the game everyone knows except alec lightwood

okay i lied i had this prewritten and it was eating me up not posting it,, so ha here's a gift to you babes. hope you like it ;) 

"Magnus, I'll order a pizza, and I'm sure they're bringing food anyway." Alec said, waving the phone around in his hand. 

Magnus sighed, rolled his eyes and said, "Fine." 

"Thank you, Mags." Alec said, walking over and wrapping his arm around the other man's waist. "You're the best." Alec said. 

Magnus pecked Alec on the lips and said, "I know!" then disappeared into their bedroom. 

Since Alec and Magnus moved in together, Alec's friends and siblings had been insisting on them having a sleepover at Alec's new house. 

Magnus had decided to kill two birds with one stone, and called his friends over as well. 

Magnus and Alec knew well enough that everyone was going to fall asleep on the living room floor or sofa, but, Magnus prepared the guest room beds in case they made like actual human beings and slept on beds. 

Magnus walked out, changed into his pyjamas. The time was well 8:30pm and everyone was supposed to come at 9:00pm. Isabelle had been raving about this for weeks. She made plans and everything. Alec knew that whenever Isabelle made plans, nothing good ever came from them. 

Magnus' pyjamas were a black silk pair of pyjama pants and one of Alec's many black shirts. Alec's shirt fell to Magnus' thighs, looking as if Magnus had no figure. But, Alec knew that when he pressed to Magnus' torso, he could feel Magnus' smooth is and fit abdomen. 

Alec's clothes always gave Magnus a sense of comfort and safety. Also, they smelled like Alec, which was the most heavenly smell this world could offer. Alec also loved when Magnus wore his clothes. He was so much more attracted to him then. This time Magnus is wearing pants, usually, he walks around without pants in Alec's shirts as if they're a dress. Alec can't keep his hands off him then.

"Good?" Magnus asked, gesturing to his outfit. 

"Better than good." Alec smiled. 

"You're too sweet darling." Magnus smiled. 

"You know, we still have time before they show up." Alec said, in a raspy and seductive voice, brushing his nose into Magnus' hair and his lips to Magnus' ear. 

"Alec, normally, I would love to have sex with you, but Isabelle is well aware of our activities, and could walk in any second." Magnus said. 

"Can I at least get a kiss?" Alec asked. 

"You never have to ask, the answer is always yes." Magnus smiled and pressed his lips to Alec's. It was a quick kiss, nothing more. But, it was more than enough for Alec. 

Alec stretched his arms up and flopped down on the couch. 

"I'm bored." he complained.

"You won't be when they show up." Magnus teased. 

"Isabelle won't stand if any of us are bored for even a second." Alec said. 

"Your sister does have that effect on people." Magnus said. Alec smiled and he heard a knock on the door. 

Who was here? No one was supposed to be here for another 15 minutes. Alec walked over to the door, confused. 

He opened the door to see Isabelle and all his other siblings, friends and Magnus' friends standing at the door, holding all kinds of snacks and food. Also, they had all of their stuff to stay over in and all of them showed up in their pyjamas. 

"We came early to make sure you two weren't doing anything suspicious while waiting for us." Isabelle said. 

"I told you." Magnus called from the other side of the room. Alec shook his head and looked at the floor and smiled. His sister was really something else. 

"Are you going to let us in or what?" Izzy snapped. 

"Oh right." Alec said, opening the door further, giving room for everyone to walk in. 

In came, Isabelle, Jace, Simon, Clary, Catarina, Raphael, Ragnor and Maia. 

Isabelle brought candy, Jace brought beer, lots of it, Simon brought donuts, Clary brought cookies, Catarina brought chips, Raphael walked in empty handed, as expected. He says 'my presence is greater than any other gift you'll ever receive.' Ragnor brought more beer. Lastly, Maia brought popcorn. 

"Welcome!" Magnus said, throwing his hands to either side of him, giving a welcoming gesture. 

"Hi, Magnus!" Catarina said, walking over to him with open arms and hugging him, kissing him on the cheek. 

