The next morning Manan got up early & got ready after which Nandini made Kavya ready. They moved down to see Aliya & Mukti waiting.
Nandini: Hi Mukti... Hi Aliya!! U both here so early...
Aliya: Hey Nandini!! Yeah we came to discuss about tonight's party.
Nandini: Off gr8, come lets hv breakfast first & then we'll talk.
Mukti: Sure... I m already too hungry!!
Saying this Mukti ran towards the table & the others followed her. As they sat Nandini said,
Nandini: Mukti, u should stop rushing here & there & jumping around.... Its not safe for u!!
Mukti: Sorry... I forgot..
Amms: Mukti beta, u should take care of urself now.. Its very important.
Mukti: Yes amms!!
Chachi: Vese Nandu, we all na hv to go back.... Rishab has some really important work, so we'll leave tmrw morning itself.
Nandini: Chachi... So soon, we didn't even spend tym together.
Amms: Sorry kanna, but we will hv to go!!
Nandini's face dropped listening to this, Rishab noticed it & then said,
Rishab: Vese its good na, Didi was actually getting irritated bcoz of not getting privacy with jiju.
Nandini heard him & hit him slowly as all the others laughed,
Manik: Don't worry champ!! Nandini had a habit of it bcoz even if u r not there, we hv our very nice frndzz, who love getting into our privacy.
Mukti hit Manik this tym & then said,
Mukti: Manik, at least hv some descency... U r sitting in front of ur in laws.
Manik: Arey what descency in front of Parents... Right Chachi!!
Nandini had turned fully red due to this discussion in front of Amms & Chachi so she said sternly to manik,
Nandini: Manik.... U should not speck while eating, so plz be quite!!
All of them smiled & completed the breakfast. Soon everyone was sitting in the living room except Nandini's family, as they were busy packing their stuff. After some tym Sameer offered the chocolate bar which he was eating to Nandini.
Nandini smiled at him & clutching her stomach she said,
Nandini: Thank u baby... But Chachi's stomach is full... U hv it!!
Kavya noticed it & said,
Kavya: Chachi ur stomach is paining na...
All of them turned towards her & nandini said,
Nandini: No.. Why will my stomach pain??
Kavya: Bcoz of Chachu!!
Manik who was busy on his phone suddenly looked towards Kavya & then to Nandini. Nandini called Kavya closer & made her sit on her laps.
Nandini: Why will Chachi's stomach pain bcoz of Chachu!!
Kavya: Last night i woke up to drink water & I saw that chachu was holding ur stomach very tightly while sleeping.
As she said this Aliya & Mukti smiled broadly & Manan blushed. Manik picked up Kavya from Nandini's lap & made her sit on his lap & said,
Manik: Kavya baby, like u hv a habit to hold ur teddy bear & sleep, in the same way Chachu has a habit to hold Chachi & sleep. Does ur teddy gets hurt??
Kavya nodded her head innocently in a no to which Manik said,
Manik: I the same way Chachi also never gets hurt.... Ohk, now u don't worry about Chachi & go & play with Sameer.
Kavya smiled at him & went away with Sameer. Both Mukti & Aliya brust out in laughter.
Mukti: Manik.... Like seriously, see what r u teaching the kids... Couldn't u control for one night...
Nandini blushed hard at it & said,
Nandini: Guys I'll just be back!!
She was about to walk away when Manik held his hand & said,
Manik: Come on Nandini, whom r u running from... Mukti!!! U knw na how she was before marriage. She had even kissed Abhi publically on the road, we were atleast in our room.
Nandini heard it & hid her face in his chest while Mukti threw a cussion at him.
Nandini: Mr. Saxena... What hv u thought??
Nandini asked Harshad when she went to check him after going to the hospital.
Harshad: Still a No Dr. Malhotra!!!
Just then a nurse came & gave Nandini, his reports. Nandini saw the reports & her face dropped instantly & Harshad did notice it. Nandini simply kept the reports aside, without saying anything so Harshad asked,
Harshad: Nandini in my case u don't hv anyone else to tell about me, so simply say what is there in the reports.
