Valentines Day!

A/N I know it's not Valentine's Day yet but here it is! Lol I know that on VD itself I'm prolly gon be weeping because I'm forever alone and ain't got no valentine so I'll be to busy to update that day. Haha....sob
Oh and the Pic is perfect for malec!

That special day of the year had arrived. Birds were chirping, couples laughing, loners sobbing. Valentines Day. Magnus Bane was hurriedly putting the finishing touches on his apartment decorations as he wanted to surprise his lover. His flat was covered head to toe with hearts, red and pink and white streamers, and the ground was littered with flower petals. (Red white and pink of course). Magnus was extremely excited, as well as jittery, for he wanted Alec to never forget this day.

Alec Lightwood strolled along the store lines, trying to find something nice to buy his boyfriend. He never really understood the mundane holiday, for one thing he always thought of Valentine when the day was mentioned, and it didn't help that he usually spent the holiday alone every year. But this year was different, this year he actually was looking forward to it.  So as he looked around, and idea popped into his head. He rushed into a store and came out a hour or so later, a smug grin upon his face. He received a text from Magnus, telling him to come to his loft. Alec grinned. This day was going to be perfect.

      Alec arrived at Magnus's door a hour later, for he wanted to look extra special today. He had borrowed a suit from Jace, and he looked crisp and business like in it. His hair was neatly combed and his blue eyes seemed to really pop today. Just as he was about to knock, his stomach twisted up with butterflies. He quickly pushed his nerves away and knocked on the door.

   Magnus opened the door to let Alec in, but he didn't hide his surprised look at the fact Alec was wearing a suit and his hair was combed and not flying everywhere. He looked magnificent. Magnus though, didn't look to shabby himself. He was wearing his flowy purple velvet cape, crisp grey suit pants, and a light pink dress shirt. His hair was spiked up, with an exceptional amount of glitter flocked in it. His makeup took him two hours to do today, for he wanted to look spectacular for Alec. As Alec entered the room he looked around, clearly taking in the atmosphere. As Magnus took him by the hand, he led him towards the centre of the room. He snapped his fingers, and then a smooth slow jazz song was playing. Magnus guided Alec's hands, placed his own on his hips, and began to sway back and forth to the music.

    "Magnus you look wonderful!" Alec whispered in his lovers ear.

     "And you, my love, look amazing as always" replied Magnus. They were slowly dancing in circles, until Alec stopped and looked up at Magnus and smiled.

    "I have something to say"

     "So do I"

     "You go first"


    Alec stopped dancing and stepped back. "Magnus Bane. When that name appeared in Clary's mind my life changed. We went to that little party of yours and that day I met the most amazing person in my life. You. You are the reason why I came out to my family, you are the reason why other shadowhunters saw us together and came out too. You are the reason why I am still alive today, but most importantly you are the reason why I wake up very day. Magnus, from the day I met you, I've loved you. And I always will" Alec now had gotten down on one knee and held a tiny box out in front of him. "Magnus Bane will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He asked, opening the lid to reveal a shiny ring speckled with diamonds. Alec expected a look of shock or joy or both, except Magnus's face was contorted into a look of confusion.

    "What's wrong?" He asked.

      "It's nothing it's just" he pulled a small box out from his pocket, and opened it to reveal another shiny ring, this one with the words "Aku Cinta Kamu" engraved upon it.

Alec widened his eyes.

"Alexander Lightwood! You stole my moment!" He cried. Alec stood up and looked horrified.

"So you were going to propose?"

"Yes and I spent money on this ring and now look what happened!" Exclaimed Magnus.

"By the Angel" sighed Alec before he choked back a cough, then he burst out laughing. Magnus widened his eyes but then started to laugh along with him.

"Oh by the angel Magnus I couldn't even get my marriage proposal right!" He laughed.

"Hey hey hey! You did a great job, but can I take my turn now?" He asked. Alec abruptly stopped laughing.

"I suppose you have a speech planned?"

"Yes now shut up and let me propose to you" Magnus got on one knee and pulled out the ring.

"Alexander Lightwood, for hundreds of years, I've tried to find my "true love". I looked everywhere for that person, EVERYWHERE. But I couldn't find them. But then, that night when your big blue eyes appeared on my doorstep, there was something inside if me that knew, that knew you were meant for me. You know that saying, "if you love somebody let them go, if they don't come back to you it was never meant to be"? Well look. We were clearly meant to be because here we are, both proposing to each other on Valentine's Day. So Alec Lightwood, would you do me the honours of slipping this ring on and saying I do at the altar?" He asked. Alec smiled.

"Oh Magnus what a surprise! Of course I do!" He joked, waving his arms around. Magnus stood up.

"So do I" he whispered, before pulling them into a passionate kiss. Later they both slipped on the rings, and called up everyone they knew for a celebration in the evening. And as Magnus had hoped, this was a Valentine's Day they both were never going to forget.



Carry on with your day now!

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