Chapter #1

I walked further into the city, everyone watched me as I walked by. Muttering and gossiping about my family and myself, I stopped and glared at them all, their eyes went wide and looked away. I sighed and kept walking, it would be so much better if I could fly to the castle, but the skies were full today, and I didn't want my little wings to get caught up in that. So I walked.

It took at least half an hour to get to the castle doors, and it was so..... ANNOYING to have everyone staring at me! It made me want to rip all their eyes out just so they would.....just........stop.......LOOKING AT ME. I walked up to the guards that were at the door, they took one look at me and opened the door. Another perk to being a first circle Goddess, the guards have to respect you, or they get fired. I smirked at them and proceeded into the great hall that led to the throne room. I slowly peeked in to see if the king was busy with someone else, it was rude to interrupt him. He was talking to another destroyer, I sat and listened to their conversation. That was also considered rude as well, but I'm not always the most polite person, so that didn't matter to me.

"I swear you need to get rid of that- that MONSTROSITY" the Destroyer snarled. The king was silent for a few seconds.

"That will not be necessary, Claix is a very important asset to our kingdom plus, my daughters are very fond of her. And just because she is something that is a creature of two different kinds, one that is.... Not liked very much by our people, doesn't mean she deserves all this hate, she is a very kind girl, you should give her a chance!" The king cried King Edan was always very kind... sometimes too kind, but it was nice that someone thought of me that way, as something more than a..... Monster, and a mistake. The destroyer sat there fuming for a second.

"But your majesty! It's bad enough that we are hosting her FATHER here! And he's entirely Taoreta Akuma! He's going to get us All KILLED!" the destroyer raised his voice, it was considered an offense to raise your voice at the king, but King Edan shook it off as if it was nothing. I sat there waiting for the king to order him away, but he simply replied.

"Yes.... but he hasn't yet, and if he does we can just work it out..... And Calix is a goddess! And a very important one too! If we get rid of her, then we get rid of the entire spirit world with her.'' He said reasonably. The destroyer sat there, trying to come up with a line to fight back with, but he couldn't. The king was too good at finding the ways that people are useful to his and the queen's kingdom.

"Very well..... Your majesty" the destroyer said bitterly. They walked off, fuming with anger and hate, that was my cue. I gently knocked on the door. The king perked up.

"Come in!" he called. I walked into the throne room and bowed to him.

"I suggest you watch out for that destroyer, he might try to do something..." I said glancing back in the direction the destroyer stormed out. The king smiled at me.

"Listening in to the conversation again Calix?" he said slyly, I flinched, and he laughed.

"It's okay, you had the right to, he was talking about you," King Edan pointed out. I nodded and bowed my head again. Edan looked down at me and frowned.

"Calix, you do not need to bow in my presents, or Queen Kendal's, you are like family to us! So don't be so formal!" He said smiling, it was true, I was like family to them, they had known me since I was born... They were like the parents I always wished for.... But I replied in the way I didn't want to.

"That is true... but it still shows you respect" I said, Edan processed this for a second, he looked down at me and frowned.

"Alright, whatever you wish.... Are you here for your lesson with the Queen?" he asked, I nodded. The king stood up off his throne, he was VERY tall, compared to my short 12-year-old body, he was a giant. He looked down at me and smiled.

"I'll take you to her then!" he said happily.

"B-but don't you have duties to attend to?" I asked, was the king ignoring his kingly duties?

"No no, I have nothing else really going on today, so it's kinda like I have a free day!" he explained, he started off in the direction of the garden and courtyard. I nodded and started to follow him.

"Kendal said she has something fun planned for the two of you today" Edan commented.

"Is that so?.... Do you know what it is? I asked out of curiosity. The king shook his head.

"No, I don't, which is weird, because she tells me all her lesson plans for you," he said wonderingly. I looked at the ground, what could it be? I rushed to keep up with the king's long strides.

"So... you don't have a clue?" I said with a raised eyebrow. Edan shook his head. Hm, what could Queen Kendal be planning... something she wouldn't tell her husband? Suspicious... we walked in silence for a few minutes. But then the silence broke by the sound of a little girl's voice.


"Yes?" Edan said surprised how loud the tiny girl could be.

