Jace's POV
I would've been defending Alec but my hands were tied. I could hear his screams of being beaten by his bullies. "Enough!" The leader yelled allowing everyone to punch Alec one last time. "See you tomorrow, fag," David, a werewolf, spat before kicking Alec in the stomach. Alec winced in pain which gave the leader encouragement. "Take him to Magnus," the leader spat knowing what would happen to Alec. I screamed before being untied. "Jace, I'm here to save you," Clary, a shadowhunter, explained helping me walk. "I can't leave without Alec! They're taking him to Magnus," I croaked.
"I'm sorry but they're going to have to take him"
Alec's POV
"Let me go!" I screamed as I was being dragged up the stairs to Magnus, a warlock, who was waiting for me at the top. Magnus smirked before grabbing my hand pulling me into his apartment closing the door behind the others making sure to lock it. He pushed me gently on the couch. "Are you hungry? Thirsty?" Magnus asked as he removed my shirt healing some injuries. "I-I'm fine," I stuttered.
"Are you sure?"
"You don't need to be afraid. If you don't mind me asking, what is your name?"
"Short for Alexander?"
"I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. Calm down, you don't have to be afraid"
"How can I trust you? A lot of people hurt me"
"Because I was bullied since I'm a freewheeling bisexual"
"You're bisexual?"
Magnus smiled. "Yes. And I know you're gay. I heard gossip about you," Magnus replied. "If I hadn't come out, I wouldn't be bullied," I said.
"You were brave. You probably inspired people to come out"
"Yes, but I'm a shadowhunter. Rarely anyone accepts my sexuality, only my siblings"
"Hmm, I support you"
"That's because you're bisexual"
Magnus slapped me before grabbing my hand pulling me to a spare bedroom. He pushed me on the floor gently before leaving closing the door behind him and locked it. I knew being here would be a struggle since everyone knew Magnus had anger issues and I wouldn't be able to leave. It was all up to the people who gave you to Magnus. I woke up in the morning and my head hurt like crazy. The door opened to reveal Magnus. "Breakfast is ready," Magnus announced before closing the door behind him not bothering to lock it. I sighed and quickly got dressed.
Magnus's POV
I smiled at the shadowhunter entering the kitchen. "Did you sleep well?" I asked. "Not really. My cheek was hurting from the slap and now I have a headache," Alec explained looking away from me.
"Look at me!"
Alec didn't move so I moved to him slapping him again forcing him to look at me. "I'm sorry," Alec muttered holding on to his bruised cheek. "Eat," I demanded. Alec nodded grabbing food and took small bites causing me to slap him again so he would eat faster. I had plans for him and I wanted to get on with it as soon as possible. "Go get dressed in something nice. We have plans," I snapped taking his plates from him. Alec nodded and hurried into the spare bedroom closing the door.
Alec's POV
I was shaking trying to put on my suit, all I got was my pants on. "Having trouble?" Magnus smirked coming behind me. "N-no," I stuttered.
"You're shaking, Alexander. Are you sure?"
"I'm sure"
Magnus didn't buy it and helped with the buttoning before slapping me again. "Don't lie to me, understand?!" Magnus growled. "I-I understand," I replied.
"Good. Just don't make me angry or the slaps won't stop"
"Are slaps your only punishment when angry?"
"No! It gets much worse so I wouldn't suggest getting me enraged"
"I would never!"
"You know what I can do to you, right?"
"I heard rumors. Of course this wasn't my decision to come to you, it was my bullies"
"You know, I only have anger issues because I was bullied and didn't have a good past"
I looked at him sadly only resulting in being slapped again. "I don't like it when people feel sad for me," Magnus explained as he pulled me out of the apartment walking to the park. His hand tightened barely hurting me and I had to hide back my screams, otherwise he might beat me the same way my bullies would but of course we had to run into them. Magnus pushed me forward allowing them to take me and started to beat me as Magnus just watched. "That's enough," Magnus demanded and I knew he planned this. "Consider yourself lucky, Lightwood," Samuel, a shadowhunter, said before kicking me in the face making me fall unconscious. "You know what to do," the leader said giving my unconscious body to Magnus. I could hear Magnus laugh as he carried me back to his apartment.
Some hours later
I woke up with ropes tied behind my back and I screamed trying to get free. "I wouldn't do that," Magnus smirked walking to me. "What-" I started before being punched.
"Last night was amazing by the way. Shame that you were unconscious"
"Damn you!"
"Now now, are you really going to make me angry? And your hands are tied so I can do anything to punish you including a repeat of last night"
"You promised you wouldn't hurt me!"
