it's all written on your wrist

hey darlings! i'm posting way earlier because i'm not home on friday and i have no wifi or my laptop where i'm going,, so here you are! enjoy loves! this is also super cliché lmao

Everyone has a soulmate. Well, that's what we have been told since we were young. I know that we all have someone's name on our wrists, and that person is our soulmate. Or well is supposedly our soulmate. See, that person's name will be on our wrist on our eighteenth birthday. I, Alexander Lightwood, am 17 years old and will turn 18 tomorrow. 

This day has been dreaded by me for my entire life. I know I like guys. My siblings, Izzy, Jace and Max know this. The two people who brought me into this world do not know though. You better believe that they are going to be on my back constantly to see my wrist. I'm pretty sure the name on my wrist is supposed to be a boy's name, but when they see it, I do not know how they will react. I have a pretty good idea though, "My son is not gay!" , "Alexander, this is just a phase." 

I just hope that the name won't be too recognizable as a guy's name. 


Well, Alexander Lightwood is not a name I have ever heard before. My wrist has had that name for two years now. It has been two years since that name has appeared and I still do not know where or who he is. All I know is I am Magnus Bane, a twenty year old singer, who just got his first grammy. Out of all people in the world, there is an Alexander Lightwood out there that I have not heard of. 

I'm pretty sure he does not know that I am his soulmate yet. He would have said something. Well, I'm sure he's heard of me. I hope he has, anyway. I'm not hard to find. I am a pop sensation, the second he knows that I am his soulmate, I'm sure I'll get some sort of call. 

Tomorrow, I head back to New York for a staycation at home.I have not been home in quite a while. I miss my friends and my cat. 

Why couldn't the Chairman be my soulmate? Life would have been so much easier then. My cat is the one love of my life. Even though he does not seem to like me very much. I give him free food, he should love me. I spoil my baby rotten. One of my penthouses in LA is under his name. 

I guess I just have given up on finding whoever Alexander Lightwood is. He must be great. Well, obviously, he's my soulmate, I cannot imagine anyone not great. Our first meeting will probably be the best day of my life. After I adopted the Chairman. 

I board my jet and we are off for New York, to arrive in a couple hours. 



The time is approaching. Isabelle and Jace are sitting with mean my bed. They are more excited than I am. To be fair, I am not excited at all. All I know is that whoever this guy is going to be, he better be into loner, nerd 18 year old who only owns black. 


"I'm so excited!" Izzy squealed. 

"I don't know why." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Dude, you're going to find your soulmate, it's a big deal! He's going to be great!"Jace said. 

"Yeah, I'm sure he is, but I'm more so nervous for Mom and Dad finding out." I said, rubbing my arm. 

"They can't change who you love, and who your soulmate is, the rules say that you have to marry your soulmate. You know how Mom and Dad are abut rules. They can't argue with fate." Izzy said. She had a point. I mean, they can't say anything about what the rules say. Mom and Dad literally worship the rules. 


It arrived. The feeling in my body felt no different. But there was a tickle in my wrist. As if there was a worm wigging around in there. I shook my hand. As soon as the tickle stopped, there was pain. A burn. I held my wrist as the burn increased. You could see the words appear. My hand felt as if it had been stabbed with a thousand needles. This must be how it is to get a tattoo. As I removed my hand from my wrist, I could see the red on my pale wrist. Izzy and Jace hovered over me. 

"What does it say?" Izzy whispered. 

I open my eyes and look closely at it, trying to decipher what it says. The name is written in a flawless calligraphy, but the red on my wrist made the writing hard to read. I squint my eyes. 

Magnus Bane 

It reads Magnus Bane. 

"Magnus Bane." I whisper. Izzy and Jace both walk away and look at me with wide eyes and jaws wide open. 

"What?" I ask. 

"Do you not know who Magnus Bane is?" Jace asks. 

"My soulmate. Other than that, no idea." I shrug.

"Hold on." Jace says as he pulls out his phone and types in Magnus Bane. 

He hands me his phone and My jaw opens wide. Holy crap, he's hot. My cheeks flush red. 

"He's a national pop star. His music is loved by all, even though he's a breakout star and now he earned his first grammy a couple weeks ago." Izzy explains. 

"Holy crap, there's no way he'll believe me that I'm his soulmate. He must get thousands of people saying that they are his soulmate everyday." I say and lick my lips. 

"No one knows who his soulmate is though." Jace says. I zoom into his picture and both of his wrists are blank. 

"He is twenty, he must hide the name, so no one pretends to be, well, you." Izzy says. 

"How am I supposed to get to him?" I ask.

"Well, big brother, that is something you'll have to figure out." Izzy says and places her cool hand on my shoulder. 

