OS u are the reality of my dream
"Soniye ,hiriye
Teri yaad aandi ye
seene vich tadapta hain dil
jaan jaandiye
Tu hi jind meriye
dil da karaar ni
tu hi jind meriye
dil daa karaar ni
Tu aaja tainu rab da wastaa
tu aaja tainu rab da waasta
udekta mai tera raastaa"
The song was playing in full music but lyrics
was working on nandini ...she was just
controlling her years which were waiting to
come out ...she feeling pain and hurt at
same time ...she glanced at Manik...he was
lying on bed putting his arm on his eyes
...he was looking like Majnu who was lost in
her laila ...the song is justifying his
condition ...
"suna suna dil da asjiyaanaa hay
sunk zameen hor aasmaaa
khoya khoya rainda mera pagal dil
aajaa laut ke hun
as bhi jaa
tu jind meriye dil da karaar ni ..
tu hi jind meriye dil da karaar ni ...
tu aajaa tainu rab da vaastaa
udekta mai tera raastaa ..."
Now manik got up from the bed and stood
near the window ...slowly watched his
actions ...
[/COLOR] "kinna tainu chaavaa aei na samjhi tu
there naam kitti zindagi
jado tu milengi tainu dassange ..
tere naal meri har khushi ..
tu hi jind meriye dilda karaar ni ..
tu hi jind meriye dil da karaar ni
tu aaja tainu rab da waastaa
udekta mai tera rasstaa
soniye ,hiriye
teri yaad aaindi ye
seene vich tadapta hain dil
Jaaan jaandiye ...[/COLOR]"
No that was enough for nandini to bear
...she was their in a room with her husband
and he was busy listening song for his lady
love whom he didn't even know he only
chatted with her ...tears were rolling down
from her eyes ...she got up from her place
and off the music and collapsed on the
ground while crying ...she was crying like
hell she wanted to ruin everything ...when
she heared footsteps near her but ignored
...and got busy in her work men's crying
...Manik sit near her and hold her tear on
her finger but she looked away ...she was
so angry on him she didn't want to break
down in front of him buy she couldn't control
her tears ...Manik made her look at him she
combine her lips ...she was trying not to cry
in front of him she was not making any eye
contact with him ...Manik wiped her tears ...
" Why u off the music ??? and why are u
crying ?? "like seriously he was asking her
that stupid question ...how could he? was
he blind or was just making fun of her she
bit her lips but she could hold on her tears
more and started crying again hiding her
face in her palm ...now her sobs making
loud noise on their room ...
Manik removed her hands from her face and
asked with a naughty smirk ...
"Bas itna sa hi hausla thaa?? jab drama start
kiya thaa to end bhi karti ... why are u
waisting ur tears ? why?? after all it was ur
plan no?? "he again wiped her tears ...
"wh...wh...what are u saying ..??" she
stammered a bit ...
"Angel ... ""he raised her face up with his
index finger...
"W..what ?? what angel?? I don't know any
angel wengel ... "she looked here and there
but him ...
"Ohh come on !! stop this drama u forgot to
logut and I knew this from the beginning ..."
Manan were married since two years
...every one says that they are perfect
couple ...Infact they were living happily
each other but something was empty inside
nandini ...she was loved him ...it was love at
first site for her ...she confessed her love to
him many times and every time in answer he
just smiled ..or more just kissed her for
head ...but he never says his feelings about
her ...they knows each other since
college..but he was silent at that time also
and now also ...Nandini always remebere
her first day if college where she met her 6
the crush and her first love ...
It was Nandini's first day of college and she
was late ...whole college was empty may be
classes already started she thought ...oh
God she have to collect the admission card
first she ran fr here and there but college
was really huge like a bhool bhulaiyya ...she
walked and spot three boys sitting on
staircase one was completely engrossed in
his books ...she thought to ask help from
them so she went near them ...