"ISABELLE WON'T STOP TEASING ME! SHE CALLED ME SHORT!" she yelled in annoyance, I couldn't help but laugh.

"I DID NOOOOOT!" Isabelle yelled in response, she ran out too, Eliza glared at her Isabelle and rushed over to me.

"CALLLLLIX, WHO'S SHORTER!! ME OR ISBALLE!" she said loudly. I calmly picked up the very small one year old and looked back at the two year old that stood triumphantly next to her stepfather, in relation to me, Isabelle was barely up to my knee, and Eliza was barely up to Isabelle's chin.

"You're both short" I said bluntly, King Edan laughed.

"And that's a fact!" he said picking up Isabelle. She gave her step father a furriouse glare.

"Whoa! What with that look!" He asked the little girl.

"I want to be as TALL as you one day!" she said, King edan looked at her and smirked.

"Well then you got a LOOOONG way to go there squirt, but in time you will be as tall as me because you have a tall mother and father" he said setting her down. I stood there with Eliza in my arms, the little girl was already so powerful, I could feel the waves of power from her anger. Even though she's only a young halfing, she is already one of the most powerful, and the same goes for her sister. I could relate to Isabelle more than Eliza though, Isabelle was also partially hated for what she was... but of course, no one ever says anything about it, because it would probably get them killed. Because Isabelle is also half Taoreta Akuma, but she was also half creator, which made her... "better" because she wouldn't have the "devilish instinked" as I do, which made me also kind of.... Jealous of her, some people hated her, but they didn't openly express it.... But with me.... Everyone hated me, and they came to me and said it to my face to.... They treat me so much more..... Different from Isabelle.... And it only made me more jealous-

"UHHHH... HELOOOOO! CALIX!?" Eliza's voice broke through my thoughts. I blinked and set the little halfing down. The King looked at me.

"Calix? Are you ok? You look... dazed" he asked.

"No, I'm fine..." I said, Isabelle hoped down out of her step father's arms and took my hand.

"No, you're not okay, I know you're not......" She said, I laughed.

"No, really, I'm fine!" I said trying to convince her, she shrugged and then hugged me tightly. I smiled, these girls....

"Come one girls, Kendal needs to give Calix her lesson *whatever that is*" he muttered under his breath. The king walked off back off in the direction of the the throne room. I nodded and continued to the garden, with Isabelle and Eliza not far behind me. We walked along the pathway and found Kendal sitting in a patch of beautiful flowers, she was smiling when her two girls came up to her and gave her a huge hug.

"MOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!" Eliza squealed excitedly, she hoped in a circle around her mother. I looked down at the hyperactive girl. How can one have this much energy? I thought with curiosity, I never had this much energy... but that was probably just me. Isabelle ran over to Kendal too and plopped down on her mother's lap. She looked up to meet my eyes, I waved.

" Hello," I said politely, Kendal gestured for me to come sit with her. I obeyed and sat down next to the queen in the grass. The queen then signalled a wave to something or someone hiding in the bushes. A girl much older than me, but younger than Kendal walked out of the bushes. She had long hair that had been bleached and dark brown roots. She had two different colored eyes, her right eye was an icy blue and her left eye was a bright yellow, she looked much different compared to me and the princesses. I had dark navy blue(almost black) hair, with light green eyes, and pale skin, with multi-colored diamonds implanted in my chest and forehead and shoulders. She slightly smiled and then walked towards us, she didn't even bow at the queens presents. I glared at her, how rude, the queen and king are too kind.

"Who are you supposed to be?" I asked rudely, my green eyes glowed bright, and my diamonds glowed. She stopped in her tracks, straight faced.

"Now that's a first......" she said. The girl was wearing jewels from the royal family, she also looked a lot like Kendal for some reason. We're they sisters or something? Her eyes began to glow a bright color, she seemed very calm and nice, but surrounding her was a dark presence, and for some reason... I had felt a connection with her... as if our magic and lives were linked. My right eye started to hurt, I applied pressure to it and sat down, whoever this woman was... she was dangerous.

"This is my little sister..... Vontera..... Formerly known as the Devil....." that name....... I've heard it before.... In a book.. She's the monster that roams around the night killing innocent children and adults, she's a killer of the night. I sat in silence....

"So.... You're the killer... aren't you" I said bitterly, Her face went pale and her eyes sharpened at the word killer.

