Mysterious palace...🏚️
Sunday, 11.30 am
At Malhotra Mansion
Navya:- So where are you going for vacation?
Cabir:- We will visit our village.
Navya:- Village? But why? Is it a place to visit?
Cabir:- Navya, you maybe don't know about our family history. Our grandfather was a landlord. We have a palace there.
Nandini:- Palace? Wow, that's interesting.
Abhi:- But what would you do in that old and dirty palace?
Mukti:- Well people say that the palace is haunted. So we are going to see the ghost.
Nandini:- Amazing. Can I join you please?
Abhi:- Shut up. Both of you are not going anywhere.
Mukti:- And why do you think that I will obey you?
Abhi:- Baby, that's a dangerous place. Please try to understand.
Mukti:- I am strong enough to protect myself.
Cabir:- It's useless to argue with her. She is so stubborn. I don't know how you would adjust with this tomboy after marrying her.
Mukti immediately punched him on his stomach and said,
Mukti:- You are my twin brother or my enemy?
Cabir:- I am his well wisher.
Before they could start fighting with each other Dhruv said,
Dhruv:- So it's decided. We are going to Madhavgar for our vacation.
Navya:- I want to come with you.
Cabir:- Navya, we are not only going there for vacation. Actually we are going there to sell our old property. We will be busy so we won't be able to give you time.
Nandini:- Why don't we all go there? It's our vacation time. We will have fun there.
Dhruv:- That's why I wanted to go there without informing them. Now Aliya will also emotionally blackmail me to go there. Girls, why don't you understand that we are going to a village and the villagers will get a heart attack if they see you in short dresses.
Nandini:- If our dress up is your problem then we will wear traditional dresses. It's not a big deal for us.
Cabir:- Still you have to go right? Oh god why are girls so stubborn?
Navya:- Why don't you want to take us with you? What's cooking in your evil minds?
Dhruv:- There is nothing like that. Just taking girls with you is a huge responsibility. We are going there for work. Who will take care of you?
Cabir:- Exactly. We can't take the risk of leaving you girls alone.
Nandini:- We can take care of ourselves. Just tell me would you take us with you or not?
Abhi:- Seems like they have made up their mind already. Don't worry I will be their bodyguard and take their responsibility. Just tell me when are we going?
Cabir looked at Dhruv helplessly and he gave "I told you" look. Something was definitely fishy between those siblings. They all could sense that but they are not ready to tell them the truth. Finally they decided the date and time. Then girls went shopping and boys started packing their bags.
Two days later
They have decided to go there by road so that they can enjoy the open sky and the speedy winds touching their faces. As soon as Cabir started the jeep they all felt like a free bird who was caged till now. After driving for three hours they stopped at a roadside restaurant to eat something. Then Abhi drove the jeep. When they reached there they saw a big palace.
Nandini:- So this is the haunted palace?
Cabir:- No. It's our new palace. Actually our old palace was haunted by a curse. When our family members couldn't live in that palace anymore they built this new palace and shifted here. This palace is absolutely safe for us.
Nandini:- Where is the old palace?
Cabir:- It's near. You can't see it clearly from here because of trees but you can see it clearly from the balcony.
Aliya:- I am so tired.
Dhruv:- Let's go inside.
At dining table
They all were having dinner together when Nandini said,
Nandini:- Cabir, you told us that the palace was cursed but why?
Cabir:- Many years ago a girl entered this village. After that people started dying from snake bites. Villagers thought that girl was a serpent and burned her alive. When she was dying she cursed the villagers that a woman would die while giving birth to a boy. That boy would be a serpent and would be the reason for the villagers death.
Aliya:- This is so scary.
Navya:- Yeah.
Nandini:- But I don't understand how your palace became haunted? What's the connection between this incident and your palace?
Cabir:- That time my aunty was pregnant.
Nandini:- You mean Dhruv's mom?
Cabir:- No. My father had an older brother and his wife was pregnant.
Nandini:- Then what happened?
Cabir:- She died while giving birth to a boy but the most strange thing was that boy had snake-like skin. Villagers wanted to burn that newborn baby alive but as a doctor my dad never believed in such prejudices. He said that boy had a skin problem and started treating him. When that boy learned walking people again started dying because of snake bite.
Aliya:- (shocked) What? Was he actually a serpent?
