40. A Middle

Seonghwa's flower arrangement that he had gifted to Hongjoong to convey his feelings stood on the table in the living room. The day Wooyoung and San announced their visit to a fully healed Hongjoong to catch up was sunny, and the faint rays from outside were amplified by the bits of snow. The light teased over the abundance of flowers.

Hongjoong wore a grey suit, and Seonghwa sat by his side sipping his tea with his green pants and matching vest complimenting his white shirt. The memories they had with that suit were enough to have both of them blush when Hongjoong's gaze lingered on it the first time they had seen each other in the morning.

By the time Wooyoung and San appeared at their doorstep, Seonghwa had read through today's news and finished his first cup of tea. While Jongho greeted their visitors, Hongjoong lowered his book.

Both San and Wooyoung froze in the door when they laid sight on the couple. Hongjoong gave them an awkward smile. His question of whether Seonghwa had relayed the news to his two friends resolved itself.

Wooyoung was the first to break out of his trance. He jumped at Hongjoong with his hair and skirts flying through the air. Once he arrived, he gave Hongjoong a tight hug but instantly loosened his grip when Hongjoong made a warning noise.

"Sorry for my excitement. But look at you, you did it! I'm glad to see you at ease finally! If you hadn't confessed soon, I would have worried about the success of your relationship with our dear earl." Wooyoung hugged him again, subdued this time. Chuckling, Hongjoong pulled him close. With this proximity, it was easy to tell Wooyoung's male figure from the female disguise his dress provided.

"It's most welcomed. We had wanted to tell you about our get-together with Madam Culpepper, but we didn't dare give it away in such a perilous situation," Hongjoong grinned. Proudly, Wooyoung patted his forearm before his eyes studied Hongjoong's features. Just earlier this morning, he had removed the scab drawing a line over his cheek. Only a pale red line of fresh skin remained.

"I can't say I was unaware of the truth, but I am pleasantly surprised Seonghwa seemed to have taken it with ease. When did you confess?" San sat down opposite of him, and Seonghwa moved with him so Wooyoung and Hongjoong could cling to each other in peace.

"After I returned from the Ripper's claws. Since we got so close to the point of Seonghwa saving my life, I felt ridiculous keeping the secret. So I confessed during my healing period while he looked after me. His curiosity about my ability to fight and survive Yunho gave the incentive," Hongjoong remembered. He didn't mention how intimately that confession had ended for them, but he could feel Wooyoung's gaze burning holes into his face as he couldn't contain his curiosity.

"What do you think about the ordeal? Obviously, Hongjoong charmed you enough to keep him by your side, but I wonder how the revelation involved you." San turned to look at Seonghwa. Quietly as not to disrupt, Hongjoong pointed out the places he was hurt so Wooyoung would be careful with them.

Seonghwa wrung his hands through his hair in that gesture so attractive. He glanced at Hongjoong before he summarised his thoughts.

"I was disappointed to learn my blindness kept me from seeing the truth. Though I feel learning taught me a lot, some people in our society still need to understand. Just like them towards my struggle with the malicious rumour about the supposed affair, I was impassable towards Hongjoong and towards his sacrifices to get by. As well as he was blind that not all of us are blind. You could say we lit each other's paths to find to each other." Seonghwa smiled at Hongjoong, and Hongjoong's lips twitched into an involuntary smile. Wooyoung cooed.

"That's so romantic! As I mentioned in one of my letters to Hongjoong before, I believe the two of you made so much progress. Look at you having a happy relationship now." Satisfied, he looked between the two of them. San's dimples appeared around his charmed smile.

"There is more," Seonghwa said as he stood. "Shall I tell you over a game of croquet? The day is warm enough and there is no snow in the backyard."

Elated, San sprung to his feet. He gushed about the ease of the game on the frozen ground while they wrapped into their winter coats and met outside. While Jongho helped the two lords set up the game, Seonghwa explained his and Hongjoong's decision to try for a permanent relationship together and for Hongjoong to work in the middle class. At the news, Wooyoung clapped his hands dressed in expensive wild leather.

"Perhaps I have a connection or two where he can try his luck. With my investigations regarding Yunho, I visited a lot of places that might be suitable for him."

Thrilled at the prospect, Hongjoong thanked San for the opportunity.

They played two games outside in the cold air of England. One was a match of San against Seonghwa, the other was Wooyoung against Hongjoong. Seonghwa and Wooyoung won, so their respective partners stood at the sidelines to cheer for their party during the final. That meant Hongjoong hailed Wooyoung until Seonghwa glared at him, and San had pity, so he encouraged Seonghwa, calling him his 'honey' and 'darling.' Hongjoong nearly suffocated on his laughter and assured Seonghwa that he would never call him these terms, no matter the hope in the man's doe eyes.

Ultimately, Seonghwa won the game. Ever the master of his own hobby, he applauded for himself while Wooyoung and San comforted each other.

Once the excitement that kept all of them warm had died down, Hongjoong crossed his arms with a grin. His ears were cold since he wore no wig, but that wouldn't be for long.

"How about a race?" He suggested. When Seonghwa opened his mouth, Hongjoong interrupted. "There is no uterus present this time."

Seonghwa shut his mouth.

"To the forest and back?" San suggested. By his side, Wooyoung bunched his skirts in his hands to be ready to run. His mostly loose hair wouldn't fall apart much from the activity.


Once they all had agreed, Jongho drew them a line into the snow that served as a starter.

"The first one to touch the bark of that oak wins," he announced as he pointed out the tree in question. Squinting at it, Hongjoong got into position.

None of their shoes were made for running through the snow-patched grass, but none of them cared. The spirit of the challenge drowned out any hesitation.

"And... Go!"