"Cat! Darling, I've missed you so much!" Magnus said, hugging her tight. 

Cat pulled away. Everyone else greeted Magnus. 

Isabelle attacked him in a hug, Simon, Clary, Ragnor, Maia and Jace did too. Raphael was the only one that walked up to Magnus and gave him a clipped nod and walked away. 

Magnus returned the same nod and gave him a toothy grin before pulling him in. Raphael did not return the hug. The most he did was pat Magnus on the back, which Magnus was fully content with. 

Magnus gestured him to call. Alec knew exactly what he meant. Alec slipped out of the crowd and swiped the phone off the kitchen counter. He called the pizza place, which already was on speed dial and ordered three large pizzas. Jace always ate excessively, especially if the food was free. 

Alec walked back after ordering and tried to blend in. "Where were you, big brother?" Izzy asked, swinging her arm over his shoulder, pulling Alec down to match her petite figure. Alec 

Alec smiled and said, "No where." 

"Sure." Isabelle said letting go of him and cocking an eyebrow. 

Alec wrapped his arms around Isabelle's neck and hugged her tight. 

"I'm glad you're here." he said. 

"I know." she smiled. Alec gave her a look. 

"I'm glad to be here too." she said. Alec kissed her forehead and let go. 

"Who's ready to get this party started?" Jace exclaimed, raising his arms to show the beers in his hand. 

All of them screamed in agreement. Jace smiled and nodded. He there beer bottles at everyone. 

"Jace! They could break!" Alec hissed. 

"Calm down Alec. I'm a great thrower." Jace winked, throwing another beer bottle, without looking where he was throwing and it landed right in Simon's hands. 

Alec clenched his fists and Jace threw one at him. Alec caught it and popped it open. Alec was the last one to get one. By the time Alec got his bottle of beer, the beer package was done. Alec and Magnus kew this would happen, so they bought 15 packs of beer in case. There was no trusting Jace. 

Magnus put all the food in plates and bowls and set them in the middle of the floor where everyone was sitting. Jace and Simon moved all the sofas away, so everyone sat on the floor. Magnus brought pillows and blankets. He knew someone was bound to fall asleep soon. 

"Just in case." he said and pecked Alec on the cheek, then threw the blankets and pillows into the circle. 

Izzy and Clary shared a blanket, Jace pressed his back to the pillow, leaning on the wall. Raphael and Simon cuddled into one blanket. Ragnor and Catarina shared a pillow, leaning against the wall. Maia grabbed a blanket and drowned herself in it as well. As soon as everyone was comfortable, Alec and Magnus sat down and shared a blanket. 

"Wanna watch a movie?" Alec suggested. 

"NO!" Izzy shouted, crunching on a potato chip. 

"Then what do you want to do?" Alec snapped.

Izzy brushed the chip crumbs off her hands, and clapped her hands together, "Let's play truth or dare." she said. 

Everyone perked up, but Alec sat there confused as to what 'truth or dare' is. 

"What?" he said, whispering to Magnus. Magnus laughed and felt the need to kiss Alec because he was so cute. 

Magnus held back and said, "Someone asks you truth or dare, and you say either truth or dare. Then that person asks you a question and you have to answer truthfully if you chose truth, or they tell you to do something and you have to do it if you chose dare." he whispered into Alec's ear. 

"Hey! What are you whispering about?" Catarina yelled, taking a bite out of a cookie. 

"Nothing." Alec said and blushed. 

"Really?" Cat asked, moving forward, questioning their answer. 

"Yeah." Magnus said, smiling over at Alec. 

"I don't wanna know." Cat said, covering her ears

"What?" Alec asked. 

"She thinks we were whispering about sex." Magnus laughed. Alec chuckled a bit, but was more focused on the blood rushing to his cheeks. 

"Okay!" Isabelle said, "Let's play." she said, rubbing her hands mischievously. "Jace, truth or dare?" Izzy asked, looking at Jace. 

Jace smirked and said, "Dare, I'm not a scaredy cat." 

"I dare you to kiss the hottest person in this room." Izzy said. 