"I say that to everyone! Turns out I'm an amazing liar!"
I tried to say something before he kicked me in the stomach making me wince in pain. Magnus just laughed before pouncing on me. I screamed trying to pull away but I was punched repeatedly until my eyes closed.
Magnus's POV
"Alec, wake up!" I demanded walking closer to the bed he lays. Alec groaned before waking up and moved farthest away from me. "Stay away from me!" Alec yelled.
"You were taken to me. Unless you get freed, I won't be able to stay away from you"
"You lied about everything, didn't you?!"
"No, darling, I didn't"
"I don't trust you!"
"You should know that you're mine until you get freed which I doubt you will anytime soon"
"I'll never be yours!"
I smiled before slamming him in the wall. "You're mine unless you want someone you care about to die!" I growled slapping him. Alec winced in pain while nodding making me let go. "Good," I smirked before walking out closing and locking the door behind me. I could hear Alec crying but I didn't care.
Alec's POV
The door opened to reveal Magnus. "You're moving into my bedroom, darling," Magnus said before leaving forcing me to follow. I stood by the door afraid to enter until Magnus patted his bed forcing me to come to him. "There are some rules you need to follow. One, you won't hesitate to come near me. Two, you will allow me to do anything with you. Three, you will act happy and never leave my side unless I tell you. Understand?!" Magnus snapped and all I could do was nod. Magnus smiled before kissing me grabbing my hand to pull me on the bedroom so I was positioned on top of him. He dug his nails in my arms forcing me to kiss him back. Finally, he pulled away. "Get some rest, we have to wake up early tomorrow," Magnus snapped wrapping his hands around my waist tightly so I couldn't get comfortable. "Too tight! I won't be yours if you kill me," I said forcing Magnus to loosen his grip.
"Do you wish to be comfortable, darling?"
Magnus removed his arms from my waist and pushed me off him to the side next to him. "Wrap your arms around me or you're not going to sleep comfortable tonight," Magnus demanded causing me to obey immediately. "Tighter," Magnus hissed also causing me to obey. He dug his nails in my arms and I had to bite my tongue to not wince in pain knowing I'd be punished if I did. "Wince in pain for me, darling," Magnus snapped digging his nails in my arms even deeper causing me to release my screams. Magnus smiled and stopped when he was fine with how much I screamed. I gasped for breath as I rolled over away from Magnus for three seconds before I returned wrapping my arms around him tightly. "You're going to get punished for doing what you did," Magnus growled releasing my grip on him and pounced on me punching me as much as he pleased. I screamed but Magnus covered my mouth with his free hand digging his nails on my lips making it bleed. "Please, I'll do anything," I muttered but that just encouraged Magnus. He sat up and reached for my hand which I was forced to take allowing him to drag me to the couch. He pushed me on the ground tying my hands to the edge of the couch and kicked me in the stomach forcing me to fall on my knees. "Good luck sleeping comfortably now," Magnus hissed before walking back to his door leaving the door open in case he had to punish me if I dared scream.
Magnus's POV
"Darling, wake up!" I screamed as I kicked Alec awake. His eyes opened and his hands went to clutch his stomach. "Heal yourself, we're going out. Your clothes are in the spare bedroom," I hissed untying him from the couch and handed him his stele so he could heal properly. After a few minutes, Alec came out and forced a smile. I smiled grabbing his hand holding it tightly barely hurting him and walked out of the apartment. We walked to Central Park and sat on the grass pulling Alec down with me so he would be positioned on my lap. "Alec!" A girl with black hair yelled coming closer to us. Alec looked at me and I nodded giving him permission to speak before he looked away. "Isabelle," Alec replied. Isabelle frowned. "Who's this?" She asked noticing me.
"My boyfriend, Magnus"
"Alec, are you insane?! Magnus is terrible for you, stay away from him!"'
"He's actually pretty nice once you get to know him"
I smiled taking his hand in my mind tightly that he had to bite his tongue to not wince in pain since we were in public. Alec forced a smile at Isabelle. "Are you going to introduce me to your friend?" I asked brushing a strand of Alec's black hair with my free hand. "Isabelle, Magnus. Magnus, Isabelle, my sister," Alec replied. "Um, nice to meet you?" Isabelle asked. "Would you like to join us?" I asked mouthing a spell. Alec noticed and kissed me to stop screams from coming out. "Do what I say or Isabelle gets killed," I whispered through the kiss causing Alec to pull away and looked at his sister. "I'd love to!" Isabelle yelled, cheerfully. I smiled as I pulled myself up pulling Alec with me leading him to a nearby restaurant with Isabelle following suit. "Lean on me," I demanded forcing Alec to obey. "What do you need me to do?" Alec whispered.
