connecticut ain't that bad with you

hey loves! I thought that I should post early before I forget!! so here it is lololololol ,, its currently 4am and I literally forgot it technically counts as Friday,, so here we goooooo 

Party animal. That was the term used to describe Magnus Bane. He was quite the party animal. You're at a party, chances are you will for sure see Magnus. Magnus did not only attend every party, he threw the most barbarous parties. His parties were legendary in Brooklyn. They always ended in Magnus hammered, knocked out on his bed, naked. Always naked. 

Magnus had just thrown one of his killer bashes. No reason in particular, just to celebrate the start of Summer and the end of junior year. His mother was on a business trip, so this opportunity was not one to pass up. The house was left trashed and as if there were a pack of wolves let out. Not a pretty sight.

Magnus opened his eyes and sat on the edge of his bed, legs hanging off of the bed. He rubbed his eyes and rubbed his head, after. His world was spinning. He got up, on his feet and held onto the headboard of his bed for support. His head was thumping like crazy. He had a headache he was sure not to recover from for a couple days. Magnus carried himself to the washroom, tripping over himself. He made his way to the washroom and turned on the hot water. 

The water hit his body like hail. Magnus stood in the shower, ducking his head. He was not in the mood to do anything but sleep. He stood there for a good 15 minutes until his head felt as if blood was in it again and he walked into his room and put on some clothes. He walked downstairs to get some yogurt to help his massive hangover and saw a very angry Esmerelda Bane standing in the front of the house, right in front of the stairs as if she were waiting for Magnus. She looked unamused. Scratch that, she looked downright crossed. 

"Magnus, care to explain this mess?" she asked, arching one eyebrow that made her look scarier than before. Magnus knew in that moment he was screwed. 

His Mom did not even bother changing. Her coat and shoes were still on, and her suitcase right at the door. Magnus knew she was not letting this go so easily. 

"Um." Magnus started. 

Before he could explain himself, his mother raised a hand and said, "That means do not explain yourself." she said. Magnus looked down, refusing to meet her gaze. Esmerelda sighed.

"Well, I came back two days early because, I have news." she said. 

Magnus perked up. Anything to change the topic. 

"What?" he asked. 

"Before anything, I have to help you with your sorry hangover." she said, fading into the kitchen in which she grabbed a bottle of cold water, gatorade and yogurt. 

"Bottoms up." she said. 

Magnus looked at her with a puzzled look. "I've had my fair shares of hangovers in high school." she shrugged. Magnus smiled. His Mom may try to be scary and responsible, but more than his mother, Esmerelda was his friend. She was the kind of mom who did not nag you and understood where you came from. One of the many reasons Magnus loved her more than anything in the world. Even more than partying. 

Magnus chugged the entire thing and almost threw up in his mouth. It was absolutely sickening. 

Magnus sat down on the sofa after removing cups and pizza crusts on the cushion, making the place legible to sit. 

"So, my company has offered me a job in San Fransisco for the Summer." she explained. 

"So?" Magnus asked. 

"I'm going to take it. But, I cannot bring you with me." she said. 

Magnus wasting a happy dance inside. Staying home all Summer, without parental supervision? Hell yeah! 

"That's why you're going to Connecticut for the Summer." she said. 

Magnus' eyes widened, "I'm what?" he exclaimed. 

"Staying in Connecticut, for just the Summer." she said, grabbing his hand. 

"Alone?" he asked, getting his hopes up. 

"Are you mad? No! You'll be staying with my best friend." Esmerelda said. 

"Who's your best friend?" Magnus asked. 

"You knew her when you were young. She's my best friend. She was more than happy to let you stay." she said. 

"Yeah, but who is it?" Magnus asked, getting annoyed now. 

"Maryse Lightwood." Esmerelda said. 

"Yippee." Magnus said, unenthusiastically and rolling his eyes. 

"Baby, I'm sorry, I have to do this." Esmerelda said. 

"I know." Magnus sighed. 

"Don't think you're getting off say, you have to clean this entire place up. We leave tomorrow." she said. 

Magnus looked at her with his eyes wide opened, "You're kidding, right?" he asked. 

"Do I look as if I'm kidding?" she said, arching an eyebrow. 

Magnus turned around and rolled his eyes. 

Cleaning the house as not that hard. He had done it countless times before. Just throw everything out. That was the secret. After everything was cleared, Magnus mopped and brushed the floors till they were squeaky clean. 

The first thing Magnus did when he got upstairs was open his phone and call his best friend, Cat. 

"Cat!" Magnus called.

"What do you want, Magnus?" Cat sounded as if she had just gotten out of bed. 

"I'm going to Connecticut for the Summer, tomorrow!" 

"What?" Cat asked, sounding more interested. 

"Hunter's Moon, 1 hour? Bring the crew." Magnus said. 

"See you there." Cat said, hanging up. 

In that one hour, Magnus just sat on the edge of his bed and stared at the wall. His mom had left an empty suitcase in his room and it sat there, open, and empty. Magnus knew he did not want to go, but he had no choice. He was not in the mood to leave his friends. Not at all.

"Mom! I'm going to the Hunter's Moon with everyone!" he called out. 

"Come home soon, honey, you have to pack!" his mom called back. Before Magnus could her what the last part was, he had vanished out of the house. 

Magnus walked to the Hunter's Moon and in their usual booth in the corner sat: Cat, Ragnor, Jem, Will, Tessa and Camille. 

"Hey guys." Magnus said, sliding in next to Cat. 

"Magnus, what is this about you going to Connecticut for the Summer?" Camille asked. 

"My mom is shipping me off there because she's going to San Fransisco for her work, she can't take me and she cannot leave me alone here, so she's leaving me with her best friend." Magnus explained. 

"She has a best friend?" Ragnor snorted. 

"I know, news to me too. Her name is Maryse Lightwood." Magnus groaned. 

"You'll text everyday, though right?" Cat asked, looking hopefully at Magnus. 

"Of course. Why stop at texting, I'll Skype." Magnus said, giving the same look back to Cat. 

