Nandini talked to Dr. Smith & then came back to the car.
Mukti: What happened Nandini??? Anything serious...
Nandini: Chill Mukti!! It was nothing... Just some work, lets go!!
Manik: U sure??
Nandini: Yes manik... Doctors do talk simple things in private other than giving bad news..
All of them laughed at it & moved back to the hotel. They all rested that night as the next morning they had a flight back to Mumbai. As the sun came up, Manik saw the responsible doctor within Nandini get up from her sleep. Nandini got ready much before all the others woke up. She made all the arrangments for a comfortable journey for Mukti. Just when Mukti woke up she did all the things that would satisfy her that mukti was totally fit to travel. Once convinced she gave a simple nod to Manik as a green signal for the journey... All the others laughed a her concern but Nandini was Nandini. They boarded the flight & Manan sat with Mukbhi. So that Nandini could sit just next to Mukti to take good care of her. After sometime all were served thier food & drinks. All took whatever they wanted just then Nandini noticed Mukti having a beer can in her hand. Nandini snached it from her hand, Mukti thought she took it to drink so ahe said,
Mukti: Wow Nandini... So u also r gonna drink today?? I think this trip has shown us enough angles of Nandini Malhotra already... Right??
Nandini: Wrong!! I took it from u bcoz no more alcohol for u for the next 8 montths...
Mukti: What???
Nandini: Yes... Sorry!!
nandini passed the drink back to Cabir & all of then laughed at Mukti's condition.
Manik: Mukti, i feel u.... I heve faced this side of her's before..
Nandini: Manik u shup up its between me & mukti.
Manik: Ohk doctor...
Nandini picked up a glass of juice & gave it to Mukti.
Soon they finished their lunch & then cabir said,
Cabir: Nandini, u being a doctor is really proving to be very beneficial for all of us... See first Manik & now Mukti. I m sure no other could hv handled both of them the way u hv. One is our famous Monster & the other is out one n only lady hulk.
Mukti: ee shut up u dumbo!!
Nandini smiled at this cute chit chats n fights of her family & soon went to sleep on manik's shoulder. Soon they reached Mumbai & all of them went to their respective houses.
Manik & Nandini reached home & Manik straight lied down on the bed while Nandini moved to hv a bath. A few minutes latr, Nandini shouted from the washroom,
Nandini: Manik, i forgot my night dress on the chair, can u plz give it to me...
Manik: Sure!!
Manik got up from the bed & moved towards the chair, just then his eyes fell on Nandini's bag which was kept open on the corner. He saw something in it & got a naughty smirk on his face. He picked it up & moved to the washroom & gave it to her.Nandini looked at the dress & saw that it was same one which Mukti had given her
Nandini: Manik what's this??
Manik: What??.... That tym u asked me not to tear it, so i thought why not finish it off today!!!
Nandini blushed listening to it & then asked slowly,
Nandini: But why do u what to ruin this dress.
Manik moved closer towards the door & then said seductively,
Manik: Maybe bcoz this tiger wants to eat u up totally....
Just then the door opened up a little & the next moment, Manik realised that he was inside the washroom, with Nandini's arms wrapped around his neck. He was shocked to look at Nandini, who was standing there with just a towel wrapped over her wet body. Nandini smiled at him & said,
Nandini: Then why should this dress suffer the tiger's warth when the tigeress is ready for it.
Nandini threw the dress away & pulled Manik further closer towards her. Manik smiled at her & clutched her waist....
Manik: Ohh really, is the tigeress really ready to face the wild tiger... Isn't she scared??
Nandini: What if i say that the tiger is not yet aware about the wildness of the tigeress..
Manik: I think I m really eager to see that wildness then...
Manik moved closer towards her a lillte, but Nandini pushed him & got him under the shower. She opened the tap of the shower & the water poured straight on them as they both stared at each other with love. Both of them were fully wet within a few minutes & manik was busy licking the water droplets on her neck & shoulder. Nandini moved her hand from his neck to his chest & unbottoned his shirt. She removed it & slowly kissed his cheeks. Manik looked at her with all his love & claimed over her lips. The kiss was slow & passionate but it didn't take tym for it to turn wild & horny. Bith kissed each other hungryly, as if waiting for it from years... While kissing Manik's hands reached the knot of her towel & he opened it up. The towel immediately fell on the floor, and Nandini gasped as she was funny naked then. Manik moved his hands over her & both made perfect love to each other. After a long tym, they shifted to the bed as it is & slept after continuing a little of it on the bed.