Harshad's straight comment made Nandini close her eyes for a sec & then she said,
Nandini: Look Harshad, day by day ur condition is getting worst. The blockage has increased a lot, and ur heart won't be able to handle the pressure for a long tym. So in simple language, what u wanted that is death & now its not far away. Plzz change this attitude of urs about life, take it seriously, u hardly hv a few more weeks. There is only one way that is the operation. But the reports say that even the operation has only 10% chance to be successful in ur case.
Harshad looked straight at her, there was no change in his mood or empression.
Nandini: Harshad plz think about it, i knw its not easy 4 u seeing death so close, its not easy for anyone. But 10% chances is much better than 0%, right?? I m simply saying as ur doctor & thus, I do care for u, so plz take me seriously...
Harshad didn't say anything & looked back at his phone, Nandini noticed it & turned to leave. She was about to move out when Harshad sadi,
Harshad: Nandini, can u plz let me meet Aliya & Kavya.
Nandini turned towards him & he said,
Harshad: Just once, may be u can take it as my last wish.
Nandini looked at his face, but listening to his words 'last wish', he couldn't say no & thus she said,
Nandini: I'll try, but i can't promise!!
Harshad: Thank u!!
Nandini turned & went to her cabin. She simply sat there but her mind had Harshad's rowds revolving again & again. It was around 5, when she suddenly felt a familiar touch on her shoulder. She suddenly got up from her chair saying,
Nandini: Manik!! When did u come in??
Manik made her sit again & sat on his knees in front of her,
Manik: Tell me whats the problem?? Whats going on in ur head.
Nandini smiled at him & said,
Nandini: Don't worry just some work tension.
Manik held her hands & slowly asked, "U sure!!"
Nandini nodded her head & just then she noticed that the top most file kept on her table had a big name written on it,"HARSHAD SAXENA".
She immediately got up & said,
Nandini: Manik, how come u r here, at this time??
Manik: Ohh yes, I forgot... I came here to pick u up, hv u forgotten we hv to go to the farm house & its already 5.
Nandini immediately kept all files aside & sadi,
Nandini: Ohh yes, I didn't see the tym... Lets go!!
Manik: Come...
Both of them, moved out of her cabin. As always the nurses were drooling over Manik & the other visitors were getting mad seeing them. Nandini moved towards the reception with Manik & the receptionist smiled at him.
Nandini: Keep a check on room no. 8 & 11.
The receptionist kept on  looking at Manik & said in trance, "As u say Doctor!!".
Nandini saw her not in her senses & came in front of Manik. The receptionist saw her & lowered her gaze.
Nandini: What did I just say Diya??
Diya: That u r going home doctor...
Nandini: No I said to keep a check on room no. 8 & 11 continuosly & keep me updated.
Diya: Ohk doctor.
Nandini: And it will be better if u be in ur senses, while talking to me from the next time.
Diya: Sorry doctor, It won't repeat.
Nandini: It better shouldn't!!
Saying this Nandini turned around & walked away with Manik. As they got into the car, Manik said,
Manik: Some1 was being possesive...
Nandini: Manik plz its not about u... Its about being attentive at work.
Manik: I don't think so, u were angry bcoz she was looking at me.
Nandini: No I wasn't!!
Manik: U were!!
Nandini: Manik NO...
Manik held her hand & pulled her towards himself.
Manik: Its gud that u were, bcoz if I m possessive about me being only urs, then u should also be.
Nandini smiled at him & moved her hands towards his collar. She grabbed his collar & said,
Nandini: Really... So u mean that i should turn into a possessive wife.
Manik: I won't mind that if u do. But I think u would definately mind if I kiss u here, bcoz this closeness of urs is actually making me go wild.
Nandini smiled at it & immediately pecked his lips before getting back to her seat. Manik who was shocked by this act of hers, kept on looking at her as she smiled broadly.
Nandini: We hv to reach the farm house Manik...
Manik: Ohh yes, Off course.
Manik started the car. After the drive of about an our they reached there. All were there except Mukbhi & Cavya. They finished the final preparations with Nandini's help. Even Nandini's family was there, after finishing everything Nandini said,
Nandini: Ohk so now that everything is done, I'll go & change.
Aliya: Sure, go fast.
Nandini went to her room & saw a gift kept on the bed. There was a slip over it reading,"FOR U!!"
