After the ceremony manan reached home very tired so they decided to hv a small nap. It was around 8 when Nandini got up & decided to cook dinner for everyone. Sometime later Manik got up & reached downstairs searching for her, after asking a servant he reached the kitchen.
Manik: Nandini what r u doing here!!
Nandini: Ohh Manik when did u wake up??
Manik: Just now but u don't change the topic!
Nandini: Come on Manik sometimes its ohk na if I cook... U havn't even let me stand in the kitchen from the past six months... Plz lemme do it today!!
Manik: Ohk but on one condition.
Nandini: What??
Manik: That this thing is not gonna get regular & I will help u today so that I can keep an eye on u!!
Nandini: Ohh really the Manik Malhotra is gonna help me make dinner.....
Manik: Yes!! Off Course I will....
Nandini: Manik u know what is the easiest thing to do in the kitchen.
Manik: What??
Nandini: Its to cut a lime.... Cutting a lime is the most easiest thing u could do here! And I hope u remember that u rn't even able to do that then how can u help me out here.
Nandini started laughing loudly & Manik smiled at her remembering the night in college when Nandini was drunk. Nandini looked at him & understood that he was remembering that night.
Nandini: Thinking about that day??
Manik(with a smile): hmn..... Such a crazy night! U should hv looked at urself, u had no idea what u were saying or doing.
Nandini: Yeah!! Remember the next morning when u called me in college & said that something happened. U can't even imagine what I was going through, for a minute I actually believed what u were saying but then I knew that u couldn't do anything like that to me.
Manik: How could I even dare to do anything with u!! Ur single punch & I had started bleeding, just imagine what could hv happened if u got to know that I did something with u... I think I would hv died.
Just then a voice came from the behind, "Who would hv died??"
Both of them turned around to see daniel standing there.
Nandini: Nothing.... By the way where were u?? The servant told me that u had gone out.
Daniel: yeah.... Just went for a small walk.
Nandini: Cool!! Now u both sit I'll get something for u guys to eat.
Manik: Ohk... But be carefull.
Nandini: Manik.... Don't worry just go!!
Manik & Daniel sat outside in the living room with Nyra. Manik & Nyra were slowly forming a very nice bond between them, soon Nandini got some snacks for them & joined them. Daniel asked manan how they met & ended up in marriage & Manik was more than glad to share it all with him. Then after sometime Manik said,
Manik: Why don't we made some plan for a picnic or something in a day or two. I m sure u both r gonna enjoy a lot.
Daniel: Sure!! I would love to.
Nandini: No I don't think its that a nice idea. Manik, Mukti needs rest at present. Going to a picnic can be risky for her.
Manik: I think u r right. Ohk then lets plan for a movie or something.
Nandini: Yeah that would be great.
Daniel: Ohk!!
The next day they decided to go out for a movie in the afternoon. All of them went out together & were enjoying the movie very much but then Nandini got a call from the hospital about some emergency so she had to leave in between. Manik offered to drop her but she thought that Daniel would get bored amongst the others so she left alone. There was some patient who was very critical. Nandini reached the hospital at around 2 pm & they started the operation. It was around 6 pm & still they were way too much left. Nandini was out of the operation room to get some reports in between when she picked up her phone & msged to Manik.
"Sorry Manik... I think I m gonna be very late tonight! Plz don't wait for me & yes I knw u would hv not even had ur lunch so plz do eat something! See u soon!! Love u..."
She again returned back to work. Another two hours later they were finally able to save the patient. Nandini returned back to her cabin but still she couldn't hv gone home as still the patient was not totally well & to ensure his health she needed to prepare a few reports & do some tests. She continued working for it, when Dr. Agarwal entered her cabin,
Dr. Agarwal: Dr. Nandini!!
Nandini: Yes Doctor??
Dr. Agarwal: Its 9:30. And it had been a really long day for u!! I think u should go home & take some rest now1
Nandini: No doctor... I can't go till I m done with these reports. I don't want to find something really important later & think that its too late to rectify it.
Dr. Agarwal: Nandini.... There r doctors in the night shift to take care of that patient.
Nandini: No I can't go home like this.... Doctor u don't worry I'll leave after this, U go!!
Dr. Agarwal: Ohk as u wish...
Nandini: Thank u Doctor!!