Cabir:- There wasn't any proof that he was a serpent though that boy had some strange qualities. Like he learned walking faster than any normal babies and he could see in the dark.
Abhi:- What? How is this possible?
Nandini:- Exactly. When light falls on any object we can see that. It's impossible for a person to see in the dark.
Cabir:- Dad said he was a premature baby that's why his eyes weren't developed properly. He was blind but seeing his beautiful brown orbs villagers weren't ready to believe it and one day when the whole family went to the town villagers lit fire in our palace to kill that baby. Unfortunately my uncle was in the palace. He also died in that incident.
Aliya:- (sadly) That's so sad.
Cabir:- The villagers thought their problem would be solved but nothing like that happened. After that incident whoever goes near that palace at night he/she dies because of snake bite.
Nandini:- Maybe that palace was a residence of snakes.
Cabir:- I don't think so. Villagers never saw any snakes there that day.
Nandini:- You mean serpents and all are real? They actually bite people at night?
Cabir:- I don't know. I am just telling you the facts.
Nandini:- Bullshit. There is nothing that science can't describe.
Navya:- Don't say that, Nandini. Matarani will be angry with us. There are some supernatural things that we can't see.
Nandini:- How can I believe in something that I can't see?
Aliya:- If you want to see then why don't you go and see by yourself?
Cabir:- Don't even think about it. Nowadays people say that they can see my uncle's ghost at night roaming around that palace.
Cabir immediately palmed his mouth as if he had said something that he shouldn't say. Dhruv glared at him as if he was saying, "can't you keep your mouth shut?" Nandini's smart eyes noticed that. She knew those siblings were definitely hiding something from them otherwise there wasn't any excitement in Mukti to go to that palace when she came here only to see the ghost and Dhruv wasn't ready to tell them the story of that palace. Everybody was trying to scare them and keep them away from that palace. Something was definitely fishy. That night they all slept early as they were tired.
Next day
Malhotra siblings finally agreed to take them to that palace on a heavy request of Nandini but in return she had to promise them that she won't go near to that place alone at night. They roamed around the palace and were impressed to see its design. It was an old palace but still not a brick moved from its place. When they went inside the palace they saw old burned furniture was still there. Nandini was roaming around when she saw a half burnt picture hanging on the wall. She cleared dirt from the picture and asked,
Nandini:- Who's picture is it?
Cabir:- My uncle's, who's ghost can be seen here at night.
Navya:- He was killed without any reason, maybe that's why his ghost still roams around this palace to take revenge from the villagers.
Nandini:- That's so filmy, Navya. There is always a logic behind any incident.
Navya:- But I have seen the same in horror movies.
Nandini:- Stop watching horror movies and start watching thriller movies.
Aliya:- Guys it's so dirty and I have dust allergies.
Aliya clinches her nose seeing dirt everywhere. Dhruv immediately said,
Dhruv:- Let's go from here.
At Night
They all were sitting on terrace when Abhi said,
Abhi:- Why that palace wasn't taken under govt properties?
Dhruv:- Last year few officers came here to survey that palace but unfortunately two people died because of snake bite and the rest ran away.
Abhi:- The mind of a police officer doesn't want to believe in such things but seems like that palace is really haunted.
Nandini:- I just can't believe inspector Abhimanyu Murthy believes in supernatural things.
Abhi:- Why not? It's not needed to see something to believe it's existence. Can we see the wind? No right?
Nandini:- As a doctor my logical mind is not ready to believe in all this.
Abhi:- You believe it or not that's totally dependent on you. But don't you dare to go out alone for an adventure at night to prove your point.
Nandini:- How can I go out when I am under your surveillance.
Nandini pouted angrily as she was actually planning for an adventurous night in her mind. Abhi could sensed that and said,
Abhi:- (laughed) Why are you so stubborn?
Nandini crossed her arms around her chest and said,
Nandini:- Manufacturing defect.
They all laughed at her and then went to sleep. At midnight Nandini woke up as she was feeling thirsty. She drank some water from the water bottle then went to the balcony because she wasn't feeling sleepy. She was looking at the palace when she saw two or three people around the palace. They had a torch and they were searching for something. Suddenly they saw something and threw their torch there they ran away. Nandini was looking at the palace only when she saw someone in white kurta pajamas come there and switch off those torches. In the torch light she could see his face. It was the same face she saw in that picture. But how's this even possible?