"Hello..." she greeted them smilingly ...all
three turned their head towards her and
their facial expression told her that they
didn't like her coz she disturbed their
brotherhood ... They were cabir who was
looking her with what do u want? expression
...dhruv was busy in playing guitar ...and
Manik whom was staring continuously who
was busy in his books ...she felt attracted
towards him ...she started having crush on
him right standing in front him ...he was her
six crush and only whom she saw coz rest
was from Bollywood and Hollywood ...
"what??? "cabir asked her thrice bit loudly
...she shockingly coming back from her
world where she was shamelessly checking
him out ...
"where is the first year class of b.tech??" she
asked him ....
"Fresher ??" cabir looked at her from head to
"yes" she answered ...
"take left from their ..then right and then
straight and u will enter in the room ... "cabir
said .....
"okk thank "she thanked him and leave from
there glancing at manik who was actually
not aware of her presence ...he was just so
much in his book looked like it was his
girlfriend... she only took few steps when
she remembered that she had to collect her
admission card so she again came back
their ...
and again got irretated expression from
them ..
"WO can u please show me the place from
where I can get my ad card ...WO it's my
first day of college ... "she told them ...
"yaa we can see that ...coz u came here for
our help ..." cabir said sacarastically ...
"what ?? "she asked confusingly ....
,"Nothing !! u can collect that from their"
canir said pointing towards the area ..and
other tow to didn't paid any attention to her
"can u plzz come with me "? she pleaded ...
",don't why the parents send their princesses
to the colleges ...chalo ... "canir said and
she followed him ...she was feeling sad coz
manik was not looking at her ...she got her
addmissoin card with the help if cabir and
went towards her class ...
It was almost a week since she joined
college ...That three boys were very famous
in the whole college not only for their looks
,and ,study but also for other activities
...they were her seneiir everyone wanted to
be their friends ...but they never allowed
anyone specially to the girls that why when
everyone got to know that they helped
nandini at her first day all were very
surprised ...
Nandini forgot her library card at home and
she badly needed a book for assignment
...and librarian was not ready to give her
the book without card so she had no option
so she again came to them ...
"Hi ... "she greeted them ...theree boys
looked at her again but this time they were
not irretated ...
"Hello ..'.now what kind if help u need ?? this
time dhruv asked ...
"WO actually I forgot my library card at home
and librarian not giving me the book ...and I
need that badly ..." she told ...
"and why u think that we will help u ?? "cabir
raised her eyebrows ...
"Bcoz u guys are very good ...plzz help me
na bhaiyya "she said as much as she sounds
cute ...
"Bhaiyya ... o ...merit university ..I couldn't
thank u enough u gave me my sister ...chal
meri behna kaun hain WO zalim librarian Jo
neri behan ko tang kat raha hain" ... cabir
said with fake tears and dragged nandini
with himself ...
"Drama queen "Manik and dhruv said in union
cabir said something to librarian and came
with book in his hand ...
"ye lo behna .. tumhari book ...n yes now ur
my sister so u are also the part of our group
..whenever u need help just comes to us
okk" he said
"So whatelse m I doing from first day ?? "she
winked at him ...
"ohh ya right!! "cabir also winked back at him
and high fighed with her and left from there
...one pair of eyes saw this and got angry
...she was none other than soha ...she tried
her best to be with them especially with
Manik but they showed her Stay away path
...she thought something and smiled evily ...
Nandini was going holding book in her hand
when soha cane from behind and snatched
the book from her hand ...
what the hell give my book nandini tried to
take the book from her ...
"fresher ?? tumhari ragging nhi ki abhi tak..."
she said evily...
"ragging is not allowed !!!" she said ...
"u need this book right baby !!?" she asked
her so for that u have to do something ..."
"what do u want ??" she really needed to
score good in assignment coz she wanted
Manuk's attention ...so she agreed with
soha that she will do anything ...soha
wanted her to say I love to Manik ...nandini
first was shock but then she agreed ...coz
she really fall for him ...
All were present in canteen nandini was very
nervous...Manik entered their with dhruv and
cabir ...they headed towards there seat
giving smile to Nandini ...but she didn't
smiled back soha gestured her to say
something she came in the center and said
loudly ...