Right then, Magnus' phone rang, it was his mom. "Gotta go, guys." Magnus said. 

The rest of the crew slid out of their seats and hugged Magnus one by one. Magnus hugged Cat last. 

"Stay in touch, I'll miss you, idiot." she whispered. 

"I'll miss you more." he said, nuzzling in her shoulder. 

After their very quick goodbyes, Magnus walked home. It was the last time he would go to the Hunter's Moon with all of them for a while. 

Magnus entered his house and got right to packing. Just because he was not living in a place as chic and fabulous as Brooklyn for the Summer, didn't mean he had to look less gorgeous everyday. Magnus packed his favourite shirts, pants and shoes. He packed his rings, and ear cuffs, his makeup and hair products, and his toiletries. By the end, Magnus' bag was overflowing. Magnus jumped up and down on the bag to make it less full and attempted to close it by sitting on it. Nothing worked. 

He grabbed a backpack and threw in some of his jewellery and his hair stuff in his backpack, allowing the suitcase to close. Magnus packed his charger, some candy and his laptop in the backpack too and was basically ready to go. Magnus tossed his bags aside and by the time he was done, it was time for dinner. 

"You done packing, love?" his mom asked. 

Magnus nodded and continued picking at his meatloaf. 

The next morning, Esmerelda woke Magnus up at an ungodly hour. He checked his phone to check the time, it was 4:45am. 

"It should be illegal to be awake this early." he muttered to himself. 

His mom dragged him to the washroom and basically threw him into the shower. He showered, or tried to anyway.

He came out and pulled on a pair of jeans, that were his least flattering ones, but sitting in a plane was not fun. Magnus also pulled on navy cashmere sweater and pulled on his combat boots.  

He gathered his belongings and he and his mom were out of the house by 5:30am. Magnus' flight was at 6:45am, whereas, Esmerelda's was at 7:15am. 

Magnus boarded the plane and he was sure, this Summer was going to be the worst one yet. 

Magnus had arrived to Connecticut after a very painful flight. The placing of his seat was not the best. Sitting two rows away from a crying baby was not the way he wanted his flight to go. He wanted to rest his head on the window seat and sleep the entire time.

After waiting eternity for his bags, Magnus walked out. There, he saw a male with blond hair and a woman with black hair. They did not look at all related, but they both seemed to be there together because they were talking. The woman was holding sign called, 'Magnus Bane.' 

This was it. The rest of his Summer had commenced. 

"Magnus?" the woman asked, as he approached them. 

"One and only." he said, with a faint smile. 

"It's been so long." the woman said. "Last I saw you, you were a baby. You're all grown up now." she said, pulling him into a hug. She let go and kept her hands on Magnus' arms.

"Hi, Mrs. Lightwood." Magnus smiled. 

"Please, call me Maryse." she said. Magnus liked her. She seemed genuine and caring. Now he saw why her and his mother are best friends. 

"I'm Jace. Maryse's son." the blond said, extending his hand out to Magnus after Maryse let him go. 

"Pleasure. Son?" Magnus asked, shaking Jace's hand. 

"Adopted." Jace shrugged. 

"Oh." Magnus said. 

"Yeah, shall we go?" Jace said, immediately changing the topic.

Magnus nodded and he piled his bags into the car. Really, it was one suitcase and one backpack. Not much.

Magnus sat in the backseat of their SUV, whereas Jace drove and Maryse sat shotgun. 

Magnus was quiet the the entire ride. He was looking out the window. From afar, it seemed as if he were admiring the scenery, but, really, he was thinking about Brooklyn and his friends. He missed them so much. It was only day one so far. The whole Summer left. 

"I take it you aren't happy to be here?" Maryse asked. 

"Not exactly thrilled." Magnus replied, trying to sound as polite as possible. 

"Your tone was so polite but what you said was harsh, you're trouble, Bane." Jace said, looking back in the mirror at Magnus. 

"You don't know the half of it, Blondie." Magnus smirked. 

Jace shut up after that and they rode in silence. Alec knew he liked Maryse, he was not so keen on Blondie, here. He was quite arrogant. 

Jace pulled up at quite a large house in the middle of the city. It was larger than the loft they had in Brooklyn. 

Magnus' eyes widened. "You live here?" he asked. 

Jace smirked, "Yeah, the rents are loaded." he said, opening the door and exiting the car. 

Magnus was still in awe. The house was gorgeous. The front yard had a beautiful garden filled with every flower in every colour. The actual house itself was stunning. The exterior was huge and the front porch had large stairs that met at the top and a gorgeous black railing two large black doors. The black went perfect with the deep red that were the bricks of the house. Connecticut maybe did have some standards. 

Jace knocked on the window, slouching Magnus' backpack on his shoulder and dragging his suitcase along. "Come on, we have not gotten all day." Jace complained. Magnus rolled his eyes and got out of the car. Jace unlocked the door and Maryse seemed to have disappeared into the garden. 

"Welcome." he said, opening the door dramatically and walking in. Magnus walked in, examining every feature of the house. The entrance was absolutely breathtaking. The stairs were  there, with a glass chandelier hanging above and cream painted walls, with a hardwood floor and a vintage dresser. The shoe rack was even matching. The Lightwood's house was more together than his entire life. 

Suddenly, Magnus heard rampage down the stairs. Down came a small figure. Her charcoal hair  was draped down her shoulders and her eyes gleamed hazel. Her figure was small but she had a body like any girl would dream of. Her curves were all that. Her fashion sense was quite nice too. She wore a black crop top with mesh cuts and a pair of black leggings with a cut on the upper thigh. Her lips were a blood red. She was Maryse's twin. She had to be the daughter. 

"I'm Isabelle." she said, smiling a brilliant smile, extending her hand out to him.

"Magnus." he said, grabbing her hand and placing a light kiss on it. Isabelle giggled. 

"I like you." she stated.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, darling."  he said. 

"Max! Come down and meet the guest." Isabelle yelled, placing her hands to surround her mouth, annunciating every word. 