WIth this Dr. Agarwal left, Nandini finished her work & then reached home at around 10:30pm, to find all her friends waiting for her. She walked towards them & straightly said,
Nandini: Sorry guys... I m really sorry!!
She looked at Manik but he gave her a blank look & got up to walk back towards his room. This was not the first time that Nandini was coming home late, but never before had Manik done something like this. Nandini looked at the others with a confused expression & Navya said,
Navya: Go now talk to ur monster.... He is really angry from u!!
Nandini: But Manik never gets angry on me coming late.... Then why today??
Mukti: Coz he said that this was the first tym when u didn't inform him even once.
Aliya: Till now he was very tensed but now that u r here I guess he is angry.
Nandini: But I did msg him in the evening.
Cabir: No.... I don't think u did!! U hv had a long day, I think u might would hv forgotten.
Nandini: But i remember-
Dhruv: Chill Nandini.... He'll be fine u go & talk to him once.
Nandini: I think u r right.
Abhi: U go... we all will take a leave now!!
Nandini: Ohk... By the way did u all hv dinner or not.
Cabir: Ohh yes we did... But yes for ur information ur Monster had not had anything since u left.
Nandini: Ohh god!!
Aliya: Chalo Now Bye!!!
Cabir: Bye Daniel...
Daniel: Bye guys!!
With this all of them left & then nandini walked up towards her room. Daniel watched her walk upstairs & smiled.
In the evening after the movie all of them had just returned home & were sitting in the living room. Nyra took Manik's mobile from him to play some game. She was enjoying her game sitting next to Daniel, when the phone beeped with a msg. Daniel took the phone & read Nandini's msg. Manik was not around there so he simply smiled at it & deleted the msg, giving the phone back to Nyra.
Daniel: And with this we start the count down to ur relationship with nandini!!!
Flashback Ends...
Nandini entered the room to see Manik standing in the balcony, she walked closer & hugged him from the back.
Nandini: Manik I m really sorry!! I did msg but I don't know why u didn't get it.... I m sorry!! I-
Manik: Nandini leave it... U don't need to explain!! Vese bhi who am I to decide what u do & what not..
Nandini: No Manik I need to explain....
Manik: Leave it... Let it go!!
Manik broke the hug & moved back into the room & lied down on the bed. Nandini looked at him & then thought to freshen up first & then talk to him. She got into the washroom & then returned back into the room 10 minutes later wearing her night dress. She sat by his side & said,
Nandini: Manik... Talk to me na!! I m sorry, I was really busy today! I promise I'll never repeat it for sure. I-
But this time she was stopped due to a knock on the door. Nandini got up from the bed & opened to see Nyra standing there with her teddy bear.
Nandini: Nyra... What happened baby? Why r u still awake?
Nyra: Mumma I m feeling scared in my room.... Plz na come with me!
Nandini: Scared?? Why??
Nyra: I don't know there is something there.... Come na!!
Nandini looked at Manik who was still facing the other side & said to him,
Nandini: Sorry Manik... I'll be back soon & then we'll have dinner together...!!
Saying so she got out of the room & went to Nyra's room. She sat there & made the little girl sleep, while Daniel stood at the door thinking,
Daniel: Sorry nandini... I know u want to be there with him, but me & my daughter need u in our lives much more than him.
After some time Nandini walked back to her room only to find Manik already asleep. She made a sad face looking at his tired face & then she too decided to sleep. She curdlled up closer to him & slept.
The next morning Manik's sleep was distyrbed by his phone which was vibrating next to him.
He picked up the call from his office & was informed about a few meeting for which he had to go to the office early. He got the details & then disconnected the call & turned to look at Nandini, who was sleeping peacefully hugging him tight. He smiled at her & kissed her forehead. He knew she would be tired so he slowly got up without disturbing her & got ready for work. He got ready & was willing to talk to her before leaving but she wasn't up by then & he too was getting late so she simply left.
Some time later Nandini woke up & got to know that he left early, she was sad & tried to call him, but then no one answered & she thought that he would be busy. So she too left for work.
The day at work was busy for both of them, both were missing each other but whenever one called the other was busy & vice versa. That afternoon, Manik had a lunch meeting with a client, but as he wasn't able to contact Nandini, he wasn't in a mood to eat anything. Both of them hadn't had anything from the past day & were starving but still they didn't eat anything. He decided to cancel his meeting & go n meet her but he was too late as the clients had already arrived. He gave his phone to his secretary & sat for lunch due to his bisuness ethics he couldn't turn them down. He was having his lunch when Nandini called on his phone from the hospital number.
