You're No Leader

Alec's POV
Tear after tear. Why the hell did that demonic abusive vampire just had to ruin my life? Now I was known as a freaking betrayer to my now ex! Never once in my life have I ever betrayed someone! It's now my duty to protect the downworld from that arrogant b***. If the Clave would let me lead which will never happen just because of my sexuality! God, I seriously hate fighting them to get equality but to be honest I don't even know why I still try.

Two days later

Taylor's POV
"Come on, Magnus! Show some happiness!" I exclaimed. "Can you not?" Magnus asked finishing the tips of his hair.
"No, don't think so"
Magnus sighed and forced a smile. "Happy now?" Magnus demanded. "Very," I answered. Before he could respond, a large explosion vibrated through the apartment. "What the f***?!" Magnus screamed. "Language!" I warned.
"Taylor, seriously shut up!"
I zipped my lips before there was a knock on the door. Magnus grumbled opening the door with his magic to see a random shadowhunter that neither of us recognized. "Hi?" I asked. "Magnus Bane?" The male asked. "Can I help you, um-?" Magnus asked.
"Jason DiLaurentis"
"I'm sorry but what can I exactly help you with?"
"Destroying the shadow world"
"You want to destroy your own kind?"
"Of course I do! I want to at least have them be my servants if I decide not to kill them right away"

Meanwhile at the Institute

Alec's POV
"ALEXANDER GIDEON LIGHTWOOD!" Robert yelled. I sighed as I unlocked my bedroom door so I wouldn't have to deal with him yelling in front of my door. Robert came in immediately and punched me hard making me fall on the floor. Jace zoomed in immediately and kicked me several times. I sighed as I usually did since my family abuses me almost every single day because of who I am. I got so used to it that I allowed them to abuse me as much as they wanted rarely wincing in pain. Izzy quickly walked in and punched my stomach several times as her whip was slapping me on the arm. "You're no leader," Maryse spat before kicking me in the face. But no one knew I was going to become the leader.

A few hours later

Jason's POV
"Thanks for agreeing to help me," I spoke. "I only agreed because you threatened me," Magnus sighed as he rolled his eyes.
"Thank you for reminding me!"
"You're not going to stop, are you?"
Magnus sighed before another explosion went off. "Did you know about this?!" Magnus demanded. "No, I swear it!" I screamed as another explosion went off almost hitting the Institute.
"So you're saying the Institute is casually getting attacked?!"
I sighed as another explosion went off hitting the front of the Institute. "Sh**!" I screamed as Clave members surrounded me. "Jason, get out if you wish to not be arrested!" Jia yelled.
"I'm your leader now, you don't tell me what to do!"
"What are you talking about? You betrayed the Clave. You destroyed the mineral circle. And you believe you're going to be the leader?"

Alec's POV
"We're being attacked and you're doing nothing?!" I screamed at my parents. "We'll be fine!" Robert yelled. I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my bow and arrows.
"The Institute just got hit and you're saying we're going to be fine?!"
"Yes. No need to go out there"
"It's Jason for god sakes! He ordered the attack!"
"Jason is no traitor!"
"Are you kidding me?! He betrayed the Clave and destroyed the mineral circle!"
"Jason is not the traitor here, you are!"
"Are you kidding me?! I'm the traitor here just because of my freaking sexuality?! I'm gay, deal with it and grow up!"
"It's a phrase! You WILL marry a woman and continue the family name! Being gay is a choice, you will return normal eventually!"
"It is NOT a choice! I will NEVER be straight!"
Before he could say anything else, I stormed out of the room slamming the doors behind me and took the secret entryway out.

Jason's POV
"I will be your leader!" I snapped. Jia laughed and looked at me. "You, Jason, are NO leader! You betrayed the Clave and will betray your people as well!" Jia hissed.
"I'm innocent!"
"You are NOT innocent!" A female voice yelled. "Oh, Isabelle but I am," I screamed.
"You are no leader!"
"A leader should be someone who has NEVER betrayed anyone, both shadowhunters and downworlders. We have chosen the leader," Jia growled. I hissed before being hit with an arrow literally. "And here's the leader now," Jia spoke. "Alexander Lightwood is the leader?!" I hissed.
"He's literally a traitor!"
"I NEVER betrayed anyone! You can look at my files if you don't believe me which by the way updates daily!" Alec snapped. "You made me betray the Clave! You're the one who chose your life! You're guilty!" I hissed.
"ENOUGH! I never "chose" my life! I'm so sick of everyone treating me differently just because of who I am! Why the hell should it matter if you're straight or not?! Why does it matter if someone has demon blood which by the way of not being able to choose that?!"
Surprisingly, his sister agreed with him. Everyone was staring at Alec like he was truly the leader but he doesn't deserve it. He's disgusting and no one like him should be able to lead. "It's best to live a healthy life!" I growled. "Jason DiLaurentis, you're arrested for treason and will be executed. Alexander Lightwood, I officially declare you leader. And the first thing we will do is change the law to that everyone will be treated equally including our enemies who will now be our friends," Jia announced. I gasped as I was being dragged away.

Alec's POV
"I'm so sorry," Izzy spoke. "It's okay, Iz," I sighed.
"I'll try to convince mom and dad but I can't promise anything"
"I know, Iz"
I sighed as I walked out heading to my bedroom. I was surprised to see Magnus on my bed playing with his phone. "Magnus, what are you doing here?" I asked making him jump. "Alexander!" Magnus exclaimed almost dropping his phone.
"That's my name so why don't you answer my question?"
"I got lost?"
"I can't tell you because I'm possibly hiding something?"
"If you're throwing a 'get back together' party, then no. Otherwise, don't tell me!"
Magnus stayed quiet. "Maybe?" He asked. I sighed. "Just kiss me already," I replied.
"I will at the party!"
"No party!"
"Magnus, how do you always do that?!"
"A magician never tells their secrets"

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