Part 5

"Demon of fear, Agramon, one of Edom, greater demon. There's only one way to banish it back to Edom." Magnus explained and the look on each and everyone's face were nothing but worry and hoped. "Finding out his fear." They all looked disappointed at what Magnus said. "Fear? He is THE demon of fear, he fears nothing." Jace shouted and started to pace around for more clue in one of the books in front of him. The table were scattered with it and somehow in those mess, surely there's an answer for saving his parabatai.

"Even though he is the demon of fear, he must have something he feared off." Isabelle trying to see through the problems. "That's it!" Clary said happily, she stood and everyone looked at her, "It is the demon of fear, it collects fear from its victim, what if we unleashed all of its victims fear, making him vulnerable." Magnus and Brother Zachariah looked at each other and exhaled a breath, "We could try, it could work." Magnus said, "What harm in trying?" Maryse asked, she was scared that nothing is too good to be true.

"Alec could get stuck and it could take his soul away. Meaning he would be dead if we didn't get to him in time." Zachariah explained and all of their faces changed. The hopeful ideas suddenly turned into a nightmare they wished they could have woken up from. Anything is ticking right now in saving Alec's lives. "Do it." Jace spoke behind them, "We need to save Alec." They all nodded in agreement and brother Zachariah flicked his wrist and in a blink, a book appears on his hand, its not an ordinary book but a book of spells to banish the demon away. "Hope you guys are ready, there's no turning back." He said and placed the book in the middle, "Get this for me." He listed out a piece of paper for them to prepared for the spells, Jace took them and examined the paper, "I'll get everything done, keep Alec alive." He said and looked at Alec from across the room, he still asleep chained up to the bed like an animal. With that he left the apartment to get the supplies.


They all gathered in the room and Alec was placed on the floor in the middle of the pentagram. They had drawn it and placed the Malachi configuration around him to seal the demon within to prevent from him escaped, they are not taking any chances. Alec was still unconscious and Magnus felt his heart shattered seeing Alec like this. He was paled, his face was dreaded with tired and he hasn't eat anything since yesterday. The chained were combined so Alec was freely move except his hands are bound.

Brother Zachariah flicked his wrist and the lights of the candle surround Alec lightened. The room grow lighter than before and he start his incantation. "Hear these words, hear my cry, come to me, I summon thee, arise demon, I called upon you, arise Agramon, come forth and be true." Brother Zachariah chanted and they saw Alec's body moves, he twitches and his head moves to the left and right before he opened his eyes and nothing but darkness, his pure white and hazel eyes that they all adored was gone and replaced by nothing but pure blackness like a night.

He sat up and stared directly into Brother Zachariah's, ignoring the rest of them surround him. He stood and charged forward but stopped when his body hit the barrier of the lock. "You summoned me?" He said, growling trying to escaped. He tapped the wall of the barrier but winced after electricity shots through his skin. "I want you to release Alec Lightwood from your possession. Returned him to us and you shall go back to Edom." The demon laughed a horrible laughed, his voice are not like Alec's but rather deepened and blood curling. "He's mine, his soul is mine, there is nothing you can do about it!" The demon seethed. Magnus felt like entering and punch him in the face but he would only hurt Alec so he hold himself from acting out.

"Evil demon standing tall, its time you made your greatest fall, returned to Edom thou evil plight, I banish thee with this holy light!" Brother Zachariah held out his palm against Alec's body and a bright light appears from it charging at the demon. He screamed as the light pierced his eyes like a burning stone on his skin. "You think you can banished me just like that peasant? I am a greater demon of fear, I am not afraid of anything and my strength is stronger than this nephilim body, you'll only hurt him more than you hurt me." The demon continued to groan in pain and gripped his head. 

"Ne sitis, et fuerat timore tuo, in passione victima pascere, adolebitque ea fiat anima vestra." (You are fear, and let fear haunt your soul, feed on your victim's suffering, let it burn your soul.) All of a sudden images of his previous victim appears in his mind making his brain boiled like a fire lit inside, all of the faces of mundane, nephilim, downworlder appears and screamed of their greatest fear. The demon were screaming not just in pain but also in fear of his victims suffering that slowly consumed him. 

The demon continues to scream and the whole ground of the apartment shook beneath their feet. They all tried to steady themselves from falling and held on to each other. Alec fell on his knees as he screamed and repeatedly the words are burning into him. He leaned forward on his both hands and on his knees and gagged. The content was nothing delight but rather a black ichor spilling out from his stomach. He looked up to Magnus who kneeled before him on the opposite site of the barrier, looking at him with tears in his eyes, "You lose, his soul is mine! His greatest fear is losing you and fear of his own death." The demon said and with the last words, he screamed on the top of his lungs and collapsed on his back. The light all faded and the room was again dark. Brother Zachariah snapped his finger again and all the lights were back on, Alec was lying on the ground with ichor filled his mouth and chest. Magnus broke the barrier, went inside and grabbed Alec, he held Alec closed to his chest as he held the boy's head. He cradled his lifeless body hoping he would take a breath but nothing. Izzy then passed the towel to him kneeling by his side looking at her brother. Magnus wiped the ichor from Alec's mouth and chin and tried to shake him up.

