His bold lady

Manik Feroze is well known mafia leader, he is ruthless, careless, bloodthirsty, and damaged person so one can even dare to dream about. He entered into business of threatening and killing by age of seven, by killing the one who tried to rape him. Since then he is always ruthless.

He never trust anyone, his handsome looks, his sweet smile makes everyone think he is just a teenager, no one can even imagine how cruel he can be if he wants too.

Manik owns clubs, casinos, pubs in New York City, he rules money, every days some billions of money piles in his accounts daily, he is wealthiest person in whole America, without any records. Police media politicians court can never get involved in his business, they just beg him for money and his support. He decides their fate with one signal.

Manik never let anyone linger by his side more than a month so no one knows fully about him, not his personal secretary nor his bodyguard. He changes them too. Except one person Nandini. His accountant.

Nandini is from middle class family, she came to New York for study, she joined university for MBA course, as part timer she joined one of the hotel cum bar of Manik, she got into his books when she without hesitation gave him report of his monthly accounts without fear, actually mangae of that hotel is fraud, he cheated Manik and gained large amount of money in his pocket, she without thinking much.

Manik still remember that, he is in very bad mood, one of the politicians took money from him and didn't return after winning, he is now planning to kill him, he is having his first sip of his wine, some one barked into his room, he with anger ready to kill the person, he aimed the gun in frustration, the beautiful girl infront of him shocked panicked but then composed herself
"It's ok if you kill me, but let me finish my talk then you can" she said in firm voice, Manik is stunned this time and removed gun and kept on table. She relaxed and spoke

"Manager of this bar is eating your money daily, he ordered me to make two reports one is actual one and other is to show you, here are the reports, and the difference is about 2 lakh dollars which is a lot, it's my duty to inform you, now you can shoot me" she stood still holding her skirt tight.

Manik frowned at her information, he checked papers then frowned her demure, she is terrified still she didn't runaway, he is amused at her loyalty, he looked at her, then placed the papers on table turned to her fully, "you should have given this to your manager and demanded money for yourself he would have given you share, why to tolerate me? I won't give you a penny for showing this, instead I may kill you"
"I don't care, I can't betray anyone you can kill me still"
Manik is now amused "so typical stupid Indian aren't we?" He monks she looked at him sharply and spoke with proud face "yes we are" firmly. Manik suddenly felt goosebumps on his neck back, he pressed his lips tight, he understood she is naive stupid loyal and straightforward person. He instantly liked her.
"From now on you be my manager then I will raise your pay"
"I can't be manager I just joined your bar May be sometime soon but now"
"Ok then let me pay you now in lum some amount"
"No I didn't do anything extraordinary" she frowned in annoyance
"What do you want women then? Me?"
She looked at him with disgust "no never, you might be walking disease with amount girls you fuck, I came only to give you a clear picture what is happening on your back that's all, if you are not killing me I have work I need to rush" she turned and left.

Manik jaw dropped to floor at at bold comment, no one dared to speak to him more that two minutes here she made talk for more than hour an hour, she even looked at him disgusted and called him walking disease. To his most surprise he didn't get anger but he felt hurt amused and thrilled. Later that night Manik killed the manager ruthlessly, after torturing him for hours and taking his money back too.

After that Nandini became his obsession, he daily come to bar at her work times and arches her working and leaves when her shift completes, he don't let anyone know about this obsession, he just sits in his room, watching cctv, having his own drink sometimes food.

After six months he sent her proper official letter making her manager to bar, she accepted this time, for which Manik is happy.

Nandini is working hard, Manik observed how his bar money is flooding into his account, how employees are more happy to work than before, some customers are repeating,he liked her work a lot. May be he liked her too.

Nandini brought some files to him, Manik is in hurry so he without giving more deeds to files as he trusted her more than anything signed them, she took with smile and he felt a sting in his heart which haunted him whole day, he smiled to himself everytime he reminds her smile.

Night he came to bar as usual she is not in bar at night her duty is in daytimes he don't want some horny bastards to lust her even if it is from far he don't care. He just want to rip there nerves from their neck and cut them into shreds, cruelly. That rag he feels when someone looks at her more than required. She is innocent and she should be as such.

