
hello readers!

this is something a lil bittersweet before we all get wrecked on tuesday. I already cried watching the fucking promos.

also happy easter to those who celebrate! idk atheism is a thing I practice but my fam still insists on celebrating.

also this is 2400 words so I'm sorry in advance.


Magnus felt like he was in High School Musical, only he got to play Gabriella.

He stood in front of the mirror in his room, examining his perfectly styled hair and making sure there wasn't a single piece of dust or stray hair on his tuxedo. There was no room for error on the night of Magnus's senior prom. Plus, he only had five more minutes until Alexander Lightwood, his boyfriend of three months, picked him up.

God, how he wished he had gone to prom with Alec last year too. He was stuck with his girlfriend at the time, Camille, who had made his life miserable every second she was in it. Magnus had spent the entire dance either gazing longingly at Alec or hiding from Camille by the punch bowl.

That was before he and Alec became better friends, which had led to something more. Their mutual friend, Clary, had introduced them formally, even though both knew who each other were. Magnus had had a tiny crush on Alec for years, ever since he saw Alec for the first time their freshman year. When they finally had an opportunity to talk to each other, the attraction was instantaneous.

Their relationship was purely platonic for far too long; Alec was still in the closet. Eventually, though, Magnus was able to convince him to come out to his parents, and the rest was history. They hadn't received too much hate, but there were always a few Bible thumpers, even in suburban New York, who weren't supporters. So, PDA was always out of the question at school.

This was the first time they'd be publicly a couple in front of their classmates. Fortunately, both Magnus and Alec had fantastic friends and siblings. Magnus wasn't too worried.

Magnus was putting the finishing touches on his eyeliner when he heard the doorbell ring. Alec. Racing down the stairs, Magnus bolted past his smiling mother to the door. On the other side stood Alec, wearing an expression that could only be described at excited fear. Magnus stopped dead in his tracks.

His boyfriend had been completely transformed from the frayed teenager that wore holey sweaters and faded t-shirts to a literal Prince Charming. He wore a black jacket with a blue tie. His hair was actually pulled back from his eyes and Magnus was actually able to see his blue irises without pushing his bangs away.

Alec in general was beautiful, but this Alec made Magnus want to push him against a wall and shove his tongue down his boyfriend throat. This Alec was hot. And judging by the look on Alec's face, he thought the same of Magnus.

"Shit," Magnus whispered before receiving a small smack on the head from his mother.

"Language, Magnus," she said, but Ms. Bane was smiling. "Hi, Alec. You look very handsome."

Alec gave a shy smile, still not completely used to talking to Magnus's parents. He was adorable like that, brave enough to show the world who he really was, but too shy to talk to two adults who had nothing but good intentions. Yet another one of Alec's most endearing qualities.

Ten minutes and a hundred embarrassing hetero-prom-pictures later, an annoyed Magnus and blushing Alec escaped to Alec's car. They had agreed not to rent anything fancy, even though the Lightwoods were filthy rich. Alec didn't like to exploit his wealth; Magnus didn't like to be reminded that his boyfriend had more money than all of Magnus's possessions and then some.

"Your mom is way too high-maintenance," Alec said. Probably any parental figure was too high-maintenance when your parents were businesspeople who left their kids to nannies for the majority of their childhood. Magnus just chucked.

"She means well, and she really does like you," he reminded his boyfriend. Alec smiled at this, pleased to know he was noticed. "Plus, you're going to have to put up with her if you want to have all this."

Magnus gave a flirtatious grin and kissed Alec once on the lips, pulling back before Alec could come in for more. That didn't stop Alec from leaning over Magnus until he was practically sitting in Magnus's lap to kiss him. They were both laughing into the kiss, so it wasn't very successful, but it felt so good to be near this beautiful boy that Magnus couldn't be bothered to care.

Magnus was the one who pulled them apart, lightly pushing on Alec's chest. "As much as I'd like to do this all night, we're going to be late if we don't leave now," he said, watching Alec's starry eyes. "And I will not be late to my senior prom." Sometimes, Magnus was a diva. But, it was something he prided himself on as well.

As he said this, Alec's phone beeped, and he read the text he received flippantly, looking mildly annoyed.