She knew the writing it was manik's so she smiled & opened it to find a beautiful royal bluye coloured evening gown, she picked it up & opened it properly to see the eligant pearl design over its neck. It was a backless gown, with only a few pearled strings on its back. It looked at very stylish dress. She got into the washroom & changed in it. She came out & moved towards the dressing to see the most necessary element of her get up, the earings kept there. It was a nice pair of diamond earings, which she wore immediately. Then picking up her hair in a beautiful bun, she displayed her milky white back. She got up & moved out, as she reached Aliya noticed her & said,
Aliya: OMG!!
All the others saw her & were stunned to see her. She moved closer.
Aliya: Nandini, u look fabulous!!
Nandini: Thanks Aliya!!
Amms: Kanna, bahut pyari lag rhi h!!
Nandini: Thank u Amms!!
All the others also appraciated her, except manik. But his appreciation was clearly visible in his eyes.
Aliya: Nandini, where did u get this dress from... It looks like it is from some rare collection of any famous designer.
Nandini: Actually Aliya... I don't know that!!
Aliya: What do u mean u don't knw!!
Nandini: Bcoz.... This-
Manik: Bcooz Aliya, this entire get up is gifted by me...
Aliya: I never knew u had such good choice...
Manik: Now u do!!
Just then a voice came fromm behind, "KAbhi mere liye bhi le aaya kar esa kuch... After all I m like ur sister..
Manik smiled at his & without even turning he said,
Manik: For that u hv to eat Abhi's head Mukti..... I got it for my wife he should get for his.
With this Mukbhi & Cavya entered & all wished cavya. Soon everyone settled down & Nandini motioned Kavya to get her card. The next minute Kavya came back & said,
Kavya: Daddy!!! This is my gift for u & Mamma!!
Cabir took the card from her & saw happy Anniversary written in her cute handwriting. It was actually a scrap book with pictures pasted on each page.
Cabir opened it to see two pictures on the first page, one of Fab5 & the other of Navya & Nandini, below it there was written, "From being two excatly different individuals..".
Cabir turned the page to see a picture of Him & Navya having an argument on the friendship's day outing during college, "Who hated even to talk to each other!!" was written over it.
He further turned the page to see a pregnant Navya & Cabir smiling beside her, in the flat which they shared, "You turned into Friends to support each other!!". The further next picture showed Navya with a big baby bump in her last days of pregnancy & Cabir giving her some medicine, "To care for each other!!".
The next page had a picture of a new born Kavya in Navya's hands along with Fab5 in the hospital, "And then u took responsibility together". The next picture showed a baby Kavya crying & cabir- navya trying to calm her down," Not even knowing the consequences of ur decision...".
The further next page showed cavya's marriage, "And then u became one out of two!!". The next was of Kavya's first birthday party, "To give happiness to each other!!". The next page had Cavya hugging each other sideways & smiling, "To give love to each other!!".
And the last page had a written note, "To give love to me.... Today u hv completed 8 yrs of ur marraige. The journey in which u changed urself into what u r today, The journey which started for me.... Thank u mamma & daddy.... Thank u for being the most loving parents & thank u for making me the most luckiest girl ever..... I love u both a lot....     -From KAVYA"
Both cabir & navya had tears in their eyes & so did the others. Kavya looked at them with her sweetest smile, though she didn't know the meaning of the words written by her, still the fact that it was made by her, made Cavya very emotional. Cabir immediately picked her up in his arms & hugged her. All the others smiled & Navya said,
Navya: Kavya its very beautiful, Thank u!!
Kavya smiled at her & navya too hugged her. Navya looked at Nandini sitting in front & said,
Navya: Thank u very much!!
Nandini smiled at her & others understood that all this was done by Nandini. Cabir stood up & took Nandini in a side hug. The atmosphere had turned in a very emotional one so Manik said,
Manik: I never knew that my doll is so creative.
Soon the party started & all of them enjoyed it to the core. Soon the kids slept & amms & chachi also went to their rooms. With this everyone else shifted to the garden & played some games. Soon all of them moved back towards their room to call the day off.
Precap: Manan romance.... Nandini tell Fab5 about Harshad!! Drama coming on guys!!

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