The Bachelor Party

Soo.... To answer @shdwhntrgirl's question which was: how do I come up with these ideas?
Well, you see, I have a hard time falling asleep. And so to help myself out, I imagine things such as Harry Potter, Renji Obrai and of course MALEC!!!! So I lay around and imagine things until I get an idea I really like and decide to write it! Another thing is that sometime I take real life things or cliche things and MALEC them up. And lastly, I daydream a lot in class and in general and me and my friends like to discuss one shot ideas together. I hope that was a satisfying answer!
This is Alec and Magnus's bachelor party.. Enjoy!

"A bachelor party? But why?"

"Because you're getting married Alec, and every man gets a bachelor party."

In the Bane and Lightwood household, Isabelle and Alec were already fighting, much to Magnus's dismay. He grumpily slid on some underwear and jeans, not bothering to put on a shirt, and was about to tell them to shut the hell up when he heard what the conversation was about.

"....and I'm sure Magnus would love to have a bachelor party so you have to agree!"

"I second that!" said Magnus as he popped his head out the doorway, the rest of his body appearing in a moment. Isabelle Lightwood beamed while Alec slouched his shoulders and shook his head.

"Not you too!" he moaned grumpily. "And I don't see why I need one so badly!?" he exclaimed. Isabelle crossed her arms.

"Allleeeecc. You have to have a bachelor party because Jace, Simon, Clary and I already planned one out and booked everything. So yeah, there's no getting out of it now" she explained. Alec rolled his eyes while Magnus clapped his hands in glee.

  "Ha ha! I hope there's a lot of glitter!"
he squealed. Izzy nodded feverishly.

  "Glitter, open bar and a surprise!" she said, counting everything off on he fingers. Magnus jumped up and down while Alec looked on, annoyed.

  "I can't wait for my surprise!" he said giddily.

  "Our surprise" corrected Alec. Isabelle and Magnus rounded on him. "What?" he shrugged. "If I can't talk you out of it might as well accept it."

Stars scattered the sky and the moon zoomed past as Alec and Magnus sat blindfolded in the back of Simon's van, wondering where the hell they were going. Isabelle refused to tell them what was going on, just reassured them that they weren't being kidnapped, and promptly blindfolded them before pushing them into the backseat of the van.

Magnus was dressed in snazzy silver skinny jeans, and was wearing his black tee that said "blink if you want me" in sequins, to commemorate the day he and Alec had first met, and this was also the shirt he had lent Alec on their first date. Alec was wearing a tight black tee shirt, and faded ripped up jeans so shredded be felt naked in them. He knew it had been a mistake to let Magnus dress him but he had decided on the shirt, whereas Magnus had planned on him wearing a deep blue shirt that Magnus proclaimed "made his eyes pop more" and that it "made his arms look incredible". Alec had disagreed, and pulled on the black one instead.

They arrived, and were let out the car (still blindfolded) towards who knows where. Alec heard Izzy excitedly talking with Clary, and Simon laughing at something Jace had said. He was aggressively pushed into a room, which made him exclaim "ow!" loudly before his blindfold came off and the lights turned on.

Magnus inhaled loudly at where their friends had taken them. The club was big and spacious, brightly lit and there were hundreds of other bodies in the room, grinding on one another as the loud music pumped in their ears. There was a large open bar at the corner of the room and a giant stage in the centre of the room with poles built on it.

And on the poles were strippers.

Male strippers.

"Well! What do you think?" asked Isabelle energetically. Alec stuttered for a moment before Magnus answered for him.

"Amazing! And, are those, dare I say, strippers booked for us?"

Izzy beamed. "Surprise! We thought that since Alec is gay and not bi like Mags, we should get male strippers because everyone knows that you have to have strippers at a bachelor party!" Clary suddenly appeared at her side, holding a glass of golden liquid.

"I've been waiting to see them perform!" she laughed. Jace coughed dryly, and Clary laughed as she and Isabelle showed Alec and Magnus to their seats, and sat down with them after getting a few drinks. Everyone was chatting and drinking when suddenly the lights died down and the music started to blare loudly, the beat pulsing in their ears.

"Ladies and gentlemen" said a woman on stage, holding a mic. "This is for Magnus and Alec's bachelor party! Have a good one guys!" she exclaimed. She ran off, and once Alec's eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could only just make out the dark figures hanging around the poles.

The lights flashed, the music played and the strippers began to dance. Wearing tight black leather pants and no shirts, the men wrapped their legs around the poles and performed, receiving screams from the audience and money being thrown at them. Their hips moved in tandem, rolling and rolling, their chests now with a slight gleam of sweat on them, grinning at the audience luringly. Magnus's eyes were trained on a black haired, green eyed dancer, who had abs for days and was stretching his leg higher then he'd ever seen any mans before, his tight pants leaving nothing to the imagination.

Alec caught this and slapped him on his chest.

"Ow! What was that for!?" he exclaimed.

"Staring at that guy like that!" hissed Alec.

  "What?! The strippers were booked for a reason!" Magnus complained.

  "You're getting married to me!"

