Reminiscing The Past (T-T)

Oh god guys 2.91 k!!!??? Thank you all so much those of you that have been here from the start and those who have newly arrived. I love you all from the bottom of my heart guys!!!


The one inevitable thing that no one could get out of.

At least that's when it came to mortals.

But Alec was proven wrong. Even the immortal can leave without a trace. Even the immortal can pass on, and leave their loved ones behind.

The legacy Magnus Bane left behind was a long one. A grand one. A bold one. Alec decided to discover it.

He pulled out the journal he had left him, in what seemed such a long time ago. Wiping tears away from his eyes as so to not blog the ink on the pages, he opened the book.

It was 1705.

The night was hot and humid, the sky a deep shade of blue on the edge of purple. Yet at the same time it was as black as, well, black. I'm not a very descriptive person Alexander, dramatic, yes, but descriptive no. Maybe I should say, as black as your beautiful hair.

Alec smiled for the first time in three months.

Anywho, yes it was a beautiful, hot, humid night in the wonderful country of France. Leaning on the rails Eiffel Tower, I admired the view alone, until a pompous young girl approached me.

That's when I noticed the fangs. The pale skin. And I thought. Weirdo! Ha ha. No I thought vampire. So, being my polite gentlemanly self, I asked her.

"Whatever do you want with me, fangs?" She smirked at me and that's when I was hit with the smell. Alcohol. She put a hand on my shoulder and smiled.

"Bonjour sparkly warlock, I need your help" she said in a thick accent. And I thought man, wouldn't it be awesome to have an accent!

Alec grinned.

"What do you need and what is your price?" I asked checking my nails. I did not want to look like I was desperate, so I decided to play it cool.

"Ze mundanes! Zey are a pain! My clan leader needs help to remove zem. We cannot enjoy ourselves if zey are around, so please get rid of them. We will pay you $3300 for zis favour if you choose to help" she asked me, batting her eyelids.

"Zen I will zertainly help you, Zampire" I say. I thought I sounded just like her, but she just narrowed her eyes at me and led me away. Her claw-like nails dug into my arm but I was too busy admiring the streets of Paris to bat her off. The walk there is boring so I'm going to skip it.

Aha. We arrive at a large nightclub, the sign crooked but still blaring the neon words "Party House". Seemed like a bland name to me but I shrugged and walked in. I immediately was hit with the smell of marijuana and alcohol, and the sight of a crummy bar and drunk partygoers. The music was blaring from crooked speakers and the lighting was very minimal. Disgusting, I thought. I then noticed the group of vampires in the corner, feasting upon the drunk bodies of wasted mundanes, who did not know what was happening. Then in another corner was a large orgy, and the other corner was filled with people taking a variety of drugs. The last corner was drunk dancers and people getting drinks. Gross. I thought again. The girl-did I mention her name was Roxy? Well her name was-is- Roxy. Roxy led me to the vampires and pushed me forward. They hissed at me when a lady stepped up. She raised a hand and they fell silent, bowing to what I believe was their clan leader. She cocked her head at me and smiled, showing off he freaky dentures.

She had platinum blond hair, and was wearing an EXTREMELY tight red dress. Just going to say, I could tell she was NOT wearing a bra. Not that my eyes were wandering to her large bosoms...

Alec rolled his eyes but continued reading.

"I, am Claudette. The leader of this clan. Aha! I was right! My thoughts were correct. "I have a problem warlock. Those mundanes-" she pointed to the orgy and then the drunkards and the druggies- "need to go. I simply cannot have them around. You understand your job?" she demanded. I nodded and she shooed me away. I turned around and went to the drunkards. I thought they were probably the easiest to deal with. I arrived and amplified my voice magically. "Everybody OUT!" I announced and dusted my hands. "WE ARE CLOSED!" I waited. Alas all I got were dirty looks, people flipping me off and people whom I assume were cussing at me in French.

Now the only things in French I know how to say are "hello", "goodbye" and "would you like to get into bed with me?" so I was hopeless. Nevertheless, I said even louder this time:

"GET OUT YOU LITTLE IDIOTS!" Here's a tip darling. Don't call a bunch of drunk French people idiots. They get angry. When one lunged at me that's when I snapped my fingers and they were gone. Sighing, I made my way over to the druggies. I was about to do the same thing when I felt someone grab me, put me in a chokehold and put a knife against my neck. I looked up to see the man who lunged at me. How is he here? I thought helplessly. He grinned at me and I fired magical sparks at him. With superhuman speed he let go of me, dodged my attack and quickly grabbed me again. I was dumbfounded. Seeing my face, he smiled.

"Not used to ones like me warlock?" he asked. So he knew of Downworld? I then realized I was being carried by two men now, and my hands were bound. Squirming, I tried to get out but they just jabbed at me with a pole and continued walking. While reminiscing my life I heard the cackling of the vampires.

"Zey have ze sacrifice! Zey have ze sacrifice!" Roxy was screaming while bouncing up and down and pointing at me. I then realized that I had been set up. Furious, I broke free of my chains and zapped the two with my awesome magical blue fire. Screaming, they dropped me and the vampires were already in front of me. Duelling two at once, I realized that I was slowly losing my energy and would be drained if I didn't speed this up. I simply blinded one, and paralyzed the other. That's when the orgy-ers attacked. They were superhuman too, and now I was fighting naked, gross, superhumans. Not a great memory surprisingly. Eventually I put a protective barrier around myself with what little energy I had left, and booked it out. Cowardly, I know, but I wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. I magicked myself a cart and rolled down the cobblestone streets of Paris at full speed, listening to the shouts of my pursuers from behind me.

I turned a corner, then took a shortcut to elude them and found myself at the Paris Institute. I banged on the door and they told me to get lost until I explained to them my situation. The Asheart's (an old Shadowhunter family long died out) let me in and I described to them of Claudette and her clan, and the extraordinary mundanes. They said the Clave would handle it and that I should butt out. Relived, I walked out and found the home I was rooming in. After resting up, I left some money on the counter, made a portal and never looked back. I don't know what happened to those mundanes and Claudette and her clan, because I did not care.  I would return to Paris all those years later with you, where we had the time of our lives.

Alec wiped away a tear at the memory.

You know Alexander, when I returned to New York, I realized something. I had never been so close to death before. I thought I might achieve it that day, and I was ready. The thought of dying has always been something I wish to experience, and hope that I do, long after you and the others have deceased, when I can peacefully pass on knowing you'll be waiting for me there. But never mind that now, because I'm going to go kiss you now if you don't mind, so goodbye and until next time my love.

         Magnus Bane

This is when Alec let the tears fall. Because this is when he realized something that hurt him oh so badly. The words on the page became blurry as sobs began to rack his body and Alec slid down on the ground, unable to move. What had hurt him so much was that they had planned, prepared and gotten used to the idea of Alec dying, and leaving Magnus to sit here and remember him on his own, crying at night and waking up in the morning not finding that special someone sleeping beside them. What hurt him, was that it was the other way around. Alec would have to wait to see Magnus again, behind the gate or across the river or whatever the hell lay beyond, Alec promised himself he would reunite with Magnus, and up in Heaven, Magnus promised it too.

woah. I think that ending made me cry. Sorry? Do you want a part two to explain Magnus's death, kinda like a prequel? I don't mind if you don't want one, because it was a sad chapter that I hope you guys liked. Please comment and vote
Bai my sweeties!

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