"Alec?" Jace asked. 

Alec jerked his head back and looked at Jace with wide eyes. 

"Yeah?" Alec gulped. He did not want to kiss his brother. 

"How do I kiss myself?" he asked.

"Good question." Alec said, rubbing his chin. 

"Jace!" Izzy hissed. 

"Fine." Jace said, "Alec?" he asked. 

"Hm?" Alec was lost in thought. 

"Can I kiss your boyfriend?" Jace asked. 

"What? No!" Alec said, wrapping his arms around Magnus and holding him close to him. 

"Darling, it's okay, it's a dare." Magnus said. 

"Come on, Alec!" Izzy pleaded. 

"Fine." Alec hissed. 

Jace crawled over and gave the lightest kiss on Magnus' lips, as if their lips did not even touch. 

"Your brother did not even kiss me." Magnus said, swiping his thumb on his bottom lip. 

"Good." Alec said, kissing Magnus. 

"It's out there that Jace thinks Magnus is hot!" Maia exclaimed. 

"We knew." Alec said. 

"You're biased." everyone yelled. 

"Can't argue with that." Alec said. 

"Ragnor!" Jace said. 

"Yes, Lightwood?" Ragnor said, paying attention to the game now. 

"Truth or dare?" Jace asked. 

"Dare." Ragnor said, as if he were challenging Jace. 

"I dare you to skinny dip." Jace said. 

Everyone's eyes widened and looked at Ragnor. 

"Come along, now." he said, getting up. 

They all walked down to see if the apartment pool was open. 

"Crap." Ragnor said, pulling on the door. It was locked. 

"Guess we're going to the lake!" Jace yelled. 

Ragnor groaned and met hands with Catarina. 

They all walked down to the lake in the dark. Magnus turned on his phone flashlight to help everyone see. 

As soon as they reached the lake, Ragnor discarded all of his clothes and ran into the lake. 

"I saw more of Ragnor than I ever needed to see." Alec said. 

"Nothing I haven't seen before." Magnus said. 

"That's a story I need to hear." Alec said, gasping. 

"We promised to never speak of it." Magnus said. 

"We?" Alec asked. 

"Maia, Raphael, Cat, Ragnor and I." Magnus said. 

"I'll fish it out of you." Alec said. 

"I doubt." Magnus said. 

"We're playing truth or dare." Alec said. 

"Yes, we are." Magnus said, facing defeat. 

Ragnor ran out a minute later covering his spot. 

"Look away, you perverts!" he yelled. Jace burst out laughing and everyone else turned away. 

Magnus wolf whistled to Ragnor. 

"Shut up, Magnus!" Ragnor hissed, "You're next!" he yelled. 

This really was going to be an interesting night. 

As soon as Ragnor dried off and put all his clothes back on, the game resumed. 

"Bane!" Ragnor said.

"Help." Magnus whimpered to Alec, who just laughed and held his hand. 

"Truth or dare?" Ragnor asked. 

"Truth." Magnus said. 

"B-o-ring." Jace called.

"No one asked you Blondie!" Magnus snapped. 

"Out of our little group, besides Alec who would you be down to kiss?" Ragnor asked. 

"Well, I already kissed Jace, but, ew. I mean, maybe Isabelle or Maia." Magnus said. 

"Really?" Alec asked. 

Izzy and Maia reached over to each other and high fived. 

"I feel like Magnus would only kiss Isabelle because she looks like Alec." Simon said. 

"Exactly." Magnus said. 

"But why Maia?" Ragnor asked. 

"I don't have to answer that, my turn's over." Magnus said. 

Maia and Magnus exchanged glances. They both Burt out into laughter and left the rest of the group confused. 

"What's so funny?" Catarina asked. 

"Nothing." they both said. Clearly, they had some sort of secret that none of them knew about. 

"Catarina!" Magnus chose. 

"Yes, dear?" Cat said, not breaking a sweat. 

"Truth or dare?" Magnus asked. 

"Truth." Cat said. 

"Who has the nicest butt here?" Magnus asked. 