The next morng, Nandini opened her eyes & found Manik wasn't there. She looked here & there but didn't find him in the room. She turned towards the clock & saw the tym to be 10 am already. And then she saw a pink note on the side of her pillow.
She opened it & read,
" Good Mrng my tigeress..... Hope u had a nice sleep!!! Sorry i had some work, so i had to leave, didn't wish to disturb u.... I hv had my breakfast so u too hv it properly.... See u in the evening.... Love u.... yours & only yours TIGER"
Nandini smiled reading it & got up. She finished her breakfast & then sat in her room unpacking their bags, when she got a call from an international number. She took up her phone & found the other person to be Dr. Smith. He told him about the patient's case properly & then said,
Doctor: Nandini, u will hv to work harder for this patient as frankly he has very less tym left & still he is not ready for the operation.
Nandini: Doon't worry doctor, I'll take care...
Doctor: Good I knew u will say the same.... Ohk so i'll mail u his reports today & then send him to ur hospital tommorow...
Nandini: Sure doctor!!
The next day Nandini reached the hospital, & said to the receptionist,
Nandini: Good mrng!!
Receptionist: Good morng doctor.... How were was holidays??
Nandini: Very nyc!! Now listen, there is a pateint named Mr. Saxena.... Plz send him to my cabin, whenever he comes!!
Receptionist: Sure doctor!
Nandini moved to her cabin & started work. About an hour latr, a handsome looking guy entered the hospital taking on his phone.
Guy: But doctor, u knw i dont want the operation, then why hv u talked to this new doctor?
Doctor Smith: Mr. Saxena... Relax & just meet her once, then u cn decide what to do ...
Guy: Ohk f9!!
The doctor smiled & disconnected the call. Just then the guy realised something & thought to himself,
"Oh freak, I forgot to assk the doctor's name... What will i do now?"
He walked towards the reception in full attitude & said,
Guy: Hello beautiful"
The receptionist smiled at him & said," Hello sir, How may i help u??"
Guy: Actually i wanted to know that is there any new female cardiologist in ur hospital??
Receptionist: Ohh r u Mr. Saxena?
He smiled at her & said,
Guy: Absolutely right young lady!!
Receptionist: The doctor was expecting u... Come i'll take u...
He followed her towards the doctor's cabin & then saw her knock the door & peep in,
Receptionist: doctor... Mr. saxena is here...
Nandini: Ohh plz send him in... Thank u!!
The girl smiled at him & he entered the cabin. Nandini looked at him & stood up from her chair in shock,
Nandini: HARSHAD!!!
Harshad saw her & immediately his smile faded away. He noticed her name on the table as "Dr. Mrs. Nandini Manik Malhotra".
Soon Nandini composed herself & sat back. She looked at him & then said normally,
Nandini: Mr. Saxena, plz come in & have a seat.
Harshad slowly walked towards her doubtfully & sat. He didn't say anything to her, so nandini said,
Nandini: Hello Mr. Saxena, I m Dr. Nandini, Dr. Smith has handed over ur case to me.
Harshad: Nandini plz... Stop it, i hv already told dr. smith, i m in no mood of any operation... And u can't force me so stop all this drama... I m going!!
Nandini: Harshad wait... I knw y r u talking like this, but plz don't think about all the past. Here in this hospital, I m just a doctor & u r my pateint, so plz coorporate...
Harshad: Ohk f9 then... Say!!!
Nandini: Harshad, ur case is serious. The major vein which takes blood to ur heart has a blockage & the only option with u is the operation...
Harshad: But i don't want that...
Nandini got furious listening this & said in a higher voice,
Nandini: So what do u want then, do u want to die....
Harshad: Yes!!
Nandini stared at him in anger & Harshad continued,
Harshad: Now i guess, ur work is done... Thank u very much doctor, I'll surely come to u if i face any problem.