"Manik ...I want to sy something to u
...actually I love u ..." she confessed all were
shocked and soha smiled she thought now
they will insult nandini ...but to her dismicy
cabir asked everyone to leave from their
now only four were present their ...
"Nandini what was that ? "cabir asked ...n
nandini told him everything all were very
angry on soha and they wanted to teach her
lesson ...but nandini stopped them ...
"waise Manik I didn't lie I love u !! I mean I
have crush on u ."
she said innocently dhruv and cabir laughed
and manik became red in shyness ...
"isko dekho sharmana mujhe chahiye lekin
ladka hoke tamatar ye ban raha hain "canini
laughed with dhruv and manik rolled his
eyes on them ...
Days paased and she became inseparable
part of their group ..with time she countless
time confess her love to manik ...how could
she forgot at valentines day how
romantically she sang the sing for him ...
Everyone's attention were on nandini she
WS looking very beautiful ...she was going
to sing the song dhruv and cabir were
helping her ...she took her place ...
"Teri yaadein ,Mulaqatein
mai kaise bhoolu chahat ki WO barsaatein (2 )
tu hi mera dil hain tu hi meri jaan
tu hi mera dil hain tu hi meri jaaan ..
kabhi to pass mere aao
kabhi to nazrein milao
kabhi dilse dil ko miloa ...
she came towards manik and hold his hand
he looked away ...she continued her singing
] "Meri Jaan palkein yun na jhukana
meri jaan mujhse door na Jana
meri jaan mujhko bhool na jaanaa
o janaaan
mujhe lauta de woera pyaar...2"
now she placed his hand on her waist and
put her hand on his chest everyone was
hooting around she deeply looked into his
eyes ...manik was hell embarrassed ...
"Mai Teri hi diwaani hun ..
Teri baayein kabhi mai bhool na paaoon 2
tu hi mera dil hain
tu hi meri jaan
tu hi near dil hai
tu hi meri jaan
o yaaraa kyu khafa ho mujhse
o yaaraa kyu juda ho mujhse
o yaaraa mera pyaar hain tujhse
o jaanaaan
there bin dillagi hain adhuri
were bin ashiqui hain adhuri
mujhe milna hain tujhse zaroori
oo jaanaa
mujhe Lauta de WO mera pyaar
mujhe lauta de WO pyaar"
After that they got married coz manik's
parents wants him to marry with nandini
...he was perfect husband but he never said
his feelings about nandini ...so one day
when she was at her parents house and
after talking to him on the phone she
decided something ...she made an id on FB
named ANGEL it was her first I'd she never
made account on FB before and search for
manik ...
She sent him buddy request he immediately
accepted may be he was online ...
Hi she messaged him ...
hello he replied ...
after that she asked him his name but she
came to know from his replies that he was
not in mood to talk to her ...
'why so rude replies ??? 'she asked him but
he didn't reply ...may be he went ...
Next day again she messaged him ..
'Please talk to me once I am in so much
pain and feeling very hurt and lonely ... 'she
blackmailed him coz she knew that it will
work on him after all he was very soft by his
nature that why he never scolds her always
forgive her smallest and biggest
mistakes..so as she expected he replies she
talk to him ...after when she return home
she used to talk to him making any excuse
to manik ..but she only found him reserved
and irretated ...may be he just forcefully
talking to her ...though she felt happy that
she was not interest in any girl ...she also
felt proud but she wanted to know his
feelings about her ...she was thinking how
to ask him about his personal life ...coz he
never behaved friendly with her ...but don't
shat happened one day he started talking g
normally with her he himself asked her
about her likes and dislikes ...
Now nandini became tensed so she thought
to confess her feelings to him as angel so
nau be after that he will tell her that he is
married but when she confessed her love to
him he didn't reply two days but one day
when he was out of country he messaged
her ...
'I want to meet u'
'what ?? 'she replied ...
