chapter #3
In the morning I awoke to my mother screaming, but it was different this time. She sounded like she was in trouble or something. I quickly ran outside to where both of my parents were, in front of them was our neighbor's dead body. They looked at me with fear, and for once in my life didn't blame it on me or yell at me. All the way down the block were dead bodies and people were down on their knees crying or screaming. Who could've done this? Suddenly I noticed a dark figure heading down the road to the castle, they had a hood on and were tall. Was it Vontera?
"HEY! YOU!" I yelled out, they turned around and pulled their hood off. It was vontera and her eyes were blood red and her hair was pure white with bloodstains on the ends. She had blood all over her hands and splotches of blood on her face. She smiled and disappeared for a second and then appeared right in front of me. She had to literally kneel down to look me directly in the eye without looking down. She had grown several feet, she was probably taller than Edan like this. She smiled an evil smile and took my chin.
"Hello, little one......" She hissed and then brought a knife to my neck, "ready for training?" She asked sincerely. I could tell that it was not her, but at the same time, her aura didn't change, so it also felt like it was still her, just not on the outside. People looked terrified and began to sob even more. I wanted to back away, but at this rate, she would cut my neck in seconds, so I just played along.
"Yes......" I said, she frowned. And then began to cut into my neck, I don't get it, why would she try to cut my neck anyways?
"Tell me the truth child, or I'll just end your life right here....." She hissed. Suddenly Kendal's voice echoed across the whole land.
"LET HER GO!!!!!!" She yelled, "COME HERE NOW!!!!!!" She was angry and I had never seen her like that, not ever.
"What's the Password?" Vontera hissed.
"Please come here your highest honor......" Kendal said. I had never heard her say that. Suddenly I was transported right by Kendal with Vontera.
"What do you want...." Vontera hissed. It was like she was in control of Kendal.
"You said you wouldn't kill more than 5 people....." Kendal hissed, her eyes began to burn with anger. She took my hand and put me behind her.
"So what? It's just a few extra useless peasants....." Vontera said.
"A few hundred....." Kendal corrected her and then she placed her hand on her sword that I had never seen her use. I didn't know what to do, should I stop them from fighting? Or should I let this playthrough? I stood there watching the tension build between the two sisters.
"Calix... get out of here" Kenda said, she looked as if she was going to cry. She didn't want to fight her sister, she loved her. Right as she was going to draw her sword, Vontera grabbed Kendal's throat and raised her into the air.
"Don't even try to struggle......" Vontera smiled evilly, her grip began to tighten. Kendal frowned, tears began to stream down her face, she drew her sword fast and cleanly cut Vonteras handoff. Vontera looked at her arm and smiled. She began to cackle as Kendal pulled her lifeless hand off of her throat.
"Leave my sister!" Kendal yelled through her tears. Vontera shook her head.
"Don't you understand? This is me!" Vontera exclaimed, now she seemed to be getting frustrated and angry, "do you think I want to kill all of those people?" She said, the presence of her began to shift, and it felt like the real Vontera again. Tears began to stream down her face, and then suddenly Vontera collapsed onto the ground and grabbed her hand and placed it back onto her arm. She looked up at Kendal and seemed much younger, more like a child.
"YOU'RE A HORRIBLE PERSON!" I blurted out. Vontera looked back up, her eyes were now raging yellow. I had never seen this side of her.
"DO YOU THINK I LIKE TO DO THIS!!!" She screamed, but then stopped, she looked terrified. I looked back at Kendal, she was mortified as well. I looked behind me, and I was shocked to see a giant dragon... but it wasn't alive... It was transparent. It was a spirit! I had summoned one of my spirits! I smiled, I knew exactly who it was.
"What have you just done....." Vontera looked at the dragon, her eyes were now red with rage, "you killed one of the oldest elders of all......." she said, "you killed our father......."
"Well... he wouldn't remember, he lost all his memory when I killed him" I said stroking the dragon's humongous head, I smiled " he blindly follows me now, and he doesn't even question it" I said.
"DOES NOT QUESTION IT!!!!???!!!" Kendal yelled at me, I had never been yelled at by her. Her eyes were now the same color as Vonteras were. Her hair began to turn the same color as Vonteras, and now they looked almost like twins. I looked at her scared, the dragon hissed, ready to protect me. But I already knew that the dragon could not protect me from her, she was one of the most powerful beings. Her eyes and hands began to glow and cracks began to appear. I had never seen her like this.
"Yes.... but is that a bad thing? From what I have heard..... He was bad, ''I said looking at Vontera, "And why does it matter to you? The spirit world is my world, I can do whatever I want there ''I snapped.
"THAT DOESN'T MATTER!!!!!!" Kendal screamed, her voice began to sound darker and her presence began to change too, she was not what I thought she was. Her power radiated off of her, more than it did with Vontera. She was scary, really scary. The whites of her eyes began to turn black and scars that I had never seen on her face began to show, she was a completely different person. But... I had to be ready.... I looked around, maybe there was something to block attacks with... but there wasn't anything, all I had was a dragon, that wouldn't be able to hurt anyone in the battle.
"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!!!!!" Edan yelled, his facial expression completely changed, he looked at the large dragon. And all the light in his eyes vanished.
"What have you done......." He said quietly, now he began to scare me.
"WILL EVERYONE JUST STOP FIGHTING AND.... AND SHUT UP!" I screamed as the dragon faded away, back to its home in my world. Everyone, the king, the queen, and even the vontera stopped in their tracks. I was going to say something, but my vision started to blur, and my world started to turn black. The last thing I heard was Edan's voice screaming my name. As I fell into a black endless void.
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