"You." she said. 

Ragnor gave her a look, "Sorry darling, he does!" Cat said, throwing her hands up. 

"This has turned into the flatter Magnus game." Jace said. 

"I'm okay with that." Magnus said. 

"Isabelle!" Cat said. 

"Finally!" Isabelle called. 

"Truth or dare?" Cat asked. 

"Dare." she said with a smile. Jace high-fived her. 

"That's my sis!" he said. 

"I dare you to take a shower with your clothes on." Cat said. 

"Challenge accepted." she said, and walked into the washroom, everyone following. 

Izzy turned on the shower and stepped right in. When she came out, her hair was dripping with water and everywhere she walked she left a trail of water drops. 

Izzy was wrapped in a blanket of her own now, not sharing with Clary. She stole some of Alec's sweats, and was now wearing that. Alec and her had a significant height difference. She was much smaller than Alec. So, one of Alec's sweaters would be a huge oversized sweater dress for her. 

Isabelle had a cup of coffee in her hands and was now the one to choose on who to go next. 

"Raphael!" she called.

Raphael groaned. "Yes?" he hissed. 

"Truth or dare?" she asked. 

"Truth." he answered. 

"Who said it first?" she asked, gesturing to Simon and him. All of them knew exactly what Isabelle was talking about. The rest of the group huddled in closer to get a better listen. 

"I said 'I love you' first to Simon." Raphael said almost inaudibly.

The group cheered. "Called it!" Magnus said, taking a sip of his beer. 

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Izzy clapped. She was always fascinated by Raphael, to say the least. He was always closed off and Isabelle was bothered by that, she made it her life mission to make him open up to everyone. He always does around her. She had the affection people. The Lightwood's were a charming bunch. 

Raphael intertwined his hands with Simon's and brought their joint hands up to his lips to kiss Simon's knuckles. Simon giggled and kissed him on the cheek. 

"I love you." he whispered. 

"I have no idea why but I am in love with you too." Raphael said, and gave Simon a smile. 

"Did Raph just smile?" Magnus exclaimed. 

"Woot!" Cat called. 

"A rare sighting." Ragnor muttered. 

"What do you mean? He smiles all the time." Simon said. 

"Only around you, buddy." Maia winked. Simon blushed and the game resumed when Raphael called out his victim's name. 

"Maia Roberts!" he said, looking at her straight in the eyes. 

"Yes, my friend?" she asked, sipping her beer. 

"Truth or dare?" he asked. 

"Dare." she smirked. 

"Eat 3 full tablespoons of wasabi." Raphael said. 

Maia's jaw was left open and Simon laughed out loud, clutching his stomach. 

"What?" she asked. 

"You heard me, Roberts." Raphael said. 

"Magnus and Alec may not even have wasabi." Maia argued. 

"I know for a fact they do." Raphael said. 

Everyone looked over at Alec and Magnus. 

"It's in the kitchen." Magnus said, and walked up to get the wasabi and a spoon. 

"You'll pay for this, Santiago." Maia growled. Maia was usually fearless, but she hated spicy food. That was the one kind of food she could not do and wasabi was the worst of them all. 

Everyone was waiting for Magnus to find the wasabi, when the doorbell rang. 

"Alec, did you invite anyone else?" Clary asked. 

"No." Alec said, he knew it was just the pizza guy. 

Alec walked to the front door, grabbing his wallet on the way. The door was opened to a man wearing an orange shirt and hat. 

"Pizza for Alec?" he asked. 

"That's me." Alec said. 

"That'll be $30" the pizza guy said. 

Alec handed him three 10 dollar bills and closed the door. 

"Pizza!" Alec yelled, as he walked back to the group. 

"Yes Alec!" Jace said, opening the box right from Alec's arms and grabbing two of the cheesiest slices he found. 

"Found it!" Magnus said, holding a tube of wasabi paste in one hand and a metal spoon in another. 

Maia groaned and grabbed the objects from Magnus' hands. 

Maia squeezed out a spoonful onto the spoon, fully coating the round part. 