'u love me right ... so okk I respect ur love
kers meet and then we will discuss... 'he
'Discuss?? about what ?' she asked
confusingly ..
'Our marriage!! what else ?? don't u want to
marry me ?? 'he asked but nandini didn't
have the courage to reply back something
loudly broke inside her " He will leave
me..he will leave me ..." that all she could
think and cry ...after that she didn't
messages him ...Manik's few messages
came ...
'1 plzzz talk to me once
2 I m worried for u
3 Are u alright ?? 'all these kind of message
but she didn't reply she was so much hurt
...two days back he came back to India and
anyone could see that how sad he was ...n
now this song n all ...
[center] FLASH BACK ENDS ...
Nandini was so much embarrassed she
wanted to hide somewhere but maniks hold
on her was very tight ...
"mujhe doubt tab hua when u always uses to
look at me and then into ur mobile and one
day I checked ur mobile so found that my
this Angel is playing with me ... after that I
started behaving normally to u but why u
did that ? just to know my feelings about u"
he asked her wiping her tears from her face
she nodded he smiled and continued ...
"Pagal !!mujhse direct pooch leti ...y this? u
know that I am not that much expressive ...I
never showed shat I like and what I don't
.okk I know I should tell u about my feelings
but I m not that kind of guy..tumhe mere
actions se kabhi samajh nhi aayaa ??" he
asked her ...
"what ?? "she asked looking into his eyes...
"yahi that meri zindagi or mere dil me
Nandini murthy ..oh sorry Nandini Malhotra
me ilawa or koi ladki nhi hain ..." he said
and took her in his arms and placed her on
the bed and came on top of her ...
"I love u.. I love everything about u ...ur
eyes...which only shows my picture in them
...ur smile which was only for me ...ur hand
which make yummy food for me ur body
which is my blanket when sleep ...,ur heart
which the safest place of mine where only I
have the right to live ...,ur cheeks ..which
becomes red whenever I smiled to u ...,ur
voice which sings only for me and mist
importantly ur lips which makes my name
more beautiful whenever they take it ...call
me please" he said that while kissing evey
part of her face and in last asked her
innocently to take his name..
"Manik ... "she took and smiles broadly...
manik kissed her forhead ..after that kisses
her eyes ,nose cheeks but not lips he was
teasing her so she herself pulled him and
slammed hee lips with his ...manik smirk on
her this bold avtaar but after that he also
gave in they explore each others mouth and
broke the kiss ...but manik continued kissing
her neck ...and biting ..she bit her earlobe
color bone nandini was just moaning his
name ...he was about to through her kurti ...
"Manik u didn't bought anything for me "she
")I am ur gift ..now please don't disturb me"
he Nuzzled in her neck ..she slap his back
"No I know u always very wild whenever we
do it now come on show me my gift" she
said ...
"okk fine "he got up and opened the beg and
handed her gift she opened it was very
beautiful red colour full sleeves gown ..
"Manik it was so beautiful !"she clutched the
gown at her chest ...
"u like it ? "hr asked smilingly...
"I love it its so beautiful... ..."she was so
and became more happy when he gave her
matching earings ...then seeing her
happiness manik excitedly show her many
gifts ...shoes ,bangles, purse,and few more
thing he putting things I front if her and with
every gift nandin's facial expression got
changed ...
"Baby ...what happened? u didn't like?" he
asked her looking at her blank face
"Manik is world me red me alawa bhi bht
colours hain ... 'she said...
"U always have to deny me!! never apperiate
anything ... "he said and pouted ..
"oh realy did u appreciate my food? "she
asked ...
"Bcoz khana khake pet bharne ke liye hota
hain .." manik showed her tounge...
"To ye sab bhi pahen kar beautiful dikhne ke
liye hoti hain praise karne me liye nhi ..pata
nhi laal pari banane ka irada hain mujhe
huh ... "she pouted ...and they start their
cute arguments and fights which ended on
lots of pecks and hugs ...moon witness this
and smiled ...
[center] THE END [center]
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