Part 3

Magnus woke up that morning with a throbbing pain in his head. He couldn't sleep the whole night yesterday after his fight with Alec. Truthfully every single time they fought, he would have sleep deprived and woke up with the worst case of hangover. He gulped down every single throat burning liquid he could find to drown his sorrow but yesterday he had exceed his limit. He stretched his arm wide and yawned as he raised himself from the bed. He walk out from the guest room and headed to his room. He sighed as he stood in front of the door, leaning his head closed to it to hear any sort of sounds coming from the other side. He pushed the door open and entered finding Alec on the bed just like he left him yesterday.

He stares at his boyfriend lying on the bed with chains around his wrist still intact. He felt relieved that he got to see Alec again every morning but his feelings immediately changed after he saw Alec lying on the bed, frowning. He walked closer to him and sat beside Alec and he saw how sweat covers his entire body and face. "Alexander?" He called but Alec's still hasn't open his eyes. His breathing were more rapid than usual and it frightened Magnus immediately. Alec groaned and swallowed his throat dryly but his eyebrow maintained crooked in a frown. "Alexander what's wrong?" He asked as he shook him on his shoulder. "I-It h-hurts." He whispered and his voice hoarse like he had been left in the desert for days. "Where?" Magnus asked him again eyeing his entire body to check for any wound possibilities but nothing were there.

"Everywhere. Magnus its burning." He said clenching his jaw tight and his word seething in pain. Beads of sweats formed on his forehead and his neck and Magnus saw tears formed in his eyes and it falls on the side of Alec's face. He got up and headed to the bathroom getting a bowl of cold water and a small towel with him. He heard the metal shackles clanking and when he got in the room Alec sitting up on the bed, his face is paled and his breathing is uneven. Later he had his palm on his mouth covering his lips, "Bucket." His words muffled and Magnus quickly grabbed the trash can and ran to his side. The moment Magnus handed him the can, he exploded his stomach content into it. He gagged and his breath heaved as he emptied his stomach.

"It hurts! By the angel Mags please stop this torture." He said as he clenched his stomach with his hand. Magnus sat beside him as he continued to vomit. He rubbed Alec's back and squeezed his shoulder a little to ease him a bit. Nothing he did make him feel better but he was surely want to help him with everything he could. "Shh, let it out Alexander, it will be over soon." He said as Alec continue to gag but none came out. Alec's body falls against on Magnus chest, more sweats appears on his face and Magnus took the towel soaked with cold water and rubbed on Alec's head. He shivers upon the touch and pulled away from him but Magnus was not to budge. He wiped Alec's face with it and he shudders on the coldness.

"Stop, please stop. It hurts." He tries to pull Magnus' hand away but he clicked his tongue in annoyance, "You're not helping yourself Alexander, either this or the ice cold bath tub. Your choice." He warned and Alec was too weak to fight it so he let him. Moments later and after few more gags from Alec, he falls unconscious on Magnus with him wrapping his arm around Alec's shoulder. He hugged Alec's weak body against his chest and he felt his breathing calmly although earlier he vomited, it didn't bother him much to hold the love of his life close to his heart. He sighed as Alec's head leaned against his shoulder and he stroked Alec's hair back away from his own forehead. He gave him a light kiss on his forehead and let him rest on the pillow. He took the bucket away and cleaned it, later he placed the clean bucket close to his side just in case he needed it again. He then showered and when he's done, Alec is still asleep. He unshackled the chain and let him rested, immediately after he did, Alec turned to his side and hugged one of Magnus long pillow with his one leg wrapped around it. Magnus chuckled at the view but he know Alec loves to lay like that.