Down came a small little boy. He could not be older than 8. His eyes were a hazel like Isabelle's, but his hair was brown, unlike hers. His face was pale and had freckles all over them. He was adorable. 

"I'm Max." he said, looking up at Magnus, extending his arm. Magnus chuckled and bent down to meet Max's eye level. 

"I'm Magnus." Magnus said, accepting Max's hand shake. The boy had quite the grip. His handshake was firm. He meant business.

"Do you read Manga?" Max asked, looking hopeful to Magnus. Magnus ruffled his hair. 

"I do, in fact." he said. 

"Great!" Max said, tugging on Magnus' arm to come with him. 

"Hey Max, Magnus needs to get settled, then you can show him all your manga." Jace said, placing his hand on Max's waist. 

"Fine. But," Max looked at Magnus, "you will read manga with me, right?" he asked Magnus in the most innocent way possible. 

"Of course." Magnus replied, smiling at Max. 

"Let's go, sparkles." Jace grumbled. 

Magnus smiled and took his suitcase from Jace. "Lead the way." he said. 

Isabelle followed along with Jace and Magnus. Magnus' room was right down the hall, the last room. 

"Your room is across from Alec's, so if you need anything ask him, and do not come to me." Jace said. 

"Oh, ignore him, my room is two doors away, you are welcome anytime." Isabelle said. Magnus smiled at her. 

"Whatever." Jace rolled his eyes, "Your bathroom is on the right and the walk in closet on the left. The washroom is all yours and the closet has hangers and organizers if you need them." he explained.

The two left Magnus alone to unpack. Magnus did not unpack. He grabbed his laptop and opened Skype. He needed to see his friends. 

*ringing Cat* 

"Hey!" Cat said, as she picked up the call.

"Hi." Magnus groaned. 

"I don't know why you're sulking, your room looks so cool!" Cat said. Of course it was the first thing she noticed. She had an eye for interior designing. 

"Obviously you think so." Magnus said. 

"How are you? What's it like there?" Cat asked. 

"It's nice. The scenery is pretty, I miss Brooklyn, though." Magnus sighed. 

"How are the Lightwood's?" she asked. 

"Maryse is lovely. Isabelle, the daughter is a delight. Max, the youngest is adorable and wants me to read manga with him. Jace, adopted brother, is arrogant, not too fond of him." Magnus explained. "There are two I have not met yet. The dad, Robert and their oldest son, Alec. His room is across from mine apparently. Hopefully, he's as good as Isabelle and Max." he said. 

"Well, have fun! I'm sure he'll be great. Also, I have to go, Ragnor is calling." Cat said. 

"Bye, Cat. I love you." Magnus smiled. 

"Love you too, Bane." she said, shaking her head and ending the call. 

Now Magnus did what he was supposed to do. Unpack. 

Magnus took his shoes and placed them on the floor of the closet, he took his shirts and hung them on the hangers and neatly folded his pants to stay on the shelf. His socks and undergarments went in a little drawer. He placed hie jewellery there as well. He wondered how long he would be able to keep up this neatness. 

Next, was the washroom. Magnus grabbed his bag of toiletries and set them up in the washroom. His hair accessories and makeup included.His toothbrush sat in the holder, his face wash placed next to it. His comb, floss, razor and lotion placed in the drawer. His makeup in the drawer below and his hair sprays, tools and machines in the bottom drawer. All he had left was his technology, which was to be put on the bed side. He made sure his laptop and phone were plugged in and everything was in order. Just as he was done and about to grab his phone to call his mom, Isabelle barged in. 

"Sorry for intruding but, it's time for lunch." she said. 

"Be down in a second." he replied and smiled. 

Then, Jace barged in. "Dude, I may not be too fond of you, but I do not want you to die." he said. 

"What?" Magnus was conflicted, what was going on?

"Make sure, that whatever you do, you do not eat Isabelle's food. Alec and I can cook decently, but Izzy's food is inedible. Do. Not. Eat. It." he said. 

"Thank you for the warning, Blondie." Magnus said. 

"It's Jace, Sparkles." he corrected. 

"Magnus, Blondie." he said. 

Magnus POV

I walked downstairs and as I walked down into the kitchen, I saw a tall, lean figure, wearing an apron. They were swinging their hips to the beat and humming the tunes, as they were cooking. 

"That smells lovely." I said. 

The figure turned around. He was beautiful. My breath was taken away. The boy's skin was like Max's, but somehow even paler. It looked like snow. His hair was messy and covered his eyes and when he swept is hair out of his face, swoon. He had hazel eyes, but they were unlike Magnus had seen before. They were different from Maryse, Max and Isabelle's. They were somehow deeper. As if you could drown in them. The boy immediately flushed red and pulled his earphones out of his ears.

"Who. Are. You?" was all I managed to get out.

"Alec." the boy said. His cheeks were flushed. 

"I'm sorry, I was just messing around. Please don't tell me you saw anything." Alec pleaded. 

"On the contrary. You were adorable, darling." I said. 

Alec blushed even deeper, refusing to meet my gaze. 

"What are you cooking?" I asked, leaning on the island. 

"Just some hot dogs for lunch." he shrugged. 

"I'm Magnus , by the way, I don't think I formally introduced myself." I said. 

"Yeah, um, Mom told me about you." Alec said. 

"How come I did not see you until now?" I asked. 

"I was getting Max some stuff." Alec said.

"Ah, big brother. I do love the protective ones." I sighed, looking off into space. 

"What?" Alec said, rubbing the back of his head. He had no clue what that meant. I knew. 

"You have much to learn, pretty boy." I said, walking over, patting his shoulder and walking into the living room, finding Isabelle. 

Isabelle was laying on the sofa, finding some decent show to watch on Netflix. "You met Alec?" she asked. 

"Yes. About him, is he a flower or cologne guy?" I asked. 

"Alec does not at all like attention." she said, seeming unfazed at the question. Then, she dropped the remote and looked at Magnus. 

"Wait, you like him?" she asked. 

"He's hot." I blurted. 