Maia clutched her eyes shut and shoved the spoon on her mouth. She took all of the wasabi on her tongue and pulled the spoon out slowly. She pursed her lips together and swallowed the paste before she could taste it. 

Everyone watched carefully. Alec ran to the kitchen to grab a plastic bag for her to throw up in and a bottle of water and a glass of milk. 

He placed the items before her. She still had her lips pursed together while she squeezed out more wasabi on the spoon. She looked as if she was trying so hard to endure the pain of the spicy paste. 

She ate the wasabi on the spoon fully. She rolled her tongue to the back of her mouth to push the wasabi down without remotely having to taste it. Though, some of the taste still lingered on her tongue causing a stinging sensation. 

She looked at the milk wistfully, but held in her pain to eat the final spoonful of wasabi. 

"Come on Maia!" Cat exclaimed. A mix of voices sounded together cheering Maia on as she dreadfully squeezed the tube to fill the spoon. She was holding back tears as she was eating. Raphael sat there, smirking. 

She ate her final bite and swallowed it the second it hit her tongue. She really did not want to taste the wasabi. As soon as the wasabi was down her throat, she grabbed the milk and chugged down the entire thing. 

"I hate you." Maia growled, wiping the milk off her mouth. 

Raphael gave her a mischievous grin and Maia set out to find her next victim. She looked around and around, then it hit her. 

"Simon Lewis." she said, smirking. If she couldn't get back at Raphael directly, she would torture his boyfriend.

Simon gulped, looking at Maia's face. Raphael grabbed his hand, and nodded at him. Simon's breathing became calmer and he replied. 

"Yes?" Simon replied in a calm tone. 

"Truth or dare?" Maia asked. 

"Truth." Simon said, he had to play it the easy way. 

"What colour underwear is Raphael wearing?" Maia asked. 

Raphael clenched his jaw, controlling himself from exploding at Maia. 

"Raphael is wearing red underwear." Simon choked out, nothing eye contact with Maia or Raphael. 

Maia and the rest of the group burst into laughter. Raphael had always bashed the colour red. He said he hated it and it reminded him of blood, which made him sick.

"You're sick, Roberts!" Raphael shouted. 

"Love you too!" she winked and blew a kiss at Raphael. 

Raphael growled. "I'm sorry." Simon whispered to Raphael, looking down and fidgeting with his hands in his lap. 

"It's okay." Raphael said, giving a soft smile, touching Simon's fidgety hands. Simon gave Raphael a weak smile. 

"Alright, who's next?" Simon asked, scanning the room for people to choose. His index finger on his chin and his eyes squinted, he pointed at Clary with his other index finger. 

"Fray!" he exclaimed. 

"Ugh." Clary said, burying herself into the blanket. 

"Come on, biscuit!" Magnus said. 

Clary unwrapped herself from the blanket and sighed. 

"Fine. Yes, Simon?" she asked.

"Truth or dare?" he asked. 

"Dare." Clary said, sticking her chest out with a new sense of confidence. 

"Put your boobs away, Fray." Isabelle laughed. Cary punched her arm and crossed her arms. 

"I dare you to call the 17th contact on your phone and sing the song 'All Star' by Smash Mouth." Simon said. 

Clary looked at Simon with her jaw wide open. "Fine." she huffed. 

She pulled out her phone and Isabelle opened up to her 17th contact which happened to be Raj from high school. 

Clary shook her hands and took a deep breath before pressing 'call.' 

The phone was on speaker phone and rang about 4 times before someone picked up.

"Hello?" Raj asked "Clary?" 

Clary released a breath and started singing, "Somebody once told me the world is bologna. I ain't the sharpest pool in the shed. She was looking kind of dumb with the shape on an L on her forehead. Well the years start coming and they don't st-" 

She was cut off by Raj, "Clary? What?" 

The group tried to contain their laughter and so did Clary, but they ultimately failed and burst into roaring laughter. 

"I'm sorry, Raj! Blame Simon." Clary spoke into her phone before cutting off the call. The whole group laughed. Clary sang the song so out of tune and she was getting some of the words wrong.