Upon Jongho's signal, the four men stormed forward. In the first moment, Wooyoung and his flying hair were in the lead. Seonghwa's long legs quickly overtook him, only to be bested by San, who ran as if the devil was on his heels.

For a second, Hongjoong held back to overlook their speed. Then he put his heart into it and whizzed through the cold winter air. He passed Wooyoung, Seonghwa, and then San while the icy breaths bit in his lungs. Despite his exertion, he had to laugh, and his breathless giggles echoed through the empty area around Seonghwa's home.

The bark of the oak was frozen and hard under his fingers when he touched it first. Moments after him, Seonghwa halted by his side to put his hands on his knees as he panted.

Wooyoung and San arrived side by side, but San allowed Wooyoung to touch the tree first and declare himself third place.

Grinning and barely out of breath, Hongjoong looked between his friends. In the distance, Jongho danced around in his thick coat to celebrate Hongjoong's win.

"You run like the wind flies," Seonghwa gasped as he straightened again. Amazement carried in his eyes as they twinkled with the snow.

"Imagine my upset when you told me I couldn't race you. I would have loved to dumbfound you while you still thought I was a woman."

Seonghwa snickered.

"You did a lot of that even without racing me, believe me."

Chuckling, they made their way back over the field. The grass was flattened from the snow that came and went and coldness crept through the soles of Hongjoong's shoes.

After only an hour outside in the winter air, the group huddled back inside to warm up. Jongho made some herbal tea that spread its soothing aroma through the villa and brought them the cookies the group had baked over the past few weeks. Hongjoong gloated in pride when Wooyoung complimented them.

San eyed the bouquet on the table while he nibbled on his cookie. When he turned to face them, a secretive grin curled around his lips.

"So... I can't wrap my head around it, but which one of you is the leading one in this relationship? The 'man', so to say?"

Wooyoung reached to swat at San's leg for the question, but the lord persisted. The intrigue in his eyes could have set forests ablaze.

Seonghwa, attempting to keep face, put on a scowl to hide his furious blush.

"Who do you think it is?" He barked. San's smirk broadened.

"Well, considering your relationship so far, it would be natural to think it's you. However, something tells me that isn't correct." San's gleaming eyes found Hongjoong's as Hongjoong crossed his legs gracefully. Compared to Seonghwa, he was an idol of peace.

"You might be right with that," Hongjoong hummed. Wooyoung put his hand in front of his mouth with outstretched fingers.

"Oh my," he giggled. He didn't flinch when Seonghwa's glare levelled him.

"Fine! It's lady Hongjoong." Weakly, he gestured towards his partner. Hongjoong scoffed.

"Embarrassed, aren't you? I am no lady here."

Seonghwa buried his face in his hands and then excused himself to walk an agitated round to the kitchen and back. His indignation with the topic disclosed that enough had happened between them for the result of the inquiry to be this clear.

"He's a fool," San chuckled as he leaned back in his seat. Satisfied like a cat, he adjusted his cufflinks.

"He is, but I got used to it. I never doubted the occasional bickering wouldn't be part of our relationship."

"How right you are," Wooyoung agreed.

The rest of their day spent together was filled with conversation and board games. San briefed them on the current juristic progress on the Ripper that promised harder trials and either prison for life or the death penalty for Yunho. Apparently, he had mentioned Wooyoung and Hongjoong during his interviews with San and had exposed his true intentions with them. He worded his information that Yunho declared raping Hongjoong very carefully. When four pairs of concerned eyes had found Hongjoong, he had waved it off.

"I would have bitten off his dirty parts before something like that happened," he assured them. Still, Seonghwa was touchier than usual all evening. He sat pressed close to Hongjoong's side to hold his hands or align their shoulders just to make sure he knew Hongjoong was safe by his side. Once Hongjoong was ready to talk about it, he would communicate all the details to Seonghwa, but not when the wounds were still so fresh.

After dinner, San and Wooyoung prepared to go home. Since the forecast had predicted lots of snow soon, they didn't know when their next visit would be, but they had found it a great excuse for Seonghwa and Hongjoong not to be visiting any soirees in the harsh weather.

"If anyone asks, we're telling them you two are making feet for children's stockings," San suggested with a nasty grin at Seonghwa. The earl hit him with an umbrella for that.

The couple left in the evening. Once more, peace befell the villa as Jongho went around to light the lamps.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa made their way to the library to sit together and read. While darkness cast them in solitude, Hongjoong chuckled at a scene in a book that reminded him of something.

"Hey, Seonghwa?"


"I'm sorry for yelling at you down in the slums. And for pushing you on the stairs."

Blushing, Seonghwa stared into his book harder. Hongjoong watched him with a serene smile.

"It's fine. I needed it to accept you as you are."

Hongjoong agreed.

"Thank you for that. It was a once in a lifetime chance because I sure as hell won't take any favours from Yeosang ever again."

"I couldn't agree more."


We are finished~ Ah, what a joy it was to write this. I hope everyone enjoyed it lots. I'm happy if you stuck around until the end.

Thank you all for all your feedback, too. I got such sweet comments and arts for this, and I enjoy every vote and kudos the same ^^ I'm happy I could provide something to look forward to every day for you.

So far, I don't plan for a part two of this. I might pick it up again if I get struck by ideas in the future, but so far, we are done with it ^^ If I pick it up, I will add an information chapter here ^^

I will need a couple of days to get back to you with my next story. After some scheduling and planning, I will bring yet another Seongjoong story inspired by The Real and set in historical Korea. It features some fantasy and mythology aspects, so if you liked the air of this fic, you might want to check it out ^^ I will keep my Twitter Susimau_s updated, and otherwise you can find the story on my profile once it drops~

Again, thank you everyone for reading and perhaps see you again soon~

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