24. Busted
Hongjoong bought some bread for breakfast as he wandered the city. If he wanted more information on the Ripper, paying Yongguk a visit might be worth his time. Hongjoong wasn't too invested in the matters involving the killer, but the name 'Jeong Yunho' had fallen again, and the people in the slums might have evidence for believing the killer was him that Seonghwa and San couldn't access.
Perhaps Hongjoong could attempt his luck. Though he didn't know what he would gain from helping Seonghwa.
Another kiss?
Hongjoong batted at the part of his brain that had suggested it so cheekily.
Grumbling, Hongjoong kicked at a stone. He got glared at when it got under the feet of another man and glowered right back.
Hongjoong took the back alleys through the underworld. They were warmer and less crowded than the main paths, which meant that more bodies were curled up in the gutters in moth-eaten blankets. He side-stepped them, watchful of his feet, since they occasionally tried to slash at passing people with knives to rob them of their few goods once they collapsed.
The entrances to houses were dangerous for the same reasons.
Hongjoong thought about Jongho and his sunny smile whenever he opened the door for his earl coming back late at night. How safe and cosy Seonghwa's house felt, despite its foreign atmosphere of opulence.
Burrowed between his shoulders in one of Yeosang's spare shawls, Hongjoong rounded the corner to the dead end that led to the entrance to Yongguk's establishment. His breath formed white clouds in the frosty air that bit at his toes through his thin shoes.
Hongjoong studied the unassuming building. It did not differ from other buildings, aside from its size, that was befitting of a community sleeping hall. If he remembered right, that was what it had been before part of it collapsed, too. Yongguk must have bought the ruins and fixed them enough to create a hell of pleasure and addiction.
Since it was a well-frequented place, it accumulated information of all kinds. In the slums, anyone on the search for some intel would come to brothels, dens, taverns. No bobby would assume this to be the centre of knowledge, so Hongjoong had something to trump Seonghwa with.
Hongjoong let himself in and passed the intimidating guard standing at the door. His shabby brown coat had him blend right in, and his fingerless gloves gave him away as the rat catcher who was popular among the people.
Since it was in the middle of the day, no girls lounged in the scandalous red lights of the room. The couches were empty and only the bawd was around to lounge at the fireplace.
It was comfortable. Few buildings down here had fireplaces or the means to light them.The illusion of riches and accumulated desire had fools spend their last pennies here.
Hongjoong could smell the sickeningly sweet scent of the opium and other drugs wafting through a red curtain that divided the stairs connecting the den to the main room. To the unassuming beholder, the steps leading up to rooms full of willing girls would be enough of a distraction not to search for it. Only those who knew got in.
Hongjoong walked up to the middle-aged woman. Her eyes watched the sway of his hips as he neared. When he halted in front of her, she put her teacup down on its saucer to bat her lashes at him. Her heavy make-up suited the orange dress that hugged her curves.
"What can I do for you, dear? It's still early for girls. Unless you seek something else?" She winked at him.
A sly smirk spread on Hongjoong's lips. He leaned forward while she sunk into her cushions. Her head tipped to look up at him as he stemmed his hands on the armrests of her seat.
He could smell her heavy perfume as he murmured low between the two of them.
"I'm searching for Bang Yongguk. We met yesterday, and I was meaning to ask him some questions."
The lady smiled up at him coyly. Her fingers came up to draw the collar of his coat aside as she ran her eyes down his body to check if he carried any weapons or illegal ware.
"Bang Yongguk is not for sale, boy."
"I know," Hongjoong grinned. "I promise it's in all of our interest. I have knowledge about the Ripper to share with him. Who knows what he might need it for."
"I see." The bawd finished patting him down. Once her hand retreated, Hongjoong drew back from her. She left her cup on the small round table to her side as she stood.
"Remember not to waste too much of his time. And come back later if you wish to see the girl power we offer."
Hongjoong chuckled at her sleazy smile before he entered the room she had pointed out to him. He closed the door while she took off, hips swinging invitingly.
When Hongjoong turned to face the room, he was surprised to see not one, but two men. Yongguk sat behind his massive table with his feet crossed on the tabletop. Opposite of him on a chair sat a dark-haired man with a top hat on his lap. He had turned to peer at the newcomer over the back of his chair.
Hongjoong couldn't help how his eyes widened.
"Ah, pardon me. I wasn't aware you already had a guest. I will return later."
Seonghwa stood from his seat when Hongjoong whirled around to leave. His confused voice called out for him.
"John," Hongjoong finished for him. "My name is John. Do we know each other?" With gritted teeth, Hongjoong turned to face the earl. Seonghwa had tried to go for subtle clothes to blend in, but the fine fabric of his black coat would still give him away to the greedy eyes of robbers. Hongjoong bet he was missing something already if he had carried it in his pockets.
Yongguk watched with intrigue at how the two contemplated each other. His fingers played with a letter opener, the documents spread out on the table forgotten.
It seemed Seonghwa had found out where to get the information he needed. Hongjoong had to disappear, and quickly.
The confused earl still gawked at Hongjoong. His lips opened and closed again as he tried to piece Hongjoong's presence together. Sweating, Hongjoong stood there, trapped by his own dread.
Did he have any good explanation to give? Would Yongguk save him? By the looks of the entertained smirk on the man's lips, he wouldn't. He had heard enough of the conversation with Yeosang last night to draw his conclusions.
"I never knew she had a brother. Guess I never asked." Seonghwa's mutter regained volume. "Pardon my rudeness, I mistook you for someone else. Are you perhaps related to a certain Kim Hongjoong?" A polite smile returned to Seonghwa's lips.