And saying this Harsahd moved out of her cabin. Nandini was very angry but not at Harshad she was angry at her new pateint, stubborn pateint. She finished her work early & as there were no appointments for her, she left for home. Fab 5 on the other side, were at the Malhotra Mansion, thinking about the theme & the lyrics of their new album contract which they had got. Nandini reached home, not knowing that they all were home. She entered the house, to see the entire living room in a mess. The cusions were misplaced & files were kept on the table. She stood there & shouted,
Nandini: Manoj..... Manoj!!!
The servant went running towards her. Fab5 heard her voice but then ignored it as they knew Nandini wouldn't be back from the hospital so soon. While Nandini shouted at the servant who stood in front of her,
Nandini: What is all this?? How many times hv i told that i need the living room to be clean & clear.... Is this what u would hv presented to the guestsif any1 would hv come.
Manik heard her voice & got up to come out of the Practise room, all the others followed & saw the servant say to her,
Manoj: Sorry Madam, actually sir was sitting with his friends-
Nandini: So now will we not sit anywhere, just becoz u don't wish to arrange it!!
The servant simply looked downwards, as this was the first time he saw his madam shout at any1, as Nandini was usually always a sweet & calm person. Fab5 stood up on the first floor & saw her shout.
Nandini: Rama.... Rama!!
Rama went running towards her & she said,
Nandini: Rama... Give him whatever salary is left to be given & get him out of this place right now!!! I don't wanna she his face ever again... U got that??
Rama: Yes madam..
Nandini: And this mess should be cleared within the next 15 mins...
Nandini said this & then ran up towards her room upstairs.
Fab5 moved towards her room & Mukti said
Mukti: What happened to nandini suddenly???
Cabir: Manik, i think u should go in alone..... We'll wait here!
Manik nodded & entered the room, to see Nandini keeping her stuff in the cupboard, angrily.
Manik went closer towards her & held her hand.
Manik: Nandini!!!
Nandini: Yes Manik
Manik: What happened, tell me....
Nandini: Manik u saw na... All these servants!! I think i hv been extra sweet to them thats why they don't do their work...
Manik: i knw its not about the servants... U can't hide it from me.....
Nandini looked towards Manik & hugged him. Manik simply hugged her tighter as he knew this would calm her down. Nandini rested her head on his chest & felt pleasure by being closer to him. She stayed like that for a few minutes. Fab4 who were standing out heard nandini's voice to shut & thought she was calm now, so they entered. Mukti was the first one to enter & saw Manan hugging..
Mukti: Thank God, u r back to normal...
Nandini & Manik heard her & broke the hug to see all of them enter.
Cabir: Nandini, u really scared us today... I mean, I suddenly felt manik's soul has got into u...
All the others laughed at it & sat on the bed.
Nandini: Sorry guys!!!
Aliya: Areey no need 4 sorry. But what happpened to u suddenly... Whom r u angry on..
Nandini: No one, its just a new case which my seniour doctor from Paris has handed over to me... I m so angry at that stupid pateint, i mean he knows that he is gonna die & the only option is the operation but still he is saying he doesn't want any operation.
Nandini said pacing around in anger. All of them smiled at her & Manik filled up a glass of water & gave it to her.
Manik: Nandini, stop worrying.... U can't always keep on worrying 4 everyone like this. Your job was to try to convince him & i m sure u would hv done that, then why r u taking tension 4 him, if he is not cared about himself.
Nandini heard him & thought that he was right. Just then a thought came to her mind & she said,
Nandini: Ohh shit Manik... How could I??
Dhruv: Now what happened??
Nandini: How could I take out my frustration on that servant... Manik why didn't u stop me?? I fired him, for no reason... I hv to go and apologise.
Nandini was about to rush out of the room but manik stopped her & said,
Manik: Nandini... He has gone now!! U can't go behind him & find him...
Nandini: But it was not his fault...
Cabir: Here comes our ever so lovely Nandini!!
Nandini rushed downstairs & saw that servant leaving. She went to him & apologised in her ever so sweet way. All the servants smiled seeing her humbleness & that servant was back on his job.
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