"Isabelle," he explained. "She's freaking out because it's her first prom, and she's been texting me every five minutes telling me I'm going to be late."

Magnus liked Isabelle. She had been extremely supportive when Alec came out; it was wonderful to see someone love Alec as much as Magnus did. Alec had more people in his life who loved him than he realized.

"Your sister and I, we think alike," Magnus said, tapping his finger to his temple. "Let's go."

They drove, making small talk, both dealing with their own anticipation, excitement, and nervousness. Magnus was mostly excited, but there was always that little voice in the back of his head asking, What if they aren't supportive of us? What if this is the worst night of my life?

These fears plagued his boyfriend more than him, for when they reached the hotel the prom was at, Alec took a shaky breath and closed his eyes. Magnus took his hand and squeezed it, kissing him on the cheek.

"It's going to be fine, darling," he reassured, trying to convince himself as much as Alec. Alec nodded, and they were ready.

Once inside, the boys were greeted by dancing teenagers, blasting music, and flashing lights. Magnus hoped there weren't any epileptics in his class. They wandered around side-by-side, looking for friends but instead getting hit by flailing arms and the bodies of probably drunk seniors.

"Alec! Get over here!" It was Isabelle, waving to them from the bleachers where she, Alec's adopted brother, Jace, Clary, and her best friend, Simon, sat.

"Alec, you look great," Clary cooed, then blushed. "You too Magnus, but you always look kinda like that."

"Isn't he amazing?" Isabelle screeched, jumping in front of her brother. "I did such good work!"

Peeling Izzy off of him, Alec sat next to Jace with a small brotherly smile. Magnus inquired as to why they weren't dancing, and Simon answered that they had been waiting for the couple to arrive. Magnus was touched by this. A few months ago, he would have never been part of this group as close as family. He was starting to finally feel like he belonged.

The song ended, and another that sounded exactly the same followed. Isabelle and Clary began pulling them into the dance floor. Alec made sure he stuck close to Magnus. Magnus knew Alec wasn't much for dancing. God, why did this shy, innocent boy have to be so goddamn adorable?

Song blurred into song until Magnus's limbs were numb. He found his friends, Cat and Ragnor and Tessa, and pulled them into the crowd with the Lightwood clan. He spotted Isabelle dancing especially close to Simon, which made him smile. They were completely different, which made them even more compatible; that much was proved with him and Alec.

Alec wasn't having as much fun as everyone else. He and Ragnor were awful dancers, so they mostly just stood around and made punch runs. Magnus felt guilty, but whenever he suggested they stopped, Alec gave him a smile and told him to keep going, he'd be fine.

A few times he spotted Camille dancing with her new boyfriend Sebastian, Clary's brother. They were with Raphael, an old friend of Magnus's from middle school, Meliorn, who Magnus was almost positive made up his name (He also had an awful tattoo of... a jalepeno? on his temple.), and Lily, a friend of Raphael's. The five of them made up the bullies of the class, even though alone Camille and Sebastian were the only real assholes. Camille caught his eye once and gave him a menacing smile before pulling Sebastian into a searing kiss. Magnus rolled his eyes and kept dancing.

Finally, a slow song rolled in, and the single people made their way off the floor. Alec looked awkward and scared, standing in front of Magnus, not sure what to do. Being open was still so new to him. Magnus wanted to change that.

"It's okay. Dance with me." Magnus held out a hand in in a grand gesture, and Alec took it, smiling gratefully. Magnus pulled him close and they adopted that small shuffle that was slow-dancing. The only other gay couple in their class, Helen and Aline, was sitting out, but Magnus wasn't worried. This was the perfect night.

He breathed in the smell of Alec: youth and the sandalwood of his car air-freshener and fruit punch that he had spilled on his jacket. Alec was intoxicating and perfect and-


Alec and Magnus pulled apart, as did many of the other couples around them. Magnus couldn't see who had said that awful word; it was darker in the room now.

"Look over here you faggots!" Magnus found the source of the voice, Sebastian. He stood a few feet away from them, flanked by Camille with her evil grin, Raphael, Meliorn, and Lily. Alec gave a sharp intake of air. Magnus felt all the happiness being sucked out of him.

