9. Half-hearted Excuses
As soon as they got home, Seonghwa regressed to his ghastly self. He stomped off the second they breached the main door and didn't leave Jongho a chance to take his coat off him. With a fleeting smile at Hongjoong, Jongho bolted after his lord.
With a sigh, Hongjoong rid himself of his coat and shoes. His waist and cheek still tingled from Seonghwa's touches, which had been so adoring towards the concept between the two of them. The instant reversion to his usual spite had Hongjoong rolling his eyes. If Seonghwa had even half the manners he pretended to have, he would have been long since married at his age and would have over one and a half friends. Hongjoong wondered if Wooyoung ever got judged by the earl. Did he have to deal with malicious comments? Or did the earl consider him a friend and held his tongue?
After the scare last time that had left Hongjoong reeling when Seonghwa found out about him, Hongjoong was less than keen on attempting to reveal the truth to Seonghwa.
Hongjoong got some food before he trudged into his room to lock himself away with his books once more. Rather than sharing his living area with Seonghwa, Hongjoong much preferred the solitude of his own chamber where he could lounge around as a male.
For two days, Hongjoong pretended he had a cold and stayed reclusive. Jongho brought food to his room, and whenever he relayed Seonghwa's curiosity about how Hongjoong felt, Hongjoong shot back his resentment for the earl.
Those two days were bliss, and Hongjoong unwinded after the days of stress and anxiety. He got to breathe deeply and gathered his wits about how to deal with Seonghwa's moodiness and how to keep his secret.
When Jongho came in on the evening of the second day to bring Hongjoong food, he brought a flower with him.
"A gift from the earl," the butler announced as Hongjoong picked it off the tablet. He was dressed only in a thin sleep dress and had his blanket wrapped around him, but Jongho adverted his eyes politely. Hongjoong's long hair tickled his face when he leaned in to smell the flower. Its head was round and purple like the last one. Thin arms stretched from it all around until it reminded Hongjoong of a hedgehog curled up protectively.
"What is this one called?"
"It's called a touch-me-not," Jongho said while he put the tray down and prepared Hongjoong's food. Jongho knew well that Hongjoong wasn't sick, but he was willing to keep the secret to allow Hongjoong some rest. If Seonghwa needed him, he would be obnoxious about it, anyway.
"When was I ever touching him?" Hongjoong chuckled as he put it to his other wilted flower. Jongho regarded their loss with unreadable eyes.
"The act of gifting flowers in the upper class is a way to communicate without words. All flowers have a meaning, and the master is forwarding you these to convey his feelings."
Hongjoong reached for a piece of pepper and chewed on it.
"Then what does the touch-me-not mean?"
Jongho winced. When Hongjoong's eyes bore into his rounded face, he relented with a sigh.
"It means annoyance and impatience. He delivers back the hate you expressed in kind."
Hongjoong chuckled, amused that there were flowers with negative meanings. He had seen gentlemen present them to the ladies they wanted to court before, but he had assumed they were an act of kindness and a gift of beauty.
"A humorous way to relay a message. I shall accept it." Hongjoong looked over the tray when Jongho set apart a box of chocolates. It was wrapped expensively and the lid of the paper box had been taken off to show off the mouth-watering goods.
Hongjoong had eaten chocolate only once before after he stole a package from the market. The taste had rendered him in bliss for days after eating the last piece.
"What are those?"
"Also from the earl." Jongho sounded just as troubled with the mixed signals as Hongjoong felt.
"He believes you got the morbs because of your monthlies and thus sent some chocolate in hopes you would feel better soon." Jongho cleared his throat awkwardly. Hongjoong lifted his brow. He reached to snatch a piece of chocolate and let it melt on his tongue.
"Tell him it's impolite to dig into a woman's business and make assumptions about her womanly matters. I shall still enjoy these."
Jongho nodded with relief in his eyes, as if he had expected Hongjoong to launch the food at him for bringing yet another obscene message from Seonghwa.
"Jongho, I have something to disclose to you, and I ask for your understanding. Not that I have any right to it, but perhaps you recognise my concern not to give it away. In case you feel the need to tell Seonghwa, I won't grieve having to leave."
"It sounds like a dire matter," Jongho replied. The worry creasing his forehead gave away his insecurity at helping with it.
With a soothing grin, Hongjoong grabbed onto his wig. Jongho's face slipped when Hongjoong pulled it off.
Based on Jongho's features, he still didn't assume the truth. He was just about to point out his condolences for Hongjoong's hair not being real when Hongjoong spoke the entire truth.
"I'm a man," he deadpanned. Jongho's mouth snapped back shut.
For a moment, they sat in silence while Hongjoong self-consciously snacked away. Jongho nodded as soon as he had sorted his thoughts.
"I am surprised at that news, but not surprised at Yeosang's ploy. I always thought his jokes to be fickle."
Hongjoong nodded darkly. He was well aware.
"So, will you tell mister sends-flowers-to-show-his-indignation?"
"I won't. In my eyes, it changes nothing about the character of your acting. Perhaps, I shall also enjoy seeing my lord in ignorance over it." Jongho's eyes gleamed with mischief. Delighted to see anything but empty politeness in the servant, Hongjoong grinned back.
"Good. Then please, adjust the circumstance of Emily helping me and inform those two of the truth so I may feel at ease around you. I would also appreciate something to shave with." Hongjoong rubbed his chin. He grew little hair on his face, but he was scared of it giving him away.