  "But I'm not married to you yet! So let me enjoy this guys fabulous moves" retorted Magnus, as his eyes drifted back to the green eyed beauty. Alec crossed his arms and slouched in his chair, counting his minutes till this was all over, until he showed up.

  Blond hair, hazel eyes and gyrating hips came into Alec's peripheral vision. His eyes locked on his body, mesmerising and mystical in its own ways. Alec gaped at the way he wrapped his legs around the pole oh so flexibly, and let out a tiny gasp as the man winked at him from onstage. Magnus punched his arm.

  "What the- Magnus what was that for?!" he yelped.

  Magnus narrowed his eyes at him. "Uh, I don't know, maybe the way you were watching that guy dance!? And how you gasped when he winked at you! Maybe that's why I punched you Alexander!" he growled. Alec rubbed  his arm.

  "Yeah well you were the one who said to "enjoy their fabulous moves!" So if I can't watch then you shouldn't watch either!" he snapped. Magnus rolled his eyes and chuckled dryly.

  "Oh please! The only reason I watch them" he gestured to the dancers, "is because I know that you're not capable of doing anything they're doing!" said Magnus, knowing it would piss Alec off. They weren't even paying attention to the dancers now, and neither were the other four. They were rapidly listening to the argument going on in front of them, sitting in anticipation at what was to happen next.

"I bet you anything I could do what their doing, in fact I could do it better then you, right here in front of everyone!" Alec said, jumping out of his seat.

"Fine!" said Magnus, leaping out of his own. "I challenge you to a pole dance off! Whoever the crowd cheers on more will be the winner, and the loser has to um, clean the bathroom this week. Alone." challenged Magnus.

"But you said we would clean the bathroom together since it was so disgusting!" protested Alec.

"I don't care. Now I'm going first!" said Magnus and he pushed past Alec, onto the stage, kicked out the strippers, explained to the crowd what was going on and ripped off his shirt. The music played loudly, he started to roll his hips, first in small motions and gradually getting larger. His butt started to wiggle and he wrapped his legs around the pole, copying the dancers he'd seen all those years before. The crowd whooped, as he climbed up and swung around, his arms coated with a light sheen of perspiration, and as he danced to his hearts content.

Alec watched in amazement at his fiancées dance moves, his eyes locked on his hips, not moving from his bum. Jace caught this and laughed at him. Soon, after a few more screams from the audience Magnus walked off the stage confidently. He grinned at Alec's face and kissed his cheek softly.

"Go get em tiger" he growled, before taking Alec's shirt off and pushing him up. Alec hugged himself tightly as he looked around at the faces looming up at him expectantly, and his eyes landed on Magnus's cocky face. He saw Magnus stick his tongue out at him and was reassured that this was just for fun, nothing to worry about. As the music started to ring in his ears, Alec jerkily moved his hips in a robotic fashion, not knowing what to do. The crowd remained silent except for the few boos here and there. Alec closed his eyes and let the music wash over him, and swung himself on to the pole.

Using his shadowhunter skills, Alec climbed the pole and swung himself around it, danced on it mesmerisingly and in turn received hollers from the crowd, which in his case helped boost his confidence a bit. He began to shake his bum wildly, as he wrapped both legs on the pole behind him, and slid himself up and down, up and down with his arms and body. The crowd screamed at him, begging for more as Alec soon got quite into what he was doing. He kept going for a few more minutes, and finally, when he was too tired and sweaty, he clambered off the stage to find five shocked faces staring at him. Magnus's face was gaping, his mouth forming a large O, his pupils blown wide, leaving a thin circle of gold around them. Alec gently closed his mouth for him.

   "Have fun cleaning the bathroom babe" he whispered, before pulling Magnus into a head spinning kiss. For a moment they broke apart, looking into each others eyes.

  "Were you a stripper in your other life? Or do you have some sort of hobby I don't know of? Because damn Alec that was amazing" breathed Magnus, smiling gently.

  Alec shrugged. "No, not that I know of" he smirked. "Let's go home now, shall we?"

"Sure" said Magnus.They were about to go home when the blond stripper from earlier appeared.

  "That was simply breathtaking! We could use a person like you on the team with us, so what do you say?" he asked enthusiastically. Alec opened his mouth to speak but Magnus interrupted him.
  "No thanks that was a one time thing, now scoot along. We have a date with no clothes and bed arriving for us when we go home. Shoo!" replied Magnus, and the blond man looked longingly at Alec before hurrying away.
"What was that you said?" asked Alec. "That we have a date with no clothes and a bed waiting for us?"

  Magnus grinned at him. "Alexander! Now that I know how far up your legs can stretch, did you really think I wouldn't test them out in bed?!" smirked Magnus. Alec clasped his hand in his, leaning his head on Magnus shoulder as they made their way into a taxi waiting for them.

  "I don't care if what we do tonight is as amazing as you hint it will be, but you're still cleaning the bathroom alone."

They got in the cab and drove away,  the sounds of Magnus protesting in the back seat going on for miles.


Man that was a crappy ending. So sorry this took so long. I wrote this one shot so horribly tho. I hate it but I loved the idea. Dammit I failed! 😭
Bai my coolios! Oh and remember to comment and vote!

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