Hongjoong stood dumbfounded.
"Yeah," he said, tongue like lead in his mouth. "She's my sister."
The masquerade just got ten times worse than before, but Seonghwa looked elated. With a huge grin on his face, he held out his hand for Hongjoong to take. Hongjoong eyed it as if it were a stinky rat.
"Then I am gratified to meet you! I'm Park Seonghwa, the man your sister currently lives with. I'm sure she mentioned me?" Full of expectations, Seonghwa looked at him with those doe eyes.
Hongjoong's gaze flickered between him and Yongguk's shit-eating grin behind Seonghwa's back. As if he watched a theatre play, the other man observed the exchange.
Still baffled, Hongjoong's brain was nowhere near catching up with the question.
How had Seonghwa not recognised him?!
"Ah... That man." Hongjoong wasn't sure if mentioning Seonghwa's rank blew his identity towards Yongguk.
Caught off guard by the disdain in Hongjoong's voice that was no more than confusion and disbelief at the earl's stupidity, Seonghwa's smile disappeared.
"Did she... Say something bad about me?" He ran his hand through his hair, suddenly nervous.
Hongjoong scowled at him and his innocent play.
If he truly were the brother of a woman obliged to live with some moron earl who insulted her all day long and said earl pretended for kindness towards her family? Hongjoong would strangle him with a pillow.
"None of your business. I'll return, Yongguk." Hongjoong tapped his hat and dived out of the room. Behind him, Seonghwa shuffled around. When Hongjoong heard him yell a hasty 'wait a second, I'll be right back' at Yongguk, he quickened his steps through the foyer.
Seonghwa caught up with Hongjoong after several clicks of the heels on his long legs and grabbed his shoulder to turn him around. Before he could speak, Hongjoong glanced at the bawd and her twinkling eyes as she watched them. He shouldered Seonghwa off and slipped outside.
This time, when Seonghwa stopped him, he did so with more force. He twirled Hongjoong around just after they had descended the stairs leading up to the entrance.
"I said wait- Why are you so rude?" Seonghwa frowned as he caught his breath. He had left his hat inside, and his neat hair and handsome features would make him stand out to anyone who entered the dead end now.
Hongjoong rolled his eyes.
"I have places to be, blab. Hurry and tell me what you want, so I can leave."
Put off by Hongjoong's brusque impatience, Seonghwa dropped his hand.
"I- I thought we could have a talk. Since I know your sister, I was curious about you," he stuttered.
Hongjoong's brow ticked.
"What makes you think I am interested? From what I heard, a talk with the pretentious prick my sister has to put up with is the last thing I want," Hongjoong sneered. Satisfaction filled his chest when Seonghwa's mouth dropped open.
"Excuse me, did she slag about me? If you think I did anything to her-"
Hongjoong interrupted him. In this world, Seonghwa had nothing to say. Hongjoong didn't need to listen. This was Hongjoong's playground. And the fire burning inside of him he had stifled for the past few weeks burst over.
"Knife it. I don't want to hear your blabbering about how well you treated her and what Samaritan you are. I know everything."
Seonghwa gulped. The anger in Hongjoong's brow intimidated him even as he stood tall above Hongjoong.
"Yes, everything!" Hongjoong hissed with no regard that Seonghwa might figure out female Hongjoong never wrote letters to anyone but Yeosang and Wooyoung. The man had already proved his lack of brains.
"I know of you looking down on her, calling her a drab." Hongjoong's finger jabbed into Seonghwa's chest. With a yelp, the man covered the spot and curled in on himself.
"I know you told her she smells, disregarding her personal hygiene and comfort." Another jab. Seonghwa's mouth moved, but no word came over his indignant lips.
"I also know that you tried to prey on her while she was vulnerable during her first night by your side and you got drunk to get handsy with an unmarried woman." Hongjoong's index finger dug into the man's chest so viciously, he stumbled back with a gasp. Rage contorted Hongjoong's features into a grimace as his voice swelled to carry over the street.
"I know of you insulting her monthlies." Jab. "Acting to be nice when it was convenient for you." Jab. "And then insulting her again." Jab.
"I even know of your sick flower play."
Hongjoong's finger hurt when it struck Seonghwa's chest with all its might. This time, when Seonghwa ducked back, he stumbled. With a yell, he landed on the stairs pointing up to the building and hit his elbow. Hissing, he wanted to cradle it, but Hongjoong stooped to glare at him. As if he had a dragon in his face, Seonghwa froze, not daring to breathe.
"So no, I don't want to talk to you, bastard. I can't believe my sister still puts up with you when you are no more but a deceitful, pigeon-livered rat. I hope next time you offend her, she cuts out that tongue of yours," Hongjoong spat at him. With disdain, he looked the man down once more. Seonghwa's chest heaved as his wide eyes stared at Hongjoong. His clothes were rumpled and the cold air reddened his ears and the tip of his nose.
He didn't look like a mighty earl anymore.
Pleasure soothed Hongjoong. His hatred still flared in his heart, but he forced himself to breathe as he pulled back. He left Seonghwa where he was, sprawled on the stairs and speechless as Hongjoong took off.
This time, Seonghwa didn't run after him. Satisfaction had Hongjoong in the best of moods all day. He would need to coordinate Seonghwa's complaints about Hongjoong's 'brother' as soon as he returned to the house, but he left that for later to worry about.
He didn't visit Yongguk again. He returned to Yeosang's home to stretch in contentment over finally having got the load of hatred for the earl off his chest.
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