Chapter #4
My eyes opened, but all I saw was darkness, I sat up... or... stood up? It took me a second to realize that I was floating, in an endless void, I rubbed my eyes. To find that it wasn't complete darkness, the endless void around me was filled with white blinking stars, it was.... Kind of... beautiful. It made me want to stay here forever, in this peaceful silence, away from all the screaming, and fighting... and the pain. I slowly began to close my eyes again.
"Don't let the void trick you" I heard a familiar voice say. My eyes shot open, I looked around, but there wasn't anybody around me.
"Up here," the voice said. I looked up above my head, to find Eliza, the little girl sat there floating, waiting for a reaction.
"W-what? Eliza.... Why are you here? Where am I?... Is this a dream?" Eliza looked down at me, and smiled, she knew I was going to ask those questions.
"No, this isn't a dream, and we are in the void" she answered. The void? I had only heard stories about the void, horrifying ones, that not even the most powerful beings could survive it... once someone enters, there wasn't any coming out. I stared at the blinking lights... it was odd, I have always heard that the void was an empty black endless dimension, incapable of sustaining life. Eliza noticed my staring.
"There are very very few who can see the Voids life, you must be one of them.... If I am not mistaken" Eliza commented. I looked around.
"What are the lights?" I asked. Eliza paused.
"Some are planets, some are stars.... And some are living beings" She replied. So the void was full of life.... And it was beautiful... from a distance at least.
"How did this all get here! Someone couldn't have created it... HOW ARE WE EVEN ALIVE!? Shouldn't we be dead by now!?" I cried. Eliza floated down in front of me, she looked... very different from before... She looked at least ten years older, and she looked very... sad.
"The void made life on its own, and.... I don't know how we are alive... we just are... It's like we were chosen from this... as if we play a bigger part in the future than we know '' she said vaguely.... This version of Eliza, It was almost scary how she was so... wise.
"How are you older? Did you do this to yourself?" I asked, a bit worried. Eliza paused for a bit.
"The void speeds our ages up by at least ten or so years, so we are smarter, stronger, and faster than before, here I am eleven years old, and you are twenty-two... and if you haven't noticed, you have changed by A LOT" she said pointing at me, I looked down. I had gotten increasingly tall(from what I could tell) and my body had matured, and I felt a lot more powerful and stronger. I knew how to do things I wouldn't have known how to do for a very long time. I glanced back at Eliza. Was she more powerful than before?
"So... how did we even get here?" I asked. Eliza blinked at me.
"I brought you... I took you from the battlefield, away from the danger" she said.
"How?" I asked. Eliza thought for a second as if trying to find the right words to say.
"Through a portal... that I made...." she said slowly.
"WHAT!? A PORTAL AT YOUR AGE!? HOW?!" I yelled, Eliza winced.
"OKAY! I'll tell you, but you have to be quiet!" she said. I shut my mouth, even if I was" twenty-two" I still felt like a twelve-year-old on the inside.
"I've known how for a long while.... Someone taught me.." she said, she went quiet. Then she grabbed my arm and yanked me to a nearby star... or was it a planet? It was hard to tell, every living aspect in the endless void what white. Eliza dragged me behind the.... We'll call it a small void rock and put her finger up to her mouth to signal "keep quiet" I nodded and kept my mouth shut.
She peeked around the edge of the rock, and I did the same thing, what we were hiding from was a creature... And it was HUGE, it was bigger than dragons.... I stared at the glowing white creature in shock and aw.
"What IS that?" I whispered.
"It's a corrupted planet" Eliza whispered back. "It's a planet that came to life as a living being, they are very unstable... and dangerous..... I know from.... Experience" She said before I could ask. I nodded.
"We should get out of here before the corrupt planet senses us" Eliza whispered I nodded again.
"How are we going to get away?" I asked Eliza, I looked at the distant lights.
"I'll fly us to a local planet, the people there will shelter us until we decide to go back.... I can answer the rest of your questions there," she answered.
"Okay," I whispered, Eliza, grabbed my hand and took off. I felt a rush of air when we stopped, I could see a bright glowing white planet. It was beautiful, there were large rainforests and lakes all throughout the planet, and even without color, it was amazing.
"Wow..." I said breathlessly.
"It is impressive isn't it, that fact that the void created it's own life, without a creator, is very amazing..." Eliza said. We started to slowly fall down to the planet's floor.
"Yeah..... ya know.. It's strange..." I said Eliza looked at me. "All this time, this place was a legend and myth, and now it's real! It's strange... and how long have you known about it? Does Isabelle know? What about your parents! Wh-" Eliza cut me off.
"Ok! First, I have known about it.... For a very long time. Second, yes, I have taken Isabelle here many times, she definitely knows, she's actually meeting up with us at te village, and third, my parents don't know.... SO DON'T TELL THEM!" She said sternly, I opened my mouth to ask another question, but Eliza cut me off again. "AND FOURTH! I will answer all of your questions when we get to the village!" She said I nodded as our feet touched the ground. Eliza walked off into the direction of a forest.
"Are you sure you know the right way to this... "village"?" I asked, Eliza, looked back at me.
"Of course! Why wouldn't I?" She responded, and I started to walk behind her. She seems to know this place very well, I thought, I wonder how long it took to remember this place.
"So the void has its own people?" I questioned.
"Yes, I call them the Vironoe's, it's "void people" in their language" she stated. "They are very..... different looking... so try not to stare" She advised.
"Okay.... What do you mean by different?" Asked cautiously.
"You'll see" Eliza replied vaguely. We walked for at least another half an hour in silence, I noticed things about the planet. There were things on this planet, just like any other planet, there was wildlife all throughout the forest, and it wasn't completely colorless... Well.... Sorta, there were hints of light greens and other shades all throughout the trees and life. I was so focused on the life around me, it didn't realize that we were at the village.
"Calix, we're here," Eliza said. I looked up to see the village, and what I saw left me in AW.
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