"Good luck." Jace says. 

"Happy Birthday." Izzy says and hugs me. 

"Oh yeah, we got you a present." Jace says, running to his room. 

Izzy giggles. She has a scandalous smile on her face. I have a bad feeling about this. 

Jace walks back into the room. He is carrying a gift bag. 

"Happy birthday, Alec, from Izzy and I." Jace says. 

I take the bag and pull out a box from the bag. Condoms. I flush red. 

"You both suck." I say. 

"There's more." Izzy says.

I flush even more red as I pull out a bottle of lube. "Go burn in hell." I say to them. 

"You know you love us." Izzy teases. 

"Here's your real present." Jace laughs. 

I take a small box from Jace's hand and open it to reveal a watch. The watch is beautiful. The black, leather strap and the gold dial. It is absolutely beautiful. Most thoughtful and expensive gif I have ever received. 

"Thank you." I say. 

"No, thank you, for being the best brother ever, this could never repay everything you have done for us." Jace says. 

"I love you both." I say and wrap them both in a hug. 

They return the hug and they walk back to their rooms. 

"Good luck." Izzy said, as she walked out of Alec's room.

As soon as Isabelle left the room, I ran to his desk to grab my computer. I throw the computer onto my bed and jump on it. I open the screen and type in my password, immediately goes to Internet browser. I type in Magnus Bane. I bite on the nail of my thumb. 

That night, I spent all night reading on and on about Magnus. Learning about everything there is to know about him. No way was this guy my soulmate. He had done so much in his career. 

The next morning, I wake up, looking at the time. It's 8am! I'm late for school. I run out of the house and see that the car is already gone. Jace and Izzy must have taken it. I'm running on 2 hours of sleep. Magnus had a lot of articles and history about him. 

I decide that since I'm already late, why not be more late? So, I walk into the closet Java Jones near school.


Arriving to New York in the nighttime is beautiful. I exit my plane and look at the bright lights that shine out in New York. The city is alive and thriving as usual. I expect nothing less from the Empire City. 

I reach New York at about 3am. Even though I slept on the plane, I have been missing my bed terribly. My pillows and my blanket are something no hotel can replace. I open my apartment and see darkness. In that darkness I see a pair of yellow eyes shining. Chairman. 

"I'm home, darling!" I exclaim and run over to the Chairman with open arms, dropping all my bags. 

I scoop the Chairman in my arms and snuggle with him on my couch. He snuggles right back. Usually, he'd be wanting to get away from me. Someone clearly missed me.

I refuse to unpack and I carry the Chairman with me to bed. I slop face down on the bed. The scent of my bed is so familiar. I sink right into the middle of my pillows and pull the blanket up on top of me to cover me fully. This is what I was missing.

I wake up, quite early the next morning. 8am. I missed New York terribly. But, also I missed New York coffee. Their coffee shops are unlike any that I have seen. I decide to walk to Java Jones to get breakfast. I pile on my coat and scarf and make my way. 

In Java Jones, I see there is a huge line. Must be all the kids that go to that high school up ahead. The boy in front of me orders a large black coffee. As he pays, his sleeve rides up and exposes a name on his wrist. I look in closely to see the name, it looks much too familiar. 

'Magnus Bane.' it reads. 

I gasp in disbelief. The entire cafe looks at me. There's no way. Could this be Alexander? 

He walks to the side, to wait for his coffee and I quickly order a caramel macchiato. I rush over to join the boy. 

"Good morning!" I chirp. 

"Morning." he says and faces me. 

Oh my god. He is perfect. His jawline is as sharp as a knife. His high cheekbones are perfectly chiseled. His eyes are a mix of brown and green. The perfect hazel. His lips are full and look as soft as cotton. His attire, I must say is atrocious. Black jeans with a grey hole sweater. He looks as if he rolled out of bed. he completely pulls it off though. His hair is dark and messy. His raven locks fold onto his forehead and he runs his hand though his hair to push it away. 

His mouth gapes open when he sees me. I think he knows it's me. 

"Magnus?" he croaks out. His eyes widen as I remove my scarf to reveal my entire face.

"It's you?" he asks. 

"Yes, Alexander, it's me." I confirm. He looks as if he still can't believe it. 

"By the angel." he breathes. We stare into each other's eyes for a couple minutes. Our coffee's finally come and he grabs his, and I reach to grab mine. 

"I don't know what to say." he says.

"Me too." I confess. 

"It's great to meet you." he says. 

"As you, Alexander." I say. 

"It's Alec." he corrects, "But, you can call me Alexander if you like. I like when you say it." he says, in a daze like form. I just stare at him. 

"Crap, I'm sorry, was that too forward, I'm just really happy that I get to meet you." he says.