He spend the rest of the day reading and getting some groceries to cook something for Alec. Nothing special but enough to feed the hunger in him. He made vegetable stew with chicken roast and rice. He need Alec to recharge and he know Alec would be famished when he woke up. As he continued to cook and finished his final touch on the chicken roast, before he placed them in the oven, he heard the door creaked and Alec came out from it looking like a living mess. His hair is ruffled to all sides, his face is pale and his lips are cracked. He groaned as he grabbed the wall beside him trying to steady himself. Magnus ran to his side, after he closed the oven door and caught Alec just in time before he fell to the ground. He helped him to sit on the couch and lay him down, he plumped few pillows and placed them on Alec's back and under his long legs. He heard Alec chuckled and when he looked, Alec was grinning at him like a drunk person.

"What's so funny?" He asked as he took his seat beside Alec. "You." He said and Magnus got more confused at his statement. "I don't get it." He said and Alec chuckled even more. "You spend the rest of your life being a warlock and taking care of other people's problem, now you're a mortal, you still had to do that, with me." Alec said and before Magnus say anything he was cut off, "You have to take care of this pathetic mess." Alec pointed his finger towards his own chest and his earlier chuckled changed into a sob. "I don't deserve you." He continued pointing his finger at him and Magnus couldn't form any words as he was surprised at Alec's sudden outburst. He wanted to calm him and soothe his feeling but he knew he would be like talking to a drunk and Alec would forgot it soon as he woke up. He held Alec's hand in his and saw he fell asleep again with tear mark on his face. He wiped it dry with his thumb and sighed, "I'm not giving up on you Alexander, not now, not ever." He then give his last kiss on Alec's forehead and headed back to his cooking.

Hours later Alec starts to stirs in his sleep. Its almost five in evening when he starts to awaken. Magnus was behind his desk as he saw Alec began to wake up. He went to his side and saw Alec's eyes move around the room and landed at him with confusion. "What happened? How did I get here?" He asked and try to raise himself to sit up but Magnus pushed him back slowly, "Easy, your body need to recharge. I'll get something for you to eat." He walked to the kitchen and bring out the things he cooked earlier for Alec and seconds later he placed them on the tray and bring it to Alec's side. He placed them on the coffee table next to him and Alec eyed his every movement. Magnus didn't bother to look at his eyes and kept it on the food before him. He poured the water in the glass and handed it to Alec, he took it reluctantly and gulped it down in a breath. He groaned as the cold liquid went through his dry throat. He raised to placed the glass on the table but Magnus took it from his hand and poured some more in them. "Relax, I'll do it." He said in such cold tone making Alec frown but he knew exactly its all his fault. He seek trouble and now he's paying the price.

Magnus handed him the bowl of rice and with vegetable soup in other bowl. Alec ate with slow movement as he still tired and saw Magnus didn't even had his own bowl with him. "Why are you not eating together with me?" He said as he clutched on the bowl with his palm. "It's okay, I'll managed." He said as he switched the bowl of soup with the rice contained roast chicken that he shred to pieces for Alec to eat. He handed him the rice and Alec hold it still, "Eat with me." He said softly but Magnus ignore his offer, "Maybe later." He said still not bothering to look at Alec in his eyes. Alec sighed feeling his tears starts to form but he hold it in, he then took a spoonful of his rice that had the chicken meat in them and held it towards Magnus' lips, Magnus was startled at the gesture and eyed him, "No, its fine, you eat." He declined the offer and moved his face away but Alec forced it closer, "I'm not eating if you don't." He said and Magnus looked to his side, Alec was determined but he never did this before. He hated feeding each other and he hated when Magnus want to do so, when Magnus stares into his eyes, he saw his old Alec, his loving, passionate boyfriend that always thinks he was too good for Magnus. "Please." Alec said again when Magnus kept his gaze at him, slowly Magnus open his mouth and gulped the spoonful of rice and small smile crept on the corner of Alec's lips. He then eat another spoon and moaned, "This is nice. Did you cook this?" He asked and Magnus nodded. "So good." He said before he gulped down an other spoonful.