"I keep trying to tell him that." Isabelle said. 

"I'm pretty sure Alec's straight anyway." I sighed. 

"What are you?" she asked. I gave her a look. "Sexual orientation, I mean." she said, waving her hand. 

"Oh, I'm bi." I replied. 

"Cool. No one is really open about their sexuality here. I've never seen a guy who wears glitter." Isabelle said. 

"Glitter is a staple to every wardrobe. You must be crazy not to have some." I said, looking offended. 

Then, Alec walked in. "Izzy, lunch." he said, motioning to the kitchen. 

"You want something Magnus?" Isabelle asked, getting up. 

"I'm okay." I said. "I'll just come with you." 

"You s-sure?" Alec asked.

"Yeah." Magnus reassured him. 

Alec nodded and walked back into the kitchen. At the dining table, were Jace and Max sitting. Max was patiently waiting with his hands folded on the table looking at god knows what. Jace was smiling at his phone. Isabelle went and sat down next to Jace. 

"Who you texting?" she asked, peering over Jace's shoulder. 

"No one." he said, with a smile, shutting his phone off and shoving it into his pocket.

"Probably some girl." Magnus said, sitting down in front of Isabelle. 

"Oh no, Jace has a boyfriend." Isabelle said. Jace blushed. 

"I do not." he said. 

"Really? It's okay, I mean I'm bi." I shrugged. 

"Really?" Alec asked. His eyes widened.

I nodded. He looked down and I saw a smile creep upon his face. Almost as if he were glad I was bisexual. I mean, I hope he is too. Or gay. Or pan. Or Magnus-sexual. Really, just anything that says he likes me. 

"I like this boy and I also like this girl." Jace finally said. 

I looked at him in surprise. I thought dear Isabelle was kidding about the boyfriend. 

"Elaborate." I said, placing my elbows on the table and my hands intertwined, holding up my chin. 

"I mean there's this guy, Simon and this girl, Clary." he said. 

"They're best friends!" Isabelle shrieked. 

I flinched. Oops. He's in a tough spot there. Almost too tough. Causing drama. I like this. This is my cup of tea. Of course, I would not want to be in Jace's situation, but, I mean, it is hilarious. 

"Ah, the best friend trauma. I've experienced this before." I sigh, looking off into space. Hopefully Alexander is looking over here. 

"You have?" Jace asked, looking hopeful. 

"Not me. My dear friend, Tessa." I said. It wasn't a lie. Tessa was torn between Will and Jem. They both were the best of friends and madly in love with Tessa. Tessa, my dear friend, making things more complicated than they should be, was also in love with both of them. I will offered her advice and she finally chose Jem. She and him are still happy and in love, Tessa seems to have gotten over Will, Will has found someone else and Jem and Will are still as tight as ever. 

"What happened?" Isabelle asked. 

"Well, she had these two boys in love with her, who happened to be best friends. They are also two of my very good friends, Jem Carstairs and Will Herondale. She was also in love with the both of them and she eventually chose one, with my help, of course." I said.

"What'd you say to her?" Jace asked, looking hopeful. Ah, Blondie wanted me to help. How naive. Alas, I was feeling elated, I met Alexander, so, really, I would help his moron of a brother. 

"I said, to choose the second one she fell in love with, because if she really loved the first one, she would not have fell for the second one." I said. 

"Wise." a voice said, I turned and was surprised to see it was Alexander who said so. 

"Thank you, Alexander." I said, unable to hold in my smile. What the hell? I had just met this guy. There was no way he already had me wrapped around his finger. I will fight it. I can't fall in love. I'm supposed to hate it here.

"Alec." he said.

"May I ask why you hate Alexander?" I said, sweetly. 

"Our parents call him that when he's in trouble, no one else calls him that. He thinks the name is too 'posh.'" Blondie replied. Ugh, who was talking to him? I was talking to lovely Alexander here and stupid Blondie had to cut in. 

"Well, I will be the first to call you Alexander and boy, are you in trouble." I said and winked at Alexander. Alexander flushed red. How adorable. I giggled. His blush was really so innocent. The red tint on his pale cheeks was so noticeable, no matter how hard tried to hide it.

"Anyway, so, I met Clary first and I liked her first, but then I met Simon and I swooned." Jace said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, Blondie, seems as if you have your answer." I said. 

"Jace, Sparkles." he corrected. 

"Whatever." I said, waving my hands if to dismiss the subject.

"So, are you going to make a move on Simon?" Isabelle asked. 

"I don't know. I mean, what if he isn't interested? I like him, a lot, and he's different. He's like nerdy and sweet and talks too much, he is adorable." Jace gushed. 

"Awwww!" Isabelle cooed, clapping her hands. 

"Jace has a boyfriend!" Max chanted. Isabelle soon joined him. They chanted repeatedly and Alec was sitting there, smiling, admiring how happy his siblings were. Jace was flushed and was throwing napkins at Max and Isabelle, begging for them to stop. I just gazed at Alexander. He was a sight for sore eyes. His smile was blissful and genuine. He really had the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. Soon, lunch was over and everyone went back to their own rooms. I was sitting on the bed with my laptop on my lap, opening my Netflix account to watch Black Mirror. 

I watched the show with interest when I heard a nock on my door after a while. "Come in!" I yelled. The door slowly creaked open and there was standing Alexander. 

"Um M-mom s-said to c-come down f-for d-dinner." He stuttered. He really was adorable. He was my age and I was calling him adorable. Really, there was no other word for him. Adorable was the best suited definition of Alexander. 

"Thank you for telling me, Alexander." I said, closing my laptop screen and jumping off the bed. 

"What time is it?" I asked, walking towards him. 

"6:15." he said. Was I really watching Netflix for that long? Damn. 

"Thank you, again, Alexander." I said. He flushed red and twitched. 

"Do you not like it when I call you Alexander?" I asked, having the r in Alexander roll off my tongue. 

"No, I actually like it." he said, ever so softly, I could barely hear him. 

"Good." I said, smiling. 