"Alexander, wake up. Come on wake up darling. Please open your eyes." He shook his body but he didn't even flinched. Brother Zachariah came to his side and placed his two finger on Alec's neck and waited for about ten seconds. He shook his head before retuned his gaze towards Magnus. "No, no, it can't. No he's not-" Magnus looked at Alec and tears dropped on his face. He grabbed Alec's head closed to his neck as he hugged him in tears. "What's going on? Did it work?" Maryse asked and she too kneeled beside Alec stroking his wet hair. "His soul is still trapped on the other side, just like the demon said. We need to get it back." Brother Zachariah said and all of them look at each other in fright.

"How?" Jace asked, he felt his bond with Alec weaken each second they lingered around doing nothing. "Its not matter of how, its matter of whom. Someone need to get to the other realm and retrieve his souls back. Someone who knows Alec by hard, someone who will managed to convince him to come home to his family." Everyone was looking at each other and they noticed that its not a a question for them to do it, everyone is willing to go and save Alec but which one of them would be. "I'll go." Jace offered, he took of his jacket and waited for Brother Zachariah to perform the spell.

"No, Jace, I will go. If I don't make it back, you are the only one left to help and save Alec." Magnus claimed and still holding Alec's lifeless body in his embrace. "What do you mean if you don't make it back?" Clary asked, she was worried not for one but the other too, "Soul searching is confusing, they are a lot of lost souls trapped in the other realm, sometimes in order to find someone, you lost your own." Brother Zachariah explained but it didn't stopped Magnus to change his mind. He was determined to do this, he wanted Alec back, safe and sound. "I'm doing this, Jace you are the anchor. You need to pull us back once I found Alec." Magnus instructed and Jace nodded in understanding.

Magnus looked at Alec in his arm and kissed his forehead. He leaned to Alec's ear and closed his eyes, "Angel of protection, hear me plea, keep this person close to me, protect him from harm, and from all he feared, for he is the ones that I hold dear, I thanked the angel for helping me, I trust in your aid, so mote it be." Magnus finished his chants and pressed his lips on Alec's lips. "I love you Alexander, I'm coming for you. Hold on, just hold on." He said and placed Alec on the floor before him. He stood removing his jacket and placed them on the chair by the desk. Isabelle came forth and grasping her hands together fidgeting in fear.

"What were you saying earlier to Alec?" She asked, her eyes are red in tears but she held it in. "When I lost my magic, the only way I could get through it is by spells. Its old but most of the witches back on those days practicing their magic is by spells and potions. Even though I don't have my magic anymore, a little protection spell won't hurt right." He said with a smile and Izzy returns hers. She then hugged him, wrapping her arm around Magnus' waist and let her head placed against Magnus beating chest. "Please save my brother, bring him home." She whispered and Magnus smiled holding her petite body in returned for her hug. "Soon lovelies, soon." He said pulling away from her embrace. He wiped her tears with his thumb and walked back into the room.

He was stopped again by Maryse who now cried her eyes out, she hold so many grudges against him but after all these years, she looked past that. "Please save my son Magnus. Bring him home to me." She said and Magnus nodded gripping her shoulder in assurance. "Be careful." Clary mentioned holding Magnus' hand, "I will biscuit, always." He said to assure her. 

"Jace you will be the anchor and Magnus this thread will let you track your way back to Jace once you found Alec. Both of you will come back to your body as soon as I pulled you guys out. If you are ready to come back, just pulled the thread three times and Jace will let me know. Now remember, the realm is not some playground and the sooner you find him the better. I have faith in you brother, let the angels guide you and helped you through." Jem tapped Magnus on his shoulder and he nodded replying the gesture. They took the thread and tied it around both Magnus and Jace's wrist. Magnus then lay on the floor beside Alec's body with Jace sitting on the floor in between their heads. They both nodded for Jem to continue and soon as they did, he flicked his wrist and a wave of magic colored in blue appears on his fisted hand. He let the magic sprawled on Alec and Magnus' body and soon Magnus fall into darkness. 

A/N: I'm sure my Latin translation suck and you can blame google translate for that. Its hard to perform a spell and translate it in other language, no judge you guys. Thank you for reading by the way. Witches and warlock are the same and in the Shadowhunter series Magnus perform a spell without even chanting it which is ridiculous cause he is not a magician, he's a warlock. His potion are brewed with spells and if you guys don't agree with me, so be it. But I'm also in love with the new Sabrina teenage show and it is thrilling to watch. Who's with me?

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