At Morning
When Nandini told them last night's incident first they didn't believe her. But when they went to the palace and found those torches on the ground they believed her. Cabir immediately said,
Cabir:- See I told you. People see my uncle's ghost roaming around the palace.
Nandini:- If he was a ghost then how could he switch off those torches and why?
Abhi:- Forget about that ghost. My question is what they were doing here? Or should I say what they were searching for?
Mukti:- There is nothing but some old burnt furniture and some half burnt family pictures.
Dhruv:- I think they came here to drink alcohol and play cards. It's common for villagers but Nandini mistook everything. Let's go.
Nandini:- Okay but what about that man?
Cabir:- Maybe he was actually my uncle's ghost and ghosts don't like lights around them. That's why he switched off those torches.
Nandini wanted to put some logic in his brain but she thought it's useless to talk to them now when she doesn't have anything to prove her point. Nandini decided to be awake for the whole night and keep an eye on the palace but nothing happened. As usual the palace was dark and mysterious.
Five days later
At Midnight
Nandini was thinking of giving up. Nothing happened within those days except she got dark circles under her eyes. Nandini was going to sleep when she saw some people again searching for something around the palace. She immediately went to Abhi's room, took his personal revolver from his bag and went to the palace. People were running away seeing the ghost but Nandini hid under some bush and waited for that ghost to come out. As soon as she saw him coming out of the palace she said,
Nandini:- Hey you, stop right there.
He was shocked to see her there and immediately ran towards the palace.
Nandini:- Stop or I will shoot you.
When he didn't stop she shot him. A male voice confirmed to her that her bullet didn't miss the target but before she could come in front of him he went inside the palace holding his wounded shoulder. Meanwhile hearing the gun firing Cabir and his friends immediately came there and when she told them that she had shot that ghost Malhotra siblings totally freaked out.
Dhruv:- Why did you do that?
Nandini:- To prove that he isn't a ghost but a human.
Mukti:- Damn it. Abhi please take them with you and switch off all the lights of our palace.
Abhi:- But why?
Mukti:- I don't have time to explain to you. Just do as I say. I am going to get a first aid kit from the jeep.
Cabir:- Okay. Dhruv, come with me.
After some time, Cabir and Dhruv brought someone to their palace. They couldn't see his face in the dark but when they laid him down on the bed Nandini switched on the light out of curiosity. He was the same person who's half burnt picture she saw in that palace. But his brown orbs and skin color didn't match with the picture. People can wear lenses in their eyes but they can't change their skin color. Fresh blood made his white kurta totally red. He needed treatment immediately otherwise he would die. At that time Mukti entered the room with a fast aid kit and said,
Mukti:- Nandini, you are a doctor. Only you can treat him. Please save his life.
Nandini:- Why do you want to save a cheater?
Mukti:- He is not a cheater. He is my cousin. I will explain everything to you. Please save his life.
Nandini immediately took that fast aid kit and said,
Nandini:- Talk to him and try to keep him awake.
Nandini cleaned his wound with antiseptic liquid then she started removing the bullet. She didn't want to kill him but the bullet was pricked into his shoulder bone badly. Dhruv had put his hanky in his mouth so that he couldn't shout. He was losing his senses often but Cabir and Mukti were talking to him continuously. When she removed the bullet and bandaged that area he was almost unconscious. Nandini injected him with tetanus antitoxin. Then Cabir said,
Cabir:- He needs to change his clothes. You guys please wait outside.
Cabir and Dhruv changed his clothes and let him take a rest. When they came out of the room Nandini said,
Nandini:- Now tell me, what's happening here? What are you hiding from us?
Mukti:- Nandini relaxes. We will tell you everything. For now we have to save him anyhow.
Nandini:- Okay, I need some antibiotics, painkillers and drips. He has lost a lot of blood.
She also prescribed some medicines. Cabir and Dhruv went to the town to buy those things when Mukti sat on a sofa with all and said,
Mukti:- In that incident my uncle died but nobody found my cousin's dead body. Actually when nobody was at home he walked away from home and as he was blind he went to a nearby jungle. A village doctor found him there. He knew if the villagers got to know about him they would kill him. That's why he took him to London and raised him as his own son. Last year dad went to London for a conference. There he saw him for the first time and guessed what he exactly looked like his father except his brown orbs and skin color.
