Hi!! Glad you stuck around to read episode 3! I know the last episode was more about Fang and the Ninjas, but I had to cause Boboiboy's POV was mostly running and jumping from building to building, hopelessly looking for the aliens, and maybe doing something that is also affecting the original mission, but I'll get into that soon :))
So I figured Fang's POV would be a tad bit more interesting, I hope you guys don't think I'm picking favorites cause my favorite is Boboiboy.
Enjoy Episode 3: Covered in Lies
"Why were you spying on us?"
"Wow, what a good question to start on," Fang thought. The shadows formed back into a tail and back onto the shadow rat, "Hello, Do you hear me?" Fang asked, from the other side, the shadow rat's mouth was moving. Since Fang wasn't dumb, he used a voice changer that his watch was equipped with, "This is really, REALLY, weird," Jay whimpered, he was weirded out, "Yes, we can hear you, answer my question," Lloyd replied.
"I was spying on you for personal reasons, but I had no bad intentions." Fang explained, not wanting to reveal too many things, "How can we trust this guy- err, rat? That he didn't have any bad intentions?? It bit me!" Kai complained, "Do you have any connections to the sons of Garmadon?" Zane asked, completely ignoring Kai.
"Sons of Garmadon? What's that?" Fang asked, he genuinely didn't know, "It's a group of gang members, and they are the people who stole a mask. The Mask of Vengeance," Zane said, "Well, no, I have my group. Though it's informative to know the Sons of Garmadon are the ones who stole it," Fang explained. "What is one of the reasons you said for spying on us?" Lloyd asked. "Come on, Lloyd! He said personal reason, it's personal, ofcourse he won't tell us," Cole said. "True, but he said personal reasons, which means he has multiple. Tell me one of them," Lloyd ordered.
Fang hesitated while thinking of something to say a few minutes passed by, and Fang sighed, "I mostly spied to try and help you guys. I overheard you talking about three masks that should never be reunited," Fang lied. "Why would you want to help us?" Jay asked, emphasizing 'us.' "Jay! You wasted a question!" Nya scolded, "Sorry!" Jay apologized. Fang hesitated again for a while, "I- wanted to help cause- helping is what you're supposed to do," Fang replied, although he lied, the last part was very much true.
Lloyd thought about it for a while, "You seriously can't be considering this? We don't even know what the guy looks like or even his name," Kai held Lloyd's shoulder, Lloyd hummed in agreement. Fang started sweating again before he blabbed out, "My name is Pang, by the way," Fang groaned in annoyance that 'Pang' was the name he chose amid panic. Fang's watch opened up a hologram to see Boboiboy. Fang removed the shadows from his eyes and ears and looked at Boboiboy, "Fang, any luck with you? I've gotten the hologram working, though the ship is in terrible condition," Boboiboy reported.
"Can you hold? I'm in the middle of something," Fang sweatdropped, "Oh, my bad," Boboiboy said before dropping the call. Fang sighed while the shadows on his eyes and ears came back, when he returned, the Ninjas were debating whether to trust him or not. After a few minutes of debating, they finally reached an agreement, "No," a simple word from Kai's mouth stunned Fang, "What? What do you mean no??" Fang asked, confused, "We can't fully trust you, but how are you able to help us?" Zane elaborated better.
Fang sighed in relief, but he rethought what he had just done, "This will affect my main mission by a lot," Fang thought. "My shadows can be used as surveillance and tracker. They can also be used for offense," Fang explained only the 1st layer of his power, "Since you guys are going to be protecting the mask in the palace, I can summon more shadows as a backup in case the people who stole the mask of vengeance gets the one you have," Fang explained, the Ninjas took a few minutes before Lloyd looked at the shadow rat with a glare, "The Sons of Garmadon will definitely be here to try and steal the Mask of Deception, you will be able to help clear some places around the palace," Zane said.
"I'll send some shadows to the palace. I'll let my shadow rat follow you," Fang said before the shadows on his eyes, ears, and hands disappeared. The shadow rat followed the Ninjas all around. Fang sighed and stood up again.
Fang put the hood over his head and mask up and started running and jumping from building to building toward the ship where Boboiboy was, "Hm, finding these aliens will be harder if we don't know who they are," Fang thought while he jumped over to another building, "If I can get the Ninjas' trust, they can help us find these aliens a lot quicker," Fang hoped.
Where was Boboiboy during all this?
This was when he and Fang went in different directions. (5 pm)
With Boboiboy.
"I'll go back to the ship and see if I can get the ship working so we can stay there while we're finding the aliens," That's what Boboiboy told Fang. Boboiboy was currently running toward the ship using lightning speed, and it took a while to get to the ship since it was far from the palace. "Don't come any closer!" A voice called out, sounding scared, Boboiboy heard it and decided to stop in their tracks, though they almost fell off the roof, "That was close-" Boboiboy thought before looking around to find where the voice was.