"Not at all." I say, and put my hand on his arm.

"I have to g-go." he says. 

"Why so soon?" I ask. 

"I have to get to class." he says. 

"Ah, just turned 18?" I ask.

"Today's my birthday, actually." he says, shyly, looking down. 

"Happy Birthday, Alexander." I say. 

"Thanks." he says and blushes. That red tint looks absolutely adorable on those high cheek bones on that pale as snow skin. 

"Well, you have to go now, but can I see you later?" I ask. 

"I would like nothing more." he says.

"Can I have your number?" I ask. 

"S-sure." he croaks and gives me his phone. He does not break eye contact. His eyes stare dead into mine. I want this to last forever. I cannot even afford the luxury of blinking. 

I type in my number, looking away for a second. I miss the sight of his eyes already. 

I hand back his phone, meeting his eyes again. He smiles at me, and waves, as he walks through the door. I can't believe I found my soulmate. It gives me jitters. 

Everything about him is perfect. I have been in love with the idea of him for 2 years, and now I can finally be in love with him. 

I open my phone and see a text, from an unknown number. 

Hey, Magnus, it's Alec, this is my number.

I smile, even in texts he is adorable. My fingers hover over the keypad on my phone. 

Hello, Alexander, I was wondering if I could see you later tonight.

I press send and immediately remember that it's his birthday. Crap, he should be celebrating with his family and friends, I open up the thread again and send him another message before he can reply. 

Sorry, maybe another day, it is your birthday, I'm sure you have your family and friends to spend it with, I'll see you another day.

I sigh and shove my phone down my pocket and head on back to my apartment. 

I open my door and fall back on the couch. I stare at the ceiling and hug one of my throw pillows. I close my eyes and all I can imagine is Alexander. His dreamy eyes, his dishevelled hair that he can still manage to look good in. I smile at the thought of him. I remember his lips and try to piece together how they would feel on my lips. They are so full, so perfect, so plump and so smooth. I could drown in them. 

I open my eyes to the ringing of my phone. It's a text from Alexander. I smile and open up to see what he has to say.

Actually, there's no one else I'd rather spend my birthday with, if that's okay with you. 

I grin widely. 

Of course, darling. Anything special you want to do?

I send off the text and wait for his response. Wait, isn't he supposed to be in class? What is he doing texting me? 

Alexander, aren't you supposed to be in class? Pay attention.

I send the text, pretty sure that I won't get a text back for a while. I place my phone, face down on the couch and open my fridge. I groan when I look at it. How could one keep something so empty?Right, because I am literally never home because I'm always on tour. 

I shut my fridge door and walk back to the couch, where I grab the remote off the coffee table. I blow a lock of hair off my face and turn on the television. I scroll and scroll through Netflix. I have some recommendations from Cat. I'm perpetually busy. I open up my three with her and scroll through our dozens of inane messages. 

I see one that catches my eye, 'On My Block.' I type into my search bar and put on the first episode. 

I watch a couple episodes and it's about 4pm. I open my phone to see twitter and stalk all of my fabulous fans. I was just replying to a message, when a text from Alexander came. 

I straightaway tapped the message, opening our entire thread. 

Sorry, yeah, I was in class. Can we meet somewhere? I'm done school for the day.

Of course I wanted to meet somewhere! Just where? I wanted it to be special. I had met my soulmate, of course. 

Meet me at my apartment. It's 78 Edom Ave.

I sent it. Was it too forward asking him to come to my house? I mean, we had only met this morning. Well, if I'm anything, I'm bold. 

I'll be there in 10. 

He sent me. I grinned and typed. 

I can't wait to see you. 

I shut off the television and I had now 10 minutes to make myself presentable. I strolled into my washroom and opened every drawer. I sprayed some hair dye on my tips. Today, I was feeling red.the colour of love. I quickly put on some eyeliner, nothing too extreme. I showered myself in glitter and put on some lip gloss that made my lips look shiny. I pursed my lips together and pooped them out. My clothes were absolutely dreadful. I had 3 minutes to change. 

I grabbed my go-to leather black pants and I put on a blue tunic. I walked right out in time, and the doorbell rang. Punctual. 

I basically ran towards the door and opened it. I smiled wide to see the hazel-eyed boy at my door. 

"Hey." he said. 

"Hello,birthday boy. Come in." I said, opening the door wider gesturing him to come in. 

He walked in and looked around. He seemed kind of uncomfortable. 

"Darling, are you okay?" I asked. 

"Hm, yeah, just, your place is beautiful." he said.

"Thank you." I gushed and he took off his shoes. 

"Well, Alexander, it's your birthday, do you want to go out or stay in and get takeout?' I asked. 