"Nobody wants to see two gays," Sebastian spit the word, "dancing here. You're disgusting." Camille and Meliorn laughed. Raphael looked tortured, staring at Magnus with a mournful frown. Lily looked at Raphael, like she always did. Around them, couples were either nodding or giving the group withering stares.

"You are abominations. You're going to Hell. You're unnatural," Sebastian said, walking towards them. Alec was shaking like a leaf at Magnus's side. Magnus grabbed his boyfriend's hand for support, feeling like he not fall over. Sebastian saw this and smirked.

"Dis-gus-ting," Sebastian spit in Alec's face. Alec looked on the verge of tears. That was the last straw. Nobody made his boyfriend cry.

Magnus was about to make a witty retort when Sebastian was whipped around and punched straight in the jaw by Jace Herondale, savior to all. A fight quickly ensued, enticing people to yell and clap and take videos. Alec shrunk in on himself and stumbled backwards. Magnus caught him and held on, watching the fight in awe. Jace and Sebastian were pretty evenly matched, but Jace was accompanied by Isabelle, who was fiercer than both of them. Sebastian was getting pummeled.

"Hey! Everyone move out of the way!" Mr. Starkweather, Alec's math teacher, pushed through the crowd, trying the break up the fight. He finally got the two boys and girl off of each other and handed them off to other teachers. Sebastian yelled profanities at Jace and Isabelle and at Alec and Magnus. Mr. Starkweather made his way towards them.

"I hate to say it, but you guys should probably get out of here," he said with a sigh.

Magnus couldn't believe it. "Wait. You're kicking us out? After that just happened? What the hell?"

Alec pulled him on the shoulder. "It's okay, Mags. They'd just give us more trouble if we stayed." He nodded at his teacher. "Thanks."

Mr. Starkweather nodded, and they slipped through the back doors.

It was much more quiet outside, and much colder. Magnus shivered, chilled and in shock. He had never imagined that would happen. He had been dealing with homophobia his whole life, but only from adults, usually. This was... awful.

Alec slid to the ground outside of the hotel. They were in an alleyway, for God's sake. It smelled like cat pee and depression. He put his head in his hands and started to cry, sobs racking his body. Magnus knelt near him and gathered his boyfriend in shambles into his arms. He kissed Alec's hair and whispered sweet nothings into his ear until he calmed down.

"It's okay, darling. We're okay," Magnus said, pulling Alec into an actual sitting position.

Alec sniffled and wiped his tears on his expensive suit jacket. "No, we're not."

Magnus pauses. "Okay, maybe you're right. We're not okay. But we're out of there now," he amended. Alec looked up to the stars. There weren't many in the city to see.

"God, I just want to dance with my fucking boyfriend!" he screamed, then dropped his head. Magnus felt his stomach drop. Seeing his boyfriend like this was worse than what had caused it. But, he wasn't going to mope and make Alec more upset. He stood up and mimicked the gesture he had used earlier. Albeit, it was a but less grand performed in an alleyway in the quiet, cold night, but it was something.

"Dance with me now. There's no one to stop us," Magnus said. Alec allowed himself to be pulled up, silent tears still glistening on his cheeks. Magnus kissed them off, earning a tiny smile. He kissed that smile too, hoping to get more of it. Alec gave an even tinier chuckle, letting himself get lost in Magnus.

"We don't even have music," he said between kisses.

"Who cares? I want to dance with you," Magnus said decidedly. Alec sighed and smushed his body into Magnus's. Soon, their friends would find them and they'd have to go back to the real world, but right now, they were back at prom, as happy as they could be, thankful for the fact that they had found each other.

Alec whispered, "I love you." Magnus whispered it back. They continued swaying under the stars. Magnus couldn't remember a time that he was more content. Despite everything that had happened, he still got to slow dance with his boyfriend.

For just a few minutes under the stars, everything was perfect.



okay so I know I say that big things are coming all the time but I MEAN IT THIS TIME SRSLY THERE ARE ALREADY FIVE CHAPTERS OF BIG THINGS JUST WAIT

vote, comment, enjoy! ♡

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