"That is my job......" She said bitterly, but also tried to control herself. I was having trouble controlling myself as well. I clenched my fists to keep them from lashing out. I felt something appear underneath my right eye.

"It's no use in trying to control yourself......" She said, "I've tried thousands upon millions of times, but it's no use....." Vontera said, it was like she was reading my mind. My hands were bleeding now, I had pierced the skin on my palms, the black blood from my palms dripped onto the flowers, staining them black. I felt Kendals gaze on me, but I didn't look away. My vision was blurring from the pain of my claws, I was used to pain... when dad would beat me.... And mom would throw a sharp object at me..... I was used to it... But why did this hurt so much?

"Give me your hands...." I heard Vontera's voice say. I slowly placed my hands in front of me, I had deep holes in my palms gushing with blood. and she grabbed them. Her hands were Ice cold, but for some reason they brought me warmth. My vision began to return and I noticed that her eyes had changed, they were now a really pretty green... like mine... and her hair was fully dark brown with red mixed into it. Was this her original form? It looked... so much like me.... As if this was my real mother... Instead of the horrible ones I was currently with. Then I noticed that she also looked a lot like Isabelle, Isabelle must have gotten her looks from her aunt..... I thought to myself.

"I......... I'm sorry.." I said quietly. Why am I like this? Why am I so rude? Why do I do what I do? I thought.

"You don't need to be sorry...... You didn't know who I was and I kinda just walked up to you unannounced, so I'm sorry....." Then she noticed that Isabelle and Eliza had been there the entire time. She smiled and knelt down with her arms open wide. This.... Killer...... She was different than I had expected her to be. And I was .. a monstrosity... a creature that wasn't meant to live.

"Aunt Vontera!" Isabelle said joyfully, she hopped into her lap and hugged her tightly, Vontera slightly and hugged her and Eliza. They both seemed happy to see her, but did they even know what kind of person she was when she wasn't around them? Suddenly Edan's voice boomed.

"YOU DIDN'T TELL ME THAT MY FAVORITE LITTLE SISTER WOULD BE HERE!!!" He seemed angry but happy at the same time, I had never seen him like that, and why did he just call her little sister? They are only related by Kendal. I Stood up, and gave the family some space to talk. This wasn't my family... So I shouldn't get in their way. right?

"Edan!!!" Vontera said and then ran over to him to give him a big hug. He picked her up and spun her around in a circle. Kendal laughed. They seemed so..... Happy, and overjoyed, it was so DIFFERENT to my family, it almost hurt me to see them like this. Suddenly Vontera pushed Edan away which made no sense.

"Someone's here......" She said, her appearance changed back to when I first met her. She walked out of the garden in a hurry... I decided to follow her. She seemed urgant and then.... She pulled out a knife. She walked down a long pathway down to the Destroyer gate, and in front of it was a male Destroyer. He had half black hair and half white hair, which was very unusual for a full Destroyer to have. He had bright lime green eyes and smirked when he caught sight of Vontera. I crouched by the entrance

"What are you doing here....." She hissed. He smiled.

"Just here to repay you for what you did to me those many years ago....." He smiled and licked the top of his lips, Vontera suddenly felt different, she seemed like she had no control over herself anymore. I had to get someone.. No, I had to do something! But I didn't know what to do! Vontera stepped forward and smiled, it wasn't her anymore. I suddenly reacted without even thinking, I knocked out the Destroyer on my own and then looked back at Vontera who now looked furious. She had death in her eyes and then grabbed me by my neck and raised me in the air. She wasn't choking me, it just made it very inconvenient that I couldn't wiggle out of her grip.

She then threw me to the ground and stomped her foot down on my chest. I got the wind knocked out of me and was trying to catch it, she now looked terrifying and out of her mind. I tried to wiggle away from her but instead she grabbed me again and then put her knife by my throat.

"Goodbye....." Right as she was going to slit my throat Instead her arm moved up and instead cut my eye. She immediately let go of me and dropped me to the ground. She collapsed onto the ground in fear and then quickly backed away from me.

"Calix! Vontera! What's going on!" I heard Edan yelled, he ran and picked me up, but as he began to run, I felt myself drift into a deep sleep. She really is a monster..... But so am I.........

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