"Stay in." I said. 

"Great." I smiled, patted him on the chest, where he looked and smiled, and ran to get the phone. 

"Chinese okay with you?" I asked. 

"Anything." he said. 

I picked up the phone and called in an order. 

"Alexander, you know you can sit, right?" I said. 

Alexander blushed and he sat down on one end of the couch. 

"So, soulmate, wanna tell me about yourself?" I asked. 

He blushed when I said 'soulmate.' He was effortlessly perfect. 

"Tell me five facts about yourself and I'll tell you five about me?" I offered. 

"Okay, um, my full name is Alexander Gideon Lightwood, I have 3 siblings, I'm the oldest, I'm a senior in high school and today is my birthday." he said. 

"Well, Alexander, that only counts as 3 things, I already knew about the high school and the birthday." I pouted. He chuckled. 

"Nope, that's all you get. Also, you said five facts about ourselves, not five facts we didn't;t know about each other." Alec said. 

"Fine." I say. 

"Your turn." he said. 

"You're only getting three things out of me too." I said. 

"Nope, follow the rules." he said. 

"Fine, two can play at that game, Lightwood. My name is Magnus Bane, I am a singer, I have won a grammy, I live in New York and I like caramel macchiatos." I said. 

"You at least learned something from me! I learned nothing, I knew everything." Alec pouted. He stuck his perfect lips that I just wanted to peck withy own lips. 

"You get what you get and you don't get upset." I said.

"So, how's tour like?" Alec asked, changing the topic. 

"I love it. I get to see the world. I see the people that made me who I am. I get to do what I love, which is sing and create music and all my friends come with me because my only friends are my management team." I said.

"Seems fun." Alec said. 

"Yeah, but it's tiring, and I miss my cat, so I'm glad to be home for a while." I said. Right on cue, Chairman arrives, tail in the air, walking one paw before the other. Someone is trying to make an impression. 

"That's my cat." I say and run over to grab the Chairman. 

Chairman tries to bolt from my arms, but I keep him in an inescapable hold. 

"What's his name?" Alec asks, standing up and walking over. 

"Chairman Meow." I say, proudly. Alec pets my cat with care and gentleness. He looks into my cat's eyes and my cat doesn't look away. He does have hypnotic eyes, doesn't he?

"You're really something else." Alec chuckles. 

"I know." I say proudly. Alec smiles and holds out his arms. 

"Can I hold him?" he asks. 

I nod eagerly and release my hold on Chairman. Chairman slips perfectly into Alec's arms and makes himself comfortable. Alec handles him with such love and thought. 

"No fair." I say. 

"What?" he asks, looking away from the Chairman. 

"You stole my cat from me." I say. 

"Well, you can steal something of mine in return." he says. 

"What would you like me to steal, Alexander Lightwood?" I ask. 

"My first kiss." he says, bluntly. I look at him with wide eyes and blink a couple times. He loos unfazed.

I scotch closer to him. He does the same and there's minimal room between us. My sight drops to his lips and I watch as he licks them, as if he's nervous. 

"Well?" he croaks out. I laugh slightly, inching my face closer to his every second. He doesn't move. 

I move in closer and our lips are about to meet, when I place my hand on his mouth, blocking us from kissing, and I look away. He does the same. I can see the prominent red tint rising all the way to his ears. I smile and place my hand on his shoulder. 

"Can I kiss you?" I ask. 

"I said you could." he said. 

"No, you said I could steal it." I said. 

"You can." Alec said. 

"Darling, there's one thing I intend on stealing from you and your first kiss is not it." I say. 

"Then, consider this a gift." Alec said. 

"But, it's your birthday!" I protest. 

"Who said I was giving you the present?" he smiled. 

I chuckled and moved in closer. There were mere millimetres from our lips touching. Our noses were brushing against each other and  our foreheads collided. I breathed onto his lips and he shut his eyes. 

I shut mine, along with his and closed the space between us. 

My hands ended up in his waist, trying touring him closer with every movement we made. His lips on mine were magic. This was what kissing your soulmate was like. I saw a light, and a tingling feeling on my wrist. I opened my eyes to see it glowing. His name o my wrist was glowing a bright golden. Brighter than the sun could ever shine. I took a peek at his and saw the same thing. I saw his eyes open too. His eyes widened as they met mine. They looked as if he was in disbelief. 

He closed his eyes again. I tried to pull away, but the more I tried pulling away, the more he chased my lips. I needed air. he finally pulled away, himself a couple seconds later, giving in. 

We both looked down at our wrists to see they were still glowing. 

I smiled and said, "Happy birthday, Alexander.'' 

"Best birthday ever." he said. 

the end lol  

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