After the laughter had died down, Clary sat with her arms crossed, "I hate all of you." she said.

"Sure, biscuit." Magnus winked. 

There were the sudden occurrences where someone would outburst in laughter, remembering the situations and the confessions. 

"There's one person who has not gone yet." Clary said. 

Alec shivered. He knew it was him. He dreaded this moment all night. 

The whole group looked right at Alec and in sync all called, "Alec!" Alec hurried his face in Magnus' neck and Magnus stroked his hair. 

"I don't wanna play." Alec whined to Magnus.

"Sorry darling, rules are rules." Magnus chuckled, moving Alec's head to face Clary. 

"Truth or dare?" she asked, winking at him. 

"Tr-" Alec started. 

"Too bad, you don't get a choice." Izzy said. 

"We all dare you to turn around and say 'yes'." Jace said. 

"What?" Alec asked, itching his head.

"Just turn around!" Maia called. 

Alec obeyed, he stood up and spun around to see behind him, Magnus was on one knee, holding a tiny box.

Alec's eyes immediately filled with tears. He covered his mouth with both of his hands. He was in shock. He had no idea this was happening. Magnus chuckled. 

"Darling, if you cry, I'll cry too." Magnus said, wiping the tears away that were invading his eyes. 

"I'm sorry, I can't stop!" Alec said. 

"Okay, well, I mean, having everyone keep this secret from you was the hardest thing ever. Everyone literally found out yesterday and we planned this entire thing yesterday. But, I managed to keep all of their big mouths shut. Courtesy to Raphael for helping me tame them." Magnus started. 

Alec mouthed 'thank you' to Raphael. Raphael nodded and gave him a weak smile. 

"So, Alexander Lightwood, you are the love for my life. Not of. Well of too. But, I know there is no one else for me. There is no one else that can replace who you are for me. You are everything for me. My life never had a greater love than you and it never will. You made me want to live. I never knew being so I love can be so healthy and relieving for me. You are the one for me. Please, Alexander Lightwood, will you marry me? You have to say yes, they all dared you to." Magnus smiled. 

Alecs answer was a kiss pressed to Magnus' lips. 

"Woot!" Jace wolf whistled and clapped. Everyone got up and gave the newly engaged couple a standing ovation. 

"Wait, I didn't say yes yet." Alec said. 

"You have to." They all said. 

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Alec smiled and looked at Magnus. 

"Yes." Alec said to him. Magnus jumped up and slid the finger perfectly on Alec's ring finger. 

"How did you know?" Alec asked. 

"I looked at the 'Cartier' ring Izzy and Jace bought you." Magnus said. Alec pulled Magnus into tight embrace. 

"More drinks!" Jace said, shooting his arm up in the air.

Alec and Magnus pulled away and chuckled. 

"Yes, Jace, more drinks." Alec said and smiled at his brother. 

Everyone congratulated Alec and Magnus. Each of them came up and hugged them both, each giving their own little speeches and comments to them both, which they both laughed at. 

Alec and Magnus walked into the kitchen to grab more beer. Alec looked at the ring on his finger.

"I can't believe it!" he squeed. 

Magnus smiled at him. 

"You literally proposed in the most perfect way." Alec said. 

"I know." Magnus said.

"I love you. I'm in love with you, Magnus Bane." Alec said. 

"I know, and Magnus Lightwood-Bane." Magnus said, walking up to Alec and placing his finger on Alec's lips. 

"I like that." Alec said.

"So do I." Magnus said, handing Alec a crate of beers. 

"Shall we, Mr. Lightwood-Bane?" Alec asked.

"We shall, Mr. Lightwood-Bane." Magnus confirmed. 

the end lol 

I should change my book titles to 'Malec proposals' because I love them so much. I actually was not planning on this being a proposal, but it kind of fell into place. It's fluffy and the whole gang was there, let me have this, okay? 

maybe the next one is a proposal too,, kind of, maybe, I've already said too much.  

bye loves! have a great day! 

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