Nandini:- But he was hiding here and roaming around the palace as a ghost?
Mukti:- Curse and all was a fake story. There wasn't any serpent in this village. It was all a snake-charmer's plan. He told the illiterate villagers that the girl is a serpent and they burnt that innocent girl that's it. Actually he was killing innocent villagers with his pet snakes.
Abhi:- But why would he do that? What was his motive behind all this?
Mukti:- As I told you my grandfather was the landlord of this village. He had many gold and silver coins which he hid inside that palace when a robber and his men attacked him. He died but nobody found that treasure. That snake-charmer wanted to vacate that palace so that he could find that treasure.
Abhi:- Oh my god. What a brilliant criminal. Did he find the treasure?
Mukti:- No.
Navya:- Then what happened?
Mukti:- This curse thing stopped when he died. But after a few months it started again and the villagers could see some lights around the palace. One day our nightguard saw some people roaming around the palace as if they were searching for something.
Aliya:- They might be searching for that treasure.
Mukti:- Exactly but they are also killing innocent villagers whoever are going towards the palace at night. We didn't know who they were and who was sending them. That's why we planned this ghost thing. Manik tried to catch them but every time they managed to run away. We are here to help him not to sell our old properties. It was just an excuse for you.
Nandini:- Now I get it why didn't you want to take us with you. I am sorry I didn't know anything, that's why I shot your cousin.
Mukti:- That's okay. But the main culprit is still hiding behind the curtains.
At Morning
When Manik opened his eyes he found himself in a dark room. He tried to sit only to groan in pain. Shit, he was a little loud. People shouldn't know about his existence here. They all were having dinner when they heard his painful groan and immediately came to the room. Cabir kept his hand on his shoulder and said,
Cabir:- Bro, are you okay?
Manik:- Yeah I am fine. Can I have a painkiller?
Nandini:- First have your breakfast then you can have a painkiller.
Manik:- Wait a minute. Why did you shoot me last night?
Nandini:- Because I wanted to prove that you are not a ghost but a normal human beside that I warned you to stop but you didn't listen to me. So don't blame me now. It's all your fault.
Manik:- What kind of logic is this? Cabir, who's she?
Cabir:- She is Nandini. I told you about Abhimanyu, I mean Mukti's fiance. She is his sister.
Manik:- Did somebody else see me last night?
Dhruv:- I don't think so because we had switched off all the lights of this palace when bringing you here.
Mukti:- Manik, enough of this ghost drama. Let's go back.
Manik:- No way.
Mukti:- But why? You got a bullet last night. You need proper treatment. Let's leave all this and go back.
Manik:- And what about those innocent villagers?
Cabir:- They are not innocent at all. Don't forget they only killed your father.
Manik:- Look guys you can easily think that I am a greedy person and I want to stay here to find that treasure. Trust me I don't want that treasure at all but I am not going anywhere until I solve this mystery.
Dhruv:- We trust you but we can't trust those men who often come here to find the treasure. I am sure they heard the sound of gun firing last night. Next time they won't come here with empty hands. Then what would you do? Can you face them alone?
Abhi:- He is right. When they heard the sound of guns firing they surely understood that the ghost thing was a drama. There is a second party who is trying to find the treasure. Next time they won't dare to come here with empty hands.
They all started thinking about it when Navya said,
Navya:- Why don't we inform the police?
Cabir:- We don't have any proof against them.
Nandini:- Wait a minute. All this happened because of that treasure. What if we find the treasure before them?
Mukti:- I have a doubt if there is any treasure or not? Maybe it's just a story, otherwise nobody could find that treasure. How's this possible?
Aliya:- I don't think it's just a story otherwise people would give up long ago.
Nandini:- Exactly. They are still searching for the treasure, which means they are sure that the treasure is in that palace only.
Abhi:- What if those people come back tonight? It's not safe for us to be here.
Manik:- There is a secret room in the basement. We can hide there.
Navya:- We shouldn't take this risk. Let's go back.
Mukti:- If we go back then they won't stop killing the innocent villagers until they find the treasure. We have to take this risk.
Dhruv:- Aliya has dust allergies. So she will be here waiting for us. If she hears the sound of a gun firing or we don't come back within five hours she will immediately call the police.