Next day Manik came to bar, as someone asked him about the duties, "where the hell is Nandini?"
"Sir yesterday was her last day she gave us party and left with all her things" one of the informed with shock as he expected that Manik knows it in prior.
"What do you mean by last day?" He is now out of breath
"She resigned and you approved"
"What?" Manik held the man collar, he is terrified
"Yes sir" he nodded in hurry so that Manik can leave him to live longer.
Manik panicked, he lost all his senses in a moment, he freezes, then breathed heavily, he took out his mobile, called all his men and ordered them "you are all going to find the girl bring her to me, if you lay your flithy hands on her or glance her dirty you will be hanged at this bar entrance, with due respect you will bring her to me, now run and if you come empty hands do expect to live longer" he roared while they are running already.

After two days of search the big New York City, they found her address and bought her to him to his house. Manik is in his jeans, shirtless, his hair is messy, eyes red, tired shoulders told that how stressed he is been.

Seeing her in front of his eyes Manik body relaxed, he ran to her "where the hell were you?" He roared
Nandini who is clueless for his burst looked at him with frown "nowhere" she took a step away.
"You didn't gave us your address, nor mobile is working, you manipulated to your resignation, what hell happened?"
Nandini understood she nodded her head "Ok Mr.M, I didn't give anyone any sort of information about you or your profession, I known it's secrecy, I respect it, about address and mobile number, I changed them so that no one can ever let themselves get to you, so you are safe, about me manipulating you for resignation, sorry to say but you signed it yourself last day of my work, so I didn't manipulate anyone"
"You didn't mention about resignation, I trusted you blindly so signed papers without reading"
"That's not my fault" she shrugged Manik got irked as she is correct.
"Look Nandini you are not going anywhere, not now nor anytime soon, you want me to pay you more I will name it have it that's it"
"I got job in corporate company as finance head, that is the reason I resigned, I studied hard for that job, sorry Mr.M I am helpless unless you buy my company I can't be your employee even if you offer tons, I have no choice, frankly speaking you have no choice to make me work for you" she said in pity tone
Manik frowned "which company?"
She frowned, named it, he took his mobile, called few people, she is clueless what is he doing, she is stressed that he might may her job vanish for her, she is watching him, his back muscles stressed, his tall form is subtle, he is seems worried and stressed. She gave him no reason to do so. So she is tensed as she has seen so many times how he kicked people without reason.

Manik came back to her after half an hour, "wait for me I will dress up and come feel at home make something for yourself you might be hungry and thirsty, if possible can you give me too some?" He in hurry rushed to his floor.

Nandini is really clueless but she is in kitchen, found some eggs and rice, she copped some veggies, and tossed them in hot pan, made some fried egg rice. She made some smoothie with some vegetables and strawberries, along with some lemon. She boiled herself some milk. She platted things and about start he came back sat in chair thanked her food and ate it in hurry seeing him she too ate fast.

Manik bought her to her company she frowned she want to reason with him, "look Mr.M, you can't get fired just like that I really worked my ass to get this job"
"Your ass looks sexy is that why?" He winked she got shocked with his bold comment, she is taken back and shut her mouth as she as No come back for such comments.

Manik took with him into a meeting hall, where around fifty men and women sat in business suits, she is clueless who they are, seeing them they all greeted Manik. He just shook his head and signalled to sit.
"As you all came to know I bought this company half an hour back, I won't remove anyone nor change their position except for CEO, she is Nandini she will be my representative and your CEO from now on, you all are going to report and do business with her all day I will be visiting her regularly, any gossips, backstabbing bullying and taking advantage of her I found it I kill them" he held his gun from his back pocket and kept on table, all gasped. Manik gave them few moment and said "dismiss" all started to go away Nandini too started to go, but he held her hand and stopped her

"You can't just buy a company in half an hour, you can't threat people with gun openly, you can't just make a person like me CEO, this is absurd, insane and foolishness" she is panicking
"Shhhhh girl, breath, you gave me choice and I took it why the hell now you are worked up lady?"
Nandini is now going insane, "why?" She asked calming herself.
"What why?"
"Why are you doing this all?"
"I want you, forever with me"
"Why?" She repeated
"I don't know, two days without knowing where are you, made me breathless, I am helpless, I can't survive, so brace me, you want to or you don't I don't care, shift your shit with me, be my side, that's all. This time of you go missing I will haunt you, trust me that won't end anything near your liking, I will for sure make it my pleasure able so stay put with me forever"

Nandini looked at him with mouth open, she narrowed her eyes, straight seeing his eyes, she spoke "go hell with your threat, I never scared of anyone nor I will now" she spanked away his hand and rushed out of room catching her breath back.