His secretary picked up the phone sseeing an unknown number & he said,"hello!!"
Nandini heard the unfamiliar voice & said,
Nandini: Hello!!! Whose this?? Where is Manik?
Secretary: Mr. Malhotra is busy having his lunch!! I m his secretary... May I know who is calling??
Nandini felt wierd listening that Manik was having lunch... In a way she was happy that he was eating something but then she suddenly thought that he didn't even talk to her once. She thought that he was still very angry at her & that made her even more sad.
Secretary: Excuse me... May I know who r u??
Nandini: Mrs. Nandini Malhotra!!
Secretary: Ohh sorry ma'am I couldn't recognise u!! Should I go & give the phone to sir??
Nandini: No!! Let him eat his lunch!! Whenever he is free with it, tell him that I called & yes give him a message that I m going down to Lonavala for an important operation & thus my phone may be out of reach. Also tell him that I may get home very late tonight.
Secretary: Ohk Ma'am!! I will....
Nandini: Thank u!!
Nandini disconnected the call & got back to work, while on the other side manik's secretary picked out & called someone. He told him about Nandini's call & then said,
Secretary: Sir as u said, I have arranged Manik sir's back to back meetings. And since Nandini madam is going out, I m sure that they wouldn't be able to contact each other for the entire day now.
Daniel: Good job!! U'll get ur payment soon...
The day passed on, Manik got Nandini's message but he was much more sad this time. Nandini finished her work & then left Lonavala at around 9 pm. But due to the long distance it was past midnight that she reached home, fullly exhuasted. She entered the house & walked in, with her eyes partially closed. She climbed up th efirst stair only when her lag twisted & she lost her balance. She reached out her hand to hold the railings when suddenly there was strong grip supporting her body.
Nandini: Manik....
Manik: nandini... What happened?? My god see what hv u done to urself.
Nandini: Manik!!
Manik took her to the sofa & made her sit, while she kept on repeating his name. He made her drink some water & then asked,
Manik: Nandini... Whats this?? What happened to u??
Nandini: manik I m sorry!! Plz don't get so mad at me!! I forgot to inform u yesterday... I m very sorry..
Manik: Calm down nandini!! Who said I m mad at u... I understand ur work! Its ohk...
Nandini: I LOVE U MANIK!!
Manik: Ohh god... Don't tell me that u kept on thinking all this rubbish & didn't eat anything all day!!
Nandini simply kept quite & looked at him, she too didn't realise that she was feeling weak just becoz she had not had anything from the last day.
Manik: Have u lost it?? How can u do this to urself Nandini...
He turned to a side & called out,
Manik: Kaka!! Please get the dinner!
And 5 minutes later they were sitting on the table feeding each other.
Manik: So how come u had to go to Lunavala today??
Nandini: Ohh yes Manik.... There was some minor landslide or something there due to heavy rains... Many people were very critical & thus, we had to be there.
Manik: Landslide?? Nandini how did u go, the roads must be jamed na??
Nandini: Manik!! Calm down... I m sorry I didn't inform u but I had ur managers arrange a chopper for me!! I called to inform u but i think u were busy in a lunch!
Manik: What do u mean by sorry!! U don't hv to inform me for anything.
Nandini: Ohk!!
They fed each other the dinner after which Nandini got up to keep the plates back. But as she stood up Manik picked her up in his arms.
Nandini: Manik!! What r u doing??
Manik: Nothing!! U r still weak & moreover u need to make up for being so away from me for two days.
Nandini: Manik u r never gonna change!!
Both of them laughed at it & moved up to there room, while one pair of eyes was turning red due to anger.
Daniel was standing on a side looking at them through his room.
Daniel: What the hell is this???? How can they be so calm?? No I can't let this happen? Nandini is mine, I can't let her with him. I hv to do something!!
He got onto his bed, fully frustated.
On the other hand, Manik & Nandini spent the next two hours simply lying on the bed & talking after which Manik forced Nandini to sleep as he thought that she needed rest.
As she fell asleep he thought to himself,
"No matter how far we are physically from each other. There is nothing that can get us apart. These small conflicts can only make us get closer to each other coz I will never let u go away from me Nandini!! Never!! I love u...."
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