Aliya:- Okay.
Abhi:- Me and Cabir will guard the palace. You guys will go inside and try to find the treasure. If something happens we will signal you and all of you will keep something for self defense. Am I clear to you all?
Abhimanyu was a trained police officer so he had the experience of handling this kind of situation very well. They all nodded their heads and planned everything according to his command.
At Night
They all took their position according to the plan. Mukti and Navya went to search the upper floor of the palace when Manik and Nandini went to the basement.
Manik:- If someone wants to hide something he will hide it where nobody usually goes. I think we should search in that secret room.
Nandini:- You already found the treasure, haven't it?
Manik:- Why do you think that?
Nandini:- You found that secret room and you are so sure that the treasure would be there only.
Manik:- Good observation. Yes, I found the treasure last week. But taking those treasures wasn't my motive. I wanted to catch those people who were searching for the treasure and killing innocent villagers.
Nandini:- Then why are taking that treasure out?
Manik:- Because the main culprit won't come out until we bring the treasure out.
Nandini:- Seems like you also know who is the culprit here.
Manik:- Yes I know. But I don't have any proof against him.
Nandini:- Who is he?
Manik went to the secret room and brought two revolvers. He hid a revolver in his pocket and gave one revolver to her.
Manik:- You will get to know soon. For now keep this gun with you and if needed don't hesitate to use it.
Nandini:- Where did you get those revolvers?
Manik:- People left those revolvers while running away.
Nandini:- You are a very clever person and if I am not wrong then our culprit is someone from your family. That's why you don't want to reveal his identity right?
Manik:- You can read everyone's mind or I am a special case for you?
Nandini:- Well I always had an interest in psychology. Recently I completed a thesis on human behavior according to the situation. Though it's not easy to read your mind, you are also not hiding anything from me. Why so?
Manik:- Because tonight the truth of this mysterious palace will be revealed anyhow so what's the point of hiding things now?
Nandini:- How could you be so sure that they will attack us tonight?
Manik:- Just wait and watch.
Manik went inside that secret room and pulled out the treasure box. Then he brought it to the first floor and called everybody.
Manik:- Guys we found the treasure box.
They all gathered around the treasure box when Mukti said,
Navya:- Let's open it. Who knows if there is any treasure or not?
They opened the box and found a huge amount of gold and silver coins. At that time suddenly they heard a sound of guns firing and a few people came inside the palace with loaded arms.
Man:- Don't move from your place otherwise we will shoot you.
Mukti:- What the hell? Who are you?
They immediately tied their hands and made them stand in a line. Then a middle aged man came inside. He was wearing a mask so they couldn't see his face. He directly went to that treasure box, picked up a gold coin and started examining it if it's original or not. Then he threw that coin on the floor angrily and said,
Man:- It's fake. Where is the real treasure?
Manik:- Dhruv, at least you should recognize this voice.
Dhruv:- (shocked) Dad?
Manik:- Exactly. Mr. Vedant there is no use of hiding your face now. You have fallen into your own trap.
Yes he was Ashok Vedant, Dhruv's father. They never imagined that this person could be involved in all this.
Cabir:- Uncle, how could you do this? You killed innocent villagers just to get the treasure?
Dhruv:- Dad, how could you stoop so low? I feel ashamed to be your son.
Ashok:- Shut up. Whatever I did just because of your better future. Now tell me where is the original treasure?
Manik:- You will never find that treasure Mr. Vedant.
Ashok:- Who are you? And why do you look like Raj?
Manik:- I am Manik, Manik Malhotra. Raj Malhotra's son.
Ashok:- As far as I know you died long ago.
Manik:- (laughed) Then consider me as a ghost only.
Ashok:- (shouted loudly) Shut up. Tell me where is the original treasure?
Manik:- Why should I tell you?
He immediately pulled out a gun from his pocket and held it on Cabir's head.
Ashok:- I am not in the mood for a joke. Now tell me where the original treasure is, otherwise I will shoot him.
Manik:- What's the guarantee that I will tell you about the original treasure and you will let us go?
Ashok:- What do you want?
Manik:- Nothing much. Just send your men out. Their monster-like faces irritate me.
He signed his men and they went out. Then suddenly Manik pulled out his gun from his pocket and fired on the rope of his hands then he grabbed Dhruv's neck and pointed the gun on his head. Everything happened so fast that he couldn't do anything. Hearing the gun firing his men again came inside and pointed their guns towards them.