"Of course. If you wish, I can also hand over a letter sent to Wooyoung, San's husband. He would very much understand your struggle with Lord Seonghwa's disregard."
Hongjoong let go of another breath. For the first time in two long weeks, he smiled a genuine smile.
"Thank you, Jongho. I will be in your care."
Jongho bowed at him with a grin that had become much warmer as well. He left the room to prepare for Hongjoong's demands.
Relieved of the burden of acting for the servants, Hongjoong ate his fill. Tomorrow, he should talk to Seonghwa again, since they were at the stage of giving angry flowers already. Perhaps Hongjoong could find a book in the library that taught him in the language of the flowers, so Hongjoong could return the favour and relay his honest hatred for the other man.
Hongjoong stayed in that night and spent his time reading. Jongho dropped by once more to bring him a knife to shave with, and Seonghwa called a 'good night, Lady Hongjoong' through the door in the evening.
When Hongjoong sat perkily and in the best health at the breakfast table the next day, Seonghwa broke out in a satisfied grin as he entered the room.
"Ah, do you feel better after your rest? I hope Jongho took care of you well. I could only act from a distance, but I worried greatly." His smile was ironic, as if he hadn't made the crude joke about women's' menstruations.
Hongjoong sipped his tea with as much grace as possible. His black dress hugged his form, and the ruffled cufflinks bothered him as he picked out a cookie from the neat assortment.
"I do; thank you both for your attempts at helping and letting Jongho provide for me."
Seonghwa sat down, not in the mood to argue after the long drought of Hongjoong's anger. Judging by his behaviour, he hadn't heard of the secret Hongjoong had bestowed Jongho with. He read his paper without heeding Hongjoong crunching away on the cookies.
"I've been meaning to ask you whether you mind me inviting San and Wooyoung over? They are close friends of mine and I trust them. If you so desire, I may disregard mentioning your origin to them."
Hongjoong scoffed in his mind. Wooyoung probably already knew. With the couple's peculiar dynamic, there was no way they didn't recognise the details that gave Hongjoong's identity away.
"I don't mind, but I am grateful you asked me. When? I shall make sure I don't bother you during the visit."
Seonghwa looked up from his paper to reach for his cup. His eyes were closed-off, not as foolishly in love with Hongjoong as they had been in the beginning. Hongjoong was glad about it. Perhaps wooing the woman sent to him to act had been Seonghwa's plan from the beginning. Hongjoong wouldn't want to get caught up in that.
Seonghwa's smile was distant but kinder than his previous demeanour.
"The day after tomorrow. San is a detective, and we want to discuss his recent lead. I have an interest in the thrill of a good investigation."
"Certainly." Hongjoong glanced at the window and the raindrops racing each other down the glass. The past few days around Seonghwa's home had left him no time to explore the gardens that he was so curious about. Apart from Seonghwa's personal bedroom and study, Hongjoong had seen the rest of the house.
"Wooyoung tends to grow bored during these conversations. He may be a man under his clothes, but he also had to learn the rules of feminity that you lack from your rugged upbringing in the slums. Perhaps spending time with him may teach you a thing or two." Seonghwa pointedly sipped his tea to avoid looking at Hongjoong with his judgmental eyes.
Hongjoong painted a smile on his features that was sweeter than any candy he had tasted before.
"Perhaps he knows how to deal with men who get too touchy with women, yes. Next time you get too close, I won't hesitate to kick you where the sun doesn't shine, earl."
Seonghwa frowned when his memory betrayed him. The other instances when he had been closer than proper to his fiancée played like a movie behind his eyes. His forgetful mind once more filled his gaze with frustrated confusion.
"There is bound to be a certain amount of intimacy between those who court each other, even if I refrain from matters only married couples are allowed to do," Seonghwa defended his case. Hongjoong didn't point out his attempt to seduce Hongjoong drunkenly in some shady alley.
"Not between us as private people. I am playing my role for the sake of your reputation among your acquaintances. Not for you."
Seonghwa hummed; not on the same page.
"Wouldn't you say us becoming partners and being close in private would make our charade more eloquent? Let's call it... practice."
Hongjoong shook his head.
"You already forfeited your chance to befriend me as a person when you made it very clear how I repel you."
"That was before I knew I could count on your help. How else could I know if you were determined to help a stranger?"
Should Hongjoong tell him that his poor reputation reached the slums? That Seonghwa had to work much harder on genuine apologies and charity to return to a good name?
"It is not your place to test someone's loyalty at the expense of their life. You forget that I have my own opinions, even if I may not word them out loud." Hongjoong emptied his cup when he had enough of the conversation. Seonghwa watched how he stood and put the remaining dishes together neatly so Jongho would have an easier time carrying them.
"What are those opinions, then?" Seonghwa asked as Hongjoong turned to leave.
"One of them is that I regard you as lower than I am, for your character ruins any positive image. I also believe that your terrible reputation was warranted."
When Seonghwa stared at Hongjoong with his mouth agape, the rat catcher grinned triumphantly.
"I also don't believe you that the affair wasn't real. By how close you step into a woman's personal space, I don't doubt that the poor Lady Culpepper became the victim of your untamed desires."
Before Seonghwa could yell at him, Hongjoong left the room. Saying the words Seonghwa conveyed through flowers to his face stunned the other man enough that Hongjoong could make a smooth escape.
Back in his room, he calmed his racing heart, that had jumped at the prospect of yet another fight with Seonghwa. After taking his wig off his head, Hongjoong delved into his readings again while the rain thrummed on the windows.
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