We walked downstairs and I saw a man sit at the head of the table.  He was bald and had eyes like Max. I could only assume it was Robert Lightwood. 

Maryse was sitting on the right of Robert and got up when Alexander and I approached.

"Magnus! This is Robert." Maryse introduced with a smile. 

I smiled back and extended his hand, "Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Lightwood." I said. 

"As you, Mr. Bane." Robert said, seeming unfazed by me, not meeting eye contact and waving a hand of dismissal. Quite rude, actually. 

"Actually, I would prefer you call me Magnus." I said, clearing my throat and quickly taking back my hand. I did not like Robert. Seems as if he wasn't a huge fan of me either. I cannot fathom why. I am quite charming. 

Alexander had walked over to his seat and sat down during my awkward little encounter with Robert Lightwood. 

I walked over, confused as to where to sit, "You can sit next to Alec." Maryse said. I nodded and took the seat next to Alec, who was sitting next to Jace. Maryse, Isabelle and Max sat on the other side of the table. 

"So, Magnus, how are you liking our little home?" Maryse very kindly asked me. 

I wiped my mouth and before I could say anything, Robert interrupted, "Maryse, no talking at the dinner table." he said, sternly, looking dead into Maryse' eyes. 

Instead of replying, Maryse moved her gaze down as if she were apologizing and ashamed of her actions. It was awful. No one should be treated like that. Especially by their husband. 

After dinner, I helped Maryse and Alexander with the dishes. 

"Thank you so much, dear." Maryse beamed at me. 

"It's the least I can do." I smiled. 

As I was parting, I heard a deep and soothing voice call my name. That voice belonged to one person. Alexander. I smiled before I turned around to see what he wanted. 

"Magnus!" he called after me, rubbing his hands on a towel and tossing it off to the side. 

"Yes, darling?" I said. He blushed. This boy was just too cute. Every little thing made him blush. I have never met someone so precious. 

"I-I was w-wondering if you w-wanted t-to go into town w-with m-me tomorrow?" he asked, looking down, as if he were afraid I would say no. 

"I'd love to, darling! What time?" I asked. 

"After breakfast! Also, don't eat anything Isabelle feeds you, it's poison." he said, shyly. 

"Noted. Thank you, Alexander. Is that all?" I asked. 

"Y-yes." he replied. Still adorable as ever. I could die staring into his hazel eyes. 

"If you'll excuse me then." I said, politely. He stepped back and I took it as a sign of being excused. I flashed him a toothy grin and I ran up the stairs. 

Alec's POV

I know I shouldn't feel what I feel, but I do. Magnus makes my heart jump and he makes me swoon. He's so effortlessly stunning and his ability to leave me speechless is astounding. I forget how to breathe when I see him. He's kind and he caresser my mother. He gets along with Isabelle great, with Jace, it's debatable and with Max, he is wonderful. He's perfect. 

He's so different. No one here wears glitter or dresses quite like him. I wish I could pull off what he's wearing. It's so colourful, yet everything is coordinated and nothing looks out of place. His cologne is a distinct smell. Not like anything I've ever smelt. It smells so delicious though. 

I asked him to going town tomorrow. I don't know what came over me. I just asked him. He graciously agreed. I need to talk to Izzy. She'll know what to do. 

"Hey Iz." I said, knocking on her door.

"Hey, big bro." she said, not looking up from her laptop screen. 

"I need your help." I stated.

"What services can I offer you, brother dearest?" she asked. 

"I need your help, because I asked Magnus to go into town tomorrow and I have no idea what to wear or what to show him." I said, shutting the door and walking in. I spoke as softly as possible, not knowing if our walls are thin and Magnus was a couple doors over. 

"Oh my angel!" she exclaimed, shutting her laptop screen and jumping off her bed to walk over to me. She grabbed my hands and walked over to my room, pulling me along with her. I shut the door behind us and she opened my closet. 

"Do you own anything other than black?" she asked me. 

"Um, no?" I answered, as if it were a trick question. 

"Do you like him?" she whispered. 

I smiled and looked down. I nodded. I was blushing hard, I did not want Isabelle to see. She's never let me I've it down. I mean, never. 

"Cute." she smiled and went back to looking through my closet. Her smile faded as she was going through my clothes. 

"Your style sucks." she stated. 

"Thank you for stating the obvious, sister dearest." I said, flopping onto my bed and covering my face with my hands.

"Aha!" she said. Throwing an outfit at my face. 

"Try this on." she said, pointing towards the washroom.

"Fine." I grumbled. I knew I was not going to like this. Remind me why I asked Isabelle of all people to help me? Oh right, because I asked Magnus to go out to town, not even on a date and she gets along with him. 

I walked into the washroom, putting on a tight black button up. It hugged my body. Perfectly glued to my torso and arms. I forgot I even owned this. Izzy bought it for me and I refused to wear it. Guess she found it. Damn it. She also tossed me a pair of jeans. Yes. Black jeans. As I opened them, I saw they weren't any of my regular jeans. These had holes in them. No. I tried them on, having a distressed hole on my left knee and a slit on my right thigh. Damn it, Izzy. 

I took a deep breath and walked out of the washroom. Isabelle clapped. "You look great! Magnus is going to be drooling." she said, winking. I blushed and hid my face. 

"You're welcome!" she called out as she was leaving. 

"Thank you." I said to myself and smiled. I changed right back into the clothes I was wearing before. 

Comfort at last. 

Magnus POV

"Cat!" I called on a Skype call. She had gathered the entire gang at her house and they were on a skype call with me.

"Mags!" she smiled. 

"You called me twice today, you okay?" she asked. 

"I'm -----" I forgot to finish my sentence because I just imagined Alexander and I together. His smile and his blush. He was perfect. 

"Guys! Magnus has a crush." Cat called. Suddenly, everyone tried to fit their faces on the screen. 

"Who are they?" "Are they cute?" "Name?" "Describe." "Details." I was bombarded with questions like these. Even by Ragnor and Raphael, who had no interest in my love life. 