Manik:- Leave him and tell your men to drop their guns otherwise I will kill your son.
Ashok left Cabir and told his men to drop their guns.
Manik:- Now tell them to open their hands.
As soon as they opened Abhi's hands he picked up a gun and rest he kicked away. Actually he gave his gun to Aliya for self defense as she was all alone in the palace. Then he pointed his gun towards Ashok and said,
Abhi:- Drop your gun and go out with your men. Come on, hurry up.
When they came out they heard the sound of a police siren. That means the police were coming here.
Ashok:- Who informed the police? And how?
Manik:- Your greed didn't let you notice that your son's girlfriend, Aliya, wasn't here. She is in the palace and we told her to inform the police as soon as she hears the sound of guns firing. Did you forget that it's a small village and the police station isn't that far from here.
Meanwhile, the police came there and arrested them all. When they were taking Ashok with them Manik said,
Manik:- Wait a minute, officer. Mr. Vedant, you wanted to see the original treasure right?
Manik went to the old broken temple beside the palace and pushed the idol of Maa Kali and pulled out the original treasure box. He opened the box which was filled with original gold and silver coins.
Manik:- Nobody could find the treasure till now because it wasn't inside the palace. My grandfather was a very clever person. He knew the robbers worship Maa Kali. So they won't search for the treasure in this temple. That's why he dug a hole here and hid the treasure box under this idol.
Police took Ashok and his men to the police station. Then Cabir said,
Cabir:- When you found the treasure and why didn't you tell us before?
Manik:- Last week I accidentally pushed that idol and found the treasure. I didn't tell you because I always had doubts about your family members. When nobody could find the treasure, people should believe that there isn't any treasure but this person wasn't ready to give up that means he was sure about the treasure.
Mukti:- Who gave you those fake gold and silver coins?
Manik:- Before coming here I went to meet Abhimanyu and ask for his help. He is a police officer and my cousin's fiance so I could trust him blindly. I also told him to bring his personal revolver with him.
When they were talking they didn't notice that Dhruv was standing there silently. The whole incident wasn't less than a trauma for that boy. He never imagined that his father would be involved in all this and killing innocent villagers. Manik kept his hand on his shoulder and said,
Manik:- I know it's not easy for you to accept all this but if you fall weak then who will console your mom?
Mukti:- Exactly and don't worry, we all are with you. We are a family and we will always be a family. Now cheer up.
Cabir and Mukti hugged him to console that poor soul. He smiled a little then said,
Dhruv:- Thanks guys.
Manik:- Ms. Murthy, I must say you have an amazing aim. Now I will definitely miss my flight because of this injury.
Cabir:- You want to go back?
Manik:- Yes, of course.
Mukti:- But why? You belong to our family.
Manik:- Yes, biologically I belong to your family but I am not a part of your family. I have to go back from where I came from.
Mukti immediately hugged him tightly and said,
Mukti:- We won't let you go. What would you do there?
Manik:- What would I do here? I don't even understand your language.
Dhruv:- We will teach you. Please stay with us. We don't want to lose you again.
Manik:- Okay but what about my citizenship?
Cabir:- We will get you married to an Indian girl. You will get your citizenship faster.
Manik:- And who will marry me?
Abhi:- I think my sister would be a perfect match for you. Now don't tell me that you are not impressed with my sister yet. You always praise her in her absence and I am not a fool to notice that. What do you say guys?
They all agreed. Then Manik proposed her kneeling down in front of her,
Manik:- I don't know if you believe in love at first sight or not but will you go for a lifelong adventure with me?
Nandini:- Only if you would be an open book for me.
Manik stood up and hugged her. They all cheered and clapped for them.
This is one of my best and longest short story I have ever wrote. I was planning to write this story from so long and finally I got time to write it. It's almost 5300 words. Huff I still can't believe it that I have wrote such a big story...😅😅😅
As usual this story is dedicated to my best friend Suk-24 buddy, I hope you won't faint after reading such a long story of mine. I am it's a miracle for you. To be honest I wrote this story only for you. I hope now you won't call me lazy...🙈🙈🙈
Anyways how's the story? Please let me know your opinions by your comments and of course don't forget to vote.
Take care
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