Slumber Party!

    A/N this is a slumber party including Simon Clary Izzy and Jace! But of course Magnus cannot control himself even when there are guests over ;)

    The flat was decorated in a vintage edgy chic today and Alec and Magnus sat and awaited for their guests to arrive. Soon, the doorbell rang and three shadowhunters and one vampire were lounging on the couches.

     "Soooooo, we have Yahtzee, Jenga, Twister and Apples to Apples as our game options. Which do you choose?" Asked Magnus after everyone had settled down.

    "Twister!" Shouted everyone. Alec rolled his eyes.

      "C'mon guys you know I hate twister!" he complained.

      "Oh shut up Alec! It's fun and five votes rule out one" said Isabelle.

      "Fine" he sighed and everyone was sure they heard him mutter something that sounded a lot like "whiny babies".
The group laid out the game and soon everyone was in an awkward position. Simon and Izzy's faces were red with laughter and Clary and Jace were both giggling.  Magnus was trying to hold in his laughter because he was deliberately getting into intimate positions with Alec as much as possible. At the moment, Magnus's face was hovering over Alec's crotch. Alec blushed a deep shade of red, making everyone burst with laughter, but no one fell. Later, Magnus put his butt in Alec's face, making Simon snort and topple over with laughter.  And so Jace, Isabelle, Clary, Magnus and Alec were left. Next, Magnus purposefully put his crotch near Alec's face and Clary and Isabelle both cried out in laughter.

     Soon only Jace, Alec and Magnus were left. Simon, Clary and Isabelle sat from the sides eating nachos as Jace was twisted and knotted up with Alec. Magnus jealously threw his arms around Alec without thinking and passionately kissed him. Alec's knees buckled in surprise as they slipped to the ground greedily kissing. Simon wolf whistled and quickly Alec broke apart, blushing fiercely.

     "Well, even though Magnus knocked Alec to the ground, I think it's safe to say that, I WIN LIKE ALWAYS!" grinned Jace. Clary playfully punched his shoulder as the group of friends  (A/N lol squad goals)  sat and ate nachos.

     "Mmmh we should totally play truth or dare!" Suggested Izzy. There was a murmur of agreement and everyone sat in a circle, with popcorn, nachos and tacos placed in the middle.

      "Ooo I'll go first!" exclaimed Clary. She looked around the circle. "Simon! Truth or Dare?" She asked.

       "Uh d-no truth" said Simon.

         "Wuss!" snickered Jace.

     "Out of the three boys sitting in front of you, who would you kiss most likely if you had to and why?" grinned Clary evilly.

    Simon was flabbergasted. All eyes were on him. "Uh probably Alec" he mumbled. There was a unison of "Oooohhs" as Magnus wrapped his arms around Alec protectively, while Alec looked flattered as well as disgusted at the same time.

     "Why?" He asked.

    "Cause Jace is too jerky, and Magnus is too glittery for me. So yeah, I'd kiss you" replied Simon.

     "Too jerky for you!?"

      "Too glittery for you?!"

   The friends laughed. "Okay" said Simon, "Isabelle truth or Dare?"

    "Dare of course!"

    "I dare you to kiss Clary.. on the lips" he smirked.

       "Ugh fine. Come over here Clary" groaned Izzy.

     "What! No way!" Protested Clary. But Izzy had already yanked her towards her and she quickly pecked her lips and then let go.

     "There happy!? Okay Jace I dare you to-"

      "You never even asked him!"
      "He always chooses dare! There's no point. I dare you to... Give Simon a lap dance!" She grinned menacingly.

     "No way!"

     "He does not deserve this booty on him Izzy... no one but Clary does." There was a loud EWWWW from everyone. But Jace sat Simon down in a chair and gyrated his hips on him. Everyone died of laughter as they hastily sat back down.

     "Okay Clary truth or dare"


     "Ugh fine, uh how attractive am I on a scale of one to ten... Honestly"

        "Hmm I'd say an 9.5"

      "What about the other .5!?"

      "Not good enough" All the teens
laughed.  "Okay Magnus truth or dare"


   "I dare you to kiss someone else in the room other then yourself or Alec"

     Magnus scowled. "Fine" he muttered. He swooped in on Simon as he brushed his lips against the vampires. Simon was shocked.

    "Was that too glittery for you now!?" He asked mockingly. Jace snorted. Alec coughed dryly.  "I'm sorry baby don't take it personal" whispered Magnus in Alec's ear.

     "Hey save the whisper sex for later!" Shouted Jace. "We got a game to

      "Hmm Alexander... Truth or dare"


    "I dare you to strip off an item of clothing" grinned Magnus.
Alec blushed but pulled off his shirt.

   "Okay Magnus truth or dare?" Asked Alec.


"I dare you to strip off an item of clothing" Magnus took off his shirt as everyone rolled their eyes. The rest of the night went on like this as the best friends sat together playing games and they soon went to bed.


Shoutout to my friend

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