"His name is Alexander Lightwood. He's the eldest Lightwood sibling. He is perfect. From his looks to his voice to his personality. Our first encounter was when he was dancing in the kitchen, cooking lunch for his siblings. He flushed red at the sight of me. He has this adorable blush that just makes me swoon every time he does it. Which is often. His smile is so genuine and pure. Looking at it makes me feel like everything bad in the world doesn't exist anymore. He is so lovely and caring, he asked me to go into town with him tomorrow, so, I can't wait!" I explained. They all listened very attentively. 

"Well, how old is he?" Ragnor asked. 

"That's all you got from that, you dimwit?" I snapped.

"Answer, Bane." he commanded. 

"He's our age." I said. 

"Good, we would not want you preying on some 15 year old." Ragnor remarked, obnoxiously. 

"Shut up, Rag." I said. He hates it when I call him Rag. I do it to piss him off. 

"Make me." he said. 

"I cannot kiss you right now, but if I were there, I would, just to prove my point." I smirked. 

Ragnor shut up. I smiled at myself, did a little victory dance internally. 

"What are you going to wear?"Camille asked. 

"Ah, a question an intellectual would ask. Thank you, dear Camille." I said, eying Ragnor. He stuck his tongue out at me. 

"To answer your question, I have absolutely no idea what I am to wear. I mean, we aren't in New York, so I doubt anyone dresses like me, as Isabelle has told me many times, also, it's not a date. I mean, he's just showing me around town. It's no big deal." I shrugged. 

"Well, it's a date whether he knows it or not and I know you'll come up with something spectacular!" Camille said. 

"Well, Will and Jem, what's wrong with you two?" I asked. I noticed they were off and I could not really place my finger on what it was. Tessa also seemed to be missing and she was nowhere to be found. This could not mean anything good. I shivered. 

"Well, we are concerned for you." Jem sighed. 

"What?" I asked.

"Well, you barely know this guy and you probably will never see him again after this Summer, we just don't want you to get you hopes up or for you to be heartbroken." Will explained. 

"I'm touched at your concern, but, I can handle myself." I said. 

"You said that with Elias too, and you two went to the same school. Remember how that ended?" Jem asked. 

"I was less mature then." I countered. 

Will and Jem snickered, "Well, we just want you to be careful." they said in unison. Sheesh, sometimes it's hard to think of them as two separate beings, they are so in sync, you'd think they were the ones dating. 

"Thank you, dear James and William." I said, "Also, where's darling Tessa?" I asked.

"Tessa's out working. She got a job. She's working at Hunter's Moon!" Jem explained. 

"How am I hearing about this now and from you? Tessa and I need to have a word." I said. 

The group laughed. I loved my friends, frankly, I wish they were here with me. I owed them my life. Especially Cat. She has saved me countless times from committing foolish acts. Even illegal ones. If she couldn't stop me, she saved me from them. She always was there. I love her so much, it hurts. 

"Well, there's a party today and everyone came here to get ready. We miss you, Mags. Party won't be the same without you." Cat said. 

"Well, of course, no party in New York is the same without Magnus Bane." I said, proudly. Cat chuckled. 

"Miss you, boo-boo." she said. 

"Miss you too, love." I said, softly and she hung up. I miss them. They were going to a party. Of course they can't put their life on hold for me, but I can't say that I don't miss them and that I don't wish I was there. I wish that more than anything, but right now, I have a more pressing matter to attend to, what am I going to wear tomorrow? 

After searching for what felt like forever. I found the perfect outfit. From my pile of clothes that were now scattered on the floor. I chose a magenta button up shirt, that would be left open, over a navy tank top, with black leather pants and a gold chain hanging down all the way to my belly button, my assortment of rings and an large, gold ear cuff. My outfit would leave anyone's mouth left open. 

I placed the whole outfit on a hanger and left out my chosen accessories, leaving it on my closet for handle. 

The time was still early, so I went downstairs to go see if anything interesting was happening. 

Alec POV

After choosing my outfit, I walked out of my room and closed my door. I was bored. Maybe something interesting was happening downstairs. I walked out and saw that Magnus was also walking downstairs. He met my eyes and smiled. I swear, my heart stopped. He was so perfect. I gave him a wide grin. Smiling was never my forte, but he makes me want to smile. 

He walks over and my heart now, instead of stopping, is funding right out of y chest I'm sure you can see it from miles away. 

"Alexander!" he chirped. 

"Magnus." I said. 

"You wanna do something?" he asked. 

"Yeah, I'm really bored." I shrugged. 

"Me too, wanna get Blondie and Izzy?" he asked. 

"Yeah, we can watch a movie downstairs in the basement." I said. We had a private theatre downstairs. It was really a blessing. I don't have to leave the house to see movies. I am a proud movie enthusiast. But, Izzy and Jace call me a movie nerd. 

"Perfect, I'll get them and you can go see the movie situation?" he asked. 

"Okay." I shrugged and walked off. I saw Magnus walk into Jace and Izzy's room. He has such a pretty butt. I'm not even kidding. Like, it's so perfectly sculpted. He is so perfect. Am I swooning? I should probably go downstairs and check the theatre. 

I walk downstairs and I see Max reading in the living room. 

"Maxie, you come down and see a movie with us?" I ask.

He nods eagerly. I smile and he walks with me downstairs. None of us ever go to the movies. Unless it's on a date. Which only Jace and Izzy have had the luxury of experiencing. We walk downstairs and I switch on the lights. The LED lights shine bright over the chairs and the flat screen. The projector and player are on the kiosk at the back. We have many choices, but we could always play a movie on our computer and then hook it up with the HDMI if we don't own a movie. Which is usually not the case. We have every movie ever. 

Jace, Izzy and Magnus skipped downstairs. You could hear their footsteps and their voices. The basement was cool, there was a sudden chill. The AC must be on too high.

I stepped over to the thermostat and lowered the temperature. The three others came down. Jace had a bowl of popcorn in his hand and Izzy had Coca Cola. 

