The Adventures of Alexandra Lightwood
I re-read Alec the Girl and realized that the whole damn time I called Alec a "he" and the occasional "she" but mostly switching back and forth. Buuuut most of the time I called Alec a guy instead of a girl and I apologize for any confusion. I guess my brain hasn't fully registered Alec as a girl yet, so I'm stupid. But anyway here it is after multiple requests! A part two of Alec the Girl....
Alec stepped outside the institute, hand in hand with Magnus. She walked briskly down the street before stopping and whimpering. Magnus looked at her, amused.
"What is it darling?" he asked.
"These damn shoes are so hard to walk in! I hate being a girl!" she exclaimed. Magnus grinned at Alec, and she gave him a death glare back. "You know, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be stuck in this horrific situation right now!" hissed Alec. Magnus wasn't fazed by this. He put on a face of mock offence.
"Alexandra! Are you saying you regret going what we did last night?"
Alec turned a bright shade of red.
Different body, same Alec thought Magnus. He simply laughed and skipped down the street with a protesting Alec. They were standing outside McDonald's when suddenly a breeze went by, picking up Alec's skirts. Scandalized, Alec put her hands down in an attempt to stop her dress from billowing upwards, which was successful until she received a wolf whistle from a drunk man across the curb.
"Thanks for the view hon!" he called. Alec rounded on him, a look of annoyance on her face.
"KEEP YOUR EYES ON MY FACE JACKASS!!" Alec hollered, and then pulled Magnus into the restaurant before breaking down into a fit of giggles. Magnus raised an eyebrow.
"Jackass? Not very ladylike if you ask me" he said, grinning.
"To hell with what's ladylike. I'd like to be bashing his face in right now, but I'm hungry so let's eat!" exclaimed Alec. Magnus ordered and then pulled out his wallet to pay, when Alec stopped him.
"Alexandra, let me pay!"he complained.
"Uh hello? Why can't I pay? Since when did you pay?!" she questioned. By now people were staring. Magnus leaned down and whispered in her ear.
"In straight relationships, usually the guy pays. Did you forget you were in a new body?"
Alec opened her mouth to protest. "To hell with gender stereotypes! I'm going to pay because men and woman are equal!" yelled Alec, gaining multiple stares. She slapped some money on the counter and sauntered away with her tray, and sat down at a table. Magnus looked at her with bemused interest.
"Been a girl for a few hours, already a feminist" he muttered. Alec looked at him incredulously before scarfing down her burger. Magnus shook his head. Alec stopped chewing for a moment, sauce covering her hands and face, a few pieces of lettuce falling out her mouth and onto her dress. Her eyes were bulging as she made a noise of pleasure.
"Alec. Eat. Like. A. Lady!" Magnus hissed to her. Alec glared at him before gulping down a large bite.
"Whadda you mean eat like a lady?" she said, food still partially in her mouth. Magnus rolled his eyes.
"I mean, don't eat like a monster that has been in starvation for three months! Eat properly, like a lady" he explained. Alec rolled her eyes.
"God no wonder girls are constantly complaining. Look at all that they have to go through!" Suddenly Alec stopped dead, her eyes full of worry. She shot up and ran to the bathroom, Magnus following after her. Since the bathroom was a single room, Magnus could hear her screech.
"Alec, Alec honey what's wrong?" he asked quietly.
"Magnus call Isabelle. Now." she huffed behind the door. Magnus called up Isabelle, and after Alec unlocked the door, he entered and handed her the phone. Magnus turned away, but he overheard some of Alec's frantic whispering. What he heard was "blood" and "underwear ruined." Next be heard the hysterical laughter of Isabelle on the other side of the line. Alec hurriedly balled up some toilet paper and put it on her underwear. She pulled her panties up and fixed her dress, then ran out, leaving a bewildered Magnus in her path. Magnus hurried after her, worried about his boyfriend. Technically girlfriend he thought.
"Sweet pea what's the matter with you!?" he asked. Still quickly walking to who knows where, Alec sighed.
"According to Isabelle, my menstrual cycle has caught up with me in one day of me being a girl!" Alec huffed. It took Magnus a moment to realize what Alec was talking about.
"So um, where are we going now?" he asked. Alec spun around and stopped so abruptly that Magnus almost ran into her.
"Isabelle has these, diaper things. Pads." She shuddered as if the mere thought of them scared her. She then turned around and went back to walking. When they arrived at the institute Isabelle opened the door, laughing.
"Oh by the Angel this has been such an adventure! Wearing a bra, getting your period all in the same day! All these big things in a girls life and my big bro gets to experience them!" she squealed. Alec rolled her eyes and hurried inside. Isabelle looked at Magnus. "How long will he stay like that?" she asked. Magnus shrugged.
"I'm feeling better now sooo..." suddenly they heard a whoop of joy come from the bathroom. Izzy and Magnus rushed forward to see Alec jumping around. Alec was his normal self.
"I have a penis! I have a penis!" he was screaming. He danced around in circles. He spotted Magnus and Izzy standing there and threw her the pad. "I don't need this, cause I got a penis!" he sang cheerfully. He was still wearing the dress, but it was stretched and ripped due to his muscular size. He looked hilarious, the grown man wearing a ripped up dress, blue stretched bra and probably shredded panties, dancing around and singing a song about his penis. Isabelle shook her head while Magnus watched, clearly enjoying every bit of this. Then, out of nowhere Maryse appeared.
"What's all the commotion ab-" she started, but saw Alec and fell silent. Izzy and Magnus looked like they were about to fall apart at the seams, and Jace was standing there videotaping it all. Maryse shook her head. "You kids" she muttered, "you weird messed up kids" and she went back upstairs. Izzy and Magnus started to laugh like crazy, as Alec simply started to dance around again. Jace stopped laughing and said:
"I got that whole shenanigan on video you know." Alec stopped dead but Izzy and Magnus continued to laugh.
"Delete it. Delete it nooooooww" said Alec, giving Jace a death glare. Alec lunged towards Jace but then Magnus started to heave in air. Everyone stopped dead. They looked at Magnus.
"Ahhh ahhh ahhh...."
Alec and Isabelle booked it out the room. Jace clueless, looked around.
"What?" he questioned.
"Ahhh ahhh ahhhchoooooo!" sneezed Magnus. He sniffled, and suddenly there was a high pitched scream. Magnus, Alec and Isabelle turned to look at who made the scream. Standing in front of them, wearing the same clothes, with long, long blond hair and the same tawny eyes, was Jace. In a female body. The three burst out laughing as Jace looked down at himself, then started stomping towards Magnus.
"I'll get you for this Bane!" she hollered. Magnus looked at Jacie, then at the others, before turning around and booking it out the door, Jacie right on his trail. Alec and Isabelle laughed.
"You've got one hell of a boyfriend Alec" was all Isabelle said.
By the Angel! That was hilarious. Just gonna say, Alec eating is me eating. And I just died when Alec was singing about his penis. That is, was and will forever be an awesome image in my head. This was probably one of my fave chappies yet so ya know. Idk. Please comment and vote and I'll see you guys later. Bai my unicorns!
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