They looked over the edge to see someone who was cornered by more than five people with black jackets and had their faces painted who were tormenting him, the one who was cornered had a completely brown outfit and was making ridiculous animal sounds. Boboiboy deadpanned to the point they were rethinking if they should save the guy. Boboiboy sighed deeply before jumping over the edge and landing in front of the gang that was cornering the brown guy; they were still wearing their hood and mask to not be recognized.
"Hi! Now, tormenting someone isn't nice, is it?" Boboiboy said, still wearing their hood and mask, "Yeah? And who are you supposed to be?" One of the gang members asked, "I consider myself a hero, but I like to avoid violence, but if you don't listen, I may be forced to use it," Boboiboy announced and into their fighting stance with their watch out. The gang laughed, "Listen, Ninja wannabe. Just go home," Another one of the gang members laughed and was about to punch Boboiboy's shoulder playfully, but Boboiboy was serious.
Boboiboy grabbed the hand and flipped him while landing on the ground, "So we're going with violence?" Boboiboy asked, the gang members got mad and attacked Boboiboy all at once. Boboiboy sighed with an annoyed look. They jumped up and used the heads of the gang as stepping stones while they landed on the ground safely, "Good thing Tok Kasa trained our bodies alongside our powers," Boboiboy thought, being grateful to their master.
The gang members looked at Boboiboy angrily. The latter started sweating cause they didn't intend to fight. They didn't want to fight since they would have no choice but to use their powers when things got too rough, and they hadn't used their powers in their original body in a long time, "Well, I'll consider this a test!" Boboiboy thought, challenging themself, Boboiboy charged at the gang members |Sambaran petir|Boboiboy said loud enough for their watch to hear but not the gang members, they charged their hands with some of Petir's electricity and stunned each member one by one.
Though they recovered in a short time, "Hm, stun doesn't last too long," Boboiboy thought disappointingly, Boboiboy looked at the brown-clothed person before looking around him to see not that many people watching, "Not too many people," Boboiboy thought before their hands sparked again|Keris Petir!| Boboiboy summoned a Lightning Kris (bolt) and threw multiple at the gang members. The Lightning Kris' was absorbed into the bodies of the gang members and electrocuted them, frying their hair as they were covered in soot.
Boboiboy looked at the people who were watching, plus the brown-clothed person, "Are you okay?" Boboiboy asked, "Ofcourse I am. I am the Brown Ninja after all," The 'Brown Ninja' named Darreth said. Boboiboy tilted their head. "Brown Ninja? Never of him, but I'm glad to know you're okay, Sir," Boboiboy bowed to show respect. "What's your name?" Darreth asked, "Hmm, you can call me Aaron," Boboiboy said. [1]
"I hope you won't get into too much trouble, Sir. If anyone is in trouble and the Ninjas aren't there to help, just call my name," Boboiboy assured while jumping up the building and onto the roof, Darreth had bid his farewell to the people as he left. The police came as they were shocked that the gang members were defeated already, "What happened here?" The police commissioner asked, "A new hero named Aaron defeated those guys, Commissioner!" A person who was watching said.
"A new hero? How good was this, Aaron?" The commissioner asked, "He took out the bad guys super fast! He had powers like Jay! The blue ninja!" A kid who was watching shared his thoughts excitingly, "It's true, but instead of blue Lightning, he had yellow lightning," Another person pointed out, "Do you know what he looks like?" The commissioner asked, and they all shook their heads no, "He was wearing all black with a hood and mask; we could only see his eyes, and they were brown," A person described.
"Ah, I see, I'll take note of this, Thank you," The commissioner thanked, "Boys, arrest them," The commissioner ordered, pointing at the gang members, some police officers got out of their cars and arrested the burnt gang members.
Boboiboy was running again toward the ship before thinking about what they did, "Aaron?! That's the best name I have?!" Boboiboy thought while they comically cried, "I'm gonna have to live with using Aaron for a few days while I'm here," Boboiboy sulked while running, "No matter, as long as I don't give them my real name and they don't know what I look like I should be alright," Boboiboy thought before they saw the ship and jumping down from the building.
Boboiboy went inside the ship, checking their watch to see the time, and it was 6 pm, "Alright, let's fix you up," Boboiboy said before holding up his watch, |Boboiboy Kuasa Tiga!| Boboiboy used their triple split to turn into Solar, Gempa, and Halilintar. They haven't removed their masks and hoods yet since someone might peek through the window.
Boboiboy Solar's outfit is the same as the original, but it's white with orange and gold linings, Boboiboy Halilintar's outfit stayed black but with red neon linings, and Boboiboy Gempa's outfit turned into a gray color with gold linings. Their masks and hoods changed with the corresponding color, too.