The 5 of us chose spots on the seats. I sat at the very corner. Magnus ran and took the spot next to me. He smiled and I felt a smile tug at the corners of my mouth as well. Izzy, Jace and Max sat down as well. 

"So what are we watching?" Magnus asked, stretching his arms and legs out. 

"Clueless?" Izzy suggested. 

"Darling, to think I could not adore you more." Magnus said. 

Izzy beamed. "Bo-ring!" Jace said.

"Well then, what do you suggest, Blondie?" Magnus snapped. 

No one had ever talked to Jace like this except Izzy. To be honest, it was quite hilarious. Jace was so annoyed by it. 

"How about Terminator, Sparkles?" Jace said, wincing his eyes at Magnus. 

"I also think that's a great choice." Magnus said. Looking at Jace's face, it was safe to say he did not, at all expect that answer. 

"What do you think, dear Max?" Magnus said, and turned to my little brother.

"Spider Man: Homecoming." Max said. 

"I love that movie too!" Magnus said. Max smiled. Max and Magnus got along great. A total bonus. What? A bonus? For what? Ugh. I hate this. 

"What do you think, darling?" Magnus asked and turned his body to face me.

He looked so cute. He was smiling and his eyes were wide with hope. His eyes were already a gorgeous amber colour. I just dove right in. His smile was so bright. Looking at it made all of my problems fade away. This man was the literal human version of sunshine and rainbows. He's so beautiful. 

"Alec?" Izzy asked, snapping me back into reality. I must've dozed for a second. 

I felt heat rise to my cheeks, damn it. I hate this stupid blushing thing I do. It makes me so readable. Clearly, everyone knows I like him. Stupid blush gave it away. 

"Um, they're all great, but I think Spider Man is what I'm feeling right now." I shrugged. 

Max threw his fist in the air, "YES!" he exclaimed. 

Jace and Izzy shot me a look. I shot one back, that set them in place. Max was way too excited and he turned on the movie. All of us settled into our positions. Magnus sat perfectly straight in his seat. All the rest of us were spread out on our seats. I'm sure Magnus was trying to be nice. He shouldn't have to. He's staying here for three months.

The duration time of the movie was quite long. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep. I don't know when I fell asleep though. 

"Alexander." I had a smooth whisper in my ear. That voice made my skin tingle and I woke right up. I woke up on Magnus' lap. Crap. How did this happen? 

I jerked my head right up. "I-I'm sorry." 

"It's alright." he smiled.

More heat. I can practically feel myself get red. I hate this. Blushing is so annoying. I have the palest skin ever too. Everything looks more pigmented on my stupid skin. 

"I-I should go." I said, and practically jumped off the seat. 

I ran upstairs and before I did, I heard Izzy and Jace snicker in the corner. Max was unfazed. He just was upset that the movie was over. 

Magnus POV 

Alexander was really a gem. He fell asleep on my lap and I, for one welcomed it entirely. He was adorable when he slept. Steady breaths, his breath blew a strand of hair off his face that kept falling into his eyes.

He was also adorable when he woke up. He was so flustered. Poor boy. He ran. Well, he can't hide from me, forever. We have a date tomorrow. Or well not-a-date date. 

All of us walked upstairs after the movie was over. I fell right asleep. That bed was quite comfortable, might I add. The pillows were very well chosen. 

I snuggled into the pillows and before I knew it, my eyes shut and I was in dream land. 

Alec POV

I still can't believe I slept on Magnus' lap. That's so embarrassing. He must be so weirded out by me. I hate this. Why is life so hard? I have to go into town with him today too? Ugh, way to make things awkward, Alec. 

I woke up and changed into the awfully tight clothes Isabelle picked out for me. I swear they felt more comfortable yesterday. Maybe it's the popcorn. 

I tugged on the clothes and hoped I looked okay. Washing my face and brushing my teeth were so much harder in these clothes. Why did I change before brushing? More stupidity. I struggled to finish brushing and washing my face. Then, I looked in the mirror and tried to do something about my mane of messy hair. It's so thick. I tried brushing it off to the side, so it does not fall onto my eyes, but, it must've caught Lightwood genes and it is too stubborn. So, I gave up. 

I sprayed on some perfume and put on deodorant. I don't want to scare the cute boy living in my house because I stink. I made sure I smelt decent and walked downstairs to see all of my siblings and Magnus eating breakfast. 

"You took an awful lot ofttimes coming downstairs." Izzy commented. 

"Shut it." I snapped and proceeded to open the fridge. 

"We have no food." I stated. It was a fact. The fridge was completely empty. 

"There is pancakes." Max said, during himself some orange juice. 

"Who made them?" I asked, without missing a beat. I had to make sure they were Izzy-proof. 

"Calm down, I made them." Jace said, taking his plate to the sink. I sighed and grabbed a plate to place my pancakes on. 

I walked over to the table and sat in front of Magnus. He looked lovely. His eyes were shining, reflecting on the sun. His skin was glistening like one of those vampires in Twilight. You know, Edward Cullen? 

He looked breathtaking. His skin glistening and clear. His eyes shining and dreamy. His hair was absolutely gorgeous. I had to fight the urge to run my hand through it. I'm sure he'd fight me if I messed up his hair though. 

From here, I could see his completely fit body. Thank the Angel, he works out. His tank top is so tightly fitted, and the colours look so good on him. He's wearing literally pink! Or is that purple? Anyways, he looks wonderful. 

"Good morning Alexander!" he chirps. I keep staring. I don't notice that he's talking to me. His body is perfection. Like how is someone that ripped? 

"See something you like?" he smirked. That caught my attention. 

"What?" I say. Really Lightwood? That's the best you can come up with?  I feel more heat rise to my cheeks. You know, without this stupid blushing tendency, my life would be so much better. My siblings don't have this problem. Why do I? 

"Nothing. You ready to go?" he asked. 

"Yeah, I'm just going to finish up." I say. 

"Okay, I'll help with the dishes while I wait." he says and gets up. 

My Mom and siblings probably adore him for doing the dishes. All of us run from that job. He gets better and better. 