Manik is shocked for first time seeing her all flared up he felt as if his member stood saluting her with his own brain. He is amused and felt as if she is boss to him.

Nandini is been greeted by everyone in office, she is embarrassed. She sat down on corner of the hall, she closed her eyes taking deep she started thinking, what to do and where to go next. Now she is regretting meet him for his own good.

Nandini came out of building, Manik is waiting for her, she ignored him totally started to walk passing him, he smirked and sweeping away kept her on his shoulder and dropped her in car carefully, he sat with her holding her both hands tight "you denying made me go crazy girl, you are struck with me fix that in your mind forever crave it in your bones permanently, come let us go home I didn't sleep properly till I find you, so I am bit sleepy"

"Can't you just leave me by myself?" She tried
"What about No as answer" she looked at his mischievous face smirking lips, she took deep breath, "leave my hands I won't runaway" she closes her eyes, her head is throbbing. He left. She relaxed slept back. He smiled.

Nandini took a room down floor as she is not having any choice, her luggage is already present in hall. "Don't you have shame I have my personal belongings my undergarments how dare someone can touch them? How embarrassing it is?" She roared. Manik blood boiled as he didn't think about it, he apologised sincerely. She huffed left to the room. Slept on bed in angry and frustrating.

Days passed to months, Nandini life is pretty much cool, Manik never disturb her in anyway, she lives ignoring him totally unless it's work related conversation. She is now working with plenty of independence in work, being gem in work she is running company pretty much good.

Manik life changed a lot, he started working corporate office, so he changed his dressing style to suits, he is now watching Nandini day and night but she is always away from him for his liking and he don't want to impose anything more than he already did. He loved that she is liking everything he offered.

She is having personal driver, three PA's working with her every moment. She gets her food and all things in blink she is always busy.

It's two years since Nandini is staying with Manik, they synced well, Manik felt it's high time so made Nandini sit with him forcefully removing all her gadgets from her which is tough task, "listen lady! It's high time move to my room"
"What? And why? How close you are planning to keep me you insane admi? You are crazy" she got irritated "do I have personal space or not?" She is now frustrated too.
"Yaaaaa Nandini you have no brains unless it's work, marry me move to my room have kids with me grow old with me" she is taken back she never thought deeply about it, she looked blank at him.
"Look I won't disturb your work life, you will have same life just that we share it, we share life"
"Marriage and kids? I never thought about them, my parents? What will they say? I don't think they will agree for you? Why now? Actually why? Everything is cool now"
"You give me blue ball every other day women and dare to ask me why?" She is surprised
"Wow when did I?"
"Really? Look at you, don't you think your existence itself is giving me blue balls? The other day you came out of bathroom naked and started shouting on phone on someone, thank god I kicked all employees in house and doing works myself, next ten days back, you slept on sofa on your bra and panty god they were matching, lace one and hat do you think of me? Am I a saint? Sadhu or some impotent man? Yaar my duck has its own brains it stands rock solid for you even if I get wip of your perfume do you know, how hat more can I take? If you don't marry then I will duck you now here and I am dam serious"

Nandini blushed she never recognised his presence till today and he is correct she never noticed that no workers present in home specially when she is home.

"What the hell is your answer here I am desperate lady" he is tapping his feet he is ready to remove his jean in one sift. She blushed more nodded. He didn't waste a moment crashed her lips along with body, riding her divine body rocking it roughly with all his senses blasting.

Life never been planned for Nandini with Manik. It's full of surprises and shocks, one day he bought her parents to New York and made them agree for marriage, he married her in two days after their arrival, he took her to India for honeymoon. He bought some more companies for her. He started doing is business in style to match her status.

When Nandini got pregnant, Manik is all together different person, he announced whole office to be red alert for her, he didn't even have her personal space to breath alone, she is suffocated with his care and love. She always plucks her hair with his crazy doings. Everytime she is shocked.

Manik being Manik enjoys irritated Nandini most as she blasts his mind in bed when she is irritated and ignited. Angry bull. His crazy angry bull. People call him that but in reality it's her. And he loves it.

They got a beautiful daughter. Manik went crazy, ballistic and insane. He don't let harsh sun touch her alone some person. She walks on his palms and breathes only fresh air. He bought biggest mansion in new York for her, she has her own doll house, swimming poll, personal princess room, play room and everything.

To his surprise she is totally like Nandini loves books and stories. Manik reads her daily. Life for Manik is Nandini and his daughter Naira. They are his life. He loves them crazier.

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