Boboiboy Solar looked around the ship to examine its condition, "This is going to take a while to fully fix everything while making sure we don't get seen," Solar said.
"We just need to fix the holograms so we can get in touch with Commander Koko Ci or anyone from Tapops," Boboiboy Gempa said, Boboiboy Solar and Boboiboy Halilintar nodded, "I'll go try and fuel up the engine," Boboiboy Halilintar said while walking to the engine room. [2]
"Your outfit makes you stand out," Boboibou Gempa blurted out after a few minutes of silence, Boboiboy Solar flinched, "Ah- well white and orange are kind of my color," Solar said, sweatdropping, "Do you think you can make the white of your outfit a darker color? Or black atleast," Gempa requested.
"I was hoping you wouldn't ask," Solar sighed before pressing something on their watch. The white in Solar's outfit turned black, "Much better, this way when you split, you won't get too much attention apart from the neon colors," Gempa smiled, "I have to say I look good in Black and orange!" Solar said looking at themself in their hologram mirror while Gempa chuckled.
Boboiboy Halilintar found the engine room and they put their hands on their hips, "Okay, some electricity should do the trick," Halilintar mumbled while putting both hands on the engine and releasing a lot of electricity. The ship's lights started blinking before they fully went on. Boboiboy Halilintar kept on giving it electricity as much as they could before letting go and panting, "I hope that's enough," They thought before walking back to Boboiboy Solar and Boboiboy Gempa, a little tired.
"Did I give it enough electricity?" Boboiboy Halilintar asked, holding onto the wall, "Yeah, but it's going to take me a while to fix the holograms since so much debris fell into it," Boboiboy Solar said, bending down to check the wiring, "Are you okay, Halilintar?" Boboiboy Gempa asked, "Just fine. A bit drained, though," Halilintar said while Gempa pulled a chair for them.
"Thanks," Halilintar thanked Gempa, "Anytime," Gempa smiled softly, "In your opinion, how long do you think you can get it working Solar?" Gempa walked toward Solar after patting Halilintar's shoulder, "Maybe an hour or more," Solar mumbled, "I'll go and get us some food," Gempa said, "With what money?" Halilintar raised a brow from where he was sitting, "Ah, right," Gempa started sweating, realizing they didn't have money.
"Just steal," Solar said out of the blue, Halilintar and Gempa just looked at them. Solar noticed before looking back at them, "What? It's not like anyone knows who we are," Solar said while fixing a wire, "Stealing is bad, and we're heroes, that doesn't sound like a good match," Halilintar said, dumbfounded by his counterpart.
"Another way is begging, and another is to ask help from the Ninjas," Solar explained before standing up, |Lompatan Cahaya,| Solar used their Solar leap to find the toolbox, and after a few minutes, they found it. "We can't beg, I won't do it," Halilintar crossed their arms, "We can't ask help from the Ninjas, we don't know what they feel about us, we crashed the ship into their city," Gempa explained.
"See? Stealing is our best option, we can steal without being noticed, since we have powers it'll be easy," Solar said while they bent down again while grabbing a tool from the toolbox, "Stealing is wrong, but hey, isn't it for the greater good? We need energy if we are going to make helping people a side hustle," Halilintar considered it. "As much as I despise stealing, I'll do it just this once," Gempa crossed his arms.
"Now, about the food?" Solar asked, sitting up with a cheeky smile, Gempa rolled their eyes, "I'll go get some fruits," Gempa sighed, walking out, "Halilintar, try and help Solar if you can," They added. Solar and Halilintar sighed. "What do you need?" Halilintar got his chair and scooted over to Solar, "Pliers, I need to cut this wire to make it shorter," Solar said, Halilintar bent down and gave them the Pliers.
Gempa was on the roof of a building, and near it were markets, "This is painful to do," Gempa comically cried before taking a deep breath, they targeted a fruit stand as the owner was busy with customers. Gempa controlled the ground underneath a small box of apples as the ground started to move the apples slowly. They stood at another market pretending to buy as the box of apples stopped beside their feet.
Gempa took the box of apples and left. Once they were out of sight, they jumped on a building and walked back to the ship as they sighed and called Halilintar. "Oh, Hey, Gempa, were you able to steal?" Halilintar asked calmly, "Sadly, yes, but I didn't steal a lot, I only got a box of apples, there were too many people," Gempa said.
"I'm running back now," Gempa said, "Alright," Halilintar said before Gempa ended the call and kept on running. They saw the ship as they jumped down and knocked on the ship, "It's me," Gempa simply said as the door opened to see Halilintar. The latter looked at what Gempa was holding as they took them, "Ah- It's heavy," Gempa warned.