I finally finish a millennia later and walk into the kitchen to see Magnus closing the dishwasher. 

"Ah, just in time darling. Ready to go?" he asked. 

I nod. "Great!" he says, flashing me a brilliant smile and bringing his hands together. He walks forward and I follow. His butt looks so good in those leather pants. Wait. What? His butt? Why am I staring at his butt? 

Magnus POV

He is so precious I literally want to scream. He eats so quietly and peacefully. I cancel him staring at me. It's literally burning my skin. His eyes are glued. I can't say I'm surprised, I mean have you seen me? Anyone would be swooning over me. I'd swoon over me. By the angel, I sound like Blondie. 

We reach outside and he reaches in his pocket. 

"Crap, I forgot my car keys, I'll be right back." he says, running off. He's so flustered, it's really adorable. 

Third Person POV 

Alec arrived back with the keys a couple minutes later. 

"Sorry, Jace forgot where he put the keys." Alec muttered. 

"It's alright, darling." Magnus said.

"Let's head out." Alec said, unlocking the car and opening the door. 

Magnus followed Alec and sat in the passenger seat. 

"The drive is a couple minutes." Alec said, turning the car on. 

"You have to drive into town? I swear I step out the door and BAM town!" Magnus said. Alec chuckled. 

"New York really seems like quite the place." he said. 

"You have no idea." 

"Connecticut seems boring compared to it." 

"I mean..." Magnus knew what Alec said was right but did not want to come off as rude. "Connecticut has it's perks." Magnus said, questionably. 

"Oh?" Alec questioned, "Like what?" 

"Ummm.." Magnus said, placing his finger on his chin. 

"Right, you can't name any." Alec said. 

"Well, I have not been here long enough." Magnus argued. 

"Sure, name me one thing better that Connecticut has that New York doesn't." Alec challenged. 

"I accept your challenge, darling." Magnus smiled. Alec felt himself smile too. 

"I can't wait for your answer." Alec said.

Then, Alec pulled out of the driveway. "You'll meet some great people."he said. 

"Where are we going?" Magnus asked. 

"Well, town is not as huge as New York, obviously, we have some small stores and stuff, I know some people there, we can go there and after we can go to the park." Alec explained. 

"Sounds lovely." Magnus replied. 

Magnus POV 

The drive was so smooth. The roads were perfectly paved and no traffic at all. This town was so much more humane than New York. Although, I do miss the soothing sounds of horns and yelling on the streets.

Alexander must have not been looking where he was going because the traffic light abruptly turned red and he slammed down the emergency brake. While he was flooring the brake, his hand landed on my thigh. A certain warmth went through my system. As panicked as I was, his touch made it all better. What was this?  

"S-sorry." he stuttered as soon as he realized where his hand was. 

"That's alright, darling." I smiled. He looked away, as I saw a tint of red on his cheeks. I swear to god he will be the death of me.

He puled up at a bookshop. "Oh, sorry, I have to get something for Max, town is up ahead, I can get it later if you want." he said very quickly. 

"No problem, I'll come with you." I said, unbuckling my seatbelt. 

"Okay." he said quietly. 

We walked into the store and the bell rang. 

"Alec!" a voice called. 

"Hey Maia." he said. 

"Who's this?" she raised her eyebrows, gesturing towards me. 

"Magnus, he's staying with us for the summer." Alec explained.

The girl was cute. Her dark skin was complimented by her green eyes. Almost like a werewolf. Her hair were in messy curls all over her head, they were lovely. She was quite small, but looked like she could pack a punch. 

"He's totally your type." she winked at Alec. 

Alec turned a deep red. 

"Well, he's my type too." I said, making Alec blush deeper. 

"C-can I have the next volume of the Iron Man, for Max?" Alec asked, changing the topic. Subtle. I like.

"Of course." Maia said, rushing into the back. Then a taller man appeared from the background. 

"Hey Luke." Alec greeted. 

"Alec! We have the next book in the Trials of Apollo if you want it." Luke said. 

"Yes!" Alec replied. He smiled a blissful smile. It was the single most beautiful thing I had ever seen. 

"Great, I'll be right back." he said, going to grab the book. 

"Do you want anything?" Alec asked me. 

"You." I blurted. He blushed again, walking away and averting his gaze. 

Great job, Bane. You've done it now. Scared the beautiful boy off. 

Maia reappeared. She had two books in her hand. 

"Alec!" she called. 

"Coming." he muttered. He pulled out his wallet and took out 20 dollars. 

"Thank you." he said. 

"Get some." she whispered to him. She probably thought I could not hear. Ha. She winked and he blushed again. 

He opened his car door and turned on the car. 

"Ready to go?" he asked. 

I nodded.

"Look, I'm sorry I made that comment earlier, if it made you uncomfortable it was not my intention." I said, breaking the awkward silence. 

"It's fine." he said. 

"You know, I wasn't lying." I said. 

"What?" he asked. His eyes widened. 

"Yeah, you're cute and literally the kindest human to step foot on this planet, I really like you." I said. 

"I like you too." he said. My heart felt as if it were to burst. He is so sweet. So innocent. I swear I want to hold him and protect him from all evil. 

We headed into town. There was nothing much. We walked around in a few stores and we headed to the park at sunset. 

"I had fun today." I said, sitting on the bench next to him. 

"Me too." he said. 

He moved in closer to me. 

"You." I said. 

"What?" he asked. 

"You're something in Connecticut that New York doesn't have." I said. 

"Well, guess we'll have to make the most of what we have." he said. 

He leaned in and kissed me! It was like a dream. His lips on to mine. The kiss was so sweet. He moved his hands to my waist and pulled me in closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck. 

The kiss lasted a couple seconds and he pulled away. Our foreheads still touching. 

"Connecticut isn't that bad with you here." I said. 

"Yeah." he laughed. 

The end lmao 

how rushed was that? its not my favourite but I also do not hate this,,, idk,, you tell me,, im deprived,,, 

I love y'all <3 

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