After a few spoon of rice in, Alec stopped and started to gag. He tried to hold it in but failed so he shot up and ran to the bathroom. He flipped the toilet covers open and emptied his whole stomach. He thought he was done but few more came out nothing but water and heaving sound. He collapsed on the side of the toilet leaning his body against the tub when suddenly he feel Magnus' presence in the room. He came behind him and rub his back softly, he traced his fingers on Alec's forehead wiping the sweats formed on his head. "It'll pass, trust me. It'll take time but it will be, you are stronger than you think Alexander." Magnus said and Alec couldn't looked into his boyfriend's eyes without feeling guilty. He choose this path, he chose to destroying himself, he deserves it.

"M-My fault." He said and saw Magnus sighing in content. "No one is at fault. You were stressed, at your weakest time, vulnerable, something that I know for fact. I'm sorry for yelling at you yesterday." Alec eyed Magnus in his eyes and everything he just said carries a lot of emotion in him. He could see how guilty, scared and regret were in those beautiful eyes of his and he never thought how his immaturity brought Magnus his pain all through his youth. "Come on." Magnus said as he helped Alec stood and went back to bed. After he helped tucking Alec under the blanket, he saw the shackles by the bed side and he wonder if he should cuffed Alec for the night.

"Please, I'm not going anywhere remember? The apartment is sealed." Alec stating his point and Magnus nodded. Alec smiled at him and rested his head on the fluffy pillow that smelt like Magnus, how he missed this. How much he missed being in Magnus' embrace. "Rest." Magnus said as he stood to leave the room but Alec pulled his wrist making him turned back to face him. "Stay with me tonight. Please." Magnus sighed before he looked back at Alec who now halfway lying down on the bed, his pleading look with a puppy eyes was always his charm and Magnus always falls for it, "Just give me a minute to clean up, I'll come back." He said and Alec nodded. Without his magic, Magnus couldn't just flicked his fingers to get it done, everything need to be done mundane way. "Okay, I'll wait." Alec said with a soft smile on his face.

When Magnus done packing up all the food into the fridge, he washes all the dishes and headed to the room. When he entered, Alec was half asleep on bed with soft snores escaped from his nose. Magnus smiled looking at his boyfriend sleeping, more like sprawling on the bed. He got under the covers and as soon as he did, Alec turned and wrapped his arm around Magnus' torso. His long leg were placed on Magnus' as if he was a log of pillow for him to cuddle but he smiled it anyway. Magnus raised his arm and wrapped under Alec's neck and he hugged him closed to his chest. He felt his heart is complete although Alec's still in recovering, but at least he's here with him, not hiding away in the institute.

Magnus woken up in middle of the night with Alec shivering in his embrace. He raised himself and saw Alec sweating like he had been running, his face is pale and his eyes frown like he is in pain. "Alexander." He tried to shook him to wake but he only answered with a groan. "It h-hurts Magnus." He said and Magnus didn't waste time, he stood and ran to the bathroom, he grabbed some towel and bowl filled with water inside. He ran back to Alec and the minute he did, Alec shivers turned even worst. He lay on his back and his arm folded around his body clutching his arm, his teeth are chattering and his breaths quicken than usual. "Magnus, it burns. H-hurts!" He mentioned his pain with teeth chatters. Magnus took the towel, soaked into the bowl before putting it on Alec's forehead. He whimpers and groaned in pain as he did but it didn't last. Alec took the towel and throw it away across the room. "You fool!" He screamed and pushed Magnus off of him. His eyes are blood shed and his face were filled with anger and rage.

It frightened Magnus to see Alec behave in such way but he didn't waste more time, he grab the shackles and start to cuff Alec's wrist. As he did the first, Alec raised his hand and smack Magnus on his face. He stumbles and falls back on the floor, his hand cupped his cheek which he bet would grown red already. "Filthy warlock! Don't you dare touch me!" Alec said and the word felt like knife cutting Magnus' heart. He got up on his feet and cuffs Alec on the other hand. He saw Alec fought to battle for a release but failed cause the cuff is magic thanks to Catarina. He walked back few steps away from Alec and his heart pounding in his chest. The person in front of him wasn't Alec, it wasn't his Alexander, it was definitely someone else.

A/N: Did any of you guys watch The Orders? 

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