flew down towards the ground, they both see the key on the ground and Mario picked up the key which means that the final level of World 2 has been cleared.
Mario: Nice! We got another key.
Starlow: Now that Roy has been taking care of, we should meet up with the others.
Next, the trio went towards the gate as Mario then put the key on the keyhole and twisted it to the right. The gate was now open and they were now moving forward so they can meet up with the others.
Then, they kept running through the hallway until Fire Luigi stop running and turns his head to the left. Once Fire Luigi stop running, he spotted something shiny and said.
Fire Luigi: Mario! I found another Crystal Star!
Mario: You did? Where!
Fire Luigi: It's sitting on the podium, take a look.
Next, Mario and Starlow went to where Fire Luigi was at as the trio sees a Emerald color Crystal Star that sitting on a podium in the center of the four Bowser's statues being gathered around it.
Mario: Nice going, bro! Now let's take it and get a move on.
Then, they walk towards the podium and Mario grabs the Emerald Star to put it away into his inventory.
And with that, they exit out of the room as the trio were now moving onward so they can head downstairs towards the entrance of the castle.
(Mini Timeskip)
We then cut to the next scene showing Ringo, Tee, and the others who manage to clean up the place.
Ringo: Phew. I think that's the last of 'em.
Tee: Agreed. But I'm glad that the three color Yoshi's were able to help us.
Amitie: I know, right. And it's all thanks to Yoshi for teaching them how to play.
Raffina: I wonder if Mario, Luigi, and Starlow did their part of taking down Roy.
Next, the Castle doors were now open on it's own revealing Mario, Fire Luigi, and Starlow who are exiting the Castle.
Mario: We're back!
Ala-Gold: Hey you two.
Bucken Berry: Did you two manage to beat Roy.
Fire Luigi: Yep. Even though he was quite a opponent, but we still beat him nonetheless.
Starlow: We also manage to retrieve another Crystal Star as well.
Toadette: Really?!
Mario: Mmhm...
Then, Mario nodded as he took out an Emerald Star from his inventory.
Mario: This here is an Emerald Star.
R/A/A: Woah!
Mario: This Emerald Star can perform a Clock Out move which I can freeze time on my enemies.
Tee: Interesting. Although, I'm quite curious on you saying "freeze time."
Mario: Well, I might as well show it to you.
Next, Mario looked around until he spotted a few Spiny's and a Lakitu who are guarding the Warp Pipe. Mario then ran towards Lakitu and a few Spiny's as he uses the Emerald Star saying.
Mario: Clock Out!
Once he use the Emerald Star, Lakitu and a few Spiny's were time stop by the Emerald Star which cause the Puyo and Tetris crew being shocked by this.
Arle: Wow! Lakitu and the Spiny's can't move at all.
Ringo: I can see that.
Mario: C'mon gang, we better get inside the Warp Pipe before the time stop is disable.
Everyone: Right!
Then, they all ran towards the Warp Pipe and jump inside the Warp Pipe one-by-one as they make their way to World 3. Once they went in the Warp Pipe, we see Rulue who was running towards the Warp Pipe and said.
Rulue: What was that all about? Hmmm...
Rulue: No matter. Since these enemies are frozen, I better hurry inside the Warp Pipe so I can catch up with them.
And So, Rulue jump inside the Warp pipe and the time stop was now disable making Lakitu and a few Spiny's were confused by this sudden event.
To Be Continued...
Which Koopaling will they be facing next?
And will Rulue finally be able to catch up with Mario, Ringo, Tee, and co. this time?
Stay tuned and find out.
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