"It's fine," Halilintar said as they put it down on a chair, "Did you eat one yet?" Halilintar asked, "No, I was focused on not getting caught," Gempa replied, Halilintar took three apples. And gave one to Gempa and walked over to Solar.
"Eat this," Halilintar said, Solar sat up while wiping their sweat, "Thanks. Try out the hologram," Solar said while taking a bite of the apple. Gempa pressed the button for the hologram, but it just glitched for a while and turned off, "Hm, give me a second," Solar said while they gave the apple to Gempa to hold and lay down to fix the hologram again.
A few minutes passed before Solar sat up again and took the apple they gave Gempa, "It should work now," Solar said, Halilintar pressed the button for the hologram this time as it opened and glitched again.
But it finally worked and stabilized, though glitching sometimes, "Phew, I'm tired," Solar said, wiping their sweat, "Let's merge back and tell Fang," Gempa said as Halilintar and Solar nodded.
Halilintar and Solar turned into light balls as they returned to Gempa's watch and turned into normal Boboiboy. They stumbled a bit before standing properly, "It works now. Let's see," Boboiboy mumbled while they pressed buttons for the hologram. "Come on, Come on," They mumbled.
A call was heard as the other line answered, "Boboiboy?!" Gopal said, shocked, "Boboiboy?? Let me see!" Ying's voice was heard, "Hi Boboiboy!" Yaya asked, "Hi Gopal, Ying, Yaya!" Boboiboy smiled, "Are you guys okay?? We couldn't contact you since last night!" Ying said.
"Yeah, I'm fine, Fang is out trying to find the aliens," Boboiboy said, "Ohh, What happened when you guys landed?" Yaya asked, "Oh, it's a long story," Boboiboy scratched his cheek, "Can you guys contact Commander Koko Ci? Ask him if you guys can help us out, I couldn't contact him," Boboiboy said.
"Oh, and also the names of the aliens, we forgot to ask," Boboiboy remembered, "Ohh, okay! We will stay safe, Boboiboy!" Ying smiled as Boboiboy smiled back, "I'll wait for your call," Boboiboy said before they waved goodbye and ended the call.
"Now to find out where Fang is to see if he found something," Boboiboy thought as they pressed buttons on their watch to call Fang as a hologram of the latter was seen, "Fang, any luck with you? I've gotten the hologram working, though the ship is in terrible condition," Boboiboy asked, "Can you hold? I'm in the middle of something," Fang sweatdropped, "Oh, My bad," Boboiboy said as they dropped the call. [3]
Boboiboy yawned while stretching, "At least the hologram works," Boboiboy smiled. They went outside of the ship and walked around for a while. They jumped on buildings and looked down at the people in case of danger while looking for the aliens.
They looked over to the bridge to see the green Ninja with someone else in a green outfit. "I shouldn't go that way," Boboiboy thought, they turned and jumped to a different building as they saw people being picked on by another gang who were the same as the one they defeated.
"This gang must be big, I just defeated a group of them today," Boboiboy thought as they jumped down and kicked the guy off of the one he was stepping on.
"You know I'm already annoyed with you guys. I just defeated your friends today," Boboiboy said, "So you're the one who singlehandedly defeated them?" One of the guys asked.
"I'm getting popular already? That's awesome," Boboiboy chuckled, their narcissistic element taking control. "Now, please leave these kids alone," Boboiboy said seriously.
"Don't get tough, kid just because you beat the weaklings of the group, we are stronger than them," Another one of them said while mimicking a punch with her hand.
"I'm not getting tough, I'm just asking if you can leave these kids alone," Boboiboy said, "We don't take orders from you, kid," the same girl said while she pushed Boboiboy.
Boboiboy kicked her in the stomach as she was down, the gang looked at the girl before they looked at Boboiboy and attacked them. Boboiboy sighed in annoyance as they sprinted to the gang.
"Who is he?"
[1]: I didn't know what to name Boboiboy's undercover name, I was thinking of Ada Da or Jeremy. But Ada Da is what his 'Villain' name is, and I'm not sure if you guys would like Jeremy as their name, so I used the most common 'real' Boboiboy name that is used for most Boboiboy books. (I also got the name from MardhiyyahKaifiyaAki too)
[2]: This bit was inspired by that one episode in the original Boboiboy series where Boboiboy Halilintar gave as much electricity to make Adu Du's spaceship work while they were on the moon.
[3]: This is the part where it's already night, and I tried making the episode, the pov, and the time to make it reasonable and have logic.
So, my other book is somehow more popular than this book, and I'm confused, this book is way better, in my opinion.
But it's fine, they're both my books, so I don't mind, I hope this book gets as popular as my other one, hehe.
Anyway, see you guys in episode 4!! This book is updating so fast!! Okay bye bye.
Word count: 3649
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