"You're going to steal something important from her"
"I can't-"
"I'm going to help you, relax"
Alec nodded but I noticed he looked worried so I pulled him into an alleyway. "We'll be with you in a minute, Isabelle!" I yelled. Isabelle nodded as she walked into the restaurant. Quickly, I pushed Alec against a wall gently so it wouldn't leave a mark and shook him. Alec whispered a cry forcing me to cover his mouth with my free hand. "Get your worried expression off or I'll punish you more than last night," I hissed quietly. Alec squirmed trying to break free from the hand forcing me to kick him in the leg healing the mark it had made. "You're really going to get it this time, Alexander," I snapped quietly before pulling him to the restaurant. Isabelle was already sitting down and waved when she noticed us. I sat next to her pulling Alec down with me and kissed him mouthing a spell that made Isabelle oblivious as Alec grabbed something important of hers slipping it into my pocket. I pulled away removing the spell and Isabelle was back to her old self. She smiled before taking out her phone. "I'm sorry but I really should get going," Isabelle explained. "We do too," I announced gesturing Alec to get up taking my hand to pull me up allowing me to drag him back to my apartment.
I pushed Alec on the couch not caring that he winced in pain. Quickly, I tied him to the couch slapping him as well. He set out a cry forcing me to cover his mouth with my hand. "What should I start with?" I asked as I noticed him squirming to get out of my grip. "The more you struggle, darling, the more it will hurt," I snapped kicking him in the legs. He winced in pain as I pulled out my knife. I untied his hands from the couch tying his ankles instead. "Take your shirt off," I demanded kicking him in the ribs a few times. He let out a cry as he removed his shirt. I laughed playing with the knife before digging it in Alec's shoulder up to his wrists and did the same to the other shoulder. I punched him a few times enjoying his screams. "Please, make it stop," Alec cried making me kick his chest hard. "Now, now, darling, I just started. I'm not done with you yet," I growled.
"I'll do anything! Please"
I cupped my hand around his face squeezing it tightly while my other hand yanked his hair making him scream. "You brought this upon yourself," I smirked kicking him in the face. He fell forward and I pounced on him pulling him up to see my face and started kissing him passionately. "Stay still, Alexander," I hissed. "No! Please!" Alec cried forcing me to punch him.
"Hmm, two rounds then? Keep begging and it will only increase"
"I hate you!"
I gasped before slamming him on the floor. "Tell me you love me or ten rounds!" I growled. "No!" Alec cried.
"It will continue going up by tens until you tell me!"
I smiled and kissed him passionately as I digged my hands in his arms forcing him to give me entrance. He pushed me away kicking me on the chest. "You shouldn't have done that," I hissed. With a snap of my fingers, Alec became unconscious and I did my work.
Alec's POV
I woke up hurting everywhere. I was on top of Magnus with his hands wrapped around my waist tightly preventing me the space to move. I squirmed but eventually gave up, his grip was just too tight. "Good morning, Alexander. How do you feel?" Magnus asked before kissing me passionately. "Fine," I lied.
"Great! I hoped you learnt your lesson. You wouldn't want to be tortured again like that, would you?"
Magnus slapped me shaking me. "Say that again without hesitating!" Magnus growled. "No!" I screamed.
"Good boy"
Magnus's POV
"Come here!" I demanded kicking Alec in the legs causing him to wince in pain but ran from me. I smirked running after him grabbing him from the back of his shirt tightly so he couldn't move from my grip. I kicked his legs a few times before slamming him on the floor. He cried still trying to get away from my grip. I laughed as I punched him a few times before kicking him on the chest. "Never try to escape!" I growled slapping him. "I will!" Alec hissed before getting punched.
"And continue getting punished? Do you like it or something? Because I can do it more often if you'd like"
I released my grip from him kicking him in the face. Alec screamed covering his once beautiful face. I kicked his arms as I punched his stomach. Grabbing him from his shirt, I slammed him in the wall and kissed him passionately punching as I went. "Let's finish this in the bedroom," I hissed turning him around to tie ropes on his wrists tightly making Alec wince in pain. I laughed and kicked his back forcing him on his knees. Alec gave out a cry before I forced him to kiss my behind. I kicked him again on his back forcing him to fall forward. "Enjoy this or Isabelle dies," I snickered. Alec nodded before I did my work earning lovely moans from Alec.
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